If Xiao Chen hadn't been dozing off in the car, he probably would have discovered something abnormal long ago.

After hearing that there was still some distance to arrive, Xiao Chen leaned on the car seat and fell asleep again without thinking too much.

Although the power of erosion is also a part of him, unlike other powers, the power of erosion Herrscher is easier to operate without a body.

He was able to use the power of the Corrosion Herrscher entirely by his anti-restraint ability, erasing the restriction that would only be triggered once by Corrosion Death.

It's just that there is a sense of separation when manipulating the body and the erosion ability at the same time. Usually, he uses this power as passively as breathing.For example, controlling the Honkai Beast to not harm humans is because he feels that Honkai does not exist, and unreasonable things will be erased by the subconscious.

After erasing the control of Honkai, the dead soldiers and Honkai beasts are more like vegetative people...which belong to a reasonable category.Now what replaces his operating ability is a part of the stigmata space, and he, as the main body, will also perceive it like a dream.

Is it just that the self in the dream is a little too contemptuous?

To actually want to say this in front of Qian Jie, even if Qian Jie and Ling don't have that kind of relationship, this line is still very lethal.

However, as the saying goes, dreams are the opposite!

The more crumbs in the dream!It proves that the more honest I am, the more honest I am!

It is recommended to step up efforts!

Spatial Awareness:  …

There is one thing to say, Xiao Chen's conduct is indeed upright.

But this feeling of good self still makes the spatial consciousness a little ashamed.

However, if he didn't maintain this good self-awareness... I'm afraid he would have been controlled by Honkai long ago, right?

However, am I really that crumbly?

Just when the spatial consciousness was thinking about this problem.

Mebius and Alicia rushed to the scene with Sakura and Ling.

The five Ying Jie surrounded him. Although Ying was carrying Ling, there was still a hint of vigilance in his eyes looking at the space consciousness.

"Sakura, you can cover up the intruder, we can talk about it later, can you please explain the current situation?"

Kevin looked at Sakura who had arrived and said.

But before Sakura could say anything, Qianjie was unhappy, and said, "Intruder? Kevin! Make it clear! Why is Ling considered an intruder! She came to the Paradise of the Past through a regular channel! What right do you have to press her! Usually you don’t say a word! Be a riddle! Now what right do you have to make Ling speak! Isn’t the persecution of her in the last era not enough! Kevin!”


Kevin glanced sideways at Qian Jie. It's hard to imagine that these words came from Qian Jie's mouth. He usually yells the most when you kill Herrscher, but now he has begun to take the initiative to defend Herrscher.

"Calm down, Qianjie, I don't intend to press her... but let her explain things clearly..."

"You guys...don't take me seriously?" Spatial consciousness looked at Kevin who ignored him and started chatting with his teammates, and said, "Since you want to ask, instead of asking the little idiot over there, why don't you ask?" me?"

Ling: You are polite...ah, it's the boss, it's all right.

Kevin glanced at the spatial consciousness and complained in his heart.

I said I didn't dare to ask...would it seem too cowardly?

After all, even if all the people are added together, they may not be able to defeat the Herrscher of Restraint.

Especially when I am within the distance from him, he can use the enchantment of divine grace at any time to make my attack invalid.

So tricky!This feeling is like facing the last Herrscher!

At the beginning, other fusion warriors stood in front of the Herrscher of Restraint, and he was only responsible for the final blow. So they fought with this mentality at that time...

Just as Kevin was in a daze, the spatial consciousness said, "Do you think you can't beat me? Well, let me take a step back. When fighting you, I will never use the enchantment of divine grace... How about it?"

"You didn't use the enchantment of divine grace to restrain me just now." Kevin looked at the spatial consciousness and said.

"Ah? You said this, I just want to see how long the strongest fusion fighter can last under the power of the Herrscher of Restraint. If you are worried about this, I can also promise not to use the power of the Herrscher of Restraint directly against you."

As he said that, the spatial consciousness added another sentence, saying: "Of course, I will use my strength to eliminate your attacks. After all, I can't fight you with the power of the Corrosion Herrscher. As long as I understand your body structure, this Stuff is also deadly to you."


As a fusion fighter, Kevin was the first to be so worried.

However, he also saw that the Herrscher in front of him didn't mean to hurt them, but why did he have to fight them?

The thought of spatial consciousness at this time is...there is such a good opportunity, of course it is necessary to record the power of other heroes.

He has completely mastered the power of the Kaslana family. Although the strength of the other heroes is not as strong as Kevin's, each of them has their own characteristics.For example, Mebius' snake slough, and Sakura's flash.

How could he let go of this opportunity to pluck the wool!

As long as it is valuable, even if it is the dead man's wool, he will not let it go!

205 Kevin: I don't play anymore!

205 Kevin: I don't play anymore!

After the spatial awareness proposed to fight, Kevin stood in front of him looking very vigilant and asked.

"Since you intend to tell us the truth of the matter, why do we still have to fight?"

Before knowing the purpose of the spatial awareness, Kevin tried to avoid fighting. Although the conditions proposed by the spatial awareness seemed to give them a slight chance to defeat him... But if he wanted to turn back and turn the table, they had nothing to do.

It’s just that Qianjie on the other side was not happy after hearing Kevin’s reaction, and immediately opened his mouth and said: “Kevin, you are so cowardly?! Is this still you?! That one keeps saying—no matter how much you pay! Human beings! Where did Kevin, who will defeat Honkai, go!"


You defected to the Herrscher first, but you asked me first!

Did I not want to fight? !

Can't I beat this?

proceed if you can!

If I propose to solve the erosion herrscher of the last century first, you will definitely object!Now I propose not to fight!You jumped out again!Do you fight or not?

Just as Kevin was about to say something, the spatial consciousness raised his hand first, and a golden energy cross flew out from his side and pressed heavily on Qian Jie's body at an extremely fast speed, which made Qian Jie completely shut up.

"First of all, to answer your previous question, I really don't intend to be your enemy, but why do I have to fight? It's because..."

I want to grab your wool and copy your abilities.

I'm just a little covenant eclipse Herrscher, what bad thoughts can I have?

If he said that, Kevin and the others would definitely not do this kind of act of enlisting the enemy. The Herrscher of Restraint is already invincible enough.

If you add Sakura's Flash Leap, and Mebius' Snake Slough... all attacks will be more difficult to hit, and even if they hit, there will be a chance of resurrection.

Even if the strength after resurrection will be much weaker, but if the Herrscher of Restraint can really be defeated, then everyone will be exhausted after the battle and almost sacrificed.

It is simply impossible to engage in a high-intensity battle.

Weaken all + flash + revive the boss... What a fart!

Ah, the good news is that you don't have to worry about the boss's self-exposure after death!

Because the boss will be resurrected!

Hahaha!This is really good news!

I don't play anymore!

So if Kevin knew the truth, he would rather have his own people killed than let the spatial consciousness copy their abilities.

Spatial consciousness also guessed the consequences of telling the truth, and immediately looked at Kevin and asked: "If I ask you to tell all your hidden secrets now... will you agree? For example, when you and mei, What kind of posture do you usually like to use... Do you easily answer others about this kind of thing?"


Kevin listened to the question of the meaning of space and slowly typed a few question marks.

Rhythm and space consciousness seemed to think of something in the middle of the speech, and said: "Ah! Sorry! Forgot that you never did it with mei! I'm so sorry!"


You are too much!lawyer!

Did you do it on purpose? !

no!I can't beat him!I will endure!

I can't stand it!

"Mei and I don't have that kind of superficial relationship. I just need to help her fulfill her wish and eliminate Honkai... If you want to insult Mei, even if you risk your life, I will make you regret it!"

Kevin and Mei are clearly two-way towards love, but because of the low temperature on Kevin's body, the two can only maintain a certain distance.Although they like each other, they cannot touch each other.

In order to let Kevin gain some fighting consciousness, the spatial consciousness deliberately stimulated Kevin by opening his mouth like this.

After seeing the killing intent emanating from Kevin, the spatial consciousness nodded and said, "Then I will continue to answer your previous question, just as you would not easily tell other people the secret. If you ask a question, I will answer it." In a word, don't I look very shameless? So why don't we play a game, as long as you hold on to my hand for a minute, I will answer your question... How about it?"

Although Kevin was angry, he did not lose his mind. After the spatial consciousness spoke, Kevin did think of a question.

That's why the Herrscher in front of me knew about his relationship with Mei?He should be the Herrscher born in this era, but why does he seem to know Ying Jie very well?

Even if he invaded the data of Paradise of the Dead, it is impossible for him to steal all Yingjie's memories without anyone noticing.Then why would he know?

Kevin looked at the slowly rising cross next to Spatial Consciousness with questions in his arms, and he understood... If he wants to know the answers to these questions, he must hold the Herrscher in front of him for 1 minute!

"Can we also participate in what you said?" Alicia, who was watching the fun, couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, beautiful lady." Spatial consciousness said politely: "I don't mind you joining forces, but you can only ask one question per minute. You'd better discuss what questions you want to ask me."

Why, you have this attitude towards Alicia!

Kevin complained in his heart.

You obviously punched me when you saw me, I wonder if you have any opinion on me?

"Ah~ is the beautiful lady talking about me? It's the first time I've been praised so much by a Herrscher!" Alicia put her hand on her chin, bent her body and blinked at the spatial consciousness at the same time , said: "Then for the sake of my beauty, can you answer me a question?"

Kevin looked at Alicia and shook his head, thinking to himself.

That's such a simple thing.

The other party is the Herrscher, if they can get information out of him by being cute, then what kind of heroes are they?Let's all be idols!

I directly resign from the position of Fusion Warrior leader!Let Alicia be the leader!

Just when Kevin was thinking this, the Herrscher of Restraint said slowly, "Of course it's okay, beautiful lady."

I just said I can't... right? ? ?

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