"But I can't help it! Come more Chen!" The person in charge said while lying on the bed and hugging Xiao Chen's thigh.

"Stop, stop, stop! Don't disgust me! I'll help you! Can't I help you!" Xiao Chen was disgusted by his actions, and said immediately.

"Okay!" The person in charge jumped up from the bed happily when he heard Xiao Chen agreeing to his request, and said.

"Although I decided to help you, how do I do it? I don't know what your sister likes..."

In fact, it’s not that I don’t know... If your sister is really Raven, then she will definitely like money and the villa island, but the cost of these two things is too high, Xiao Chen can’t just ask the person in charge to give Raven a villa island. island?

"What's the point? With your good looks! Wouldn't that woman have a good impression of you?"

"It's true..."

For the person in charge's compliment, Xiao Chen accepted it very humbly, and nodded in agreement.

Then he suddenly reacted, and said with some doubts: "You don't mean to want me to get close to your sister, and then brush up her favorability, and then help you mediate between the two as your own family?"

"Yes! That's what I mean!" The person in charge nodded and said, "As long as we become a family, wouldn't it be convenient for you to intervene!"


Then you are really a little genius!


On the other side of the base, Gray Snake has been waiting here for a long time.

After seeing the appearance of Yae Shenzi and Jackal at the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief amidst the surprise, and said, "So you are fine, Jackal."

"He's not dead yet." The jackal said according to Yae Kamito's haughty look.

Gray Snake said indifferently.

"I know you have a grudge against the fact that I didn't rescue you in the first place, but you have to know what the first goal of snakes in our world is, and all sacrifices to achieve this goal are worth it..."

"Okay." Upon seeing this, Yae Kamito waved his hand and said, "You can solve the internal affairs of your world snakes yourself. The most important thing now is to resurrect Mebius... isn't it?"

"You are right." Gray Snake nodded and said.

"Where's Shadow?" Yae Shenzi asked.

"If you say mei... Dr. Ying, she is now eating tricolor dumplings in the laboratory." Gray Snake coughed a few times and said.

This guy doesn't think Ying is a copy of Mei, does he?

Yae Shenzi complained in his heart, and continued.

"As expected of her to eat in that environment..."

After glancing at the crystal in his hand, Yae Kamiko said, "Let's go to her for final adjustments. I don't know if the connection between the nervous system and the Herrscher crystal I made will be smooth..."

The process of resurrecting Mebius was a little more difficult than Joyce, but at the same time a little easier.

At least Mebius has only one consciousness, and there is no need for a Herrscher of Knowledge to make a collection of 30 people into one personality.

Mebius's body is mainly a technical problem, and it is also the first time that Lei Movie has tried to make a doll in this world.

Honkai energy is also the first contact.

Although the erosion that Honkai can bring has been offset by Xiao Chen's erosion power, it is still unknown whether the body made of this fresh material can be used or not.

The first choice to resurrect Mebius is also to have a reliable scientist if something goes wrong.

Yae Kamiko is not likely to expose this technology to Otto, after all, with the character of that avatar madman.

After learning this technique, you may not know what you will make.

Yae Miko felt that he still had to be careful.

But Mebius is different. After all, she is just a memory.She just needs to use the crystal she gave her and use the body that Ying made for her!That's like being pinched seven inches by them...!If there is anything, it is also convenient to handle!

Then the three of them came to Lei Film's laboratory or the workshop for making dolls.

Shadow was eating the three-color dumpling on the plate just as Gray Snake said, and beside her lay a green-haired girl.

The body of Mebius made by Kokage according to the data given by Yae Miko, looks and feels indistinguishable from a real person.

The material used to make this body is also the Honkai Beast that is close to the shape of a snake, and the material is naturally responsible for the material.

Although this body is not as good as the body between Mebius and can be sloughed off, it is worse than it can be replaced.

In terms of combat power, it is probably only an ordinary A-level Valkyrie.

This is pretty good for Kage's first work made with Honkai. Of course, Yae Miko also deliberately said not to add too many combat functions, so Kage made some basic functions.Jing focused on strengthening the functions Yae Shenzi cares about the most, durability and flexibility, and also the unique physiological needs of human beings...

Fortunately, Ying didn't know the concept of dolls. Of course, it might be because she didn't think about it.

"Have you brought your heart?"

Shadow asked.

The heart in her mouth is naturally the consciousness of Mebius.

As long as the crystal is placed on Mebius's chest, this body will activate.

"Of course." Yae Kamito raised the green Ouroboros crystal in his hand and said, "Let's start..."

233 Mebius: What did you do to my body!

233 Mebius: What did you do to my body!

"You and the jackal go out first."

Before installing Mebius' consciousness into his body, Yae Kamito turned to Gray Snake and Jackal.

"I don't want any external factors to interfere with the process of resurrecting Dr. Mebius."

Gray Snake obviously hesitated, but still nodded and left without saying anything.The jackal didn't go so straightforwardly. Before he was about to go out, he turned his head and glanced at the laboratory stage.

It's not how loyal she is to Mebius, it's just that as a researcher, she is very curious about how to connect consciousness to artificial life forms.

Even though she is loyal to Yae Shenzi in her heart, her curiosity cannot be erased.

After all, as the subordinate apostle of the Herrscher of Corrosion, the person she is really loyal to is Xiao Chen, but Yae Shenzi, as her superior, has certain control over her.

After the two left, Yae Kamiko and Lei Xing moved to the side of Mebius' body.

Yae Kamito carefully inspected every corner of Mebius's body, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You haven't forgotten the characteristics I asked you to set before, have you?"

"Is the skin sensitive and resistant to temperature?" Lei Movie thought of Yae Shenzi's previous instructions, and asked with some doubts: "This body uses a huge snake-shaped Houkai beast as its material, which is very sensitive to temperature. Far lower than ordinary humans. I can understand that you want me to use high temperature resistant skin, but what is the purpose of setting the skin to be more sensitive when exposed to high temperature? This setting will only affect thinking in battle."

But it might be more refreshing when dripping candles...

"Cough, cough..." Yae Shenzi coughed a few times, and said, "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, anyway, the purpose of being her is not to fight."

Then, she asked again, said.

"What about other aspects besides the skin?"

"I tried to keep the setting that the body will become smaller after being injured. As for what you said, try to keep the habit of the snake... Although I don't have any special reservations, I originally used snakes as the material for designing the body. I want to use it. Those who are still affected will definitely be affected...ah, but I added a limiter according to your request." Lei Movie asked a little puzzled: "Since you have to keep it, why do you want to add a limit?"

I'm afraid Xiao Chen won't be able to hold it... After all, the stamina of a snake can last a whole night.

"You don't have to worry about this."

Mebius:? ? ?

What the hell have you done to my body? !

"Ah, there is one more thing I want to say in advance." Lei Movie thought of something, and said, "Isn't the place we are going to be very cold? This body retains the characteristics of a snake as you said, so yes Cold resistance is weak."

"Although it will not hibernate directly like ordinary snakes. But in cold places, actions and thinking will still become sluggish, and they will instinctively pursue warm things."

Thinking becomes slow!It's not good that Mebius is too smart!As for the instinctive pursuit of warm things, that would be even better!I saw a mischievous smile on the face of Yae Shenzi, and said.

"Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake? A farmer picked up a frozen snake in winter."

Before Yae Shenzi could finish speaking, Lei Movie asked, "Then put the snake in the wine jar to make wine?"


"Sorry, but you know I don't like snakes."

Lei Movie spread his hands and said.

"No, I'm going to talk about another version." Yae Miko shook his head and said, "The farmer put the snake in his arms to keep warm. After the snake woke up, it thanked the farmer very much and gave him a bite in return."


Lei Movie asked a little puzzled: "What kind of reward is this? And isn't what you are telling the original story?"


"What's the difference?"

"The motivation and the way the two snakes bite are different."


Yae Shenzi looked at Lei Yingying's pure eyes and shook his head, decided in his heart that this innocence should be broken by Xiao Chen himself, and immediately said: "If the adjustment is completed, then let's start, don't let outsiders wait too long. long time."

"Aren't you the one who wants to talk nonsense?" Lei Movie complained, then took the crystal from Yae Kamito and put it on Mebius's chest.

The green crystal with the Ouroboros ornament was directly absorbed by the body the moment it touched Mebius' chest.

After absorbing the crystal, Mebius's body showed marks similar to stigmata, and at the same time, pink blood vessels similar to those corroded by Houkai energy appeared.At the same time, a struggling expression appeared on his face, as if his consciousness was adapting to this new body.

Even though this body is tailor-made for Mobius, there will inevitably be some rejection reactions when the consciousness enters the new body.

However, fortunately, Mebius had considered using other people's bodies to leave the paradise before.So the repulsion didn't last long.

She quickly adapted to the body she had made for herself.

I saw Mebius lying on the laboratory table, his eyelids blinked a few times, his head shook slightly, his fingers kept grasping and releasing...

Finally, Mebius' body stopped shaking, and he climbed up from the laboratory table like a person who just woke up, and asked in confusion, "Where am I?"

During the fusion of consciousness and body, her memory blurred for a moment.

It was like a person who just woke up. After Mebius gradually woke up, she recalled what happened in the paradise of the past.

There is also the promise Xiao Chen left before he left.

Let him answer the last question himself in reality.

That's right!This time, she must let Xiao Chen admit that she is more beautiful than that woman Alicia!

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