
At this time, Xiao Chen hadn't realized the crisis he was about to face.

Although he rejected the person in charge's request to let him use the beauty trick, he still agreed to help the person in charge look at the situation at Raven's side and try to explain the situation to her.

It's just that he didn't know about the departure of Yae Shenzi and Jackal, and thought that the three of them were in the office and felt that with Yae Shenzi and Raven, the atmosphere would not be too awkward.

At the moment Xiao Chen didn't think much about it, he just opened the door and walked in.

After seeing that Raven was the only one in the room, he was stunned for a moment, his body stiffened for a moment, and his heart suddenly began to back down, but he felt a little sloppy and elegant when he opened the door and walked straight away.

At the moment, he still bite the bullet and made it to the opposite side of Raven...

234 Can Alicia Do This Kind of Thing!?

234 Can Alicia Do This Kind of Thing!?

After Xiao Chen reached the opposite side of Raven.

This awkward atmosphere lasted for a few seconds before Xiao Chen said: "Your brother is fine, he just fainted, and he has woken up now."

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Raven breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew how strong she was, ordinary people would definitely not be able to bear such a punch, her brother must be able to get punched by her because of Xiao Chen's side, right?

In a sense, the person in charge's resistance to blows really has something to do with Xiao Chen. This is something he trained when he was a stand-in actor...

Xiao Chen observed her reaction and continued to ask: "I don't know how much dissatisfaction you have with your brother in your heart, but you don't want to hit someone directly, right?"

Raven's face also turned red when she heard that, of course she didn't want to hit her brother, but who made her believe Gray Snake's nonsense.

The person who thought Xiao Chen was the law of consciousness punched fantasy indiscriminately... It's just that this matter can be explained to anyone, but Xiao Chen can't explain it.

The matter about Herrscher and Beng Huai was strictly told to Xiao Chen. He had already made a mistake once, and he couldn't make a second mistake, so he could only turn his head away and keep silent.

Seeing that Raven didn't answer what he meant, Xiao Chen sighed in his heart, and didn't continue to ask, and said: "It's fine if you don't want to talk, let's talk about the business. What does Yae Shenzi want you to see me?" Wouldn't she introduce other people to me for no reason?"

"I was the editor who came here before, and because I was born in Siberia, Yae Miko-sama wanted me to shoot with you."

This setting was something they had discussed a long time ago, so Raven quickly answered Xiao Chen's question.

"Oh." Xiao Chen nodded, and then asked: "However, if you want to work under my hands, you must have contact with your brother. Can you control yourself not to make another move?"

"No problem!" Raven said firmly.

At the same time secretly said in the heart.

Yae Kamito-sama is right!Being by Xiao Chen's side is indeed the best way to reconcile with brother!

Xiao Chen was also a little surprised that Raven could answer so quickly, and immediately asked: "Although Yae Shenzi introduced you, I also want to ask you what you are good at so that I can arrange a job for you."

Hearing this, Raven leaned forward slightly, and said.

"As long as it is your order, I will do it no matter what, please use me as you like."

Yae Shenzi Dangerous!


On the other side, Yae Shenzi didn't know that Raven had already made contact with Xiao Chen, she looked at the awakened Mebius and said.

"Tell me, three two one, one two three, [ahh——] hurry up."


Mebius looked at Yae Kamiko in front of him and slowly put out a question mark, saying, "Do you treat me like a child?"

After finishing speaking, she looked around, and finally fell on Yae Shenzi and Lei Movie, and complained in her heart.

Why are these two people so similar to Mei and Sakura?

Could it be that the little doll revived the two of them before me?

But there shouldn't be Dr. Mei's memory in Paradise of the Past, right?

At that moment, Mebius looked at the two and asked, "What is this place? Who are you?"

"Master Mebius, you are finally awake."

Yae Kamito looked at Mebius and said.

"Master Mebius? You are from the last era... No, I haven't seen you in the last era. You know me from this era... right?"

Mebius thought of something and said, "I am still alive in this world, right?"

As expected of the creator of Gray Snake, this kind of brain-replenishing ability is beyond compare. I didn't say anything, and you have already been brain-replenishing.

So, people, sometimes it’s not good to be too smart,

As the saying goes, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. The smarter the person, the more he will fall into the trap set by himself...

No, these words seem to be scolding me...

The thing like the raven just happened, so the things that Yae Kamito summed up just now seemed extraordinarily mocking.

"However, you have disappeared in this main world for 500 years." Yae Shenzi said.

"I disappeared in the main world for 500 years?"

Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Mebius started to brainstorm again, and said, "That means that I am not in the main world now, but trapped somewhere outside the world? And you are the one I met outside the world. People...or creations! Right!"

"Yes, that's right." Yae Miko pretended to look at Mebius with an expression of admiration.

At least Mebius guessed that she came from outside the world...

Mebius was immersed in the superiority of his IQ while enjoying the eyes of Yae Shenzi's worship.

As expected of me!He actually guessed the reality of the situation with just a few words!

Can Alicia do this kind of thing!

"But who is that person over there who looks so similar to Mei?" Mebius shifted his gaze to Lei Movie, and said.

"This person is also from the same world as me, but it just happens to look a little bit like Dr. Mei. Your resurrected body was also prepared by her technology. Her name is Lei Movie, and my name is Yae Shenzi... " Yae Kamito explained to Mebius, and then gave an introduction to himself and Ying respectively.

Mebius did not fully believe what Yae Kamiko said, but began to think seriously.

A little bit like Dr. Mei?There are also such super high-tech means that can create a body similar to a fusion warrior... Is there really such a coincidence in this world?

Could she have secretly cloned Dr. Mei's gene that I kept?

Anyway!Don't let Kevin know about this!

It's a pity that Mebius misinterpreted the only truth Yae Kamito told...

"Thank you, Ying, I am very satisfied with this body." Mebius thanked Ying.

"As long as you are satisfied."

Just don't ask me to return the product if you find out something is wrong afterwards.

I still have a lot to do.

Such as reading light novels and eating tricolor meatballs...

For some functions that Yae Shenzi asked her to add, Lei Movie was slightly guilty.

"Okay, let's end the gossip." Mebius waved his hand, and immediately went straight to the topic: "You all called me out just to restrain the Herrscher, but before I solve him, I have a question. ask him……"

solve?You don't seem to understand something, Dr. Mebius...

A smile appeared on Yae Miko's face.

235 The Herrscher of Restraint is Not to be Feared!

235 The Herrscher of Restraint is Not to be Feared!

"Unfortunately, Dr. Mebius, we didn't call you out to fight the Herrscher." Yae Kamito shook his head and said.

"Didn't you all come to me because of the power of the Herrscher, and you felt helpless because you couldn't use the Houkai energy?" Mebius sat on the table and asked with some doubts.

Regarding the battle between the last era and the Herrscher of Restraint, they should also be recorded in a certain ruin.

They should know that I can perform a surgery that will allow the Fusion Warrior limited movement under the Divine Barrier.

Without that method, it would be impossible to defeat the Herrscher of Restraint.

It can be said that this operation is one of the necessary prerequisites for defeating the Herrscher of Constraints, without this transformation operation everything is empty talk.

Mebius' idea is a way for people at this time to fight against the Herrscher of Restraint, and realize that Mebius-sama, who is both beautiful and wise, is an indispensable and important person in order to fight against the Herrscher of Restriction, so Did you just find Yae Shenzi who resurrected me?

"But in fact, we can still use the Houkai energy." Yae Kamito said as a matter of course that a flash of light from the Houkai energy flashed in his hand.


Mebius showed a surprised expression when he saw Yae Kamito using the Houkai energy, although he reacted and said: "This is not covered by the enchantment of divine grace, of course you can use the Houkai energy."

It must be because of this!Only she can use the Honkai energy!Otherwise, without her transformation surgery, how could normal creatures be exposed to the enchantment of divine grace?

No one knows the enchantment of divine grace better than me!

Yae Shenzi looked at the other party's unwillingness to give up and shook his head, and said: "Then please take a look at this..."

Saying that, Yae Shenzi handed over the previous nearby Houkai energy data and the Houkai energy data under Xiao Chen's envelope to Mebius.

Mebius frowned and looked at the data in front of him, his brows relaxed for a moment, and he spoke.

"So that's it. The Herrscher of Constraint in this era is really interesting."

"Under his weakened version of the enchantment of divine grace, ordinary life forms and energy will not be affected, only the Houkai energy will be restricted to a certain extent."

"That's why you were able to use the Houkai energy just now."

"This enchantment really doesn't use the surgery I did before, and even if I use it, it won't have any effect."

"However, relatively speaking, ordinary fusion fighters can also step into the barrier, but it will be weakened to a great extent."

"Before, I was still thinking about why the Herrscher of Constraint in the Paradise didn't use the enchantment that he was best at. It turned out that it was because he couldn't use the complete enchantment of grace, and he didn't want us to see through his weaknesses, so he bluffed?"

I thought that after I came out, there would be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect the situation to be easier than I imagined!if it is like this!This Herrscher of Restraint is nothing to be afraid of!

Mebius thought to himself.

Yae Shenzi:?

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