"I came here to ask you because I had no other choice." Qiyana scratched her head and said.

"Ah...then you should give up, I won't help you."

Hearing the words, Yae Shenzi smiled wryly, shook his head helplessly, and said: "However, if you can really help Xiao Chen get rid of the erosion of Houkai energy, you will help him completely untie his knot. And you have a reliable plan, I will consider helping you."

Xiao Chen's body was first broken through the upper limit of the human body by the power of anti-restraint. After the transformation of the Corrosion Herrscher, his body has long been out of the category of the Herrscher. Even if the body does not collapse, he is still very strong, comparable to the advanced Fusion Warrior.

And because the power of anti-constraint is still rising.

It is Yae Kamiko who is really bothered by not having Houkai, if she loses Houkai, she will go back to that fox state again.

Although she insists on denying Qiyana's thoughts, if Qiyana can really save Xiao Chen, she won't care about herself...

"Really? Great!"

It's just that Qiyana doesn't know how much she will have to pay if she really keeps the promise Yae Kamito made...

"Don't be happy so early, little idiot, let's talk about it when you really think of a way." Yae Shen slapped Qiyana on the forehead and said.

"Hmph!" Raven snorted coldly at the side. Although Qiyana said so, she was the culprit who separated her from her brother after all.

Unless she is allowed to meet her brother!Otherwise, she wouldn't recognize Qiyana!

While the two were chatting, Yae Shenzi also received a call from Xiao Chen and said.

"You want to come to my company? Okay, no problem, my company is quite big, you are welcome to come and play!"


"She agreed, let's go."

After getting the answer from Yae Shenzi, Xiao Chen said to the three people around him.

A group of three people came to Xiao Chen's car.

Originally, today was a rare vacation for the person in charge, but he was forced to wake up by Xiao Chen last night, and this morning he was pulled over by Xiao Chen to act as a driver, pretending to go out for a drive.

Why did I follow Xiao Chen back then?

It was still too young to be deceived... I don't know what happened to my sister.

The person in charge thought so in his heart...

226 You won't worry about food and clothing at home! jpg

226 You won't worry about food and clothing at home! jpg

If I hadn't met Xiao Chen, what would I have become...?

Maybe he died on the street, maybe he was no different from the gangsters on the street, maybe he ended up worse...

I told my sister that I want to live happily ever after, so as an older brother, I can live too badly.

After parting with me, she must be very worried about my comfort, and I naturally don't want to be separated from my sister, but there is no way...

Back then, Siberia was not a place where one could obtain happiness. Although the person who took Natasha away was not a good person, at least it was much better than staying in that place.

As an older brother, the only thing I can do now is to live as happily as possible, and then tell my sister about myself on the day we meet.

All he does now is to be able to proudly say to his sister one day

Your brother and I have become excellent producers...

Originally, his goal was not to be a producer, but to become an actor. As long as he was famous enough, his sister who was so famous somewhere would see him active... He wanted to tell his sister that he was living a good life, no Need to worry.

However, his talent as an actor was too poor, and Xiao Chen was still under pressure in front of him, and he could only play some supporting roles by Xiao Chen's side.

Of course, he also understands that even if Xiao Chen is no longer relying on his acting skills, he can only play some supporting roles, or even just a passerby.

He was able to play some supporting roles entirely because he had a good relationship with Xiao Chen, and the director gave him this role for Xiao Chen's sake.

He has also been working hard to make himself worthy of this role, worthy of being by Xiao Chen's side.

He was very grateful to Xiao Chen, so when Xiao Chen decided to film, he followed without hesitation.

"What are you thinking? Driving... Watch the road carefully."

Seeing the way the person in charge slipped away, Xiao Chen reminded him.

"Ah, sorry, just thought of something from the past."

The person in charge came back to his senses and said.

"Miss your sister? Speaking of which, what's your sister's name?" Xiao Chen asked casually, and said.

"Natasha Siora..." the person in charge said.

"Oh? I almost forgot your name Siora." Xiao Chen said.


Give me back my previous touch and gratitude! ! !

The person in charge complained in his heart and said.

"This surname is too girly." Xiao Chen complained, and said, "It's better to call you the person in charge."

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked curiously.

"However, I remember that Russian names are generally not composed of three sections? The first part is my name, the middle is my father's name, and the last is my surname. Why is there no father's name in the middle of your name?"

The person in charge blinked and said: "Because my sister and I don't have a father..."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Xiao Chen said with a somewhat apologetic expression on his face.

"It's okay, it's been a long time ago, I don't care about that kind of thing anymore." The person in charge said in a flat tone: "Speaking of which, we have known each other for so many years, and this is the first time you asked me about it."

"Indeed..." Xiao Chen was slightly taken aback by the person in charge's reminder, and then he came to his senses and said bluntly.

"Because I've been avoiding deep friendships with people before, I usually don't ask these things."

"Then why are you interested in asking me this kind of thing today? Did they change you?"

The ones in charge of the population are naturally Qiyana and the others, and of course this also includes Youlandelle and the others sitting in the back.

"who knows."

Xiao Chen looked at the distance and said unsurely: "Maybe it's just that you have a long face by my side."

Before he left, he actually entrusted the person in charge to a crew, but he followed him again, so he didn't drive him away, did he?

"However... Natasha Siora, I seem to have heard of this name somewhere." Xiao Chen pondered.

"It's not an uncommon name in Russia. It's normal for you to have heard it before, and... in Russia, women will change their husband's surname after marriage." The person in charge thought of something and said: "If you , if she didn't change her surname, how about I introduce my sister to you?"


"Is it really okay for you to sell your sister like this?" Xiao Chen said after hearing the words.

"Anyway, my sister will marry sooner or later... I'm afraid that if I see my brother-in-law impulsive, I will beat him up violently." The person in charge said.

"Yes, it's very stupid." Xiao Chen complained casually, and then asked: "But, are you so optimistic about me? Don't worry about entrusting my sister to me?"

"No, the main reason is that I can't beat you. At least my sister won't be a widow."


The person in charge felt the three killing intents coming from behind him and trembled all over.

Then I heard Xiao Chen wave his mouth and say: "Okay, this is the end of the joke. Let's talk about this kind of thing after you find your sister."

"Oh, it's not so easy in the vast sea of ​​people." The person in charge sighed and said.

"Don't be so depressed, if fate comes, maybe you will meet today." Xiao Chen patted the person in charge on the shoulder and said.

"How could it be such a coincidence, if you really say what you want, then I'll just let me marry you, so she won't have to worry about food and clothing." The person in charge once again felt the killing intent from behind... Then subconsciously closed his mouth.

"It's okay if you don't have to worry about food and clothing. Do you think I'm a leopard?"

Xiao Chen thought of the previous fame and said.

"Cough cough cough, the place is here." The person in charge said out of fear of killing intent behind his back.

Xiao Chen looked at the office building in front of him and said, "Do you want to come together?"

"Can I just be the driver?" the person in charge said hesitantly.

"You just read the novel as a pastime."



At this time, when the other side heard the news that Xiao Chen was coming, Raven also became nervous.

The person named Xiao Chen who heard the information from Gray Snake should be the Herrscher of Knowledge!

However, Yae Miko did laugh after hearing the information about Gray Snake.

Then Xiao Chen's real situation may not match the reality.

Although Yae Miko said she could relax...

But seeing the once proud Jackal's obedience to Xiao Chen and Yae Shenzi, she couldn't relax at all...

The other party may really have abilities such as mind control.

Be careful of the spiritual attack from the opponent!

No matter what the other party lets me see!

I can't believe it myself!

227 also said that you are not the Herrscher of Knowledge!

227 also said that you are not the Herrscher of Knowledge!

"Is this the Yae Miko's company?"

Xiao Chen looked at the huge office building and said in surprise.

"Xiao Chen, is this your first time here too?" Youlandal asked curiously.

"En." Xiao Chen nodded and said: "When I was in this city, I was still a small company. I didn't expect things to develop into this way in these years."

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