"I think what Yae Miko said makes sense." Joyce couldn't help but echoed.

You are just a fool!

Ao Tuo complained in his heart, and said: "Then based on your understanding of Xiao Chen, what will he do after he knows this?"

"From the current situation, it is very likely that Xiao Chen regards this world as a parallel world in his own script, without a broken world line."

"If it was in the past, I might want to propose traveling to the main world with Shi Yu Qiluo. I don't know what decision he will make now..."

Yae Shenzi sent an emoji of a little fox lying down, and said.

"Traveling?" Otto asked tentatively.

"Yes." Yae Shenzi nodded and said.

"But isn't our place the main world?" Joyce asked a little puzzled.

"That's right." Yae Kamito shrugged.

"Then if he really wants to time travel, where can he travel to? There is no other timeline here for him to travel through." Joyce continued to ask.

"Acting! What else can I do? Do you understand tp (transmission) on the spot?" Yae Shenzi said: "If this day really happens, everyone may have to return to the original life track. You will be your bishop of destiny, I'm going to pretend that Yae Sakura is sealed away. Although it looks like I'm going back to my job, it's actually acting..."

"What about me? What should I do?" Joyce pointed to himself and asked.

"You are already dead, pretend to be a corpse and bury yourself." Otto said, "Oh, maybe, maybe you have to pretend to be a copy of yourself and come out to be beaten."

"(Eleven dish one) convex"

Who do you think I died because of!

"I understand what you said, but it's not so easy to perform this scene." Otto said slowly: "Under Xiao Chen's suppression, we have no way to use the Honkai energy normally!"

Yae Shenzi also noticed this problem, and said slowly, "Why don't you try special effects?"

Filming with real guys.

When the real knife is really robbed, you have to use special effects, right?

In fact, this is true. After all, under the suppression of Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine grace, the Honkai energy that can be used is very limited.

Most things may be simpler with ordinary technology than with Honkai.

While several people were discussing how to act, Kira Shigure suddenly asked: "What happened after that? After Kiro Shigure fell down, what about the situation of Lord Cecilia?"

Although Shi Yuqiluo had heard the ending of Youlandell from Youlandell, but that was the ending announced by Tianming.

She felt that from Xiao Chen's mouth, he could hear the real situation of the matter.

"In order to protect the people infected by the Second Herrscher, Cecilia used all the blood in her body to activate the Black Abyss White Flower and used the holy blood to liberate, and saved all the infected people who were dying. under the missile."

After hearing the true thoughts of Cecilia's death, Shigure Kiro couldn't help asking: "Why did the destiny want to kill Cecilia?"

"To be precise, Cecilia was only implicated, and the person that Destiny really wanted to kill was Siegfried." Xiao Chen said slowly: "However, at that time, Cecilia was trying to save the people who were eroded by Honkai. People have also used up all the blood in their bodies, and it is difficult to live without the Mandate missiles."

Shi Yu Qiluo didn't value her status as a Valkyrie in the past, after all, she was influenced by Xiao Chen and planned to become an idol at first.The reason why I stayed in Destiny before was because of Salome, and then I met Captain Cecilia...

Now that these two important people are gone, she doesn't need to be under the control of destiny!

Otto felt the killing intent from Shigure Qiluo, although he was almost used to this feeling, but this time the feeling was particularly bad...

Especially when they were planning how to get Shiyu Qiluo to act together, and then there was a problem on his side...

Yae Kamiko and Joyce looked at each other, and the former first said in the chat group: "She is your Valkyrie, you can figure it out yourself."


Who is afraid of whom?Wait until I change to a soul steel body first!

244 Large Society Death Scene

244 Large Society Death Scene

"Wait for me to change my soul... Pants!"

"My lord bishop, even if you temporarily change your trousers into a skirt, it's useless to beg for mercy."


Just when Otto wanted to make some excuses, the plane began to break through the clouds above. For the people who took control of the battleship, this experience was even less.

Looking at the snow-covered land below, Xiao Chen was slightly nostalgic, but now he still focuses on filming, and said immediately: "After getting off the plane, we will drive directly to the villa on the other side of the Tower of Babel studio."

"During the period, I will pass by the city, and I can mention any purchase needs. Of course, there is no need to buy all the things I need this time, and there will be opportunities to purchase in the next shooting. The person in charge here also I will help you purchase ingredients and daily necessities, and you can just submit an application if you need anything.”

"The difference between this shoot and the previous ones is that it is far away from the city."

The goal of the second collapsed Tower of Babel laboratory is too large, and it is not suitable to be built near the city.

Therefore, we could only choose a relatively remote place for construction, and at the same time of construction, a villa was built nearby to provide accommodation for everyone.

There is no need to shuttle back and forth between the city and the studio, but the disadvantage is that it is far away from the city, which is a bit more closed than before.

However, these are nothing to everyone.

Everyone cleaned up and prepared to get off the plane. Before leaving the plane, Yae Kamiko walked up to Otto and said something.

"Make plans early."

Then he ran to Xiao Chen's side.

Actually...she didn't really expect Otto to do anything.

It was just to embarrass Otto and make him feel embarrassed, so he said that on purpose.

She had already thought about how to let Xiao Chen and Shi Yu Qiluo get along alone, as long as she created a plan for Xiao Chen, he would automatically ask Shi Yujieluo.

Shi Yudiluo also knew that Xiao Chen couldn't be allowed to know the existence of the collapse of this world, so he probably would admit it.

It's just that Yae Shenzi is very curious, what choice Xiao Chen will make... This can be used as a reference for him to know what the world really wants.

After all, they can't hide it forever... One day Xiao Chen will know the truth, as for whether Xiao Chen will become a Herrscher until the day when he really looks like it, or what... It depends on his own choice.

"Youlandelle, Kiyana, Bronya sauce, let's go shopping together!"

When the bus arrived at the city and corrected midway, Yae Kamiko took the initiative to drive away the few people who had been entangled around Xiao Chen.

"Would you like to go shopping together? Please let me go with you." Rita had received the contact from Yae Kamito in advance, and immediately followed Yae Kamiko's words.

"Hey, but I'm going to..." Before Kiyana was about to say anything, Leiden Mei covered her mouth and said, "Okay, I'm going to go shopping with Kiyana .”

Then Leiden Mei and Bronya quickly left the scene with Qiyana in their arms. Xiao Chen felt a little baffled when he saw the few people who left the scene quickly. He scratched his head subconsciously and complained, saying: "They are so anxious to buy something?"

As he said that, he looked at his frosted sunglasses and said, "Oh, when I get to this kind of place, my sunglasses will look like this. Should I also buy some snow-proof goggles? Or should I just change to normal ones?" colored contact lenses?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen also walked towards a certain direction on his own.

Fu Hua, who had been observing secretly, followed after seeing this, and with her was Tianming's invisible drone.

The passers-by around have long been replaced by the Valkyries of Destiny.

On the other side, Otto sneaked away when he got off the plane in order to prove to avoid Shi Yuqiluo.

It wasn't that he was afraid, the main reason was that something really happened and he couldn't explain it to Xiao Chen.

After retreating to a safer place, Otto began to use the drone to observe Xiao Chen's movements.

At the same time, the anti-entropy forces were also observing Xiao Chen, as well as Qiyana and others who were taken away by Yae Shenzi.

Kiyana is probably the only person on the scene who hasn't reacted yet.

After being dragged down to a place where Xiao Chen couldn't see, she panted heavily and asked: "Everyone seems to be avoiding Xiao Chen, why?"

Although she didn't realize what happened, she could still see that everyone was avoiding Xiao Chen.

Seeing this, Bronya couldn't help but said helplessly: "Haven't you noticed? There is something wrong with Xiao Chen's Shi Yuqiluo's attitude on the plane."

After hearing Bronya's reminder, Qiyana finally came to her senses, and said, "There is indeed something wrong with what you said... Could it be that Xiao Chen likes that type of person?"

"Of course not!" Leiden Mei knocked on Qiyana's head from behind, and said: "There are some things that Kiyana can't talk about..."

"I know everything, but why are you angry, Mei!" Qiyana asked a little puzzled.

The rival in love is by my side!

"Okay, you two little guys stop arguing, Rita, please explain to this little idiot." Yae Kamiko looked at the only reliable person beside him and said.

After Rita and Youlandal explained to Qiyana together, she also reacted and said: "You mean, if Xiao Chen chooses to leave with Shi Yu Qi Luo, we have to pretend not to be Do you know Xiao Chen?"

Did you just hear this?

Yae Shenzi moved his ears and said: "The point is Xiao Chen's attitude, his attitude towards this crumbling world, his attitude will determine the fate of this world."

Qiyana also felt the seriousness of the matter and couldn't help but said: "Then what should we do? Are we just sitting there waiting to die?"

"At this stage we really have nothing to do, we can only make decisions based on Xiao Chen's choice, otherwise it will be too late when Xiao Chen will discover all his true thoughts." Yae Shenzi shook his head and said.

"The current situation is beyond my calculations, so I can only take one step at a time."

"I've already created the conditions for the two to meet, it's up to Xiao Chen to choose what to do next."

Holding the golden silk thread in his hand, Yae Shenzi said.

"What is this golden silk thread?" Youlandel asked curiously, looking at the silk thread in Yae Shenzi's hand.

"This? This can be regarded as the fate of two people." Yae Shenzi said while holding the silk thread in his hand: "Actually... it can't be regarded as fate. I can directly manipulate fate. My strength has not yet reached that level... and I can't interfere with Xiao. Chen, it just increases the probability of the two meeting each other."

Unless you reach Xiao Chen's level, you need to use conceptual things to operate concepts, Yae Shenzi is not yet strong enough to that level.

In fact, this is like the connection of the bloodline stigmata of the Kaslana family. Anyone who has been in contact with Xiao Chen can feel it more or less. It's like the last time he saved Qi Ya. Na same.

"Can the power of restraint even do this kind of thing?" Qiyana asked slightly surprised.

"I've been a priestess anyway, so it's not difficult to do this kind of thing..." Yae Kamito opened his mouth and saw Kiyana's gleaming eyes...

"Then can you connect my fate with Xiao Chen!"

If it could be done, I would have used it myself!

Ah, no, as Xiao Chen's apostle, my fate has already been serialized with Xiao Chen... That's okay.

Of course Yae Shenzi calmly coughed a few times, and said perfunctorily, "Don't you think fate should be won by yourself?"

"What you said seems to make sense, even if I don't rely on this kind of thing, I can..."

Just as the two were chatting, Youlan Dell also quickly said: "Xiao Chen and Shi Yu Qiluo have made contact!"

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