"That's right." Xiao Chen nodded, and said, "Is there anything wrong with this worldview?

"No, no!" Shi Yuqiluo shook her head and said.

Shooting a movie with Honkai as the background?The location is Siberia?Then she can only think of the second collapse.

Could it be that Xiao Chen wanted to make a movie with the second Honkai as the background?

Wait... Thinking about it carefully, all the people related to the second Honkai did gather in this plane.

Even the mastermind of the second collapse is there.

Why am I only now aware of this problem now!

However, there are still two key figures who are absent...

Captain Cecilia, that bastard Siegfried, these two characters... Could it be that Xiao Chen wants Ulandal to play Captain Cecilia?


She was worrying about how to make Orandelle pretend to be Cecilia, but she didn't expect the opportunity to come like this!

Praise Xiao Chen!

Let me see Captain Cecilia again!

But who will play Siegfried?

If it's a man like Siegfried, then don't worry about my ruthlessness!

I don't allow someone who might be Lord Cecilia's daughter to be defiled by someone like Siegfried!

Xiao Chen looked at Shiyu Qiluo's attitude and felt a little strange, why did Shiyu Qiluo react like that after hearing about Honkai?

Speaking of which, after the second collapse, Shigure Qiluo's setting is trapped in the world bubble, and it is not clear when it will come out.

If this is the collapsed parallel world... one of the world bubbles of Quantum Ocean.

Then do you think that Shigure Qiluo in this world might have died long ago... Is Shigure Qiluo in front of me the one who really destroyed the world?

As a director, Xiao Chen thought he had a big brain, and he actually deduced a correct answer from a wrong question.

However, he was just skeptical and had no evidence.

At most, there is such a brain hole.

However, if it is really according to Xiao Chen's guess, Shi Yu Qiluo did not pass to the world bubble in You Landale's body, but came to his world.

Then the world she is in is not considered a complete main line time, at most it is a branch world.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel that he had a really big brain, and he was really a material for being a director, so he shook his head immediately, and said tentatively, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Since you said that you have mastered the world view of the collapsed world, let me test you. When will the second collapse be...?"

"February 2000, 2." Shi Yu Qiluo subconsciously said.

Of course, these were also mentioned in Xiao Chen's script for Shi Yu Qi Luo, and it is normal for Shi Yu Qi Luo to be able to answer them.

Of course, this question was just a bait for Xiao Chen to make Shi Yushuoluo relax his vigilance, and at that moment he suddenly asked: "What about the time of the first collapse?"

In Xiao Chen's script for Shi Yu Qiluo, there is only the specific date of the second Honkai, and everything written is about the second Honkai.

However, if Shigure Qiluo is really a Valkyrie, she should be able to answer the time of the first Honkai!

Unless she does not attend classes like Qiyana!

This is the trap that Xiao Chen set for Shi Yu Qiluo. After answering the first question, most people will relax their vigilance for the next questions.

This is especially true when the second question is very similar to the first!

After Xiao Chen raised this question, everyone around was stunned for a moment, and Rita was the first to react.

She had read Xiao Chen's script for Shi Yu Qiluo, and there was no mention of the first Honkai in it!

Could it be because Shi Yuqiluo's senior's previous reaction made Xiao Chen suspicious?

Why are you so keen at this moment!

You didn't find anything when the dead man fumbled around in front of your eyes before? !Why did Shi Yu Qiluo find a problem with Shi Yu Qiluo's senior?

It is impossible for Shi Yuqiluo senior not to know about this kind of Valkyrie common sense!But if the answer is out, the problem will be big!

Although Xiao Chen's voice was not loud, there was probably not a single person present who did not pay attention to Xiao Chen.

After hearing Xiao Chen raise this question, the others were also stunned for a moment, although they didn't have Shi Yu Qi Luo's script.

But they have their own scripts. Except for the scripts of Anti-Entropy and Otto, the scripts of others do not disclose the first collapse.

However, as an investor, Otto had read everyone's scripts before, so he naturally knew the content of Shigure Qiluo's script, and did not mention the first Honkai.

Although he didn't know where Xiao Chen found out that something was wrong, he also knew that the current situation was a bit dangerous...

When Xiao Chen made a temptation last time, he was prepared so he escaped Xiao Chen's temptation, this time Xiao Chen's temptation came suddenly... No way!Something has to be done!

Most of the people present understood the meaning of Xiao Chen's words, everyone took a deep breath and waited for Shi Yuqiluo's answer...

241 Does the collapsed world really exist?

241 Does the collapsed world really exist?

Otto and Joyce noticed Xiao Chen's language trap at the same time, first asked an irrelevant question, and then asked the second key question.

If Shigure Qiluo answered correctly, it means that she might really be the Valkyrie Shigure Qiluo.

After seeing through Xiao Chen's language trap, Otto quickly reacted.

In fact, this language trap is not difficult to break through, as long as the respondent responds quickly enough, he will not be caught.

In addition, giving the questioner enough reaction time can also respond.

However, they seem deliberate when they speak now!Some method must be used to delay the time!

Otto wanted to use Void Wanzang to simulate the Star of Eden on the outside of the plane, but it was too close to Xiao Chen's, it was just a copy of the Star of Eden, and he couldn't make the plane tremble for Shigure Qiluo to fight for it. time.

Just when Otto's forehead was about to sweat, another Star of Eden appeared outside the plane.

The two Eden stars together slightly affected the gravity of the plane, causing the plane to shake as if disturbed by the airflow.

Let Shi Yuqiluo pause slightly for what she wanted to say.

Everyone subconsciously grabbed the armrest of the plane and closed their mouths to prevent biting their tongues.

Otto and Joyce were not surprised. Although the commotion was caused by two people, they still had to pretend to be victims.

After everything subsided, Otto and Joyce looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

The leaders of the two major forces fighting against the collapse did not expect to join forces because of this kind of thing.

Originally, Joyce hadn't reacted so quickly, but he had been paying attention to Otto's movements. After Otto reacted, he also reacted and assisted Otto to complete the accident.

I didn't expect that the two would join forces one day... Joyce was in a delicate mood.

As for Otto?

He didn't care about this kind of thing at all, his attention was still on Xiao Chen's side, because the shock caused by the two of them interrupted Shi Yuqiluo's intention to speak.

If you can just skip this topic to the end... If you can't, you can only hope that Shiyu Qiluo will react quickly.

In fact, the best way is to imitate Yu Duchen and directly modify what Shiyu Qiluo wants to say, but Shiyu Qiluo is too close to Xiao Chen.

She is still an A-level Valkyrie herself, and she is somewhat resistant to Yu Duchen.

I can only use this relatively stupid method, and now all the pressure falls on Shiyu Qiluo again.

Rita was also reacting at the side, but she was too close to Xiao Chen, if she wanted to do something to remind Shi Yu Qiluo, it would definitely arouse Xiao Chen's suspicion.

At the moment, she can only hint Shi Yuqiluo with her eyes.

Don't say it!Don't say it!

It's just that Rita's worry, in Shigure Qiluo's view, is urging herself to answer this question quickly!

How can such a simple question rarely pay attention to me!Even if I haven't read the script, I can answer this question casually, okay!

The bishop actually used his abilities to give me time to think about this!You really underestimated me!After all, I am also Lady Cecilia's teammate. Do you need to think about such a simple question?

"January 1952, 1!" Shi Yu Qiluo said the answer triumphantly.

It's over!Now it's Barbie Q!

Everyone exclaimed in their hearts that they were finished.

Otto, in particular, was slumped in a chair.

She said it!She actually said it!

How dare she say it!

Otto suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

What was the world he had worked so hard to win for her with Joyce?

No, I want to be quiet... Ah, no, I want Kallen.

I didn't expect that one day I would die on the way to resurrect Kallen...or in this form.

On the other side, Joyce was also immersed in shock.

Suddenly, I felt that the life I had just resurrected was about to end before it even started.

Why is my life so miserable!

no!In the last few seconds of your life!I must make up for the previous regrets!

At that moment, Joyce turned around and spoke to Einstein beside him.

"Ain! I like you!"

Einstein was taken aback by Joyce's confession, then smiled and said, "Me too..."

There are still some people who have not reacted, such as Qiyana... I don't know what happened.

Most of the people who reacted seem to have seen the final horn sounding...

On the contrary, Xiao Chen was the calmest after hearing the news... After Joyce confessed to Einstein, he turned his head inexplicably. He didn't know why Joyce suddenly confessed to Einstein at this time.

Could it be that you want to put the wedding in Siberia?

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