What Yae Shenzi said was the truth, although the last sentence of the imperial decree was a little... From Xiao Chen's attitude of treating the person in charge as a tool, it seems that it is not an exaggeration.

In fact, when encountering difficulties, he would ask Xiao Chen for help immediately.

Raven recalled how Xiao Chen stood up when he beat his brother, and what he had said to her before leaving... Adding what Yae Shenzi said just now, his affection for Xiao Chen instantly soared in his heart.

It's just that her expression was still a little hesitant, and she said, "But I seemed to have made him angry just now."

"Then go and ask him to forgive you."

"But what do I do exactly?"

"Is this body of yours a display?" Yae Kamito gently lifted Raven's lower hemisphere with his feet, and said, "You are a mercenary, what do men look like, do you need me to tell you? Or, Can't you let go of your figure?"

"No! Xiao Chen's kindness to my brother! Even if I use my own life to repay it, it's not too much!"

Raven raised her head and said in an excited voice, but her voice became quieter in the middle of the sentence, and said: "It's just... I really don't have experience with men, so I don't know how to do this kind of thing. I don't know what to do Xiao Chen will like me..."

Things I don't even know!How do you know that!Besides!I haven't forgiven you yet!

Yae Shenzi rolled his eyes, and said in a fit of anger, "Recognize your identity! Raven! What you need is not Xiao Chen's love! Xiao Chen will not pour any affection on you! What you need is Loyalty to Xiao Chen!"

"Loyalty?" Raven murmured.

"Yes, your brother assists him in his work on the bright side, and you have to help him deal with all the things that are not good for him in the dark! You have to help him solve all problems! Offering your body is just a way to express your loyalty! Don't expect Xiao Chen will pour any emotion into you! You will be Xiao Chen’s dog from today on! Do whatever your master asks you to do! If your master doesn’t do anything, you have to find a way to please him! If you can’t even do this Then don’t talk about reconciling with your brother!”

You almost revealed Xiao Chen's identity!

Yae Kamiko is very vengeful in this regard...

However, she would definitely refuse such an outrageous request, right?

Let go after scaring her a few times.

After all, the identity of Xiao Chen's pet has always been...

"Ok, I see!"

"I will swear loyalty to Xiao Chen!"

Yae Shenzi:? ? ?

Is this child a little sick?I say so!She actually agreed? !

"Or, are you thinking about it?"

231 Your XP system is so weird

231 Your XP system is so weird

I just said it casually, why is she serious?

No, why are people robbing the status of pets now?

She doesn't care how many people Xiao Chen likes... But she can only have her as a pet!As for Xiao Chen's xp, it can be said that no one knows better than her!

She knows exactly where and what type of notebook he bought in Jidong before!

Xiao Chen as the Herrscher of Restraint!His favorite book is the restraint system!It's just that the taste can't be too heavy, at most it's wearing a collar, with a little accent... The plot of education, this level... Xiao Chen is obviously a very kind person!There is such an XP!It must be the influence of the Herrscher's power on him!Although the consciousness of collapse cannot distort his spirit!But twisted his xp!

Collapse consciousness:? ? ?

Yae Kamiko thinks that only she can satisfy Xiao Chen's xp!The other little girls would definitely not agree with Xiao Chen's way of playing!So some have nothing to fear!

Unexpectedly, she finally met a real opponent today!

The scariest thing is that this opponent created it all by herself... Maybe I created some terrible monster?

Yae Shenzi looked at Raven's firm spirit, and asked tentatively.

"Are you...are you thinking about it?"

Raven said resolutely: "Don't think about it! Please treat me casually! I've already made up my mind!"

What awareness? ? ?I say whatever I want!Don't take it seriously!

Yae Miko jumped up in a little panic, then thought of something, gritted his teeth, and took out the collar that he had treasured for many years from his pocket.

This collar was once Xiao Chen's first gift to himself.

After Xiao Chen thought she was dead, he bought it together in the soil, she was reluctant to dig it out on the same day and kept it... Now she still carries this collar with her, which shows how precious she is.

She had been expecting that Xiao Chen would bring this thing around his neck again, just like bringing her a ring...

But today, in order to fight against a strong enemy!She had to take out this thing full of precious memories!

It's about to make the raven retreat in the face of difficulties!

Yae Kamiko held the collar tremblingly with one hand, forced her voice to sound normal, and said.

"Since you have made up your mind, and if you sincerely swear to him, then wear this collar."

Hehehe... such an insulting thing!Even in human form, I feel my heart beat... Ah, no!It's a shame!

Can you pass this level? !

Can you bear this humiliation as a cadre dominating the world?

Surrender obediently and say no!

Surrender now and I can barely make you a member of the back!

Yae Shenzi seems to have forgotten one thing, he is also the boss in his own company, and he is also domineering... Although Raven is a cadre in the world, he basically works for others and is called around.

Raven took the collar without hesitation, and said, "Is it all right to just wear this?"


Yae Kamiko stared blankly at the collar he had dropped... How many years has it been?Collars that never come off your hands except in the wash.

Finally left my side today...

The things I brought with me, the precious items full of memories between me and Xiao Chen, are just given away by me? ? ?

When Raven was about to put the collar around his neck, Yae Shenzi snatched the collar back and said, "No! You are still unqualified!"

"Why! Did I do something wrong?" Raven asked with a puzzled expression.

"The collar is the same as the ring, it is only meaningful for others to wear it for you! What kind of soul are you wearing like this! If you really want to swear loyalty to Xiao Chen, then let him wear it for you in person!" Said with righteous words on his face, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Luckily the collar survived.

Collar and ring the same?What are your values?

The Jackal, who was watching the farce beside the raven, complained in his heart.

Then she heard Raven speak like this, saying.

"Please give me this chance! My brother's business is mine! What my brother can't repay! Then let me, the younger sister, pay for it instead of my brother!"

This sick person is unclear...

Listening to Raven's speech, Yae Kamito gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

Damn it, now that things have come to an end, she can only be ruthless to make her quit!

Since she did it for her brother!Then I will let her regard Xiao Chen as the number one!

At that moment, Yae Shenzi frowned and said: "No! Unqualified! As a pet! There is nothing more important than the owner! Not even my own brother! I don't admit it! What if one day your brother betrayed Xiao Chen? What do you do? Do you also want to face your brother?"

Raven was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a troubled expression: "Then I will kill my brother with my own hands! I am committing suicide!"


Yae Shenzi: "???"

This child is seriously ill...

"Don't make a mistake! Your life is also Xiao Chen's! Even if your brother is dead! You have to work with her!"


By the way, didn't I want to apologize to my brother?Why did it develop like this?

Forget it, now that it has been decided!The process and result are not important... I am already very happy to see that my brother is still alive and living a happy life!Brother is Xiao Chen's subordinate!Xiao Chen's happiness is his brother's happiness!

The other side... To be precise, it was the room with another wall. Kiana, Rita, Ulandelle, and Shiyu Qiluo were leaning against the wall and listening to the situation next door.

Although the soundproofing of this room is very good, the sound of the door opening can still be heard.

Although everyone didn't know why Xiao Chen left suddenly, they all stuck to the wall to hear what happened.

But the sound insulation effect of this room is really good, the four of them couldn't hear clearly, only heard a few words intermittently.

Xiao Chen, collar, put it on.

That's how Qiyana understood... Xiao Chen wants to put a collar on Sister Yae Kamito?So he likes this tune?Should I buy it too?

But Youlandelle and Qiyana understood exactly the opposite... She thought of Mother Xiao asking her to take the initiative.

It turns out that's what my mother told me to take the initiative!

Does Xiao Chen like being put on a collar?Although I don't have any hobbies in this area, if it's Xiao Chen, I can do it too!

232 Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth · Mebius!

232 Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth · Mebius!

After dealing with the raven for a long time without letting her give up on that idea, Yae Miko finally saw the green crystal on the table before remembering about Mebius. She had been placed on the table for a long time.

Fortunately, Mebius in the crystal can't perceive the outside world, otherwise I would lose my adulthood... I didn't expect that I, Yae Shenzi I, would lose my fame to a little girl today!

However, Xiao Chen probably would not agree to Raven's request.

Let Raven go to Xiao Chen's side to bump into a wall...

At the moment, Yae Shenzi waved his hand when he was no longer entangled with Raven, and said.

"Forget it, you go to Xiao Chen first, I will go to the laboratory to find the shadow resurrection Mebius first. Remember that you will still be a member of the World Snake, as long as you tell Mebius what you know truthfully That's fine! Compared to me, an outsider, she may believe the words of your World Snake member more."

"I see!"

Yae Kamito glanced at Raven, then took Mebius's crystal, and went with Jackal to the laboratory that Lei Movie had built before...

On the other side, the person in charge asked Xiao Chen for help, how to reconcile with his sister, Xiao Chen put on a pair of dead fish eyes and said: "This is a matter of your family, how can you let me intervene alone?"

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