Mebius shook his head and didn't answer.

"It's fine if you don't know, I've asked Hua to intercept them, even Sakura shouldn't guard against Hua, an honest person, right?" Alicia said.

Fu Hua is indeed the most harmless person among the thirteen heroes.

While the two of them were talking, Ling almost noticed the big sister's head that she was holding.It's not the Yae Shenzi anymore. Although they look very similar, the two people are completely different from the inside.

It's just... Sakura gave her a very familiar and nostalgic feeling.

Especially in this helpless situation, she told all about why she came to this place and what happened to her before.

Of course, this was something Yae Miko acquiesced in the first place.

After all, the purpose of her coming here is to combine the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion and the Herrscher of Constraint into one person, this hopeful; cut breath and tell the Yingjies!

Sakura was the first to hear the hopeful news.

The first thing I say is...

"Has the outside world fallen now?"

"Not yet." Ling shook her head and said, "Ah, I may misunderstand you by saying this, but the outside world is still fine. Boss Xiao Chen, although he is the Herrscher of Erosion and Restraint, he is not Not fully awakened, not even aware of the existence of Houkai."

"I don't know about the existence of Houkai? Then you came to the Paradise to ask Mebius how to fight against the Herrscher of Restraint? Then I am sorry to tell you... Even Mebius' surgery can't let you go. Man is completely immune to the influence of the Herrscher of Restraint."

"No." Ling scratched her head, and said, "Actually, the big sister asked me to come to Yingjie to find you to film."

cherry:? ? ?

197-197 Change to a nationality that can marry many wives

197 Change to a nationality that can marry many wives

"Filming???" Sakura couldn't understand the meaning of Ling's words, and asked, "What do you mean? I'm not very familiar with this kind of thing. If it was Eden, she might be very familiar with this kind of thing... "

Eden, as one of the thirteen Heroes of the Anti-Honkai organization Fire Chasing Moth in the Era of Civilization, ranks "IV" and is engraved as "Gold".

The victim of the Seventh Honkai, a world-class star, has enjoyed countless reputations as a musician.The achievements in art alone are enough to represent an era.

"You mean that the big sister you mentioned came to us just for filming??? Why???"

What Ling said overloaded Sakura's brain.

After all, Ling's explanation was not very good, and she didn't say the key things.

And the fact that Herrscher is filming a movie is very bizarre...

(Anti-entropy: I think it's okay.)

"Elder Sister wants to help Boss Xiao Chen complete his wish, so..." Ling fiddled to explain clearly.

But it made Sakura even more confused.

"Boss Xiao Chen? He should be the Herrscher of Restraint in this century, right? What is the situation outside now? Has human beings been controlled by the Herrscher of Restraint?"

In a way...


"Uh, Boss Xiao Chen has controlled human beings? It's not that exaggerated, it's just that people with destiny and anti-entropy are all played around by him." Ling scratched her head and explained.

"What kind of organization is Mandate of Heaven and Anti-Entropy? Is it an organization to fight against Houkai in this century?"



The organizations fighting against Honkai have already fallen, isn't that a bad situation?

Ah, there is no way to do this, after all, they are the Herrschers of Restraint, and they are lucky if they don't have their group destroyed...

Sakura felt puzzled, but also took it for granted.

After all, that is the Herrscher of Restraint!

Just as the two were chatting vigorously, Ling finally realized that she was lazy in explaining things, and she seemed to have come to something at the moment, and said: "By the way, the elder sister gave me a tip before leaving, what's the trouble?" Everything can open the kit..."


In the movie theater on the other side, the more Xiao's mother watched Youlandelle, the more suitable it was.

Although the age is still a little young, but these are not problems!Anyone who likes my son will not be a bad person!

After leaving the cinema, he also told Youlandell a lot about Xiao Chen, and before parting, he gave Youlandelle the handkerchief he sewed by himself.

Youlandal was also very happy to get the handkerchief, after all, Xiao's mother also said that this is something only their family has., no rounding!I have already been recognized by my mother-in-law as Xiao Chen's family member!

I have already won half of the battle!

Win too much!

You win!

Rita looked at Ulandal's complacent look and couldn't help shaking her head, complaining in her heart.

Lord Youlandell is really naive.

In the end, who Xiao Chen chooses is not up to himself!

If he really listened to his mother-in-law like that, he would have found a girlfriend by this time! ! !

I am not envious!

Rita looked at the way Urandale put away the handkerchief carefully, and couldn't help complaining again, then thought of something and said: "I'll go to Master Otto to report the situation, Master Urandale, please go back to the hotel first .”

"Yeah." Youlandelle just nodded without thinking too much.

After bidding farewell to Youlandal, Rita started to run to the place where Xiao Chen's parents left...

On the other side, Father Xiao looked at his wife's happy face and couldn't help but said: "Is it really good to send out the handkerchief so early? If... it doesn't work out in the end, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"What didn't work? Why didn't it work! Can you speak! Let me tell you that Bianca is already my daughter-in-law! I have already thought about my granddaughter's name!"

"Ah, what if it's a grandson?"

"That's giving them a granddaughter."

"Okay, okay! Don't talk about this! That handkerchief is gone, what do you usually use?"

Seeing that his wife was going crazy, Xiao's father quickly changed the subject.

"Since I gave it away, of course it's something I haven't used. I still keep my own handkerchief, how can I give something I used to others? I even have a backup!" Xiao mother said from her pocket Zhong took out another handkerchief and said.

"Ah, speaking of which, our son's habit of buying three of the same sunglasses at once is considered inherited from you, right?" Father Xiao thought of something and asked.

Although the end of the three sunglasses is miserable.

"Our mother and I are prepared for any danger! The fine tradition that my son has learned from me, can't it?"

"Go, go, go."

Just when the two of them bickered every day.

At this time, Rita also chased up and ran to the two of them, asking in an embarrassing voice.

"Can I have one of those handkerchiefs?"

Give me the whole one too!


On the other side, Xiao Chen didn't know what happened in Europe, he finished filming the scene of Wuliang Ta Jizi on Hyperion.

At this time, they were on their way back to the first set where Kiyana and the others were located.

Xiao Chen was sitting on the back seat of the car, with one hand on his chin, and a finger lightly on his lips, he still couldn't recover because of what happened before.

Just as Xiao Chen was in a daze, the phone rang.He subconsciously picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Mom? Is your situation okay?"

Although he knew the reason why his parents called this time, probably because he had just watched the movie, but he probably couldn't do without marriage in three words, so he decided to preemptively strike!

"It's good! I just finished watching the movie you directed! It's good! Your dad also said that you did a good job."

Xiao's mother's voice seemed very happy, after all, she can be said to have gained a lot this time.

"Your dad and I are on our way back to the hotel, and the return ticket has been bought."

"Oh, it's fine."

Two sentences!

Xiao Chen muttered a sentence in his heart, and then he heard the phone call and Mother Xiao continued to ask: "By the way, son, do directors like you usually have a foreign nationality?"


Um?The third sentence is not a reminder to marry? ? ?

Xiao Chen was slightly puzzled, but still subconsciously answered this question, said.

"Ah, part of it is like this, what's wrong?"

Just when he would not hear the question of marriage this time, Xiao's mother on the phone suddenly spoke.

"Then have you considered changing to a nationality where you can marry many wives?"


what happened?

How can watching a movie even worse? ? ?

You can't see the wrong movie, right? ? ?

198-198 Fighting for the wind and jealousy, the passer-by heroine knows the treasure!

198 Fighting for the Wind and Jealousy, the Passerby Heroine Knows the Treasure!

"Mom? What did you say all of a sudden? I don't even have a girlfriend. Why did you suddenly tell me this?"

Xiao Chen said inexplicably.

"You said that you, a director, don't follow unspoken rules, and you don't change your nationality. I'm afraid that you will be rejected by people in the industry~"

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