After hearing this question, Herrscher Mei was also silent. After all, her memory was based on Leiden Mei. If Leiden Mei didn't know the information, she naturally couldn't know.

The two were silent for a while, and Leiden Mei thought of something: "You can ask Yae Shenzi! She must have that kind of medicine for being so shy!"

Yae Shenzi:?are you polite

"Although I feel uncomfortable asking that fox for help, there is no other way now..." Herrscher Yai nodded and said.

"Ah one owes—"

At this time, Yae Shenzi who was not far away sneezed a few times: "That little guy is talking about me behind my back again?"

Yae Sakura complained in her heart: "It's not that you deceive people too much, now you don't even know who is behind your back."

"I'm not lying, it's just that their understanding is a little bit off."

A sly smile appeared on the face of Yae Shenzi, and said: "I won't chat with you anymore, I still have something to do formally."

At this time, Yae Shenzi was in a prison near Tianming.

Before Otto left, he adjusted Yae Kamiko's authority to the position second only to him, and Amber was in charge of monitoring him. He believed that Yae Kamiko would not be able to do anything out of the ordinary.

Yae Kamito didn't come to the prison for other things this time. After she was done with the World Snake, she thought of the jackal who was arrested and locked up for a long time.

Now that the matter of the world snake is about to be resolved, it is time to solve the problem of the jackal.

It's just that the jackal is not like those cute little ones, he is a mad scientist in the true sense, although his brain is not very good in other places... If I have to say it is Otto's ability to make troubles, Mebius' thinking, And the IQ of Paramecium in the true sense...

Yae Kamiko will not be as gentle to the jackal as the others.

After seeing the jackal tied up by five flowers, Yae Kamiko showed a smile on his face, and the jackal was also relieved when he saw someone finally came, but he still couldn't help but say harshly: "Hmph, Has Otto finally sent someone to meet me? Although I was accidentally caught by you this time, other members of our World Snake will come back to rescue me soon!"

Gray Snake is worthy of being a Gray Snake, and before anyone started interrogating, he was already exposing himself as a member of World Snake.

Just as she was speaking harshly, Joyce came out behind Yae Kamiko, threw the bundled raven beside Yae Kamiko, and said, "Master Yae Kamiko, who is both beautiful and wise, I will bring you coming."

Yae Kamiko looked at the jackal with a smile on his face and said, "Hmph~ Is this the other member you mentioned?"

Then he waved his hand to Joyce and said, "Go down first, I'm calling you for something."

"Okay." Joyce has been used to moving things for others for a long time, but this time it changed from moving things to moving people.

After seeing the raven lying on the ground, the jackal was stunned for a moment and felt pain in his face, but the jackal was worthy of being a jackal, and the first thing he did in this situation was to scold his teammates.

"Raven! You trash?! Why can't you even defeat a clone of the Herrscher of Reason!"

"Shut up! It's not because of you and me that this place exists! And it's not a copy! It's the deity!"

"This deity? How is it possible! The First Herrscher has been dead for many years!"

"How do I know! Anyway, the power he erupts is definitely not a clone!"

"You are a dish! Don't make excuses for yourself!"

Just as the two were enjoying themselves, Yae Miko clapped her hands lightly, and the power of erosion and restraint directly paralyzed them.The two lost control of their bodies in an instant, Raven lay on the ground directly, and Jackal also hung his head.

Then Yae Shenzi sat directly on Raven's body, and said: "I didn't come here to hear you two quarreling... I only disturbed your life for the sake of Mebius and Twelve Yingjie, But you are a bit too noisy...Jackal. My plan cannot accommodate such a noisy guy, so in order to make you quieter, I decided to give you and Mebius a surprise."

"The direction of Mebius' research is to use the power of the Houkai to evolve himself and coexist with the Houkai. I just wonder if I can retain my human thinking after being infected by the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion."

I saw Yae Shenzi lightly snapped her fingers, countless pink energy spread to the jackal, and began to erode her body.

The raven sitting under her began to tremble when she saw this, Yae Kamiko looked at the raven and said slowly: "You are a smart person, you know what to say and what not to say, don't worry, I'm sorry for you There are other disposals. Oh, by the way, you still have a small villa island, right? It must be very hard to save for a long time, right? If you don’t want to be directly blown up by a Herrscher, you’d better not act rashly~”

Saying that, Yae Shenzi released her control, and Raven lay on the ground, not daring to move.

Yae Shenzi looked at Raven's figure, and said: "The skin is good, and the figure is also pretty good."

This amount is about the same as Jizi Wuliangta, Xiao Chen should like it, right?

Just when Yae Miko thought so, she received a call from Raiden Mei.

Raven couldn't hear what was said on the phone, but she could hear what Yae Kamiko said... Raven trembled again after hearing those two words.


Is this what happened to female mercenaries when they were caught?

190-190 Director... I like you the most!

190 Director... I like you the most!

"Let's not talk about why you came up with such a radical idea, why do you think there is something like this in me?"

Yae Miko: Are you polite?

Ah, it seems like I gave her that impression in the first place... that's okay.


Raiden Mei explained to her the reasons for the incident, and by the way, said that when she returned to the factory, she thought of the past.

After listening to Raiden Mei's narration, Yae Kamiko suddenly said: "Is that so..."

She also didn't expect Raiden Mei to think of the past, the punishment game of scaring people is almost over, right?After all, she is no longer following Xiao Chen for Qiyana.

Then Yae Shenzi thought of something again, and said: "Since you have already thought about the past, why don't you confess to him? Isn't this more reliable than your medicine?"

Leiden Mei and Herrscher Mei were stunned for a moment when they heard the words, and after thinking about it for a while, they suddenly felt that what Yae Kamiko said seemed to make sense...

Obviously have such a good status and don't take advantage of it... unexpectedly, there is such a hand as drugging, a good hand that is properly played poorly.

However, Raiden Mei was also a little surprised. She didn't expect Yae Shenzi to say such a thing, so she said in surprise at the moment.

"? Is this actually something that came out of your mouth?"


Believe it or not, I will feed you in a while and throw it on Xiao Chen's bed!


At this time, Qiyana and the others didn't know Raiden Mei's plan.

After a few minutes of rest, continue with the next plot.

"mission completed!"

I saw Bronya jumping off the Honkai Beast, holding a Homu doll in her hand, which was in great contrast to her appearance of killing the Honkai Beast in one move.

"Thank you, Bronya! It was so timely!"

Qiyana on the other side was immediately unhappy when she heard the words, pinching her waist with both hands and said: "What is there to be grateful for! Suddenly rushed out and smashed it! Almost got me involved! You useless little one!"

"Qiana's security priority level is 0, and the system judges that she doesn't need to care about her life or death." Bronya said in a San Wu tone.

"Are you going to start a war!"

"That Bronya has a 99.999999999% chance of winning"

"Then I am 100.00%!"

Lei Movie ignored the two quarreling, and her eyes fell on the Honkai Beast next to her. Although this was necessary for the plot, she could understand Honkai after these few days.

She gradually understood the Houkai energy, and tried to replace the elemental energy in her body with the Houkai energy, but if it could be done so easily.Back then, Yae Kamito wouldn't turn into a little fox.

"Sister Mei is injured."

At this time, according to the development of the plot, Bronya saw the wound on Lei Movie's arm and said.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

Lei Movie waved his hand and said.

"Come on! Let me be healthy!"

Qiyana moved closer to Lei Movie according to the script.

Seeing Qiyana, who looks similar to Tianli, Lei Movie moved towards him and subconsciously wanted to make a defensive gesture, but suddenly realized that this was acting and even stopped the unnatural movements.

This is all for Sister Mei!I will endure!

For Lei Movie, Mei Lei, who can activate the Eye of God, is almost like the reincarnation of her sister.

Even if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't allow someone with such a face to be hurt!

Qiyana leaned over to Lei Dianhua, and the next plot was that she licked the wounds on Lei Dianmei's body.

Although Raiden is not Raiden Mei, it still has the same appearance as Raiden Mei. Kiyana thought that the next plot would make her very excited...

But the moment she approached Lei Movie's shoulder, her heart was surprisingly peaceful.

Why?Could it be because this bud is fake?

When her tongue was licking Lei Movie's arm, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly appeared in Qiyana's mind, and while she was thinking about Xiao Chen, she licked the wound on Lei Movie's wrist.

According to the person in charge, although the fake blood was used on the arm this time, it is generally not recommended to take this kind of thing orally.In order to consider the safety of the actors, Xiao Chen replaced the fake blood this time with syrup similar to blood.

And as a prop store syrup, Xiao Chen made it himself, it can be seen that he is very attentive to every actor.

In Kiyana's heart it is...

I am an actor, or a heroine!

Xiao Chen made this syrup with his own hands, so Xiao Chen took great care of me!

Qiyana, who was not excited at first, became a little excited after thinking of this.

After all, the Herrscher in my body will not be able to suppress it sooner or later, and sooner or later I will develop that kind of relationship with Xiao Chen... It doesn't matter if you think about it for a while!

It's just that I don't know if Xiao Chen's... has this sweetness.

Bronya next to her seemed to have sensed Kiyana's delusion, stared at Kiyana suspiciously with suspicious eyes, re-summoned the middle-dressed boy and aimed at Kiyana's Shenzi, and said: "Reloading Bunny 19c ! Target Qiyana!"

At the same time, he said: "For Kiana's behavior, sister Mei obviously reacted in resistance. If you don't stop reloading Xiaotu, you will attack Qiyana!"

I don't know why, but Bronya felt that she really couldn't let Qiyana fantasize like this!

"This is not a contradiction! Mei is comfortable being licked by me!"

Bronya squinted at Kiyana, and complained in her heart.

You look me in the eyes and say it again!Did you just think about Mei!


On the other hand, Siegfried's suffering journey continues...

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