"Actually...I'm not that good either, I still have a lot of shortcomings."

Rita next to her saw Xiao's mother's thoughts, but she didn't mean to point it out.

"By the way, I don't know how you and my son met...can you tell me about it?" Mother Xiao asked curiously.

"I met Xiao Chen in a gym..."

After Xiao's mother heard this sentence, her first reaction was that Xiao Chen said that he was exercising again, wasn't he just perfunctory me? ? ?

"That time when I almost fell off the treadmill, it was Xiao Chen who hugged me... Then by chance, we ran into each other again."

Rita next to her complained.

The coincidence you mentioned means that you traveled all the way from Europe to the Far East to meet Xiao Chen?

"By the way, he even invited me to the amusement park! We also took a lot of photos together!"

Although it is for filming!

"Can you show me?" Mother Xiao asked curiously.

"Of course." Youlandal took out his mobile phone and showed Mother Xiao the photos taken together by several people.

Xiao's mother looked at the silver-haired Youlandale and didn't say anything. After all, it's normal to dye hair in this day and age!And the silver-haired Youlandelle has an inexplicably mature aura!Also very good!Then she saw Rita and Kiyana next to her and asked, "Are these two...?"

"This is my friend, Rita, she is here today. The one next to her is Kiyana." Only then did Ulandal introduce Rita, who was next to her.

"Hello, ma'am, I'm also Xiao Chen's friend, Rita Rossweisse."

"Ah! So you are Rita? I often hear my son mention you!"

Are you here again? ? ?

Rita responded to Xiao's mother's politeness with a smile, and said, "I often hear him mentioning you. If you didn't admit it yourself, I would have thought you were her sister."

Xiao's mother also heard Rita's politeness, but at least the boast about her youth is always the truth!

However, it is still uncertain whether the person in front of him has a good impression of Xiao Chen, and it is not at the same level as the one just now!In short, help your son check it out first!Let's catch it!

Mother Xiao pointed to Qiyana in the photo curiously and asked, "Who is that little girl named Qiyana next to you? Does she look a bit like your sister?"

"She's Qiyana, she's just a friend I met in the amusement park, and she should be working under Xiao Chen now, right?" Youlandelle said with some uncertainty.

"Oh." Mother Xiao nodded and silently added Qiyana to the list of daughter-in-laws, and then began to ask about Youlandelle, saying: "Are you working in Europe now?"

After all, even if Youlandelle really meant that, the distance between the two of them is too far, she still can't hug her grandson.

"No, I'm on vacation now, so I have time to watch movies. As for my work, I'm a bit special and I move around in various countries."

Oh, and a job that requires running around, too.

Mother Xiao nodded in her heart.

Yes, it is indeed a job that needs to move around to eliminate Houkai beasts between countries.

"Actually, Xiao Chen also invited me to make another movie, and I'm also considering whether to change my job."

Otto: ? ? ?

In front of the boss, blatantly say job-hopping, right?

Ah, by the way, I made her change jobs, that's all right.

After Xiao's mother heard that Youlandale was willing to resign for Xiao Chen, her favorability for Youlanddale became higher, but out of concern, she still asked: "Is there anything wrong with the workplace?"

After hearing Xiao's mother mention this incident, Youlan Delton said with tears in her eyes: "Something happened indeed... The boss who had been promoting me before suddenly plotted against me! The colleagues who have a good relationship in the company are also silent Keep silent! Frame me with your boss! I only have Xiao Chen now!"

Woohoo! ! !

My life is so miserable!

I have pain in my heart and I can't tell!

After hearing Ulandal's speech, Otto and Rita finally realized that the boss and colleagues who had a good relationship were talking about the two of them? ? ?

Framed Youlandale... Is it because we didn't tell her about it and made her embarrass herself in front of Xiao Chen's parents?

Do you blame us for blocking the road yourself! ? ?

The two complained one after another.

After Xiao's mother comforted Youlandell, she then asked, "Are your parents on the European side?"

Ulandell said after hearing the words: "I grew up in an orphanage, and I have no relatives."

(Siegfried:? Forget it, she really doesn’t know)

"That's it..." Although Xiao's mother felt a little sorry for Youlandell on the surface, she secretly said with a sigh of relief in her heart.

It's okay, after you and Xiao Chen get married, I will be your family member!

No parents are good!No other concerns!You can travel all over the world with Xiao Chen!It would be even better if I filled in a grandson!In this way, you can put all your thoughts on Xiao Chen!

(Siegfried: Your family is poisonous, right???)


On the other side, Siegfried was still not recovering from Cecilia's slap, and the Stigmata Space looked at Siegfried's reaction and was a little speechless.

Although Cecilia is no longer that Cecilia, the two Cecilia have exactly the same memory personality.

It's outrageous that you can admit your mistakes like this!

If I give you a chance, you are useless!

Just when he was about to teach Siegfried a lesson, he suddenly felt a signal from somewhere else.

An inexplicable force drew him to the location of the signal, and the source of the signal was the Paradise of the Past where Thirteen Yingjie was...

196-196 Yingjie: Has the outside world fallen?

196 Yingjie: Has the outside world fallen?

a few minutes ago...

In the Paradise of the Past, although not all the Thirteen Heroes were dispatched.But because Ling appeared with the ability to restrain and erode the two Herrschers, it still alarmed the existing Yingjie. After all, the power of these two Herrschers could not be ignored.

If other Herrschers, such as the Herrscher of Thunder, entered the paradise of the past, everyone would not have such a big reaction.

But restraint and erosion are one of the reasons that led to the failure of civilization in the last era. People who possess the power of these two Herrschers appear in the Paradise of the Past, which is like a mockery of Honkai to them.

Fortunately, Yingjie and the others are very rational people, and Yingjie who cannot maintain reason is also on Ling's side.

Most of the Yingjies were curious about what happened outside, they were able to let people with both restrictive and erosive powers in, probably because they didn't want to mess around.

The existing thirteen heroes are roughly divided into three groups.

A group of people felt that Ling should be arrested temporarily, mainly Mebius and Kevin.

Another group of people opposed all behaviors that hurt Ling, no need to ask, it must be Qianjie and Ying.

And Su, Hua, and Eden, the three neutrals who are ready to adjust.

Ah, and there's another spectator.

Of course, Alicia would not let go of such an interesting thing in this situation, it would be too boring just to watch the excitement.

When Kevin started to grab Ling, Alicia helped Sakura to stop Kevin once, allowing Sakura to distance herself from Kevin again through teleportation.

Kevin looked at Alicia who stood in front of him and frowned, "Why stop me?"

"Don't be so fierce~ It's rare for the two sisters to get together. How much is it spoiling the scenery when we come to the door so murderously?" Alysia said, facing the menacing Kevin, curling her hair with one finger.

"Then let such a suspicious person wander around in the paradise?" Kevin asked back.

"Aren't you still watching with Sakura? Don't worry~" Alicia said nonchalantly: "Human beings in the last era owed them too much, this time it's as compensation for the two sisters to have a good chat." Is it okay to talk?"

Just as the two were chatting, there was another explosion not far away.

The two looked at the direction of the explosion at the same time, and Alicia spoke first: "And don't you think we should stop things over there more than that little girl?"

Kevin was silent for a while and felt that before solving the external problems, the internal problems should be dealt with first.

Now go to the battlefield between Qianjie and Mebius with Alicia, as the two most powerful among the thirteen heroes.

Kevin was in charge of stopping Qian Jie who was the killer, and Alicia was responsible for rescuing Mebius who was beaten into a loli form from Qian Jie.

The two separated Mebius and Qianjie one by one.

"You're going to fight! You won't die if you fight like this!"

"Don't stop me Kevin! I have to make her snake soup today!"

How dare you call Ling's attention!This guy Mebius is more or less reckless!

"Kevin, I'll take Mebius to rest! Hurry up and conquer the Thousand Tribulations to find the Herrscher of Corrosion!"

After Alicia hugged the shrunken Mebius in her arms, she turned around and said something loudly to Kevin before running away crazily.

Kevin:? ? ?

You plot against me!Alicia!

Although this was indeed his purpose, Alicia's purpose was self-evident when she said it so loudly.

Although Kevin wanted to catch up, but...


The thousand kalpas behind her will not allow it.

Alicia watched the explosion sound again from behind with a smile on her face, and said, "I'm sorry, Kevin, but this is the only way to hold you back."

Mebius in her arms couldn't help mocking: "You are really calculating, Alicia, first let Qianjie beat me like this to make me lose my ability to resist. Then let Qianjie stop Kevin ...Although you know that Qianjie can't beat Kevin, you can still stop Kevin for a while. What exactly do you want to do during this time? I can't help but be a little curious."

"I actually don't have any bad intentions~ Don't think too badly of me." Alicia blinked and said.

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Mebius said, turning his head.

Alicia listened to Mebius' tone, and said with a smile on her face, "By the way, do you know why that little girl came to you?"

When Mebius heard the words, as if he had discovered Alicia's secret, he smiled and mocked: "So you saved me to ask this? However, if you ask this, you may be disappointed." I don't know why that little girl came back to me."

Mebius was indeed a little puzzled about this matter.

"Is it the backhand left by you outside?" Alicia continued to ask.

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