The power of the Herrscher of Restraint on you is simply too deadly!

The other Ying Jie don't know Ling, but Kevin may know...but he will never be merciless in killing him!

Not to mention the most dangerous Mebius!

At that moment, Qianjie stretched out a hand to stop Yachongling from speaking, "You can't go!"

Yae Ling made a subconscious gesture of vigilance and said, "What do you want to do?" "

"You can't go." Qian Jie just kept repeating this sentence.

"Why can't I go!?" Yae Ling asked with some doubts.

"You just can't go!"

Qianjie follows the style of riddlers in Paradise of the Past.


Yachongling looked at Qianjie who was standing in front of her and slowly asked a few question marks, "Then what if I have to go?"

"Then I will stop you." Qian Jie said slowly.

He is such a belligerent person, when he said this line, he didn't have any murderous intent at all, which shows Ling's position in his heart.

It's just that for Yae Ling, his appearance is not very friendly.

It's over, being entangled by a strange person, I must find a way to get rid of him!

Thinking about it, Yae Ling spread her hands with her palms up, and said, "Okay, then I won't be looking for Mebius anymore. "

As she said that, she suddenly pointed at Qian Jie's back and said, "Is that green man Mebius?"

(Otto: Presumptuous! Which green person are you talking about!?)

Could it be that Mebius sensed the breath of the Herrscher of Restraint coming?

Qian Jie immediately turned his head and took out the weapon in his hand. His first reaction was to beat up Mebius first, and then Yae Ling left.

It's just that when he raised his weapon and turned around, he only saw a cloud of air...

The upright Qianjie was so far behind that he was deceived. When he turned his head, Yaeling had already run a certain distance, but this distance was nothing to him, and it even made him feel a little funny...

At that moment, he stomped heavily on the ground and chased after him, saying: "Do you think you have run over to me?"

"Don't come here!!!"

I have to say that the pink-haired Yae Ling is really similar to a certain pink octopus head after uttering this line.

After uttering this famous line, a burst of golden light emanated from Yae Ling's body, and the golden light touched Qian Jie's body.Let his body pause slightly, stagnating in the air for a second, but he quickly regained his ability to move.

Qianjie stopped in front of Yachongling and looked at his palm, then looked at Yachongling again and asked, "Where did you get this power?"

He had suffered under the force of restraint before, but under the enchantment of the Herrscher of restraint, Qianjie quickly fell down.

If Fu Hua wasn't right next to him, I'm afraid he might die directly in the barrier.

The barrier of the Herrscher of Restraint in the last era was not as gentle as Xiao Chen.All living things in the barrier will die due to the loss of bioelectricity, and there is almost no sign of life activity within a hundred kilometers.

Xiao Chen's enchantment can actually do the same thing, but he didn't activate it.If he activates it, the coverage area will be more than a small one hundred kilometers, and the entire continent or even several continents will be affected.You can kill a third of the population...or more without stopping the earth's rotation.

Although Qianjie was the first Thirteen Yingjie to fall in that battle, after being rescued by Fu Hua, he voluntarily accepted Mebius' experiment.

Allowing him to act under the enchantment of the Herrscher of Restraint, but he can only act.

If it wasn't for Fu Hua's use of all his memories at the cost of launching Yu Duchen's first rated power on the Herrscher of Constraint.

There was a slight flaw in the Herrscher of Constraint. Kevin was attacking the Herrscher of Constraint from the sky with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment. I am afraid that he would have died a long time ago.

Fu Hua's move could directly destroy the consciousness of God, but for the Herrscher of Restraint, it only gave him a momentary opening.

Only those who have experienced that battle know the horror of the Herrscher of Restraint.

The battle of the Herrscher of Constraint is also known as the Red Ice Incident. The ice is naturally because of Kevin. He has the gene of an ice pig that can be frozen as a thing. As for why it is red... It may be because of the fusion that died in that battle. The blood of the soldiers must have dyed the ice red.

Qian Jie admitted that there were only 2.5 people who could beat him in the last era.

The Herrscher of Constraints is not a human being!So it doesn't count!

But that power is still fresh in his memory.

How could he not be puzzled when he saw this power appearing on someone he was familiar with.

Obviously she is not the Herrscher of Restraint, why can she use the power of the Herrscher of Restraint, and where is her own power of the Herrscher of Corrosion?

Just when Qian Jie wanted to ask the matter clearly, Yae Ling pointed behind him and said again: "You are... Mebius?"

"You want to lie to me again?" Qian Jie waved his hands and snorted coldly, "That woman won't come?!"

Just as he was saying this, a somewhat frivolous and charming voice came from behind him, saying, "Which woman are you talking about?"

193-193 Paradise of the Dead: Dangerous!

193 Paradise of the Dead: Dangerous!

"Mebius?! You didn't stay in your laboratory! Why did you appear here?" After hearing Mebius's familiar voice, Qianjie turned his head in surprise and said.

"There is a new guest in Paradise. As one of the hosts, shouldn't I treat her well?" Mebius stared at Yae Ling with snake-like eyes, curious light shining in his eyes, and said.

"You have nothing to do here, she is my prey!" Qian Jie pointed at Ya Chong Ling to stand in front of Mebius, and said.

"Maybe you didn't mean to attack her at all? And I heard it with my own ears just now. This little girl is here to find me, right?"

Mebius twisted his body and said eagerly.

Seeing this, Qian Jie took a deep breath, then suddenly raised Yae Ling high, threw it far away, and then said, "Go! Don't come back! I'll beat you when you come back!"

"Ah????!" Ya Chongling was a little dazed when she was thrown up, but before she could wait for a long time, a series of explosions sounded from where Qian Jie was.

Now she really didn't dare to approach... Just as she was thinking this way, a white figure suddenly appeared in the distance and kept approaching her.

Just as he was hesitating whether to run, a pink figure suddenly flashed beside her, hugged her and disappeared in place.

Kevin, who had just arrived at the scene, looked at the place where the two disappeared and shook his head helplessly, and began to look for the two in the paradise.

Yae Ling watched the surrounding scenery change for a while, and then when she opened her eyes, a person who looked exactly like Yae Kamito suddenly appeared in front of her.

After thinking she saw an acquaintance, Yaeling hugged Sakura and started crying, saying: "Sister! You are here too! There are so many strange people here, I am so scared!"

After being touched by her sister whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Sakura was a little speechless, she just reached out and hugged her sister, and said in a choked voice, "Ling, I will definitely protect you this time... !"

Yae Ling:?

When did the eldest sister treat me so well?


On the other side, Bronya was still confronting Kiyana, and the delusion in Kiyana's mind was triggered, and Bronya was in love with Radar.

Who were you thinking of when you licked the syrup on Lei Movie's arm!What do you want to lick?What would you like to try? !Do you think I don't know?

Xiao Chen's chastity will be guarded by me!

Stop thinking about these things, mere paramecium!

"Regarding Kiyana's behavior, sister Mei obviously reacted in resistance. If she doesn't stop reloading Xiaofang, she will attack Kiyana!"

"This is not contradictory! Mei is comfortable being licked by me!"

Qiyana also felt Bronya's hostility, and at the same time mocked in her heart.

How I want to lick is my business!Whether Xiao Chen is comfortable or not is Xiao Chen's business!Don't meddle in the affairs of adults!

Can you do this kind of thing now? !

Sparks flickered between the eyes of the two, but for Xiao Chen's movie, the two still got together and continued filming.

I saw Bronya leaning over, although her eyes were on Lei Movie, but there was no point in what she said.

"Is it really comfortable? Sister Mei?"

How could a mere idiot make Xiao Chen comfortable!

"Of course it's comfortable! Right Mei?"

Qiyana also joined Lei Movie, and said.

I'll buy bananas tomorrow and use them for training to kill you!

Bronya noticed this message from Kiana's eyes, and responded unwillingly.

too weak!Did you know that Bronya has started papaya milk every day? !Always turn on the lights while sleeping!You can't beat me!



Lei Movie, who was caught in the middle by Qiyana and Bronya, was a little inexplicable. When he read the lines, he felt a blow to the heads of the two of them in his heart, said.

"Comfortable or something! How is it possible!"

hateful!Why did I, the majestic General Thunderbolt, read such lines!

An inexplicable sense of shame lingers in Lei Movie's heart...


After the person in charge fell down, Lei Movie's iron fist landed on the two of them as scheduled.



"If the two of you are really jealous, go to that person's side! Don't be annoying around me!"

When she said this, Lei Movie was inexplicably irritated. Normally, she would not feel irritated by such trivial matters, but this time why would she...

Under Lei Movie's iron fist sanctions, Qiyana and Bronya also misfired in an instant and expressed a temporary truce.

Within Xiao Chen's enchantment, it goes without saying that Lei Movie's strength does not require the Honkai power.

Not to mention Qiyana, even if Sirin came, she would be hammered.

Of course, Lei Movie is trying to absorb the Honkai energy, and in a sense, it is equivalent to handing over his handle to Xiao Chen...


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