This is thanks to the few light novels that Xiao Chen copied down by memory, which was read by Yae Kamiko who was still a little fox.

With Xiao Chen's memory of those famous novels, this company can grow so fast.

Xiao Chen didn't find it strange that novels appeared in the world, after all, these novels were the ones he had read in his previous life.

Anyway, indecision parallel world.

He also confirmed that there were no other traversers in this world.

It's impossible for someone to pick up the files in your computer, right?

He remembered that the computer at home had been formatted by her along with some other records, and had even been scrapped.There is no trace left, and even a clever hacker can't restore the contents inside.

"Let's go in, let's go in and have a look, she should have greeted the guard." Just as Xiao Chen opened his mouth, a capable lady in a suit walked up to the door and said: "These are Mr. Xiao Chen and the accompanying people?"

"That's right." Xiao Chen nodded and said.

"Master Yae Miko has been waiting in the office for a long time. If you don't have any places you want to visit, let me show you the way."

"Is Qiyana over there too?" Xiao Chen asked when he turned his head and glanced at Shi Yu Qiluo.

"Yes, Miss Kiana, and the other two are in the office with Lord Yae Miko at this time."

"Okay." Xiao Chen then turned his head and asked again, "Is there any place you want to visit?"

The crowd shook their heads.

Only then did Xiao Chen say: "Then take us to the office directly."


On the other side a few minutes ago...

When Yae Shenzi was carefully preparing to welcome Xiao Chen's arrival.

Under the personal escort of Gray Snake, Ling traveled thousands of miles overnight, from World Snake's headquarters to Changkong City.

In the laboratory before Gray Snake, and Ling found Yae Shenzi with the crystal containing Mebius, and Yae Shenzi felt Ling's breath opening the window and coming in.

"Big Sister! Big Sister! I brought you what you asked for!"

Everyone looked puzzled at the puppet that suddenly appeared in the office. Qiyana looked at the puppet Ling and asked curiously, "What is this? A talking puppet?"

"I'm not a puppet! I'm Ling! I have a name!" Ling protested to Kiana.

"This feeling... is the Herrscher of Corrosion? But, why did she become so weak?" Sirin could feel the breath coming from Ling, and said, "I understand, it turns out that another power in Xiao Chen comes from She! I didn't expect Herrscher's thinking to not need Herrscher's core... It's incredible."

"This little thing was actually a Herrscher before?" Qiyana was also slightly surprised.

Yae Shenzi on the other side heard Ling calling out his name, and said with a smile on his face: "It seems that this trip to Paradise has allowed you to successfully regain your original self."

"I just remembered a little bit. Sister Ying told me most of the things." Ling scratched her head and said.

After hearing the name Sakura.

Raven next to him was obviously taken aback. Isn't the name Sakura the name of a fusion fighter in Paradise?

This little thing is that fusion fighter's sister? ? ?

Although it is not uncommon for humans in the last era to survive until now, the existence of this little thing still makes Raven very curious...

The jackal on the other side is the crystal in the hand of Yae Shenzi, and said: "That crystal is..."

Yae Miko had talked to her about this matter alone before, mainly about how to cheat (whisper) Mebius.

After seeing this crystal, Jackal immediately thought of Mebius.

"The consciousness in this crystal is the backup left in Paradise by Mebius, the true founder of your world snake. Although it is a backup, the knowledge and wisdom are basically the same as that of Mebius himself. Raven, if you If you have been to Paradise, you should have seen Mebius himself, right?"

"Master Mebius...? Are you saying that this crystal contains Lord Mebius???" After hearing this word, Raven was stunned for the first time.

She heard Yae Shenzi say that the world snake is coming.

But I didn't expect that the person who came would be Mebius.

She thought it was only other cadres who would come.

But I didn't expect Yae Shenzi to directly move the founder of World Snake out...

"What are you going to call her for?" Raven couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's resurrecting her~" Yae Kamito said casually.

"Are you real?" Raven asked again.

Bring that mad scientist back to life?Are you messing up the world enough?Although it is true that she is a member of the World Snake, she was not used to Jackal's behavior, and now you have found a crazier person... Then the World Snake may not directly become some kind of terrifying research organization.

Yae Shenzi saw Raven's worry at a glance, and said: "Don't worry, I promise that after she is resurrected, she won't have much time to do experiments."

Xiao Chen will torment her until he has no time for experiments!

Jackal, as the one who knew Yae Kamito's plan, silently mourned for Mebius for a few seconds.

All I can say is, who is Mebius?Unfamiliar, I'm afraid Mr. Xiao Chen may misunderstand.

While several people were chatting, the phone on the table rang, saying: "Master Yae Shenzi, Master Xiao Chen has arrived with the four accompanying people."

"Four people? Are there other people besides Youlandelle and Rita?" Yae Kamito said with some doubts, and then said, "Let them in."


"Currently moving to your office..."

Raven swallowed subconsciously when he heard that the big boss behind the scenes was about to arrive, and became 12 vigilant in his heart.

As the footsteps continued to sound in the corridor, the vigilance in her heart was raised to the highest level.

In particular, the knock on the door seemed to directly resound through her soul.

Are you coming?

Raven stared at the door, and then saw Xiao Chen leading four people into the office.

After seeing the light blond man next to Xiao Chen, Raven was slightly taken aback.

Although she had changed a lot since she was very young, Raven recognized it at first sight. If her brother grew up, he would probably look like this...

It actually perfectly reproduced the imagination in my mind!He also said that you are not the Herrscher of Knowledge!Gray Snake's information was indeed correct!

228 Mother Kindness Daughter Filial Piety (Dark Fog)

228 Mother Kindness Daughter Filial Piety (Dark Fog)

hateful!How dare you lie to me about your older brother's grown-up appearance...!

Sure enough, I still hate Lawrence!

Raven watched the person in charge next to Xiao Chen subconsciously clenched his fists.

Although Raven recognized that the person in charge was her brother, the person in charge did not recognize Raven.

In fact, the person in charge is not to be blamed for this, after all, the changes between being a raven now and when I was a child are too great.

Too big in every sense of the word.

When he was a child, Raven had pale golden hair, eyes that were close to gray, and two ponytails were tied into his whole body...

The current Raven has short gray hair, a pair of red pupils, and other aspects have changed a lot.It can't be said that it is exactly the same as before, it can only be said that it is completely irrelevant.

If the person in charge can recognize it, then there is a ghost.

However, since this is the case, the person in charge was also a little stunned when he saw the raven.

"Xiao Chen, I miss you so much!"

After Qiyana saw Xiao Chen, she rushed over directly.

But before she met Xiao Chen, Youlandelle walked back and leaned out to hug Qiyana, saying: "Qiana, long time no see."

You're a little bit closer to fighting with me!

"Ah, it's sister Youlandelle." Only then did Qiyana notice Youlandelle behind Xiao Chen.

"Why aren't you happy to see me?" Youlandal said with a half-smile.

"Of course I'm happy." Qiyana also showed an identical smile, and the way the two looked at each other and smiled unexpectedly had a kind of mother-daughter look.

Shi Yu Qiluo behind her couldn't help but stare dumbfounded...

If Lord Youlandell and Qiyana are still alive...then they probably looked like this kind mother and daughter when they met, right?

Rita seemed to understand the meaning in Shi Yuqiluo's eyes, and complained in her heart.

This is really motherly kindness and filial piety... Kiyana has the genes of Youlandelle and Sirin in her body. If she insists on saying, she is actually closer than my sisters...and both are members of the Kaslana family. They bumped into each other and hugged each other, and both of them made crunching sounds.

"Cough cough cough!" Seeing this, Xiao Chen coughed lightly, and said, "Okay, you two don't hug like this anymore."

Youlandelle: "He must be jealous! He has me in his heart!"

Kiyana: "He must be jealous! He has me in his heart!"

The two let go of their arms at the same time, walked towards Xiao Chen's direction and bumped into each other again.

Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly when he watched the two of them synchronized, moved a little to Shi Yu Qi Luo who was behind him and said: "This is Shi Yu Qi Luo, I invited the actor to play the second Honkai. I used to work under your mother, and I heard you were here and wanted to see you."

"Shi Yu Qi Luo?" Kiyana stared at Shi Yu Qi Luo's appearance for a moment, and Sirin in her body frowned, and said: "She is indeed Cecilia's subordinate, that's right, she killed I lost my beloved Bella... Sigh, but that's a thing of the past, don't think too much, just treat yourself as an old friend and get along well."

Although Sirin hates Honkai very much now, she still has a good impression of Bella.

Qiyana nodded in her heart, then said with a smile: "Hello, Aunt Shiyu Qiluo."

When Shi Yuqiluo heard this address, her expression immediately collapsed, she squeezed Qiyana's face with one hand, and said, "I want to call~ sister~ sister~!"

She is indeed much older than Kiyana, and it is not a problem to be called auntie, but as an idol, how can she bear being called her auntie.

"It's... Shi Yu Qi Luo... elder sister..." Qiyana said when Shi Yu Qi Luo pulled her face.

"Well, very good." Shi Yuqiluo looked at Qiyana with complicated eyes and patted her on the head, and said.

"Okay, let's talk about it first if you have anything to do. Yae God and I want to talk about something, please prepare a room for them." Xiao Chen looked at Yae God and said.

Yae Kamiko nodded and said to the secretary at the door, "Find these guys a quiet room."

"Yes, Boss." The secretary nodded and led Qiyana and Shigure Qiluo. Youlandelle didn't want to leave at first, but was dragged by Rita...

How could it be possible for senior Shigure Qiluo and Herrscher of the Sky to be in the same room, it would be bad if she did something!With this in mind, Rita brought Ulandelle over together.

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