At the base, Himeko told Fu Hua what had happened in his hometown and Canghai City, so that Fu Hua could forget the past and start a new life, and Fu Hua wanted to know what he could do in this last world.

In the end, Fu Hua's determination moved Himeko. Himeko accepted Fu Hua and taught him how to fight, making him a fighter against Honkai, and joined Himeko's fifth team of Moths of Fire.

It is worth mentioning that Himeko from the last era looks exactly like Himeko Wuliangta from this era.

However, Himeko became the Seventh Herrscher due to the erosion of the Houkai. Hua's army was almost wiped out in that disaster.

Fu Hua's life has been full of ups and downs.

The originally good background fell into a trough because of an accident. In the trough, he managed to make friends, but because of a collapse, they all went down the drain.

After making up his mind to fight against Honkai, just on the right track, his benefactor turned into a monster that destroyed the world...

In fact, Himeko had been struggling with the Herrscher consciousness before being killed, and Fu Hua also did not understand Dr. Mei and Kevin's direct killing of Himeko who was still conscious.

When Kevin and Hua met at the moment before No.12 Herrscher was born, Hua was very worried about Dr. Kevin MEI and others killing Himeko...

However, in the final battle of the last days, Fu Hua still forgave Dr. Mei and let go of everything.Finally, together with Cangxuan and Danzhu, they entered the dormant cabin to carry out the fire plan entrusted to them by MEI...

This is the whole experience of Fu Hua in the last era...

This memory, which was originally forgotten by Fu Hua, is now clearly in Shibao's mind.

While searching for Fu Hua's memory, she listened to Xiao Chen's narration.

"Although Fu Hua's body recovered, the Herrscher's consciousness was affected by Fu Hua's memory and caused great confusion. The three selves of normal people, the id, superego, and ego itself are mutually restrictive existences, but The Herrscher's id and the other two have reached a considerable degree of consensus. As a result, the Herrscher's actions are all based on instinct and his own original thoughts, and cannot be restricted by his own morality, etc., resulting in confusion. Fu Huayi punched After breaking the training chamber, he looked up and saw Otto. The two didn't say a few words. Under the guidance of the three selves, Fu Hua followed his heart and beat Otto... If it was Fu Hua in the past, he would definitely not do this kind of thing."

In fact, Xiao Chen also had a similar situation in Three Me.

It's just that his situation is more complicated. One of the reasons why he is not a complete Herrscher is because the three selves have different powers.

The id is in charge of the power of the Herrscher, and controls all Houkai beasts and dead soldiers with self-discipline.

He is in charge of the power of the Houkai energy, but because he himself believes that the Houkai energy does not exist, the Houkai energy is all allocated to the other two places.

The superego is in charge of the power of the Herrscher of Restraint, and uses the power of restraint to resist the erosion of Houkai while maintaining the barrier of divine grace.

After listening to Xiao Chen's narration, Zhibao trembled all over Xiao Chen commented that the former Fu Hua would never shoot Otto because of his feelings, but when he heard that Otto shot himself, his first reaction was Beat Otto, combined with her previous memories... Is it possible that I am not myself? ?

At this time, Zhibao still didn't give up, and he opened his mouth to confirm with Xiao Chen: "Ahem, cough, then will I play the lawer of knowledge in the future?"

"Of course, although the role to be played has changed, the actor is still you. This is an undoubted fact." Xiao Chen nodded in affirmation.

"Then can you tell me about her character? I can get into the character."

Zhibao tentatively opened the mouth and said.

You just need to restrain your temper a little bit...

Xiao Chen muttered something in his heart, and then said: "Ahem, first of all, as a new personality, the character of the law of knowledge, simple, innocent, willful, in short, like a silly white sweet?"


Silly and sweet?Then I must not be...


It should be... isn't it?

it's me?

I am a lawyer? ? ?

219 The Herrscher Is Myself!Preparations for the second collapse!

219 The Herrscher Is Myself!Preparations for the second collapse!

The lawyer is actually myself? ? ?

Shibao finally began to realize this problem...

Frank, cheerful, lively... I can't say that my current personality is exactly the same as that of Fu Hua before, it can only be said that it is completely opposite.

Why did I only notice it now... It must be that the old antique has too many memories!Keep me from noticing this kind of thing!

Also, she had always felt that something was wrong with her body. She was in another place before going to sleep, but after waking up, she realized that she had changed her position.

She also thought that Xiao Chen secretly changed her position when he came to attack her at night... She didn't expect that old antique to use my body!Didn't this make me happy for nothing?


After knowing that he was not Fu Hua, Shi Bao's first thought was this...

Although the fact that she was not Fu Hua had a big impact on her, she was too concerned about the past, and now she heard that the past had nothing to do with her... She felt a lot more relaxed.

After all, she has found her current goal!And found someone who I can entrust my whole life to!

Although her memory does not belong to her, but the time she spends with Xiao Chen, this memory undoubtedly belongs to her!

She fell in love with Xiao Chen out of her own feelings!It has nothing to do with Old Antique's memory!Although some of the previous parts are false!But her feelings for Xiao Chen are extremely real!There is no way to fake this feeling!For her, this is enough, but the fact that she uses an antique body makes her a little uncomfortable...

In case, I really had that kind of relationship with you!Isn't it all cheap old antiques!no!I have to find a way to get Old Antique out of this body!

"what happened to you?"

Xiao Chen looked at Zhibao who was suddenly in a daze, and asked.

"No! Nothing! I just think this role is much easier to play than usual!"

Zhibao said in a panic.

When playing Fu Hua last time, Zhibao was still sleeping, so it was Fu Hua himself who played Fu Hua.

If you let Zhibao play it, it may really be a bit difficult.

"Really? I think your performance last time was very good?" Xiao Chen tilted his head and said, "When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were suitable for the role of Fu Hua. I'm worried whether you can perform the effect of knowing treasure."

When Xiao Chen saw Fu Hua for the first time, Fu Hua was still Fu Hua.

However, at that time, he didn't say anything to Fu Hua, so he didn't think too much after Zhibao appeared.

After all, everyone has two sides.

A person who looks serious on the surface may behave differently in front of acquaintances.

However, it was after Zhibao appeared that he had more contacts with Fu Hua.

For example, the accident on the knee pillow that day... or something...

"However, after getting in touch with you, I think you will be able to handle the change between the two roles. I believe in you." Xiao Chen put his hand on Zhibao's shoulder and said.

Zhibao's face turned red, originally she planned to drive Old Antique's consciousness out of 'her own' body.But since Xiao Chen said so, let's spend more time with Old Antique...

After all, if I let myself play that old antique, it would be too tortured!

but.That old antique doesn't seem to have discovered his existence yet.

Hmph, is this the fighter against the collapse?He doesn't even know that his body has become a Herrscher!It's so funny!Watch me wake her up with strength!

When Zhibao thought about it, she wanted to use the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness to awaken the Fuhua in her body... But when she was fantasizing about Fuhua, she only felt that she almost passed by when her body sank, and there would be Fu Huaxiao Chen hugged her and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little sleepy..."

When she wanted to wake up Fu Hua, she felt that her consciousness almost fell into a deep sleep.

Not to mention the question of dialogue at all.

hateful!It must be the work of the 30 people in the core of the Herrscher of Reason!

Although Zhibao was a little naive, she was not stupid and immediately thought of the culprit who switched back and forth between herself and Fu Hua.

In order to prevent the herrscher who came out from running away, they probably bound her and Fu Hua together. As long as she wants to do something that endangers the world, Fu Hua will be forced to go online. At the same time, the consciousness of the two cannot appear at the same time to avoid The erosion of Fu Hua was eliminated.

On the contrary, it was because of Fu Hua's memory that it eroded the knowledge treasure...

Now that Zhibao wants to forcibly wake up Fuhua, the current situation will appear.

"If you're too sleepy, go to sleep, it's getting late now." Xiao Chen patted Zhibao's head and said.

"Hmm..." Zhibao nodded in confusion, but she didn't dare to sleep easily before solving Fu Hua's problem.

After all, after she woke up, this body returned to Old Antique's control. If Old Antique did something wrong and caused Xiao Chen's favorability towards her to drop, it would be bad!

At the moment, she could only ask Xiao Chen for help and asked: "Xiao Chen... If there is another person in your body, every time you wake up, she will go online to control your body, what can you do to communicate with her? "

Xiao Chen only felt a little familiar when he heard the plot told by Zhibao...

After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered where he had seen such a plot...

This is not...! !

"What's your name! ! !

Although there is no such movie in this world, Xiao Chen has watched it!

He remembered that the hero and heroine in your name used to communicate by writing on their bodies at first, so he immediately said: "Just write on a conspicuous place on your body, so that the other party will see it immediately when they wake up."

"I see!"

There is another way!

As expected of Xiao Chen!

I really love you to death!

Zhibao jumped up from the chair and said: "I know! Then I'll go to bed first! Xiao Chen, you should go to bed early!"

Seeing the appearance of Zhibao leaving, Xiao Chen said with a little uneasiness in his heart, "This kid won't do anything stupid, right?"

Although he was a little worried, the girls said they were going to bed, and he couldn't follow her.

She could only let Shibao leave. After Shibao left, she started to deal with today's work.

Although the plot of escaping from Changkong City is over, he will soon be filming the plot of the second collapse, and things will only become more and more...

The most important question now is that if the second Honkai is going to be filmed, the others are fine. Who will play the role of Xilin as the villain?

220 Inviting a character from the original book to act will not desecrate the character

220 Inviting a character from the original book to act will not desecrate the character

The most important characters of the second collapse.

Siegfried is played by him, and Cecilia is played by Youlandell, Otto and Walter, and anti-entropy.

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