"However, why is the Herrscher of Restraint so weak in this century? He can't even release a complete barrier of divine grace. There must be some reason."

If Otto and Walter heard Mebius' evaluation, they would definitely laugh out loud.

It’s not really surprising that Mebius thinks this way, she’s already smart enough, it’s just because she really wants to be too cruel...

After all, who would have thought that a Herrscher would fight against Honkai while limiting his own strength without knowing the existence of Honkai.

Yae Miko just showed her the Houkai energy under restraint and the Houkai energy without restraint. She could only analyze these points through those data.

In this regard, Yae was still very afraid of Mebius, and did not directly show Mebius the analysis diagram of Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine grace.

After all, the essence of Xiao Chen's enchantment is to devour the Honkai energy in the enchantment, and suppress the Houkai beasts and dead soldiers in the enchantment by the way.

If Mebius were allowed to see the analysis diagram of Destiny, maybe he could really research something, the method to break Xiao Chen's enchantment.

Yae Kamito also followed Mebius's words and continued to speak: "You are right, the incomplete barrier is because...the Herrscher of Restraint in this era has not fully awakened."

"Not fully awakened? The Herrscher who appeared in the paradise is...?" Mebius asked with some doubts.

"Probably the result of the fusion of Herrscher of Corrosion and his unconscious remnants."

Yae Shenzi replied.

"Oh, yes, there is also the Herrscher of Corrosion..." Mebius realized the seriousness of the matter again after hearing the words Herrscher of Corrosion, and said.

"Constraint and erosion...it happens to be these two forces."

"Even if it is an incompletely awakened Herrscher of Restraint, humans in this era cannot kill him at will."

"In the last era, it was a fluke that trapped the Herrscher of Corrosion. I don't know if I can have such good luck this time..."

Mebius said with drooping eyes, thinking non-stop.

"Besides, if the Herrscher of Constraint is killed, what about the judgment of the Herrscher of Corrosion? If the powers of the Herrs of Corrosion and the Herrs of Constraint are completely fused, and they escape into the online world..."

"The one who fully awakens the Herrscher of Infringement will become the most difficult enemy."

Mebius also realized the seriousness, and said, "Who made the Herrscher of Constraint come into contact with the Herrscher of Corrosion?"

it's me~

Yae Shenzi acted cute in his heart, but on the surface he still said seriously: "This matter is still under investigation."

Seeing that Mebius was aware of the seriousness of the matter, she did not intend to lie down completely, and then said, "However, Dr. Mebius, there is one more thing I forgot to explain."

"What's the matter? Say." Mebius looked at Yae Kamito and asked.

"It's about the coverage area of ​​the God's Enchantment of the Herrscher of Restraint." Yae Kamito took out the map pointed to by a chapter from the side, and said.

"Although the Herrscher of Restraint has not fully awakened, the range of his enchantment is a little larger."

Saying that, Yae Miko also made a fingertip universe gesture.

His enchantment is very big, you have to bear with it.

"It's normal." Mebius analyzed calmly after hearing the words: "Since the function has been weakened, there must be some corrections in other aspects, so how many cities does his enchantment cover? "

Mebius looked at the map Yae Kamito took out seriously, and waited for her to point out the location of the city.

Yae Kamito said with an innocent face: "Dr. Mebius, I have already pointed it out."

"Pointed out? Where?"

"The entire map is covered by his enchantment."


236 Mebius: I lie flat

236 Mebius: I lie flat

"The entire map??? Are all these areas covered by the divine enchantment of the Herrscher of Restraint?"

Mebius looked at the map in Yae Kamito's hand and asked in surprise.

"Yes." Yae Seed nodded contentedly looking at Mebius' experienced expression.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Mebius put his hand on his forehead and asked: "Let me confirm first, this should be a world map, right? It's not because of changes in the earth's crust that a small island becomes similar to a world map." look like?"

"This is the world map...or in other words, this is half of the world map. I made a separate map of the bounded area of ​​the Herrscher of Constraint." Yae Kamito looked at the unfolded map and said.

Mebius looked at this map and compared it with the map of the previous era in his mind, and said: "Although the area covered is only half of the map, most of this half are places where cities and people are hit, right? For places like the Antarctic and the North Pole, the barriers that bind the Lawrs have not covered..."

Xiao Chen's enchantment is not a circle, but more like an oval, including several continents.

If the part of the ocean is excluded, it is actually more than enough for Xiao Chen's barrier to cover the entire continent.

"That's right." Yae Kamito nodded.

"That is to say, if he is fully awakened, ninety-nine percent of human beings will not be spared, right?" Mebius said a little speechlessly.

"Is such that."

The remaining population... If it can be saved to start the civilization of the next era, it should be enough, right?

At this time, Mebius's heart had already begun to feel bad.

What did that sentence say?

No matter what the price!Mankind will surely defeat Honkai (in the next era)!

I lie flat first!

You are free!

Just when she was thinking this way, Yae Miko nodded again, then thought of something, and said, "I think other places are also hard to escape."

"Why?" Mebius asked a little puzzled.

After realizing the range covered by Xiao Chen's enchantment, she had already considered the idea of ​​building a refuge.

"A person once asked him what he thought of the power of the Herrscher of Restraint, and he said this at the time - the power of the Herrscher of Restraint is very interesting, because it is just a concept that can interfere with energy."

Yae Shenzi packaged what Xiao Chen had said, embellished it, and said.

"If the range of this force is large enough, can it directly stop the rotation of the earth?"

Mebius trembled slightly when he heard this speech.

If this is the case, the damage Xiao Chen caused to the planet may not be able to repair well even with the Fourth God's Key...

Perhaps, human beings have lost even the chance of the next civilization.

The Key of the Fourth God, a weapon made from the core of the fourth herrscher of the previous generation, the Herrscher of Wind.Ability to restore damaged environments.

The original purpose of the "Fourth God's Key" was not to fight against Houkai, but to restore [the world destroyed by the Final Herrscher].

After the fusion fighters sent by humans were defeated by Final Yan, the Herrscher of Final Final also faithfully completed the mission of Houkai.

Destroy all life on the earth, to the extent that even if there are still human beings alive, they will not be able to survive on the earth.

Without destroying the entire planet together, it can be seen that she is not strong enough to destroy a planet.

We don't know where the Herrscher of the Last End went after he finished the destruction, whether he died in a long time, or went to some other place.

However, even though the Herrscher Destroyed the surface of the earth, the Honkai energy flooded the entire earth.

But she didn't care about something outside the earth, which is the key of the fourth god.

In the past 5 years, in order to restore the environment that was eventually destroyed, the Fourth God's Key exhausted its energy and floated in the space.

It has not been discovered by anyone until the second Honkai, when it wanted to restore Siberia that was eroded by Honkai, it was discovered by destiny.

And used to restore the Siberian Plain after the second collapse.

Coincidentally, Xiao Chen also entered Siberia at that time, and Xiao Chen regarded Siberia's Honkai evolution as a strategy for the Fourth God's Key.

And the fourth god's key said that he hadn't contributed yet...how could it be repaired?

However, although Mebius didn't know the situation of the Fourth God's Key, he also knew that it was unrealistic for the Fourth God's Key to repair things on Earth again.

If it is not done well, human beings will not even have the opportunity to enter the next civilization.

But the good news... I can lay flat completely!

Stop thinking about the next era!

The outside world is dangerous!I'd better go back to paradise!

At that moment, Mebius spoke.

"Ahem, cough, since you want to say that you have finished. If there is nothing else, you can send me back. I am starting to miss the life in the paradise."

Yae Shenzi:? ? ?

Originally, he wanted to hit a sweet date with a shot, but he didn't expect that the shot was too hard, and Mebius directly let it go.

At that moment, Yae Shenzi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I don't think the situation has reached that level yet."


Mebius now has only one idea—destroy them one by one, hurry up!

Seeing Mebius' spoiled expression, Yae Kamito said, "Actually, we discovered a very interesting situation in the fusion of the two forces of restraint and erosion."

"What's the situation?" Mebius said with a little more energy.

"Honkai beasts and dead soldiers under the barrier have lost their hostility to humans." Yae Kamito said slowly.

"Losing hostility to humans???" Mebius froze for a moment after hearing this sentence, and kept thinking in his heart.

If it is said that Herrscher, as a person with consciousness, has a situation of betrayal and Houkai... it is understandable.

But that didn't realize that the low-level Houkai beasts and dead soldiers just acted according to instinct, and Houkai is part of them, they are Houkai...

If it is said that they have lost their hostility to humans, doesn't that mean that humans and Honkai can coexist?

Mebius saw a glimmer of possibility in Yae Kamiko's words, and before she could speak Yae Kamiko continued, "Actually, the World Snake already thinks that researchers are voluntarily taking the risk of being corrupted, and let Herrscher transform her." Became a special new human..."

"And this method is done with the Herrscher..."

237 Mebius: I think I can do it again!

237 Mebius: I think I can do it again!

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