"Ahem, cough, as for what to do, let her explain it to you in person."

Yae Kamito responsibly handed over the explanation of this matter to the Jackal, then turned his head and said loudly to the outside of the gate: "You two come in!!"

Gray Snake and Jackal walked in after hearing the words. Gray Snake couldn't help being excited when he saw Mebius' familiar face, and said, "Master Mebius!"

However, Mebius' eyes were not on Gray Snake, but stared straight at Jackal.

After hearing Gray Snake's voice, Mebius transferred the realization to Gray Snake, but he only glanced at it and said, "It's Gray Snake. I have worked hard for you these years. I still have something to tell you." The person next to you is discussing, you should step back and rest first."

"Wait!" Seeing this, Gray Snake hurriedly said, "Before you leave! This subordinate has something important to report!"

"Talk?" Mebius asked after taking a look.

"It's about the two Herrschers lurking in this city." Gray Snake took out a photo taken with his notebook and said, "This is a figure I found in the city that seems to be the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Although what I saw in Paradise is a bit different, there is no cool special effect as a Herrscher.But Mebius recognized at a glance that this was Xiao Chen, the Herrscher of Restraint who invaded the Paradise.

Isn't he the Herrscher of Restraint and the Herrscher of Corruption?How did you become the Herrscher of Knowledge in your mouth?Could it be that besides the Herrscher of Constraint and the Herrscher of Corruption, he also absorbed the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge?

Mebius looked at Yae Kamito next to her, only to see that the latter shook her head to indicate no, then she turned to Gray Snake and said.

"Why do you think he is the Herrscher of Knowledge?"

"Ahem..." Gray Snake cleared his throat, and said, "Because he can control the dead men of other Herrschers. Those dead men were originally subordinate to the Herrscher of Restraint, but he can control them at will. "

"Have you ever thought...he is the Herrscher of Restraint?" Mebius asked.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Gray Snake said in a resolute voice: "How could he be the Herrscher of Restraint. Herrschers usually travel alone and act alone. But he appeared with another Herrscher , with a pair of dead men disguised as actors."

It was also the first time for Yae Shenzi to hear Gray Snake's report, and immediately complained.

Is it possible that the dead were not actors in disguise, but that they were actors brought in by Otto?

Gray Snake would think so, Bo Otto is fully responsible.

While she was thinking, Gray Snake's analysis continued.

"If the second person is the Herrscher of Restraint, there is absolutely no need for them to use this oblique method to destroy the city."

"The Herrscher of Constraints directly discards the barrier, and the other Herrscher is responsible for destroying the city. After waiting for the Valkyries sent by Destiny to crusade, let the Herrscher of Constraints suddenly open the barrier, it will be lore!"

"It not only destroyed the city, but also destroyed all the fighting forces of the destiny. The civilization of this era may never recover. Since nothing like this happened, it proves that neither of them is the Herrscher of Restraint!"

When Mebius heard Gray Snake's return, she wanted to laugh but couldn't. She remembered that Gray Snake was the intelligence officer in charge of World Snake intelligence.

But your information... I'm afraid you didn't collect the information sent by a lonely, future snake from the world, so watch carefully...

Mebius thought about it and asked, "You said there is another person? What kind of Herrscher is that person?"

"It may be the Herrscher of Ice, or it may be the Herrscher of Rock." Gray Snake reported: "However, the most important thing is the identity of this Herrscher..."

"Identity?" Mebius tilted his head in confusion and asked, "Is there anything special about her identity?"

Gray Snake didn't answer but directly called up the second photo on the tablet, and in the photo was Shi Bao controlling Fu Hua's body wandering around...

"Hua?" Mebius asked in surprise.

She didn't feel so surprised that Fu Hua was still alive, she was surprised that Fu Hua turned into a Herrscher.

That serious Fu Hua, how could she become a Herrscher?

Is this information going to be wrong?

"How did she become a Herrscher?" Mebius asked, looking at Fu Hua's photo.

Although Fu Hua will not become a Herrscher, a Herrscher can become Fu Hua.

Yae Shenzi complained from the side, and then heard Gray Snake continue to say: "I know this matter may be difficult for you to accept, but it is the truth, I detected a Herrscher-level collapse on your old friend. Bad energy. Moreover, she also participated in the Herrscher of Knowledge project to put the dead into the city."

Mebius frowned. There was an error in Gray Snake's previous information, so she felt that there must be some misunderstanding, and asked immediately: "Leaving aside the matter of the two Herrschers, what do you think of the Herrscher of Restraint?" ?”

Gray Snake didn't know that Xiao Chen was the Herrscher of Restraint. As a person who knew that Honkai could exist, what kind of person was the Herrscher of Restraint in his eyes?

"I suspect...the Herrscher of Restraint may be at odds with the other two Herrschers, and is likely to be on the human side like the first Herrscher of this century."

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the Herrscher of Restraint uses such a large barrier, but prevents his two companions from using their power at will?"

"Not only that, under the suppression of the Herrscher of Restraint, the Honkai Beast and the Death Warrior are indeed not as active as before, because the casualties caused by the Honkai have dropped to single digits a few days ago."

That was when Xiao Chen didn't master the Herrscher of Corrosion.

After Xiao Chen mastered the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion, casualties dropped to zero.

"I suspect that the two Herrschers are sneaking around in secret just to avoid the Restraining Herrscher!"

Mebius shook his head lightly when he heard Gray Snake's return. Although his analysis was a mess, at least his evaluation of the Herrscher of Restraint was fairly fair.

At that moment, she waved her hand and said, "I see, you go down first."


After watching Gray Snake leave, Mebius focused his gaze on Jackal, and said, "I heard that what happened to you and that Herrscher became what you are now, please tell me what happened to you." what?"

Hearing Mebius' question, the Jackal looked at Yae Kamiko next to him, and saw that the latter made an OK gesture with one hand, and at the same time stretched out a finger to make a classic piston action.

Not only did the jackal blush.Although she is not young, she has been obsessed with experiments and has zero experience in this kind of thing!

At the moment, he could only falter and haw.

"Actually, it's Xiao Chen's thing..."

After listening to Jackal's description, Mebius said——

That's it?

In this way, a symbiosis with Houkai can be achieved?

I think I'm doing it again!

238 Our crew needs talents like you!

238 Our crew needs talents like you!

That's it?I have completely understood!

Isn't it OOXX, in XXOO?

Mating between animals!I've seen it countless times in the lab!

It's just that this time, the little white mouse was replaced by a human!No problems at all!

She could see the changes in the Jackal. Although he hadn't been transformed by a fusion warrior, his body wasn't completely human, but he wasn't a dead warrior either.

What I have to say is that based on the human body, it is undergoing benign changes under the stimulation of Houkai energy.

This made Mebius very curious.

She always retakes one by one

[Humans, what kind of existence are they? 】

Mebius has been seeking the answer to this question since long, long ago.Pretentious smiles, false tears, why do human beings have so many useless "functions".What a poor and ugly creature.

But being ugly... is the possibility of being beautiful.She is determined to completely "transform" human beings into an existence that even "gods" cannot easily set foot in.

Judging from the current situation, someone stepped into the field that even the gods could not easily step into before her.

When she saw the Herrscher of Constraint for the first time in the paradise, she felt incredible, but at that time, both parties were just mental bodies and couldn't see anything.

This time she has a physical body, and has such an interesting discovery... As for her own body, she doesn't care at all.For my own research all the time... this is nothing at all!

Compared with her transformation of herself, breaking melons for the first time is like pediatrics, and the Herrscher is not bad looking.

Sure enough, his handsome appearance is also due to his physical evolution, right?

As an existence who stepped into that field first, he is qualified to be her partner!

"Since it's been decided! Then take me to see him!" Mebius jumped off the laboratory table and said.

"Are you going to see him just like that?" Yae Kamito asked, looking Mebius up and down.

"Of course!" Mebius said aggressively.

"Then what are you going to say after seeing him?" Yae Kamiko asked again just in case.

"Fuck with me!"

"I knew it……"

Yae Shenzi shook his head helplessly, and said, "You say that to him now, do you think he will agree?"

"What's wrong? I'm so beautiful, there's no reason why I can't do what a jackal researcher can do?" Mebius asked.

"Then you also consider the issue of emotions?" Yae Kamito asked.

"Hey, human beings are really troublesome." Mebius waved his hand and said, "I'm so beautiful, wouldn't he want to attack me directly after seeing me? Would he press me to the ground and ruthlessly ravage me?"


"Although I don't know how you understand Dr. Mebius, we generally call such people idiots." Yae Kamito complained after hearing this.

"Then tell me, what can you do?" Mebius said, looking at Yae Kamito, curling his hair with one hand.

"For example, you can try to contact the Herrscher of Constraint as an ordinary person, and try to develop a relationship with him."

"It sounds like a lot of trouble, can I just prescribe the medicine?"

"Do you think ordinary medicine will be effective for Herrscher?"

"You also said..."

Listening to Yae Kamito's answer, Mebius subconsciously nodded.

With Xiao Chen's current body's normal dose of toxin, there is no way to have any effect on his body.

But if it was an excessive amount of toxin, he would definitely notice it before eating it.

"No way." After understanding the current situation, Mebius spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Since this is the case, then I can only take care of his emotions. But, it's fun, I understand~ he What type of person do you like? Pure type? Tsundere type? Sickness type? Natural dull? Cold? Three no? I can play any of them!"

Can act?That would be great!I'm afraid you can't act!

"Really, if he hears this, he will be very happy." Listening to Mebius' narration, Yae Kamito suddenly burst out laughing, and said.

At the same time, my brain was refreshed. Xiao Chen's reaction after hearing this speech was one by one.

Xiao Chen: 'Great!Our crew needs talents like you! '

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