After hearing the words, the two looked over one after another. Under the tracking of Tianming's drone, Xiao Chen and Shi Yu Qiluo met on the street...

"It's so fast!" Bronya said slightly surprised: "Is this also due to your interference?"

"I just influenced Shi Yu Qiluo a little... Xiao Chen originally wanted to find Shi Yu Qiluo, so..."

Yae Kamito was also surprised, and at the same time held his breath watching the situation on the screen.

"Shigure Qiluo... No, at this time, maybe it would be better for me to call you Valkyrie Floating Sky Prominence?"


When Shi Yuqiluo saw Xiao Chen walking across from her, she was slightly taken aback, not knowing how to react.

But she couldn't let Xiao Chen know about the existence of Honkai, so she said, "Director, what are you talking about? There's no need to suddenly perform this kind of rivalry on this street, right?"

Seeing this, Xiao Chen said softly: "In the script I gave you, there is no information about the first collapse. You haven't read the script at all, but you still answered my question accurately."

I didn't expect that I had a flaw here... No wonder the people on the plane looked at me a little strangely...

Did I almost cause the end of the world?

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have crossed over from the collapsed world, right?! You appeared in the public's field of vision instead of Kira Shigure who was always there a few years ago! As Kira Shigure in this world Action! I'm right!"

Although Xiao Chen's tone was very firm, his voice was very low. After all, there were other people on the street... If he uttered such lines out loud, he would definitely be regarded as a second-year-old by others!

In fact, Xiao Chen also decided that he had a second-year illness!

After saying this line, he has already buried himself in the snow...

Although his guess is well-founded, the answer itself is too abnormal!He never thought that Shi Yuqiluo would admit...

"That's right, I am Kira Shigure, the Valkyrie!"


245 Who is the real Qiyana!

245 Who is the real Qiyana!

Admit it?She actually admitted it!

When Shi Yuqiluo admitted, the person who felt the most incredible was Xiao Chen himself...

After all, he was already prepared to be looked at with strange eyes, but he didn't expect that the other party would fall ill with him...?

No, this look...couldn't be simply cooperating with his illness, right?

So... is she really Shi Yu Qi Luo? ? ?

Xiao Chen never thought that one day he would be so close to the Honkai world... Although in fact he is in contact with the original characters every day, he himself does not know this.

When dealing with other people, he always treats them as a separate person, and treats them as characters in the original book.

I never thought they were the characters in the original book.

After confirming that Shi Yu Qiluo was Shi Yu Qiluo himself, he took a deep breath for a while to force himself to calm down, and said: "This is not a place to talk, I know there is a coffee shop, let's go there and chat for a while .”

"En." Shi Yu Qiluo nodded and followed Xiao Chen.

When making this choice, she did hesitate... However, if she denied it at that time, there would be no excuse to dispel Xiao Chen's suspicion...

At the same time, she also had a question she wanted to ask Xiao Chen.

If Xiao Chen is really omnipotent and omniscient like that group, then he must also know the whereabouts of Zhen Qiyana!

Whether Youlandale is the real Qiyana, Shiyu Qiluo just wanted to get the answer from Xiao Chen's mouth!

Everyone on the other side also watched the situation here with bated breath.

Following the gaze of the drone, he and the two came to a coffee shop.

This is a coffee shop that Xiao Chen and the person in charge often visited when he was in Siberia.

The drone was following the two of them to the coffee shop, because of the frost and snow on the windows, it was impossible to see the contents inside.

However, fortunately, there is a built-in monitor in the coffee shop, so you can see the situation inside.

As for the useless part of the sound, the equipment on the drone can be used to eavesdrop.

After the two came to the coffee shop, they ordered a cup of coffee respectively. Xiao Chen quickly entered the topic and asked, "When did you come to this world?"

"It was not long ago." Shi Yudiluo said.

She did return to this world not long ago, which is not a lie.

The Herrscher of Restraint!I did not lie!

"So that's how it is." Xiao Chen nodded, and said, "The reason why you chose to join this crew and replace Rita as your manager is also because of this!"

Xiao Chen said with an expression that I have seen through everything.

Now that his delusion has been proven, Xiao Chen began to let go of his imagination again.

Ah this...

After hearing Xiao Chen's delusion, Shi Yu Qiluo was stunned for a second, then nodded heavily and said seriously: "Yes! I didn't expect you to see this too!"

"However, I'm curious, why do you know so much about my original world? You even turned the story of Lord Cecilia into a movie?"

After hearing Shi Yudiluo ask this question, the eavesdroppers couldn't help pricking up their ears.

Otto in particular was curious about this question.

"Cough, cough..." Xiao Chen also coughed a few times after hearing this question. He couldn't say that he was a time traveler who played Honkai III, could he?

This is obviously more impactful than the plot he knows.

With an attitude of not deciding quantum physics when things happen, Xiao Chen slowly said: "Actually, I had a dream..."

Doesn't this have nothing to do with quantum physics at all!

Xiao Chen complained to himself in his heart before continuing to speak: "The things I dreamed about are probably the things you have experienced, and the things you have not experienced, starting from the 5-year history of the last era... At the beginning of the Houkaishu, I witnessed everything in the dream."

"At first I thought it was just a dream, but then I found out that the world I was in was related to the dream, and I began to wonder if the things I dreamed about happened in reality..."

"But I ran all over the world, but I didn't find the existence of Houkai, so I concluded that this world is just a parallel world similar to the world in my dream."

"Why do you conclude that this is a parallel world?" Shi Yuqiluo asked in a strange tone.

"After all, there are so many people here who look exactly like the one in my dream, and their experience is also somewhat similar. What is it if it is not a parallel world?" Xiao Chen waved his hand and said: "I have confirmed that there is no Honkai here! Besides, Take ten thousand steps back and say that I didn’t encounter Honkai at all.”

"Wouldn't Otto find out that I was filming the movie of Saint Kallen with such great fanfare? If he knew that there is a person who knows the past and the future, he would have taken me to the Destiny Laboratory to slice it! How could it be possible to act with me? Now?"

Shi Yuqiluo nodded in agreement when she heard the words, and said: "Indeed, what you said is indeed very similar to what your bishop can do."

In fact, if you are not the Herrscher of Restraint, the laboratory that has been dragged down long ago is probably sliced.

Am I right?Otto!

Otto, who was observing Xiao Chen in secret, only felt cold sweat running down his back... This really seemed like something he would do in the past!But now he has changed his ways!

"However, what do you mean by the post-Honkai book?" Shi Yu Qiluo asked.

"Oh, that happened after human beings defeated Honkai stage by stage. It may be a bit far away for you. You will probably be in your 40s by then?" Xiao Chen calculated a little and said.

"The idol's age is a secret!" Shi Yu Qiluo said with a baa gesture.

"Oh, yes, speaking of idols... Are you really my fan in this world?" Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

"Yes..." Shi Yuqiluo thought of something and said: "Can you give me two autographs? The me in this world wrote it in the notes before I died! My greatest wish in life is your autograph in person I want a copy for her to burn."


Xiao Chen nodded and said, "But why do you want two copies?"

"One is burned to the other, and the other is kept as a disguise."

One burned Captain Cecilia, and the other kept for his own collection.

After getting two Xiao Chen's autographs, Shi Yu Qiluo asked with satisfaction: "I have one more question, who is the real Kiana Kaslana?"

246 Qiyana: I am not me!

246 Qiyana: I am not me!

Am I not just Kiyana Kaslana?

Kiyana, who was observing the scene over there on the surveillance video, asked subconsciously.

After being stunned for about three seconds, she absorbed Sirin's memory before she slowly realized that the fusion with Sirin's memory has not been perfect these days.

When it comes to things about Sirin, she needs a few seconds to react.

When I thought that I was only the fusion of Sirin and Kiyana, I realized that I was not the real Kiyana...

Oh, I'm really not Kiyana, that's fine.

However, since I am not the real Kiyana, where is the real Kiyana?

Thinking so much, Kiyana asked Sirin in her heart, and said, "Do you know where the real Kiyana is?"

"How would I know?" Sirin rolled her eyes slightly, and said, "I was only a Herrscher core at the time, and there was no problem at all. How could I know about Zhen Qiyana?"

"That's right..." Kiyana scratched her head and said.

"What do you care about so much? Even if Zhenqiyana is found, what are you going to do? Give up your identity?"

"If she wants." Qiyana said slowly: "However, as long as I am still me, my current life has not changed, it is just a name. Xiao Chen doesn't care about this kind of thing, and I don't care about this kind of thing." matter."

Youlandelle: Coincidentally, I don't care...

Rita was not at all surprised when Shi Yuqiluo asked this question, she thought Shi Yuqiluo would ask such a question in the past.

She also thought that there would be a day when Youlandelle knew her identity, but she didn't expect that this day would be today.

However, since it came from Xiao Chen's mouth, Lord Youlandell would gladly accept it, right?

Otto also sighed outside the screen and thought secretly in his heart.

Finally can't hide it!I wanted to post this question later!it seems...

Just when the two insiders were thinking this way, Xiao Chen suddenly said: "Who is the real Qiyana and where is it... Don't you already have the answer in your mind?"

"Could it's her?"

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