Feeling Xiao Chen's eyes, Joyce hugged Einstein and closed his eyes, saying silently in his heart.

Our family is ready to be buried together!Hurry up!

In Otto's hand, the cross of the male protagonist Karen turned around and hugged Teresa...

Just when everyone was about to die, Xiao Chen turned his head silently, and said to Shi Yuqiluo with a smile on his face: "The answer is correct."

Everyone had another serious misunderstanding this time. Xiao Chen suspected that Shi Yuqiluo was a Valkyrie.

But what he suspects is this Shi Yu Qi Luo, not the Shi Yu Qi Luo of this world, but from what he thinks is the main line world...

After all, Shi Yu Qi Luo's setting is to travel through a world bubble once.

The world she arrived in is also a world with no Honkai power.

If there is another world line, it may travel to a similar parallel world.

He suspected that there was a real Houkai in another world, but he didn't doubt that this world had Houkai.

After all, there is no Honkai power in this world, this is something he has confirmed in many places!How could it be fake!

However, after Shi Yuqiluo answered this question.

He is even more convinced that Shi Yu Qiluo is from the mainline world!That is to say!Honkai can really exist until the Honkai world really exists!

And since Shi Yuqiluo can travel through here!Does that mean that I can also travel through the past!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't help making him slightly excited!

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds and didn't see the scene of destroying heaven and earth. They couldn't help meeting each other face to face.

Otto let go, and Teresa breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing how Otto cared about her, Teresa couldn't help but soften her attitude towards Otto... Xiao Chen also helped the two of them improve a little bit unintentionally. relation.

By the way, I also pushed a certain couple...

Only Shi Yu Qiluo didn't understand what happened, and looked around with some doubts, secretly thinking in her heart.

Did I say something wrong?

242 Do you want a showdown?

242 Do you want a showdown?

Calm down, calm down, I'm going to calm down.

Xiao Chen kept telling himself in his heart to calm down.

It is still not completely sure that Shi Yu Qi Luo is the Shi Yu Qi Luo of the main line world.

What if someone leaked the previous script?

However, this possibility is very low.

He believes that no one will do anything to leak this kind of script, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

If Shi Yuqiluo is a time traveler, then it is only her own problem.

But if the script is leaked, it's the crew's problem...

He is more willing to believe that Shi Yuqiluo is a time traveler.

However, now I can't directly ask you if you really know about the existence of Honkai.

I can only put this question on hold for the time being, and when I have a chance, I will ask Shiyu Qiluo.

Filming is still the priority now!

However, if she is really Shigure Qiluo, then she should know most of the details of the second Honkai.

I just don't know the follow-up of her defeating Bella... However, it's not good to say nothing about the previous things, so let's test her reaction by talking casually, if her reaction is flat.

That means that although she hasn't read the script, she knows the plot.

When it comes to where she doesn't know, as if she showed a surprised or angry expression, that is more illustrative...

Xiao Chen made up his mind and continued to speak: "This time the story happened in Siberia. Due to the experiment of destiny, the second Herrscher was born, the Herrscher of the Sky, the qualified body Sirin. Because of being injected in the human experiment Excessive Houkai energy leads to incomplete Herrscherization."

"Sirin, who is not fully legalized, uses the ability of the Herrscher of Incomplete Space to kill all 322 researchers of destiny in the Tower of Babylon."

"Destiny also discovered the anomaly in the laboratory. Bishop Otto Apocalypse ordered S-rank Valkyrie Teresa Apocalypse to go to the Tower of Babylon to investigate the disappearance of researchers. The casual "Snow Wolf Team" "A-level Valkyrie Patrick Highsmith, what is more worth mentioning is that she is a spy planted by Anti-Entropy in Destiny..."

After hearing that his former teammates were anti-entropy spies, Shi Yuqiluo showed a complicated expression on his face.

Otto on the other side was also slightly surprised, and shifted his gaze to Joyce next to him, secretly thinking in his heart.

You are an undercover agent who can hide well.

No wonder you reacted so quickly at that time.

Joyce shook his head instantly and said, that was what Walter did, what does it have to do with me, Joyce?

At that time, I was still hiding in the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

While observing Shi Yuqiluo's reaction, Xiao Chen said, "Patrick and Teresa Apocalypse together investigated the incident where all the experimenters in the Tower of Babylon disappeared overnight, and released all of them, including the second Herrscher Sirin." The imprisoned experimental subject girls."

Shi Yu Qiluo is worthy of being an idol, even the complicated expression just now, she hid it very well.Xiao Chen didn't see anything either, and continued to speak immediately.

"At midnight that day, he singled out Sirin in the Honkai Furnace of the Tower of Babylon, and lost his right arm in the battle with Sirin. He was discovered and rescued by the anti-entropy leader Walter Young in Siberia, 5 kilometers away from the Tower of Babylon. Patrick reported After the clue, I asked Walter Yang to do her best to protect her friends in Destiny."

After hearing Xiao Chen's narration, Shi Yu Qiluo's expression still couldn't help being touched.

"In the end, he was left by anti-entropy to monitor the situation of the Tower of Babylon. After the mutation occurred, he used weapons to shoot the Houkai Beast outside Babylon's Tagnaku, creating a new era for Salome Chokanan and Shabu Nicholas to lead the team to retreat. conditions. In the end, he was pierced by the Houkai Beast and died in battle."

After hearing that his teammates who were spies died at the hands of Honkai Beast in order to protect them, Shi Yu Qiluo couldn't help showing a little sad expression.

However, this level of sadness may also be due to oversubstituting into the plot... Seeing this, Xiao Chen continued to say: "You are going to play one of Patrick's teammates—Shi Yuqiluo, and the anti-entropy is aware of Xilin's After it existed, the leader of the alliance, Walter Yang, went to the battlefield in person to have a life-and-death battle with the Second Herrscher."

"The final decisive battle ended with Otto intervening to save Sirin, who was brought to the moon by the dragon Bella."

After hearing this sentence, Shi Yudiluo said, "Otto? Isn't he the bishop of destiny? Why do you want to do such a thing?"

"In order to use Herrscher to do some experiments, this matter will be discussed later, and now let's talk about the plot." Xiao Chen diverted this topic to let Shi Yu Qiluo take the initiative to ask himself these questions, so that he could find out Did Shi Yu Qi Luo come from another world?

The other people did not relax their vigilance because of Xiao Chen's unawareness, but began to be suspicious, since Xiao Chen began to doubt Shi Yuqiluo.

Why is there no reaction to other people around.

Shigure Qiluo is just an ordinary Valkyrie, what kind of characters are you surrounded by?

The most powerful Valkyrie of Destiny, Youlandelle.

The entire Catholic bishop who lived for 500 years-Otto.

The 5-year-old tablet, Fu Hua.

The First Herrscher successfully revived - Joyce.

These characters don't need Shi Yuqiluo to have a big face?

If she doubts Shi Yuqiluo, and then doubts the whole world, then he should also pay attention to other people's reactions.

It is impossible to stare at Shi Yuqiluo all the time... There must be some reason!

Under everyone's suspicious eyes, Xiao Chen continued to speak: "Your main plot is in Bella's decisive battle, in order to avenge the teammate Salome Jokanan. Shi Yuqiluo and Nicholas cooperated to severely injure Benale Si. After the battle, Shi Yuqiluo was forcibly dragged into the ether anchor world bubble by the unidentified parasitic creature that had been parasitic on Nicholas for a long time."

After Xiao Chen's narration, everyone came to their senses, why did he pay attention to Shi Yu Qiluo's matter... He didn't think that Shi Yu Qiluo had traveled through time, did he?

The characters in my script travel to reality? ?

Everyone thought of this possibility one after another, and then you looked at me, and I watched you start communicating with insiders.

Joyce: 'What to do?He seems to know the existence of collapse, but he doesn't know the existence of collapse in this world. '

Otto: "It seems that the previous guess that he regarded the completion of Honkai as his own delusion was a bit inaccurate. We need more information." '

The two exchanged eye contact, and then shifted their gazes to Yae Kamito.

Yae Shenzi glanced at the two of them, and said: "Now that things have come to an end, I have a solution... why don't you ask Shiyu Qiluo to admit it and see how Xiao Chen reacts?" '

243 Otto: Let me change to a soul steel body first!

243 Otto: Let me change to a soul steel body first!

There was a chat group when the crew was established.

It's just that Otto pulled another chat group later, and pulled everyone in, but he didn't pull Xiao Chen.

This is not to exclude Xiao Chen, it's just that there are simply some things about Honkai, and it's hard for them to talk about it.

So one group discusses the normal plot, and the other group discusses things about Honkai.

However, on the basis of this group, there are actually many small groups.

The chat group inside Anti-Entropy...

The chat group inside Destiny...

As well as the group created by Qiyana, Raiden Mei, and Bronya, there is also a group for Fu Hua by the way.After Zhibao became conscious, she also registered a separate account and joined the group.

Ah, by the way, Xier also has two accounts.

With so many characters together, the created group can be arranged in many combinations.

Although not all combinations are listed, there are more than a dozen small groups derived from the large group.

Among them, Otto, who represents Destiny, Joyce, who represents anti-entropy, and Yae Shenzi, who is Xiao Chen's apostle, the three of them also have a group as the leaders of the three parties.

When the three of them made eye contact, they were typing and chatting in the group.

When Xiao Chen turned his head, the three of them were pretending to be nonchalant and looking at other places.

After hearing that Yae Kamito Shigure Kira admitted his identity, Otto, as the person in charge of Destiny, was the first to speak.

"Admit it? Are you crazy? What if Xiao Chen realizes his identity? Do you think the matter will end so smoothly?"

Yae Shenzi said unhurriedly after hearing the words: "I understand what I am talking about now better than anyone else."

"However, Xiao Chen has already suspected Shi Yu Qiluo now. But now we have no way to help Shi Yu Qiluo, this will only make Xiao Chen focus on us, and if he is not careful, he may notice the world I really want to."

"Xiao Chen is much smarter than you imagined, except for himself, it is very difficult for ordinary people to deceive him." Yae Shenzi was a little proud when he said this.

Although it's a bit like Xi Shi is in the eyes of a beholder, Xiao Chen is indeed not stupid. If this matter is not handled properly, Xiao Chen may really discover the truth of the world.

"Because Xiao Chen only suspects Shi Yuqiluo alone, let him confirm his suspicion, let the guessing stop here, if you let him keep brainwashing... maybe what will be the result." Yae Shenzi continued to speak road.

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