"Okay, everyone who is in the way is gone, what do you want to say to me?" Yae Shenzi put his hands on the table and dragged his head with his palms to look at Xiao Chen, and asked.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it." Xiao Chen sat down opposite Yae Shenzi very naturally, and said.

"I just want to confirm, are you coming for this trip to Siberia?"

"Go, of course I'm going." Yae Shenzi said.

"The distance this time is far away, and the plot of the second collapse is very long, it may take more than a month. You may not come back for a month after you go, is it really okay for the company here to be put on hold for a month?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"It's okay, I've already made arrangements here, and I'm ready to go anytime." Yae Shenzi waved his hand and said.

"Are you really not thinking about it? There is Siora (the person in charge) on the crew to help me manage it. In fact, there is no shortage of manpower."

After hearing this address, Raven's hands trembled slightly, and Yae Shenzi also thought of something, but Xiao Chen's matter was more important in front of her, and she showed a crying expression at the moment, and said: "You think so Chase me away?"

"No, I just think that this company is your painstaking effort, because it's a pity that my business has been abandoned." Xiao Chen scratched his head and said.

"Really? Then are you going to want this company?" Yae Shenzi said suddenly, making Xiao Chen slightly stunned, and said: "What do I want your company for? Besides, what do I want your company for? "

"As long as the two of us get married, this company is considered the joint property of the husband and wife. Isn't this company yours?" Yae Miko added with a smile, "It's not yours, I I don’t feel sorry at all.”

"You also have to care about yourself more or less." Xiao Chen said as he poked his head over and blushed slightly.

"I've said it before, I don't feel sorry for things that aren't yours."

It's too cunning for you to say that... Xiao Chen looked at the smiling Yae Shenzi and his heart was slightly shaken.

Seeing that the molesting was almost done, Yae Kamito thought of what happened before, and said.

"By the way, you just said one by one Hiora? Is it the surname of the person in charge?"

Saying that, Yae Kamito glanced at the raven beside him.

"That's really a coincidence, I just met someone with this last name today..."

229 Xiao Chen, because you are the ↗corrosion↘lawer↗↘

229 Xiao Chen, because you are the ↗corrosion↘lawer↗↘

"Oh? Who? Is it the same surname as the person in charge?" Xiao Chen turned his head and asked the person in charge beside him, "Would that person be your sister?"

Xiao Chen has not yet realized that Raven is the sister of the person in charge, after all, the difference in appearance between the two is too great.No matter from the perspective of genetics or the perspective of atmosphere, there is no similarity at all.

He didn't think Raven was the younger sister mentioned by the person in charge.

However, he recognized the person in front of him as Raven.

Although Raven changed into home clothes at Yae Shenzi's house, and the tights-like clothes during the battle are completely different, but the short gray hair and red eyes... There are still such 'big' changes, still Let him recognize it as a raven at a glance.

The face of the jackal on the other side was a little embarrassed, after all, she was the one who turned the raven into this look...

Originally, she couldn't remember the small role of Raven's brother, but after being eroded, her memory was strengthened.She also thought of Brother Raven's appearance, if he grows up, he will probably look like the person in charge now.

Hearing that Xiao Chen's question had been transferred to the Jackal, the person in charge suddenly felt that the Jackal looked familiar, very similar to the masked guy who took his sister away...

At that moment, he took out a mask from his bosom, which was the mask of the jackal that he had made based on his memory, in order to find his sister from the jackal...

Immediately, he put the mask in front of himself and compared it with the Jackal's face shape.

Although the jackal has been transformed by Yae Kamito, she has hidden the pair of animal ears, which is actually the same as before.

After confirming that the appearance of the jackal wearing the mask is exactly the same as in memory, the person in charge suddenly said a little excitedly: "You are the one who took my sister away! Where is my sister now?"

The person in charge was so excited that he almost rushed forward, Xiao Chen subconsciously grabbed the person in charge, before he could make a move.

Raven, who had endured by the side for a long time, suddenly punched his brother in the face, and said, "My brother won't fail to recognize me!"


No matter what lawyer you are!How dare you pretend to be your brother in front of me!Then I must...

Before Raven finished uttering the cruel words in her heart, she was slightly taken aback by the real sense of shock and the blood drawn from her fist.

Originally thought that the elder brother in front of her was just a fantasy, but unexpectedly there was a real existence, and the blood on the fist made her a little more awake...

However, she still thought she was in an illusion.

After his body paused, just when he was about to attack again, Xiao Chen took a step faster.

I saw him catching Raven's fist and pulling her wrist with ingenuity, and gently flicked her behind him to pull her away.

Who is Xiao Chen?It can withstand the full embrace of the Kaslana family, and the raven loses weight instantly with just a light flick.

After pulling Raven over, Xiao Chen grabbed her back with the other hand, and said, "Calm down first."

"How do you tell me to calm down, you..." Just as Raven was about to speak the word Herrscher, Yae Shenzi's eyes froze, and she lost all her strength in an instant.

Xiao Chen looked at the Raven who suddenly lost the ability to resist, and let out a sigh of relief, then looked at the person in charge who fell unconscious on the ground and smashed his tongue, and said: "Who of you look at her? I will take the person in charge Do some simple healing."

Hearing the words, Jackal immediately ran over to help Xiao Chen suppress the incapacitated Raven. Xiao Chen picked up the person in charge who fell on the ground, and said to Raven before going out: "I don't know what happened between you brothers and sisters. But he has always wanted you to be happy...and never gave up looking for you. In order to let you rest assured when we meet, he has always tried his best to pretend to be very happy."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen opened the door and walked away, and treated the person in charge with the simple medical equipment in the Yae Shen subsidiary company.

Fortunately, although Raven's body has been transformed to far surpass ordinary people, it still can't show its strength near Xiao Chen. The person in charge knew that he passed out and did not receive too much damage.

After Xiao Chen left, Yae Shenzi looked at Raven with sharp eyes, and said, "Why are you suddenly so crazy?"

"I don't care what you guys do to me! But you shouldn't! How dare you pretend to be my brother to lie to me!"

"What does your brother look like? The person in charge is your brother's business. I also feel very surprised. I didn't expect that the boy Xiao Chen rescued casually can be regarded as a half-plot character... Should I say it's a coincidence? Or is it fate? " Yae Shenzi opened his mouth to think of something and continued.

"Oh? You seem to think that Xiao Chen is the Herrscher of Knowledge, right? Don't you think that we are your brother's fantasy to deceive you? Heh..."

Yae Shenzi let out a mocking laugh, and said: "Then have you ever thought about it, if Xiao Chen is really the Herrscher of Knowledge, why did he just show you his brother's fantasy? Why didn't you just replace your brother's appearance How about becoming yourself? Wouldn’t it be easier to control it? For the Herrscher of Knowledge, it’s a breeze to do this kind of thing.”

Raven was slightly taken aback when he heard Yae Shenzi's explanation, and suddenly realized that what Yae Shenzi said was the truth.

The Herrscher of Knowledge can not only manipulate things you see, but can even manipulate memory, your personality.

It is not difficult to replace your brother with memory with another person. If you really use your ability, she will not notice it at all...

Yae Shenzi was also very angry that Raven almost revealed Xiao Chen's identity, so he continued to taunt.

"No, you don't even need your brother's memory to make a fuss. If the Herrscher of Knowledge wants to control a person, you have no way to resist."

"However, you have one crucial mistake, Xiao Chen is not the Herrscher of Knowledge at all..."

Raven:? ? ?

Raven was a little puzzled when he heard the words: "Then what is your ability to control the jackal?"

"I just used the power of erosion to make some small changes to her. Xiao Chen is the herrscher of erosion. You remember to tell the other people in the world snake about this, so don't make such an oolong again. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you will become like a jackal~"

There is no need for Yae Shenzi to lie to himself on this point. At this time, Raven has already reacted, and said in a trembling voice: "Then, then I really hit my brother?"


230 I will swear loyalty to Xiao Chen!

230 I will swear loyalty to Xiao Chen!

On the other side, Xiao Chen brought the person in charge to the infirmary of Yae Shen's subsidiary company.

In this regard, Yae Shenzi is still very concerned about employees, and there is a place for employees to rest when they are sick.

There is also a medical kit and some medicines in the medical room, as well as some bandages.

Xiao Chen helped the person in charge deal with it a little bit, but luckily the person in charge is also considered strong.

After being punched by the raven, his face was only a little swollen, and he just passed out in a coma.

After some handling by Xiao Chen, the person in charge quickly woke up, stretched out his hand and said in a trembling voice.

"Director, I seem to dream that I saw my sister."

If Xiao Chen also heard the trembling voice of the raven, he would definitely complain, whether the trembling of the brother and sister was inherited from the ancestors.

"If it's not a misunderstanding, I think you probably really saw your sister." Sitting by the bed, Xiao Chen said.

"Really? Just pinch me and let me see if I'm dreaming." The person in charge got up from the bed excitedly and said.

"I've never heard of such a strange request." Xiao Chen took out the medicine bottle and waited until the person in charge's face was swollen, and the other party exclaimed suddenly.

"It hurts!" In addition to the pain, he said excitedly: "It will hurt! That means I'm not dreaming."

Xiao Chen looked at the excited person in charge and shook his head helplessly. Although he always wanted a younger sister, he still couldn't understand the current state of the person in charge.

The person in charge, who was still extremely excited, lay down again like a salted fish for some reason, and showed an expression of lovelessness.

"Aren't you very happy to meet your sister? What's the matter?" Xiao Chen asked a little speechlessly.

"I didn't recognize her the first time! No wonder she is angry! She must have recognized me to be so angry!" The person in charge said with a frustrated expression.

"Ah, it's not your fault at all." Xiao Chen thought of Raven's appearance, and said, "But no one can see that the two of you are related by blood."

"Director! You don't understand! The bond between family members does not require eyesight!"

"I think only e-sports don't need eyesight..."

Hearing the fallacy of the person in charge, Xiao Chen complained, and said.

"Ahhh, what should I do?! I finally met my sister and made her angry! Can you vent her anger by beating me?"

"Are you shaking m? Calm down, I think there is some misunderstanding between you?" Xiao Chen said very sharply.

"How is it possible? She must be angry because I didn't recognize her!" The person in charge said decisively, but soon stopped, and said with a sad face: "What do you think she will forgive me?" What about me? Reverend Xiao, please help me!"


At the same time, the same scene played out in Yae Miko's office.

"Master Yae Shenzi! Big sister! Help me! I punched my brother suddenly! He must be very angry now! How can I explain it to him!"

Seeing Raven's sad look, Yae Shenzi felt a lot better, sat on the sofa with a satisfied face and said, "I can't help you, I'm just an apostle of the Herrscher, how could you be in the same boat as me? "

"Woooo~~~ I don't hate Herrscher anymore! Even if you turn me into a jackal, it's fine!" Raven hugged Yae Shenzi's thigh and said.

"It's about your brothers and sisters, what can we outsiders say..." Yae Shenzi turned his face away and said, seeing Raven's disappointed expression from the corner of his eyes, and said: "Unless Xiao Chen can help you talk about it. "

"Xiao Chen?" Raven was slightly taken aback when he heard Xiao Chen's name, and said.

"Yes, at the beginning it was Xiao Chen who personally saved your brother from the bad guys, gave him a job, and taught him survival skills. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Xiao Chen had the grace of saving your brother's life and rebuilding it, if not If Xiao Chen said it, your brother would have frozen to death somewhere long ago. To your brother, what Xiao Chen said is like an imperial decree. If he can help you explain clearly and believe your brother, you won’t be angry. "

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