224 Ulandal looks like Cecilia...

224 Ulandal looks like Cecilia...

"what happened?"

Youlandelle noticed Shi Yuqiluo's gaze and asked, "What are you doing looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen you for a while, and you seem to have grown up a bit." Shi Yuqiluo said, which startled Rita.

Rita knows that Ulandal's identity is Kiana, the child of Lord Cecilia, and Shi Yuqiluo, as a member of Lord Cecilia's Snow Wolf Squad, has naturally seen Kiana's appearance when she was a child.

When Shi Yuqiluo spoke like this, Rita almost thought she recognized Qiyana's identity.

Didn't we just meet yesterday?

Youlandelle complained in his heart, then gently lifted his long golden hair and said: "As the saying goes, people should look at each other with admiration for three days, maybe it means that they are sleeping."

Shi Yutiluo's eyes followed Youlandale's blond hair, and he thought to himself.

If Ulandal's hair is not golden, but silver... Sigh, it seems to look at Ulandal's silver hair.

If only I could take a look!I should be able to confirm that!

But how do I get Youlandal to change into a wig!

Do you want to go to the comic exhibition cosplay?But time is running out!And how could that brainless Youlandelle agree to this kind of thing!

Rita on the side seemed to have noticed Shigure Qiluo's thoughts, and immediately changed the subject and said: "By the way, let's go to the production team quickly! Don't you have someone who wants to meet?"

"You mean... Kiyana (k423)?"

Shi Yuqiluo naturally knew the identity of k423.

Although it was a clone made of Kiana's genes...but that was also the culprit that indirectly caused Cecilia-sama's death.

Especially after hearing that Siegfried had adopted Kiyana, she didn't like this Kiyana even more.

It can only be said that her mood is very complicated... She is still willing to believe that Lord Cecilia's child is still alive!

"Qiana? That's a good kid, she's about my age, but she feels like my little sister."

Youlandelle thought of the smile on Kiyana's face, and said.

On the side, Rita couldn't help shaking her head and thought to herself.

Lord Youlandell, have you forgotten that Qiyana is also one of the enemies!

"Does Shi Yudiluo also know Qiyana?" Xiao Chen asked curiously, and said.

"Well... I've seen her when she was a child." Shi Yuqiluo nodded, and said: "It's just that I went to a place on a business trip and haven't come back for many years. It's really been a long time since I saw her."

Business trips point to the world bubble.

"I see Shi Yuqiluo, you are also silver-haired, do you have any relationship with Qiyana?" Xiao Chen asked curiously, and said.

"No." Shi Yuqiluo shook her head and said: "Qiana's mother used to be my boss, the person I respect the most. When I was a newcomer, Cecilia-sama took good care of me."


Although this name was Kiyana's mother's name, which he knew very well, he seemed to have heard of this name from other places as well.

That... seems to be a column for reading fan responses, and he received someone with this name once.

At that time, he thought it was a screen name or a pseudonym and didn't think about it. He just replied according to the content of her consultation.

Speaking of which, this program always reminded him of the invitation mission of Goro in Yuanshinli.

Now think about it, this plan might have something to do with Yae Miko's use of it, right?

(Be confident that she is the boss behind the scenes)

It's just that he is different from Goro in that he faces the questioner in real body, and most of the questioners are his fans.

It's impossible for Kiana's mother to be his fan, right?

Xiao Chen shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, and suddenly heard Rita say: "Speaking of which, Senior Shi Yudiluo is still your fan? Senior, did you ask for an autograph when I was not around?"

"Didn't you agree to keep this matter secret!" Shi Yuqiluo said, her face turned red when she heard this.

I don't want to distract you by saying that, you will soon find out that Master Youlandal is the real Qiyana! !

At least for now, this kind of thing can't be said!

"Ah, here." Xiao Chen hasn't met his fans for a long time, after all, how many years ago did he debut?

Even if there are still his fans, they are probably all young women now.

However, it is not uncommon to meet colleagues who are fans of their own. At this time, it is still necessary to tout a few words properly to show the appearance of high EQ.

At that moment Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said.

"I didn't expect the famous idol Shiyu Qiluo to be my fan. It's really an honor. After I left Jidong, I watched your performance many times."

"Really?!" Shi Yuqiluo said excitedly.

The idol I'm looking for has seen her performance, which makes Shiyu Qiluo feel like she's running in both directions...

"Of course it's true." Xiao Chen spread his hands and said, "However, you disappeared. Was it because of something? Oh, you just mentioned that you were on a business trip, right? But, you also mentioned Cecilia Is it your boss? But, as far as I know, there should be no idol named Cecilia, right?"

"I'm the boss of the idol company! Cecilia-sama is in charge of planning events!" Kira Shigure hurriedly explained.

"Oh I got it."

Xiao Chen nodded without much doubt, then thought of something, and said: "However, Qiyana is not on the set right now."

"Not on the set?" Rita asked with some doubts.

That kind of thing just happened yesterday, and the surrounding Valkyries shouldn't let Kiana wander around.

However, if she is not on the set, where can she be?

"She seems to be very interested in Yae Miko's Fox Chuan library, and she spent the night with her last night. She went to visit it early in the morning, and she should be at the company's side now?" Xiao Chen said with some uncertainty .

Is Yae Kamiko... There really won't be any trouble with her.

However, if Yae Miko and Kiyana are together, it will definitely not be as simple as visiting!There must be other purposes!

Rita thought about it and said: "Fox Chuan Library? Is it that famous light novel company? I didn't expect it to be the property of Ms. Yae Miko! I'm also curious about it, can you let me visit it together?"

Xiao Chen didn't agree directly, but called Yae Shenzi to ask for his opinion. Although he knew that Yae Shenzi would not refuse his request, he still wanted to ask a question, and said right away.

"I'll call first to make sure."

225 Expel all the Honkai ones!

225 Expel all the Honkai ones!

"I want to completely wipe out Honkai!

(Expel all the Houkai beasts out jpg)"

(Fast forward to Xiao Chen and Mei's marriage, don't do it!)

If Raven hadn't heard it with her own ears, she would never have believed that these words came from a Herrscher.

Raven was born Natasha Siora in Siberia.She was one of the tens of thousands of victims of the second Honkai, but was saved by Cecilia's holy blood, thus gaining a strong Honkai resistance, and was therefore chosen by Gray Snake and left Brother, trained to become a mercenary belonging to the world snake.

Originally, Raven hated Herrscher very much, because she and her brother were separated forever because of the second collapse, but when she heard the murderer who separated her from her brother, she felt a little complicated for a while.

Raven himself is not as radical as the other cadres of World Snake, and he does not have that kind of obsession with the stigmata plan, but hopes that one day he can live a peaceful life, just like his brother said back then, "live well".

By the way, in the second Honkai manga, Cecilia's blood did save two children.

The two mentioned here also include the little boy.One of those little girls was Raven—Natasha Siora.The little boy is naturally her brother, and judging from the comics, at least he survived the second Honkai.As for the follow-up, it is not clear, it may be alive, it may be dead.

After all, after the second collapse, the environment in Siberia was not good. From Bronya's experience, we can see how children were treated at that time.

However, after Xiao Chen came to Unity Beria, the local situation improved a lot.

After all, breaking into the dangerous Siberia as a crew was naturally targeted by many malicious people.

Although Xiao Chen's barrier wasn't that scary at that time, under the protection of Yae Shenzi, any bad guy who harbored ill intentions towards him would die of heart failure.

There is not even any Honkai energy left, even if it is found out by the people of destiny, it will be fine.

However, the Mandate of Siberia at that time was also in a state of idleness, and they didn't pay attention to things there at all.

Before the enchantment of divine grace enveloped the whole of Europe, and even half of the world, it was Yae Shenzi who helped Xiao Chen to cover up the identity of the Herrscher.

However, after Xiao Chen's strength reached a limit, she couldn't hide Xiao Chen's identity anymore...

Speaking of Siberia, Xiao Chen traveled through Siberia, not only taking away many local villains.

Because the Honkai consciousness wants to awaken Xiao Chen quickly, so after Xilin's death, the second Honkai will leave the aftermath for Xiao Chen to absorb.

However, Xiao Chen was like a bottomless pit, absorbing all the Honkai energy in Siberia without any response.

This semi-awakened state full of power only appeared after several years of precipitation.

By the way, the person in charge was also a local that Xiao Chen met in Siberia.

In the beginning, Xiao Chen went to Siberia to shoot a disaster movie with a crew who didn't know what to do.

At that time, he rescued the person in charge, introduced the person in charge to the crew, and found him a job.

After Xiao Chen left the crew, the person in charge also followed.

At that time, Xiao Chen had the idea of ​​filming Honkai, but he was suffering from insufficient funds, so while saving money for filming, he was looking for suitable actors in Siberia.

He also met Bronya, and Seele at that time.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen settled down with Bronya and Xier, and started filming while preparing for the Honkai movie.

Hard work pays off!

After he awakened, Xiao Chen finally succeeded in recruiting Otto himself in Europe! ! !

"Do you want to defeat Honkai? Completely eliminate it? This is a bit difficult... And have you forgotten? Xiao Chen is also a Herrscher... You said such a thing in front of me, have you really considered it?" ? Kiana?"

A murderous intent flashed in Yae Shenzi's eyes and said.

"Of course I don't want to see the director die! But you know that he has been eroded by the Honkai all the time, right? As long as you defeat the Honkai, you don't need to worry about the Honkai's erosion!" Qiyana asked .

"It's easy for you to say." Yae Shenzi withdrew the killing intent in his eyes and said, "Then what exactly are you going to do?"

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