Kevin heard a line with complete spatial awareness before he finished a sentence in his heart, and he was stunned?

Is that a promise?So simple?

Could it be that beauty is the weakness of this Herrscher? !

Although Kevin was puzzled, he was more concerned about what questions Alicia would ask now!

This is a good opportunity to gain information!

Although Alicia is usually a little messy, she is still very reliable at this critical moment!What questions would she ask!

At the same time, a trace of saliva dripped from the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth in deep sleep...

206 can't be fooled by those three-dimensional women! jpg

206 can't be fooled by those three-dimensional women! jpg

Originally, the spatial consciousness was not prepared to agree to Alicia's request, but who made Xiao Chen the one who actually manipulated his opening.

How could he, as a memory, resist the ontology!

This is also impossible!

Definitely not being fooled by a suspicious Two-dimensional woman!

Even being cheated is Xiao Chen's business!What does that have to do with my spatial awareness? !

I am the stigmata of the Kaslana family!To protect the last glory of the Kaslana family!

"Really? Thank you!" Alicia jumped up happily after hearing that Spatial Awareness promised her to ask a question.

"This question has troubled me for a long time."

When Kevin heard Alicia speak in such a tone, a lot of bad emotions suddenly rose in his heart.

But there is still a trace of trust in Alicia in my heart!

He decided to believe in that friendship!Alicia will definitely use the information she gained from selling her beauty on the right way to defeat Honkai!

Alicia naturally didn't know what Kevin was thinking in her heart, but she was sure that if she asked this question, Kevin's expression would be very interesting!

At the moment, she pretended to be shy and asked: "I want to know... whether Kevin and Dr. Mei have developed that kind of relationship."


After hearing Alicia ask this question, Kevin almost lay on the ground without dying.But that being the case, Alicia's question still made Kevin's eyes go dark, and he pinched his temple with his fingers to hypnotize himself, said.

No, I need to calm down?

Maybe Alicia was just making a joke.

It's all the fault of that lawyer!If only he hadn't said such strange things!How could Alicia ask such an inexplicable question!

After she calms down, she will definitely change her words!

Even spatial awareness was stunned by Alicia's question, and after a moment of reaction, he asked, "Do you know about Kevin's physical condition? You know he's not good enough, so why did you ask this question?" ?”

Kevin:? ? ?

Who do you say can't do it!

If I have a physical condition, you can directly tell the situation!You make me look like I really can't do it!

But before Kevin calmed down, Alicia's question completely brought his previous expectations to the bottom.

"Of course I know about this..." Alicia nodded, and said, "But, didn't Kevin and Mei know each other before? Didn't Kevin pursue Dr. Mei before the Honkai came? I'm curious What is more important is whether the two have had that kind of relationship before? Also! Before Kevin agreed to Dr. Mei to conduct the experiment!"

"Then the experiment where it is almost impossible to survive a narrow escape! Kevin still agreed! Dr. Mei must be very touched too? If it is put in a movie! Doesn’t this kind of situation happen to the heroine to encourage the hero? "

Good guy!Don't use such a precious opportunity to ask about his weaknesses!It's okay to gossip about me here!

Good for you!Alicia!

Do you know how many ways the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment can be used?Did you know fusion fighters can be cooked to a degree?

"Ah, so that's the case." A smile appeared on the face of Spatial Consciousness, a gleam of light flickered in his eyes, and some asked back: "However, why do you think I will know about this kind of thing?"

I see, is she trying to test me by asking this kind of thing...?

It seems that this is just a gossip, but it actually does give me a wide range of information!

Only Mei and Kevin know about this kind of thing, if I answer it.That can already explain a lot of problems. If Kevin in reality knew about this, he would immediately think that the anomaly in the stigmata space was caused by Xiao Chen.

As expected of Alicia!If not for me!You will really be deceived by the other party!I thought she really just wanted to gossip!

Use the nature of a woman to cover up your real purpose!So scary!


"Oh? Don't you know? That's a pity." Alicia had a regretful expression on her face.

Then I heard the spatial consciousness slowly say: "No, I know."

However, since he said he would answer, he would definitely answer.

If the spatial consciousness is purely Xiao Chen, there is no way to be sure if anything happened between Kevin and Mei. After all, Mi Heyou didn't set anything up, so how could he know?

Although judging from the setting, the two of them should have never done it, but who can say this kind of thing?

However, the spatial awareness of the Kaslana family is different.

The Kaslana family may have some mei genes.

The stigmata space is also filled with memory fragments of the two.

Alicia can only say that she asked the right person about this kind of thing.

Even Kevin doesn't have his feelings for Dr. Mei!

Kevin in the Paradise may not have thought that his stigmata had deceived him until he died.

"Really?" After hearing the spatial awareness answer.Alicia had a surprised expression on her face, and said, "Then can you tell me?"

"Although your guess is very attractive, in fact Kevin and Mei..."

"Stop it! Why do you ask him a question but talk about me and Mei's personal affairs!"

Just when the spatial awareness wanted to say something, Kevin jumped out to stop it, said.

Alicia showed a failed expression on her face, but she also guessed from the tone of spatial awareness, it was the kind of boring answer.

However, Kevin's reaction was interesting... She had never seen Kevin so anxious!

It's just that what she didn't expect was...

Spatial awareness looked at Kevin who jumped out to stop him with a smile on his face, and said: "It is precisely because this is not something I should know that Alicia asked this question."

After everyone put forward this statement in the space meaning, they couldn't help being slightly taken aback, even Alicia herself was taken aback.

She just wants to eat melons to see Kevin's reaction. Is there a problem with this?

"Alicia is testing the range of questions I can answer."

"If I can only answer my own questions, it means that I am just an ordinary Herrscher."

Erosion + restraint are common enough... Everyone complained in their hearts.

Then I heard the spatial consciousness continue to speak: "If I can answer everything else you want to know, what do you think I am?"

Ling: Aren't you the director?

Just as Ling was about to speak, she was stared back by the spatial consciousness, but his words still caused all Yingjie to think deeply.

Then the spatial consciousness looked down at all Yingjie, and said: "If you want to ask me something, then try your best to hold on to me every minute... Heroes!"

207 Yo!Isn't this a broken consciousness?I haven't seen you for a few days, why is it so long?

207 Yo!Isn't this a broken consciousness?I haven't seen you for a few days, why is it so long?

After hearing Space Consciousness speak, Alicia complained in her heart.

No, I really just want to gossip... But now at least I can confirm that you don't have the ability to read minds.

However, now she is a little curious about what questions the Herrscher in front of her can answer.

Who else has she not asked about gossip?

About Mebius and Qianjie?

Just as she was thinking this, Kevin suddenly turned around and apologized to her.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you earlier, I did think for a moment that you would take this precious opportunity to ask those boring questions! I didn't expect that there was such a consideration behind you asking this question... But next time, please You ask other questions."

Ah, Alicia, who was planning to fight with Kevin, was shocked when she heard Kevin apologize.

Now she kind of likes this Lawrence...

You can talk about yourself and like to hear gossip!The most important thing is that after the chat, the other party will automatically find excuses for themselves!That's great!

After apologizing to Alicia, Kevin held up the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment in his hand, and just about to speak... a voice suddenly sounded before him.

"Wait! I have an opinion!"

Alicia and Kevin turned their heads with some doubts, and then saw Mebius who had regained a little figure and said, "Why can my best friend Alicia ask questions! Am I not beautiful?! I Don't you deserve to have a problem!"


"Ah, here." Alicia looked at Mebius who was jumping, and at the same time made a cute expression, saying: "Mebius, I admit that you are very cute now, but you are still cute compared to me." Almost!"

After hearing the speeches of the two fusion fighters.

Kevin instantly had a feeling that the world could not be saved... But this time the problem was not with the enemy, but with his own people!

How did I lead this group of people to fight to the end!


Mebius!Fusion fighters from the last era!During this kind of battle between the two armies, you suddenly stopped, I thought you must have some high-spirited talk!Unexpectedly, the reason for opening the mouth was to compare with Alicia in terms of appearance!

Can you compare?How old are you!Can we be more serious!You can't really save the world just by looking and filming, can you? !


On the other side, in the city, the four or five-story Honkai Beast is still making noise in the abandoned streets.

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