Let him hit me like this before!Now be punished!

Although there have been rumors that Mebius is the illegitimate daughter of Qianjie since the last era.

But in fact, the relationship between Mebius and Qianjie is not very good.

The reason why there was this rumor in the last era was because Mebius wanted to experiment to what extent his snake slough could do.

I searched for Qianjie for the purpose of studying immortality, and stimulated Qianjie with words, and finally got beaten and came out like a little girl...

As for what kind of thing was used to stimulate Qian Jie, it was probably either Ling's matter or an adjutant before Qian Jie who became a lawyer of thousands of people.

These two things have a great influence on Qianjie.

Although Qianjie looks indifferent, he actually cares about the people around him, which can be seen from his attitude towards Ling and Sakura.

This time he shot because of Ling's affairs.

After throwing it on Kevin and hitting the ground again, Qianjie regained consciousness, got up from the gravel, and said.

"What did you do to Ling! Herrscher? Why did her Herrscher's core appear on your body? Why does she have your power on her body again! Answer me! Herrscher!"

This is what the crumb fox does, what does it have to do with me? !

"Qianjie don't be impulsive!" Kevin tried his best to hold Qianjie aside, and then said in a low voice.

"Wait for other people to come and shoot together."

Although the voice was very small, it was still heard by the space consciousness above, and immediately complained in his heart.

Your grandma drops!Kevin!Are you kidding me?

However, it just so happens that he also intends to experiment with his current power!Thirteen Yingjie is a good touchstone!

Come on then!

It's a pity that Qian Jie didn't intend to calm down, but became even more emotional.

"Calm down! The other party is calling at the door of the house! How can you tell me to calm down!"

Spatial consciousness looked at Qian Jie who was making a lot of noise, still pondering how to answer his previous question to raise his anger?

Do you have a good eye?That girl is very moist?

If I say so...

Will Qian Jie take off his mask and hit me?

203-203 There is no collapse in this world at all!

203 There is no Honkai in this world at all!

While the spatial consciousness was thinking this way, the situation outside the Paradise of the Past was also changing.

Inside the prison of destiny.

Feeling the consciousness of Houkai appearing in the city, Yae Kamito frowned and said.

"Honkai consciousness...was it active during this time? It's really troublesome."

As mentioned earlier, the Honkai consciousness was first deprived of the control of ordinary dead soldiers and Honkai beasts by Xiao Chen.

Then when he complained to Xiao Chen, he was silenced by Shi Bao.

Now because most of the power of erosion is transferred to the paradise, it finally came out once with the body of the Houkai beast.

Now it has become a tool for the Valkyries to film.

Although Yae Shenzi knows that even if the current Honkai consciousness possesses the emperor-level Honkai beast, it will not cause any trouble. After all, even if there is a shadow, there is a way to settle it, but...

"Although it won't cause any danger to that side, just in case, let me, a reliable adult, keep an eye on it! After all, it's not easy for Xiao Chen to directly see the Honkai that is raging in the city. beast……"

What Yae Shenzi was most worried about was Xiao Chen's problem, after all, it was hard to explain this kind of thing.

Although she couldn't see the scene at the scene, she guessed that with Bronya's character, Xiao Chen's affairs took priority.

Even if such an accident happened, she would choose to complete what Xiao Chen expected first... It's just that she ignored one point, in Xiao Chen's view, the people around her are the most important thing.

Even if the feelings are sealed, this kind of instinctive thinking is bound in his DNA... If the feelings have a limit and will fade with the years, then let the ability replace his feelings to protect the people around him.This is Xiao Chen's biggest restraint on himself, the restraint on his feelings, and the memory of sealing himself as a Herrscher is behind this.

If someone would be harmed beyond repair by his abilities, Xiao Chen would most likely awaken as a true Herrscher.So the people around him... are the biggest threat to his awakening.

Yae Kamiko didn't tell Bronya about this, and she didn't expect that there would be problems under such circumstances.

In this case, it is better for her to go by herself.

Even if he used communication equipment to contact the person in charge, he couldn't calm down Bronya.

There is still a little more to do before Xiao Chen arrives at the scene. The best situation is to make things...not like an accident before Xiao Chen arrives.

Yae Kamiko thought so, the pink silk cocoon that wrapped the jackal in the prison cell also cracked, and the jackal that was originally tied to the chair also broke free.

But from the outside, the jackal didn't change much, with golden pupils, long brown hair, and slightly black skin.

If she keeps her mouth shut, she is a standard beauty.

Of course, she is not completely unchanged.

After coming out of the cocoon, she had a bunch of brown fox ears on top of her head, but it might be more appropriate to put them on the top of her head and call them jackal ears.

After all, in terms of her IQ, to say that she is a fox is completely embarrassing to Yae Kamito's fox family.

Jackal's changes are not just in appearance.

The original jackal looked at everyone with seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied, my God, the arrogant attitude of the second child.

Now she looked at Yae Shenzi with obedience, like a hound being lectured, and under Raven's surprised eyes, she saluted Yae Shenzi: "Master Yae Shenzi."

"Hmm~" Yae Shenzi nodded in satisfaction seeing the change of the jackal, and said, "You look much more pleasing to the eye now."

Saying that, Yae Shenzi looked Jackal up and down, and said: "However, I still like your arrogant look at the beginning."

Because of this way...it will be more sensible to educate!

Blind obedience will make people lose the idea of ​​​​education.

This is the reason Xiao Chen summed up when he treated her before!

"Oh, this subordinate understands!" Hearing this, the jackal stood up again and returned to the previous high-spirited look, but still said cautiously: "Is this okay?"

"The tone is more arrogant."

Yae Shenzi raised his head and said.

"Is that so?" Jackal raised his voice and tone slightly, and said.

"Well, it's ok. When you get high, you will become arrogant. It's good to maintain this appearance." Yae Shenzi nodded in satisfaction, and said.

Although Jackal's attitude towards her had changed, his already haughty temperament remained unchanged.She's still the jackal.

"Since you're awake, come with me. I'll show you your real master..." Eightfold Seed said to the jackal in the cell, then turned to the raven and said, " Come with me too, and I will arrange an identity for you next to him, so that you can observe him more closely and pass on the information to the world snake."

Raven nodded weakly. After seeing the change in Jackal, what else could she say?

Now she just wants to go back to her villa island and take refuge!This world is really too dangerous!

Just as she was thinking this way, the jackal next to her grabbed the railing with both hands, bent the railing forcefully and walked out of the cell, then looked at her hands in surprise.

She felt that her strength had increased a lot, and she wanted to hold onto the railing with the attitude of giving it a try, but she did not expect that the prison of destiny was really destroyed by her.

My current physical fitness can probably catch up with the ordinary fusion fighters of the last era.

Is this the power of an adult?

Yae Shenzi didn't talk nonsense and drove directly to the set in her sports car. On the way, she seemed to think of something, and asked the jackal beside her, and said, "By the way, I only know your code name, but I don't know you. name?"

"My name is... Cleo."


On the other side, Xiao Chen was still on his way to the first set, and there were not many rooftops with gardens nearby, so he ran a long way this time.

In the first half of the journey, the Huberian sent him for a while, and in the second half, after arriving in Changkong City, he changed to the car prepared by Tianmingling himself.

After talking on the phone with his mother, he felt sleepy for no reason, as if he could fall asleep at any time as long as he closed his eyes.

Even intermittently, he seemed to have a strange dream.

He dreamed that he was floating in mid-air in a special space, fighting with several people who seemed to be broken characters...

What an absurd dream.

Honkai obviously doesn't exist!

The world is not broken at all!

Just as he was thinking this, there was an explosion in the distance...

204-204 Yingying's Wool

204 The Wool of Yingyingjie


The explosion sound from not far away woke him up a little.

At the moment, he raised his head and looked out of the window in some puzzlement. At this time, the car happened to pass by a tall building.

Xiao Chen just looked at the pitch-black building and didn't see anything else, subconsciously asked the driver on the seat: "Did you hear any sound?"

The driver is the Valkyrie under Wuliangta Jizi who was arranged by Tianming. She has received the message from Tianming. After hearing Xiao Chen's question, she quickly shook her head and said: "No! No!"

"Didn't you hear it? I seemed to hear a bang just now... and then there was the sound of a building collapsing." Xiao Chen murmured in confusion, "Could it be that I fell asleep?"

"Maybe some place is under construction!" The Valkyrie who was in charge of driving said hastily.

"Oh, that's also possible." Xiao Chen nodded and didn't think too much, after all, he had already confirmed the collapse of this world.

By now, I can't tell him that the sound just now was a gas explosion, right?

Xiao Chen shook his head and asked again, "How long will it be before I arrive on the set?"

"It still needs a little time...won't you take a nap?" Actually, if you really want to start the studio, the time has almost come.However, she also knows that the current situation does not allow her to drive quickly, in case a mistake makes Xiao Chen see something that shouldn't be seen.Don't talk about your own work, maybe the world will end like this.

Valkyrie's driving hand trembled slightly, and she had already started to avoid the set as much as possible and make detours in the city.

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