The other side is in the paradise of the past.

The pink energy on the top of Ying and Ling's heads turned into a huge vortex, spinning back and forth on the Paradise of the Past, and all Ying Jie felt that familiar power.

Although the protection mechanism of Paradise is also preventing invasion from the outside, it is completely vulnerable under the restraint ability.

Although it is only a simulated space, it is precisely because it is a simulated space.

In the special space of Paradise of the Past!It can reproduce part of Xiao Chen's fully awakened strength!

201-201 The Herrscher of the Covenant Eclipse Arrives in the Promised Land!

201 The Herrscher of the Eclipse of the Covenant Arrives in the Promised Land!

In a corner of the World Snake Sacrifice Ground, a dark corridor winds out, with hundreds of steps and ten turns, and its end point leads to a huge facility that sleeps underground.Every cadre of the World Snake has been baptized here to complete his own transformation.

But today an unusual guest came here.

The gray snake on the outside didn't even notice that the inside of Paradise of the Dead had already been invaded by other forces.

This is also something that can't be helped, using the power of the Herrscher of Restraint to directly paralyze the defense system and the alarm system.

Leave the afterlife in a defenseless state.

When he just invaded the paradise of the past, the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion was a little hindered.

The invasion of the Herrscher of Erosion may have been considered during the design... But isn't the erosion of the restraint belt more or less unplayable? ? ?

Originally, the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion was tricky enough. If it wasn't for the presence of Sakura, the Herrscher of Corrosion would have a flaw.Even Dr. Mei can't catch Herrscher of Corrosion in the electronic world, let alone now when Dr. Mei is not around.

The original defense against the Corrosion Herrscher was directly restrained and nullified.

I believe that people in the last era never thought about the perverted combination of restraint and erosion.

Of course, even if you know it, you probably have nothing to do, you can only show it on the spot!

In the center of the pink vortex, there was a figure similar to Xiao Chen, surrounded by golden crosses and chains, and pink cherry blossom petals representing the power of erosion fluttering around him. Looking down at the crowd of heroes.

It's just that there is no brilliance in the eyes, and the cherry blossom wheel outside the cross pupil keeps spinning.

A group of heroes stared at the Herrscher floating in the sky, with serious expressions on their faces.

Sakura, who was directly below, saw the Herrscher of Constraint suddenly appearing in the sky, hugged Ling and took her away with teleportation.

The flashing location happened to be in the same direction as Alicia and Mebius, and Sakura had a face-to-face meeting with the two of them as soon as she flashed over.

Seeing her two teammates, Sakura wanted to run away subconsciously.

After all, she still brought the first suspect of this incident with her, and the most terrible thing is that the first suspect is her sister!

"Ahhh?! Sakura don't rush to leave! At least explain the current situation to us?! We won't do anything to you and your sister!" Alicia said quickly.

Sakura was stunned for a moment when she heard Alicia's words, instead of teleporting away immediately, she kept a certain distance from Alicia and Mebius, and said, "Actually, I'm not very familiar with the current situation." Understood, but if I said that this Herrscher of Binding is harmless... would you believe me?"



There is such a big Herrscher in the sky, you tell me that he is harmless?

Ying spread her hands together, and said, "Ling told me this... The Herrscher of Restraint in this century hasn't fully awakened, and doesn't even know about Honkai."

Both of them showed expressions like you were teasing me.

Sakura could only remain silent about this, after all, if she hadn't heard this from Ling, she wouldn't have believed it.

"He's already like this before he's fully awakened, so what will he look like when he really awakens?" Mebius said, looking at the Herrscher of Restraint in the sky.

"However, as the Herrscher of Restraint, he didn't use his divine enchantment, which is really strange." Alicia said.

The most terrifying thing about the Herrscher of Restraint is the enchantment of divine grace. All life in the enchantment will be affected by the restraining force. Let alone fighting, it is impossible to even survive.

At this time, Ling who was in Yingying's arms suddenly thought of something, and said: "The eldest sister told me that this kit is to protect me at critical moments, and she will not take the initiative to attack, unless someone actively attacks him. "

"Oh?" Mebius nodded and said, "Who is the big sister you are talking about?"

"This..." Ling heard this with a thoughtful expression.

In fact, what happened just now was what Yae Miko had just told her.

Previously, the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion was isolated by the Paradise, Yae Kamito had no way to detect the situation in the Paradise, and now the defense system of the Paradise of the Past has been infiltrated by the power of erosion.

She contacted Ling immediately to understand the current situation. After learning that Ling just opened the kit with the idea of ​​giving it a try, she was also very speechless.

After asking Ling to convey that the simulated Xiao Chen would not take the initiative to attack others, she went to deal with the collapsed consciousness outside.

Just when Mebius was about to ask something from Ling, Alicia pointed to the two figures in the sky and said, "Kevin and Qianjie, those two idiots rushed over!"

Although they knew that the Herrscher of Restraint in the sky would not take the initiative to attack, the other Ying Jie didn't know about it.

Especially a bad-tempered guy, after feeling this familiar force, Qianjie rushed directly towards the Herrscher of Restraint in the sky!

"Don't be reckless!"

Kevin on the side wanted to stop it, but he was still a little slower.He watched Qianjie rushing towards the Herrscher of Constraint, but in the end he had no choice but to follow.


At this time, in the stigmata space of the Kaslana family.

The spatial consciousness itself is also affected by the power of the Eroding Herrscher, so it has such strong power and authority in the stigmata space.

Under the guidance of Yae Shenzi's kit, he will also be affected to some extent.

The power of Corrosion Herrscher is originally an ultimate virus with self-awareness. Yae Shenzi's method is to gather this power together and have the ability to fix it as if it was programmed in advance.

It's just that she ignored Kaslana's special individual in the stigmata space, which is also part of the erosion, but because of the stigmata, she has a certain degree of self-discipline.

After receiving the call, the spatial consciousness was also drawn into the Paradise of the Dead... Before leaving, he even showed up and said something to Siegfried.

"I may be away for a while, in my absence. If Kevin comes in, don't tell me about me..."

"Let's go? Where are you going? Didn't I just expose your disguise? I'm not going to joke about pretending to be Cecilia! You can't afford it so much, can you?"

(+ one plate one) convex!

Listening to Siegfried's speech, the stigmata space wanted to slap him twice, but his remaining consciousness no longer needed to support his actions in the stigmata space.

When he woke up in the Paradise of the Past, the first thing he saw was Qianjie rushing towards him, and Kevin...

202-202 Kevin: Why am I the one who got hurt!

202 Kevin: Why am I the one who got hurt!

In the Paradise of the Past, the four of Mebius looked at Qianjie rushing towards the Herrscher of the Covenant Eclipse, and Kevin who wanted to pull Qianjie back.

Mebius looked at the two rushing up with her green eyes and said, "If that Herrscher really only knows how to fight back in self-defense, they should withdraw when they find out, right?"

Alicia looked at Xiao Chen floating in the air with a little more spirit in his eyes, and said, "Do you feel that Herrscher is a little different from before?"

Because of the addition of the stigmata space, the power that was originally just a counterattack program has a certain degree of self-awareness.

Originally in the stigmata space, I was full of anger because of Siegfried's cerebral palsy operation, but now I have to vent a little bit in the paradise of the past.

Qian Jie and Kevin unfortunately bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

Especially Kevin, he just wanted to go up and pull Qianjie.

After all, I didn't have enough people on my side, and if I didn't want to have enough people, my teammates would give away heads.

But the stigmata space, based on the theory that the son does not teach the father, goes up from generation to generation, and attributes all Siegfried's problems to Kevin.

Originally, Qian Jie was the first one to rush to the front, but now the hatred in the stigmata space directly opened up Qian Jie on Kevin, and he slapped Kevin behind Qian Jie.

Kevin:? ? ?

It's also a little inexplicable for Kevin to be slapped by the spatial consciousness.

He was just here to pull Qianjie back, and he never thought of fighting him.

And... the one who rushed to the front is Qianjie, so it's fine if you don't fight Qianjie first?What the hell are you hitting me first? ? ?

Could it be that he knew that the Herrscher of Binding in the last era was killed by me?So revenge for the Herrscher of Binding from the last era? ? ?

Or, does he think I'm a bigger threat than Qianjie?

Kevin looked at the palm close at hand, and couldn't figure out why he was beaten no matter how he thought about it.

After the spatial consciousness approached his body, he only felt a sense of weakness, as if his whole body was filled with lead.

Even so, he raised his dull arm in front of him.

"Boom one by one!!!"

After resisting the slap of spatial consciousness with his arm, Kevin was directly photographed smashing a big hole in the ground of the paradise.

Spatial Consciousness used a bit of the power of the Herrscher of Constraint for this blow, but not too much power, just wanted to see how much the power of the Herrscher of Constraint would affect the fusion fighter.

Before the palm of his hand was about to hit Kevin, he released the restraining power, but simply used the method used in the stigmata space to strengthen his body with the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion. Wen patted the ground.

If the attack just now used the power of the Herrscher of Restraint at the same time, it is estimated that Kevin would be half disabled even if he did not die. After all, the power of restraint is too restrained for them to fuse with the warriors.In particular, Xiao Chen's power can be superimposed, as long as the Honkai is enough, everything can be eliminated...

After being photographed on the ground, poor Kevin still couldn't figure out why he was beaten.

Obviously Qian Jie was the one who rushed to the front... Qian Jie who was ignored on the other side also felt that he had been insulted, and he roared angrily, turned around and rushed towards the spatial consciousness.

Spatial awareness set up the cross beside him to block Qian Jie's attack, and then with a wave of his hand, two crosses appeared beside Qian Jie and sandwiched him.

Qianjie's body has been transformed by Mebius, and has the ability to act in the enchantment of divine grace. This transformation has continued into the consciousness space of the Paradise of the Past.

It's a pity that after using the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion to analyze the body of Qianjie, this transformation is useless for the current spatial awareness.

He just snapped his fingers lightly for a thousand calamities before passing out, the same feeling as when he was enveloped by the enchantment of divine grace for the first time.

Mebius, who was heading to the battlefield in the distance, couldn't help but change her eyes when she saw it. She didn't expect that her transformation would be easily broken by the Herrscher. should I say it?

Mebius felt relieved when he saw the spatial consciousness killing Jie in an instant.

It's just a little bit worse, it's too cheap for him to be so comatose!

Although the spatial consciousness doesn't know what Mebius is thinking, but after he deciphered Mebius' transformation, he has no interest in Qianjie.He lifted him high with a cross, aimed at Kevin below, and threw Qianjie out like a cannonball!

Just as Kevin got up from the pit, before he recovered, he was hit by the thousand calamities thrown over him. Mebius, who was watching from a distance, exclaimed that he was enjoying himself.

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