In the fighting and fighting scenes, Xiao Chen is not completely in the lead, and he can support free play. It mainly depends on the movement of the camera and the actions of the sub-towns and actors.

It's just that some specified actions still need to be completed.

For example, a scene where Bronya's reloaded bunny and Honkai Beast fight guns requires Bronya to be shot a few blocks away.

In this scene, it only needs to be a scene where Bronya is facing each other with guns, and is shooting a scene where a high-altitude bird's-eye view is shot flying a few streets.

In order to pursue authenticity, Bronya planned to be really hit by the Houkai beast operated by the Houkai consciousness once.

With the protection of the reloading bunny, she will not receive any harm.

The Honkai consciousness is also ready to go, and its purpose is to destroy human civilization, but because of the relationship between the two traitors, the probability of death caused by Honkai is almost zero.

I was imprisoned for days!Fork has been deprived of control of the dead!Now that you dare to stand in front of me, you are seeking your own death!

At the moment, the Honkai consciousness controls the holding of the Honkai Beast, lifting the spear, and stabbing Bronya's petite body vigorously.

Bronya's eyes lit up and summoned the heavy armor bunny, although she will be beaten away in the next plot!But in order to give the audience a strong visual impact!She still has to make sure that this blow is powerful!You can't embarrass Xiao Chen!

At that moment, she controlled the heavy armored rabbit to raise the spear protruding from the muzzle in her hand, and with [-]% of her strength, she shot at the Honkai beast controlled by Honkai consciousness!

Destroy it!Humanity!The Houkai consciousness controlled the dead man and stabbed it out with all his strength!

One is a five-story-high Honkai Beast, and the other is a mech as tall as a person. There is a huge difference in size between the two.

No matter who saw it, they would feel that they were victorious, and they would definitely say the Honkai Beast side.

Especially Sirin in Qiyana's body, as the only loyal subject of Honkai's subordinates!After being in contact with the Houkai consciousness and feeling the Houkai consciousness in the body of the Houkai beast, she can only describe her current excitement as shocking!

My God!Have you finally arrived!

Although the control of the body is still in Kiyana's body, Xilin's personality still cheers for the consciousness of the collapse in her heart!

Bronya was also ready to take the damage. When the two spears met, the powerful aftershock caused by the impact spread and hung a strong wind around.

Then the huge body of the Houkai Beast took a step back, and then hit the building behind it, crushing the entire floor in half and kicking up a large cloud of dust.

Bronya:? ? ?

Isn't this a broken consciousness?I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so drawn?

I haven't done my best yet!Why did you fall down!

You should try harder!There is no strength to beat people!Also said that he is a collapsed consciousness?

We are in a hurry for this scene!Can you do it!

The consciousness of collapse was almost regarded as a part-time extra performer and was belittled by Bronya.

In fact, this is not to blame for the Honkai consciousness. Under Xiao Chen's enchantment, the Honkai beast now weighs a whole body, but does not have the Honkai ability to manipulate the body to exert its full strength.

This makes the Honkai Beast very empty, and has no motivation to operate this body.

Although he can move in front of him and use his body's gravity to attack, he is just a paper tiger. If he really fights, his weakness will be exposed...

I saw the Honkai consciousness controlling the Honkai beast sitting on the ground, and began to doubt life. The explosion and vibration Xiao Chen heard before was the sound of the Honkai consciousness lying on the ground...

Sirin in Kiana's body saw the Houkai consciousness lying on the ground, and instantly felt a sense of collapse of faith. The Houkai consciousness was broken, so what if she wanted to destroy human beings as a Herrscher?

Just when Sirin thought so, Bronya, who was standing there safe and sound, suddenly spat out a mouthful of old blood, covered her mouth with her hands and said: "As expected of the consciousness of collapse, the shot just now has seriously injured My internal organs... If another shot is fired, I will die, right? But to protect the crew! I can't back down! Let's keep fighting!"

On the other side, waiting for Xiao Chen's knowledge treasure on the only way to the crew, he couldn't help complaining.

"Why isn't Xiao Chen here yet!"

208 The Herrscher of the Eclipse vs Thirteen Yingjies!

208 The Herrscher of the Eclipse vs Thirteen Yingjies!

On the battlefield of the paradise of the afterlife...

After Mebius proposed to ask a question, the spatial consciousness fell into silence, and even Xiao Chen, who was sleeping, frowned.

It's okay to go whoring for nothing!Is it too much to want to prostitute for a second time? !You can whore my body for nothing!But you can't go whoring my priceless information for nothing!

At the moment, the spatial consciousness shook his head and said, "Sorry, Miss Mebius, although you are very cute, but if this continues... Ying, Hua, and Eden, everyone has their own characteristics, if you want to continue asking , then we don’t need to do anything.”

Kevin couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, and complained in his heart.

This Herrscher is indeed an old pervert!

Beauty is indeed his weakness!

"Just give up! Mebius, everyone has said so, girls who care about every detail are not welcome~" Alicia persuaded (fanned the flames) from the side.

Spatial awareness looked at Mebius's look of wanting to dissect him... It would be fine if she stayed in the Paradise, but Mebius would be released sooner or later, which would really make her unhappy. Don't know what will happen yet.

At the moment, Spatial Consciousness waved his hand and compromised: "How about this, I will give you the first chance to ask questions. As long as you can hold on to my hands for 1 minute, I will answer your questions even in battle. The problem."

Kevin couldn't help raising his eyes when he heard the words. If it was in a battle, he could ask about his weaknesses.

Even if he can't defeat the Herrscher in front of him, he can pass on the weakness of the Herrscher to the outsiders!

Let the warriors of this era defeat the Herrscher!

At this time, Kevin still didn't know that all the organizations fighting against Honkai in this era had fallen.

It also includes his world snake...

Gray Snake was limped by himself.

The jackal has become Xiao Chen's dead man.

Raven... She just wants to go back to her villa island now.

If you have to say, if there is anyone else, it is estimated that only the body of Kevin who is trapped in the sea of ​​quantum is left.

However, the spatial consciousness has not given up on the matter of letting Siegfried shoot Kevin twice... the matter of waking him up.

"Hmph! Let's do this first!" Mebius turned his head and said.

After hearing Mebius's compromise, the spatial consciousness breathed a sigh of relief, then a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Then let me attack first."

Everyone felt the change in the air around him, and only then remembered that the person in front of them was a Herrscher.

The previous harmonious atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and the spatial consciousness first untied the shackles against Qianjie, and then flew into the air to summon several crosses, and launched an attack on all the heroes present at the same time.

Kevin raises his hand to attack the cross with the Holy Judgment of Skyfire. After the Honkai can output a certain value, Kevin has the energy to observe other teammates after the cross is broken.

The spatial consciousness watched the cross he sent was crushed by Kevin and felt surprised, just like the plot where Riotto blocked the light curtain set by the protagonist.

As long as Honkai can reach the same value as he released the cross, the cross and the opponent's attack will cancel each other out.

This method is actually the worst application of the power of restraint. After all, the power of restraint can make people around them lose their ability to resist Houkai.

And in the enchantment, it will not be offset by the strength of the collapse.

Of course, this approach is not completely unsolvable.

For example, in the plot, Teresa used Judas' oath to offset the enchantment of divine grace released by Otto.

Only with the same power can they be offset by the same energy.

Of course, with the total amount of Houkai energy of Xiao Chen, unless you have the Houkai energy of the other half of the earth.

Otherwise, it would not be able to offset his enchantment of divine grace.

If he really fights with the Herrscher of the Last Yan, the battle between the two will become a tug-of-war to see who can consume it completely.

Kevin looked at the space awareness of the gap in the air, and as the leader of the fusion fighters, he issued his first order.



Spatial awareness was a little taken aback when seeing Kevin's straightforward order.

He also didn't expect Kevin to let the Yingjies escape so simply.

Are you not ambitious?

What about sacrificing everything and destroying Honkai?

That's it?

On the other side, Kevin also played the Joestar family tradition!

Lead by example as the leader of heroes!Start running away in the opposite direction from the space consciousness.

After all, their task is to delay time, as long as they last for 1 minute, they can ask one more question, so there is no need to head-to-head with opponents who cannot beat them!

The surrounding Yingjie also understood what Kevin meant, and ran away in different directions at the same time.

Seeing this, the spatial consciousness shook his head, and said, "Sky Lock Birdcage."

I saw that centered on the spatial consciousness, countless chains appeared from the void above the head, spreading around like a blooming flower, blocking the escape route of all heroes from all angles.

Zhong Yingjie looked at the golden chain in front of him and couldn't help but click his tongue.

Kevin tried to attack the chain with the Heavenly Fire Tribunal, but this time the chain was not the same as the previous cross.

Tianhuo Sheng's cutting can be directly bounced off by the powerful Honkai on the chain.

The spatial consciousness did not use the power of the Herrscher of Constraint as agreed, and the chains in front of him were all made of Houkai energy!It can only be crushed by outputting Honkai of the same level.

Although Kevin can fully unleash the power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, his use of the power of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order within this range will definitely affect other heroes.

Besides, even if he uses all his strength to use the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, he may not be able to break through the barrier in front of him. The current method can only be to try to last as long as possible under his attack...

Kevin froze for a moment after having this thought in his heart, and then squeezed the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment in his hand.

Hold on?When did I really bow to the collapse... Is it time to confirm that the Herrscher in front of me is harmless?Did you buy it when you waited for others to be defeated by the Final Herrscher?

Or, when he confirmed that it is impossible for human beings to defeat the Herrscher head-on, and chose the Stigmata Project...

Do you give up because you can't do it?

Wasn't the experiment I did before becoming a fusion fighter considered almost impossible to succeed?But didn't I still do it?

The self who used to be so confident...why did he become like this?

How much can I... compromise?

Even in a battle that won't kill you, you have to dodge like this?

At the moment, Kevin grasped the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order and walked towards the Herrscher of Infringement...

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