Xiao Chen admits that he may be a little sick in this respect... You must find a suitable role, otherwise there will always be a feeling of profaning the role.

(Inviting the characters from the original novel to play them will not desecrate the characters.)

He went to Siberia a few years ago just to see if there was a suitable role.

However, the actor who played Sirin was not found, but Bronya and Seele.

He chose to shoot the saint Kallen first, and the reason why he is shooting the anti-entropy invasion is because the saint Kallen only needs three important roles.

Although there are not many roles in the anti-entropy invasion, each of them will appear in the next plot.

If you can't take pictures of this, then don't take pictures at all.

Now that it's the third Honkai, he can think of a solution for the other secondary Valkyries, but only the role of Sirin is not easy to deal with.

"First ask the HR department if there are any new interviews."

Xiao Chen murmured, the personnel department has always been in charge of the person in charge, just call him to confirm.

At that moment, Xiao Chen dialed the other party's phone and asked.

"Hello? Hey, hello? Responsible~responsible~person~"


Although the phone was connected, there was no sound from inside.

Xiao Chen followed directly to the downstairs room...

The person in charge has not gone to sleep either.

Xiao Chen was very pleased to see the slap marks on the face of the person in charge. For the sake of the person in charge who worked overtime late at night, he even asked me to slap him. I was really touched!He was moved to tears!

At that moment, Xiao Chen asked with a moved face: "Did the HR department report any new seedlings to you recently?"

"What?" The person in charge said with a hazy look in his eyes, "Personnel Department?"

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Personnel Department...?" The other party repeated in confusion.

Xiao Chen raised his hand again.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Now the person in charge finally regained his energy and said, "I remembered! The personnel department just told me today... Although there are no new seedlings, there is a singer who sent his resume to our crew."

"Singer? Find it by yourself? What kind? Is it reliable?" Xiao Chen asked.

"It's an idol who had been missing for a while, but she reappeared for some reason recently. As for her appearance... I have seen her appearance, and she is very suitable for playing a role in the second Honkai. It just so happens that the resume she submitted is also It's called Shiyu Qiluo."



On the other side...

The vote in the Land of the Dead has also come to fruition.

In the end, most people still voted for Mebius.

Except for Qianjie and Alicia herself...

Qianjie simply disliked Mebius.

Although Alicia lost, she could afford to lose, and said, "No way, let you go out first this time."

She could also understand why everyone chose Mebius.

After all, Mebius is not only a warrior, but also a researcher, and in this case, he is far more useful than other heroes.

"Hmph, if you lose, you lose. Can't you just learn from the previous Herrscher and admit that you are not as good as me?"

"I think it's better to replace Mebius. Before she leaves, her soul will be taken away by that Herrscher~"

"I'm really interested in that Herrscher, but...not that kind of sexual interest, you should know?" Mebius said with a smile on his face.

"Then you have to be able to beat him." Alicia said with a half-smile.

"What if...he takes the initiative to let me study it?"


"Of course it's because of my beauty that far surpasses yours~"

"? I sincerely recommend that you see a doctor before you go to him again."

The other Yingjie looked at the two who were arguing and shook their heads one after another, but did not intend to persuade them, but Ling summoned up the courage to speak.

"That... big sister asked me to go back as soon as possible."

Yae Miko didn't give such orders, but she always felt that the two of them might quarrel endlessly, and she also wanted to take her sister out as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Mebius stopped bickering with Alicia, walked to Ling's side as a victor, and said, "I'm here, how are you going to take me away?"


Ling took out the crystal and put it on Mebius.

I saw that the crystal was dyed green light the moment it touched Mebius, and then absorbed Mebius in like a poke ball.

After absorbing Mebius, a snake-shaped mark appeared in the center of the crystal.

Then Ling bowed and said goodbye to all the Ying Jie very politely, and left the Paradise of the Past under the eyes of thousands of kalpas.


At this time, in the headquarters of Destiny, Otto, who was editing the video, suddenly received a message from Amber...

"Master Otto, I have a message for you."

"I'm busy, I'll talk about it later."

Are you busy editing videos?

Amber complained in her heart, and then asked: "It's the news from Yae Shenzi, don't you really think about listening to it?"

"Eightfold God Son?"

Otto froze for a moment after hearing these four words, and said, "Okay, I want to see what she wants to say."

Amber nodded and said: "She said that the World Snake has been dealt with, and Xiao Chen has already begun to recruit actors for the second Honkai, but the role of Xilin has not been finalized..."

"Why, she wants me to clone Sirin?" Otto squeezed his chin and said, "But the personality of the clone cannot be guaranteed, and the time for cloning from now on is too late."

"No, she only asked you for one thing." Amber shook her head and said.

"What?" Otto asked curiously.

"The core of the Herrscher of Death." Amber said slowly.

"It turns out that she was planning this idea, but she still dares to ask for it..."

Otto sneered and said.

"She also said, anyway, that thing can't save your Karen, it's better to use it for Xilin to absorb, and finish the show first."

After finishing speaking, Amber asked tentatively, "Do you need me to refuse?"

She knew how much Otto had valued the Herrscher's power before.

It can be said that Honkai has been launched again and again for this power.

It is really impossible for someone to call him out now...

But to Amber's surprise, Otto didn't say much, but just spoke lightly.

"No, promise her."

"By the way, contact Youlandelle...she should be back."

Amber: Master Otto is finally serious?

Otto: If she doesn't come back, I will have no materials!

ps: Woohoo, school is about to start

221 Knowledge treasure, this is not fun to write!

221 Knowledge treasure, this is not fun to write!

After arranging Shi Yuqiluo's interview, Xiao Chen and the person in charge decided on the time to go to Siberia.

Xiao Chen also specially asked the person in charge to reserve a few places on the plane.

Mainly for the location prepared for Ulandal.

He knew about Ulandelle in Europe, Ulandelle had told her before leaving.

It's just that she didn't say clearly that she was going to see "Saint Kallen", but just told Xiao Chen that she had something to deal with when she returned to Europe.

If she went back to Europe just to see the saint Kallen... wouldn't it seem that she cared too much about Xiao Chen!

Of course, Xiao Chen didn't expect that Youlandal went to Europe just to watch a movie. After all, how could someone go to Europe just to watch a movie...

Hey, my parents seem to be...but they are parents after all!They are connected by blood!

No matter how much other people care about it, it is impossible for others to go to Europe to watch my film, right?


A group of Valkyries:?

Seeing the box office of his movie soaring in Europe, Xiao Chen couldn't help sighing... Could it be because this is a parallel world of collapse?So is there any strange blessing?How can there be such a high box office?

If you put this in your previous life, you might be able to make a statuette or something...

Although the Valkyries are partly responsible for the great sales of "Saint Callen", the Valkyries alone cannot support the entire box office.

Xiao Chen underestimated the influence of Saint Kallen in Europe.

Although the affairs of the collapse and the church were hidden in the dark, the uprising 500 years ago had a great influence, and the story of Saint Kallen was basically a household name in Europe.

Now that someone is making a movie with this name, anyone who is curious will take a look.

In addition to the frantic grabbing of tickets by the Valkyries on the first day.

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