Did the kung fu world almost be destroyed in his absence?

What did Yae Shenzi do!Isn't she in charge over there? !

No, I want to see if there is any new material about Qiyana and Xiao Chen.

I'm going to cut a video first...

While Otto was trying to decompress himself.

For Xiao Chen's crew who also came here, there were not many plots about escaping from Changkong City, and Ji Zi's plot had already been settled.

There is also a story about Raiden Mei and the battleship Wuliangta Himeko confronting waves.

In this way, this plot cannot be shown with real effects, not to mention that in the comics, the practice of connecting Wuliangta Jizi Jizi and Huberian's main gun is very harmful to her body.

Originally under Xiao Chen's enchantment, the battleship powered by Honkai could not achieve such a large output.

It is even more impossible for Lei Film to waste his precious energy on filming.

The following plot is composed of special effects, and this is the only part of the whole play that requires special effects.

The plot of Lei's movie killing Honkai Beast in seconds is also added, so the actor's part is also over.

As for the follow-up plot of Qiyana's confession, the filming had already been finished this morning, and the plot of escaping from Changkong City came to an end.

However, after everything was over, Xiao Chen was still busy until midnight.

Several other people fell asleep early because of too many things that happened today, only Zhibao, who had done nothing, was still full of energy and quarreled with Xiao Chen about her plot.

Xiao Chen also couldn't resist Zhibao, so he said immediately: "How much have you read about Fu Hua's personal plot?"

"I've read them all! The fusion fighters of the last era! The immortals of China! And the A-level Valkyries of Destiny! The squad leader of St. Freya College, right!" Zhibao secretly said in his heart.

Am I still unclear about my own affairs?

Just when he was thinking this way, Xiao Chen slowly said: "Then I will tell you about the subsequent plot, the story of Fu Hua being betrayed by Otto and turning into a Herrscher who killed the Quartet. Um... To be precise, It should be the Herrscher turned into Fu Hua."

217 Zhibao: I'm going to smash Otto's head!

217 Zhibao: I'm going to smash Otto's head!

"The Lawrence became... me?"

Zhibao pointed to himself with some doubts.

She obviously didn't realize the problem of things.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded in agreement: "Ah, to be precise, the Herrscher of Knowledge in the plot has become Fu Hua in the plot."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge?" Zhibao tilted his head and asked, "Why did that guy appear? Then why did the Herrscher of Knowledge become me?"

"I will keep the other plots secret first, but I can tell you the plot." Xiao Chen thought for a while and prepared the words in his head, and said: "Because of some conflicts of ideas and thoughts, Otto used the mimetic Heavenly Fire Holy Judge Hit Fu Hua's head."

Knowledge Treasure:? ? ?

Otto, right?I remember this grudge!I'm going to punch a hole in your soul steel head...

Otto, who hadn't done anything yet, didn't know that he was hated by the treasure...

Zhibao also knows that this kind of thing has not happened yet, but since it is what Xiao Chen said, it means that it may happen in the future.

No, since she already knew!Then the plot of the birth of the Herrscher of Knowledge will not happen!

However, the conflict of ideas between her and Otto is true!

Since he dared to shoot me in the head, I'll act first!It's okay to blow his soul steel head with a punch, right?


On the other side, Otto, who was editing the video, sneezed, and said: "Sure enough, the body of Soul Steel has been used for a long time, and it still feels a little uncomfortable to suddenly use the human body."

After getting in touch with Xiao Chen, the number of times he used the main body increased significantly.

However, he wasn't worried.

Anyway, Xiao Chen is here!All beings are equal under God's grace!

Who can hurt him?

It's just that Otto ignored one point.

That is, everyone has become weaker!

It's like everyone hasn't changed!

Some people can blow his dog's head off even if they are weak.


"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing Zhibao's fierce expression, Xiao Chen asked.

"It's nothing but angered by this plot, you continue to talk!" Zhibao waved his hand and said.

"Oh, after being hit on the head by Otto, Fu Hua's brain was damaged, but his soul was bound to Kiyana's soul through Yu Duchen's zero rated power, and has been helping Kiyana resist the West Lin's erosion of his soul. The body has entered the 20-year reincarnation again. Hua taught Qiyana what he had learned all his life in Qiyana's dream. After hard training in countless dreams, Fuhua Church Kiyana's Taixu sword energy. It belongs to the old grandfather in the ordinary fairy tale novels. "

In fact, Fu Hua helped Qiyana resist erosion, which is similar to what Zhibao did to Xiao Chen.

But Fuhua can only resist the erosion of the soul.

It is not surprising that the combination of the power of knowledge treasure and the erosion of the Herrscher can temporarily seal the Houkai consciousness.

It's just that this seal is only a temporary thing.

In the process of saving Qiyana, Xiao Chen unconsciously used his strength to help her out of the predicament.

But also because of the use of power, he once again thought of the broken thoughts of the collapsed consciousness.

This is the erosion of the Houkai consciousness. Unlike Qiyana, he did not use anyone's help, and he resisted this erosion alone... It has been more than ten years.

It is a miracle that Xiao Chen is still talking to Zhibao like a normal person...

"Next, Fu Hua helped Kiyana destroy the conspiracy of the World Snake. In order to help Kiyana destroy the Honkai Bomb, Fu Hua chose to suppress Sirin's personality with all her strength, but after the bomb was destroyed, Fu Hua remained silent for a long time. time."

Listening to Xiao Chen's narration, Zhibao nodded incessantly, secretly thinking in his heart.

As expected of me!In such a situation where the physical body is already dead!There is so much more to do!

"When Kevin tried to kill Kiyana, Fu Hua appeared to stop Kevin and passed on his experience of thousands of years to Kevin. Kevin and Fu Hua fought fiercely in Yu Duchen's dream, and finally Yu Duchen The energy was exhausted, Fu Hua was defeated, and fell into a deep sleep... When Kevin recovered Yu Duchen, he expressed his respect to her for protecting mankind for thousands of years, and promised her to wake her up again after mankind defeated Honkai."

"Yeah!" Shibao couldn't help but nodded after hearing the great achievements of "himself".

"Looking back at Fu Hua's body, Fu Hua entered a 20-year reincarnation due to brain damage, but Otto didn't want to wait so long, so he put Fu Hua in the training warehouse to speed up the recovery time..."

Before Xiao Chen could finish his sentence, Zhibao slapped the table and said, "Otto is too shameless, isn't he? Obviously he shot me! Now he wants to resurrect me to work for him!? My fist is hard! "

"Calm down, calm down, I'm talking about Fu Hua in the plot, calm down."

Xiao Chen patted Zhibao's back and said.

Fu Hua in the plot is me!

Zhibao muttered something in his heart and gradually calmed down enjoying the physical contact with Xiao Chen.

After Zhibao calmed down, Xiao Chen continued to speak: "Fu Hua's injuries have all healed, and his physical condition is even better than 500 years ago."

Zhibao: Good!

"But the consciousness of the Herrscher also awakened from Fu Hua's body. The Herrscher understood that the first and third Herrscher had completely betrayed Honkai because of human feelings, and the second Herrscher fell into a deep sleep because of human feelings, so Bengkai The bad will wants to disintegrate the newborn will in Fu Hua's body from the inside, but because of the influx of a large number of Fu Hua's memories, the Herrscher's consciousness is put on the back burner. With such a huge memory of Hua, I lost my original identity in that huge memory, thinking that I was Fu Hua."

Zhibao frowned a little when she heard Xiao Chen's narration, she didn't know why she always felt that this feeling was a little familiar...

Speaking of which... when did I recall the past?

Obviously I should have forgotten everything, right?

218 Knowledge Treasure: The Herrscher became me?I become me?

218 Knowledge Treasure: The Herrscher became me?I become me?

Listening to Xiao Chen's narration, Zhibao suddenly remembered something.

Those memories were squeezed into her long memory. Although they happened recently, they were buried deep in her memory for some reason.

That was when Joyce was resurrected, she seemed to hear something at the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

Or something related to the Herrscher of Knowledge...

At the beginning, because of lack of strength... I fell into a coma when I pulled Joyce's consciousness out of the 30 people.

But if he was in a coma...how on earth did he separate Joyce's consciousness?

No, she seems to remember that she woke up again... It's just that what happened when she was in a coma?Why did I have such a powerful force after waking up, able to separate Joyce's meaning from the consciousness of 30 people?

Who am I... exactly?

Lawyer became me?

Then who am I?

Shibao began to re-examine his memory.

Fu Hua was born in a small city in the previous generation, his father was the owner of a martial arts gym, but in an accident his father was attacked by zombies and was admitted to the hospital.

Fu Hua could only go to the urban area of ​​Canghai City to study alone.

Because of his personality, Fu Hua has been unable to integrate into school life.One day, she heard a girl talking about zombies with their companions, so she wanted to know something from the girl, but she hit a wall everywhere.

After hitting the wall several times, Fu Hua decided to let it go!

Continue to start her life alone.

One day, students can leave school for activities, and Fu Hua, who is hungry for noodles, goes out to buy noodles to eat.

On the way back to school after eating noodles, he found that zombies were attacking the girl and rescued her.In the end, the girl and Fu Hua became good friends, and the girl took her to the game arcade, which is one of the reasons why Fu Hua still likes to go to the game arcade.

That girl taught her how to get along with others, and improved her self-confidence. Over time, Fu Hua also made more new good friends.

Another school holiday, Fu Hua and the girl went to the airport respectively.

It's a pity that fate seemed to have played a joke on her, and Fu Hua suffered a catastrophe at the airport.

Fu Hua, who had enough strength to deal with ordinary dead soldiers, had no choice but to escape during the collapse, and was finally rescued by Himeko and brought back to the base.

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