On the other side, Yae Kamiko is still on the phone with Raiden Mei in the prison. Although he decided to play the trump card of childhood sweetheart from heaven, how to play this king bomb is also very particular.

You can't stop Xiao Chen and just say, I'm actually your former little follower, right?

kind of weird...

After all, the age gap between the two is quite large.

At that time, Xiao Chen was playing with Herrscher Yai, like a big brother, if he rashly revealed his identity.

In case of being counted in the role of sister, although the distance is pulled in, it is not worth the loss.

Besides, although Xiao Chen's state is stable.

But when faced with the first psychological gap, I don't know what will happen.

Even Yae Miko couldn't predict it.

So the duo decided on a slow healing approach.

Instead of the two of them directly telling Xiao Chen the truth, it was for Xiao Chen to discover the fact slowly.

The impact on Xiao Chen's psychology will be slightly smaller.

So far, Yae Shenzi's plan has been fully launched.

In order to heal Xiao Chen's psychological wounds and at the same time unlock his closed heart, Yae Miko has done a lot this year.

For example, secretly developing an idol career, supporting Xiao Chen's acting, and personally fighting against the navy on the Internet.

Now think about those fans who supported Xiao Chen with her online, they have long since disappeared.

However, after gaining the ability of the Herrscher of Corrosion, she also discovered some interesting things.

At the beginning, there were two fans whose addresses were both on Tianming's network... As for who it is, she has no way to verify it now.

After discussing the plan with Leiden Meiyi, she looked at the raven in front of her and said, "Calculating the time, Ling has almost reached the paradise of the past, right? I don't know if she has opened the bag I gave her."

Promised Land Dangerous!

194-194 "Saint Kallen" exploded!Youlandale: Who is going to frame me!

194 "Saint Kallen" explodes!Youlandale: Who is going to frame me!

"Woo woo woo..."


Are you two children?

Rita looked at the two crying in the movie theater with tissues in front of each other, and complained in her heart.

That is to say, the movie theater is full of people from within the Destiny, and no one dares to complain. If it were an ordinary movie theater, people would have already complained.

The Valkyries present didn't dare to risk their lives. They spoke at this moment... unless she wanted to offend both the Bishop of Destiny and the strongest Valkyrie.

However, for the surrounding Valkyries.

On the contrary, this is better... After seeing Otto's women's clothing and Otto crying for Kallen.On the contrary, the Valkyries recognized Otto a little more... because it was more like a person in this way.

If it is said that Otto cried so much because of the loss of his beloved (his eyes were broken), then Ulandal was completely moved by the story of the saint Kallen.

Many people don't understand Kallen very well, and some people even hate Kallen, thinking that if it wasn't for Kallen, things wouldn't be what they are now.

In fact, Kallen is not very popular in the game.

The portrayal of the plot is not too good.

She was sorry for Otto, but fell in love with Yae Sakura.

She is sorry for Yae Sakura, and sealed her for the sake of the world.

However, no matter what kind of behavior, her actions are for ordinary people living in this world, she is a well-deserved saint.

Destiny's persecution of the people at that time, coupled with the use of those innocent girls to conduct the experiment of Houkai.

Although this is something that must be experienced in order to fight against Houkai, the destiny at that time was not even as good as Otto now.

After they mastered some of the secrets of the Houkai, the first thing they thought of was not how to fight the Houkai, but to use it on their own soldiers to expand outward and launch the Eastern Expedition to China.

If it is said that Otto's research on Honkai is for his own selfish desires.

Then the destiny at that time was entirely for his own ambition.

The Mandate of Heaven at that time was more terrifying than the collapse... passing on the loss of one's shattered ambitions to the people.

Using innocent girls in secret to conduct experiments, let me ask, what would such a destiny do if he mastered the power of Houkai?

It will only use this power to expand itself again.

Against the collapse?

If this power disappears, how can they maintain their rule?

In another world line in which Karen and Otto fled, the world was indeed almost fallen under the destruction of Honkai.Powerful Houkai beasts are everywhere, and people's living environment is extremely harsh.

With the way of destiny at that time, it is hard to imagine that this matter has nothing to do with them.

It may be that wrong research led to the final tragedy.

So Kallen fought. Although she died in the end, her sacrifice awakened the people, and the people raised the consciousness of the saint Kallen to rebel against the destiny.

With Otto's obsession with Kallen, since someone is fighting in the name of the saint Kallen, he will never allow defeat!So he joins the Resistance and overthrows the Mandate of Heaven.

Unfortunately, since then.

No one but him sang the name of Saint Kallen.

So when he saw that Xiao Chen could understand Karen's approach and made a movie for Karen, Otto was really moved.

Xiao Chen also knows about Kallen's reverie, so he also puts the focus of this play on Kallen and the public, and weakens the relationship between Kallen and Yae Sakura. saint.

Before Otto came, the plot had actually advanced a lot.

At the end, a saint with flesh and blood who fought for the people to the end was shown.

Even Otto had to admit that the Kallen Xiao Chen showed was the Kallen he remembered, so much so that he was so moved that he cried.

Most of the other Valkyrie had already cried yesterday, and I'm watching it again today... The main reason is that Otto is next to them, so they can't concentrate on watching the movie, otherwise some Valkyrie will cry, right?

After all, the behavior of the saint Kallen may be what a certain teammate did to them.

Originally, I just watched this movie because of Otto's women's clothing, but I didn't expect the quality of the movie to be so high.

However, Youlandal cried a bit too much...

Maybe it's because of her upright nature that the way she expresses her feelings is more straightforward.

She and Otto cried one after the other and wiped all the tissues on Xiao Chen's parents. In the end, Mother Xiao reluctantly took out her handkerchief to wipe away tears for Youlandelle.

Originally, Rita wanted to do this, but thought it would be a good opportunity for the two to cultivate the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so she gave up.

Youlandelle took the handkerchief handed over by Xiao's mother and wiped her tears slightly, suddenly felt that the things in her hands looked familiar... Xiao Chen seemed to have a handkerchief similar to this one, and her tears almost stopped at the moment, saying: "I There is an acquaintance who has a handkerchief just like this."

"Ah, are you talking about this handkerchief?" Xiao's mother smiled when she heard the handkerchief mentioned by Youlandelle, and said very happily: "This is a little hobby of mine. If I have nothing to do, I will embroider it." Some handkerchiefs for family acquaintances. However, the one you saw I should have only given to my son..."

As she said that, Xiao's mother also showed a somewhat puzzled expression on her face, and said in her heart: "Could it be possible that my work has been imitated? Or is it just similar? It doesn't mean that the person the little girl in front of me likes is my son, right?" ?”

Ulandal also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.

Xiao Chen had a handkerchief exactly like this one, and the person in front of him said that this handkerchief was only given to her son.

That, doesn't that mean that the person in front of me is Xiao Chen's mother? !

Youlandelle thought of this question, held back his tears immediately, and asked tremblingly: "Excuse me, what is the name of your son..."

"His name is Xiao Chen, and I'm here to watch his movies." After mentioning her son, Mother Xiao showed a proud smile on her face.

After Youlandal confirmed this, his whole body turned into petrification.

At the same time secretly said in the heart.

Me, me, me!What have I done!

Showing such an embarrassing look in front of Xiao Chen's mother!

At this time, it should leave a good impression!


Why is there such a coincidence!

who is this!You are setting me up!

Although Youlandelle is dumb, she is not stupid.

After returning to normal, she saw Otto who was crying in front of her, and Rita who was pretending to be stupid next to her, and she finally came to her senses...

So you guys are plotting against me!

195-195 Youlandal, is Qiyana your sister?

195 Youlandal, is Qiyana your sister?

"So you are Xiao Chen's mother?! I'm so rude! My name is Bianca Atagina, and I'm Xiao Chen's friend! This time I'm also watching a movie made by Xiao Chen!"

As the code name of the Valkyrie, Youlan Dale can't say it, and at this time Youlan Dale can only say his real name.

"Oh?! You are Youlandelle! I heard my son mention you!"

Mother Xiao froze for a moment, then spoke.

Father Xiao looked at his wife suspiciously, but he was always by her side when she was on the phone.

When did Xiao Chen mention Bianca?

Mother Xiao felt her husband stare back at him, and communicated with her eyes.

I don't say anything, what do girls think our son doesn't care about her?You don't understand this!Don't disturb me looking for a wife for my son!Stay aside!

"Really? What did he say about me?"

Sure enough, after hearing Mother Xiao's words, Youlandelle asked excitedly.

In order to find a wife for her son, Xiao's mother basically used all the compliments she could think of, making Youlan Dale's face turn red.

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