
The dialogue between the two directly stunned the audience who didn't know the truth outside the venue.

Hey guys, it's time for the Riddler, right?

I wondered if it wasn't Gotham I entered?

"Just as you imagined." Xiao Chen nodded while looking at Shi Yuqiluo's eyes that hesitated to speak, and said.

So what exactly was she imagining!Everyone watched and complained in the surveillance video.

"I see." Shi Yuqiluo nodded and said.

What do you know! ! !

The two looked at each other and then fell silent for a while, everyone around couldn't help but feel itchy...

Although Xiao Chen will tell who the real Qiyana is sooner or later later in the performance, but now being asked this question and being ignored...it really drove them a little crazy.

Shi Yu Qiluo suddenly thought of a question, and asked, "Does Siegfried know about this?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: "I don't know, he thought Qiyana was dead."

"By the way, I have always had a question on the plane. Since you are going to shoot the second Honkai, who will play Siegfried? Why didn't I see Siegfried's actor?" Shigure Qiluo Some doubts said.

She's definitely not asking this question to punch Siegfried... absolutely not!

How can two punches be enough? !

After Shi Yudiluo asked this question, Xiao Chen pointed to himself and said, "Because Siegfried's actor is me..."

"It's you?!" Shi Yu Qiluo looked Xiao Chen up and down in a little surprise, because he had already taken off his sunglasses at this time because of Xuetian.

That look is exactly the same as what she saw a few years ago, there is no change at all, just a little more mature and looks better... As expected of my brother... Cough cough cough!Worthy of being an actor I admire!

"You two don't look alike at all." Shi Yu Qiluo looked at Xiao Chen and complained, and said.

"You have to believe in the power of makeup." Xiao Chen spread his palms upwards and said.

Xiao Chen's time has been stuck on the day when Yae Shenzi almost died.

On the day when the power of restraint was awakened, Xiao Chen's physical age and growth were 'restrained', and the aging also stopped naturally.Only when his physical strength is constantly improving and his body is being optimized, can his face not look so immature.

"Okay, I've almost finished asking my questions, and now it's your turn... You came to me to educate me about these things, right? What's your purpose?"

Shi Yu Qiluo looked at Xiao Chen with a serious expression and asked.


Xiao Chen was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect this time, Shi Yuqiluo could admit it, he just asked this question in a hurry to confirm his inner guess, he didn't think about what he was going to do at all.

At the moment, after Shi Yuqiluo asked this question, he was also a little confused.

After being silent for a few minutes, Xiao Chen raised his head and glanced at the clock in the coffee shop. It was almost time for assembly, and then he slowly said, "Do you still want to return to the original world?"

"Yeah." Shi Yu Qiluo nodded, then blinked at Xiao Chen and said: "I will go back, what? Do you want to go back with me? I can see other characters in your script~"


After hearing Shi Yuqiluo ask this question, several people outside the surveillance video couldn't help holding their breath.

Rita especially clenched her clenched hands into fists after hearing Shigure Kiro speak!

What is fire prevention!Anti-theft!Anti girlfriends!

Good boy!How could I not see that you have such a wolfish ambition before!

If I had known earlier, I would not have introduced you to Xiao Chen!

The expressions of the others are not good either.

Even though Xiao Chen chooses to travel with Shi Yu Qi Luo, Xiao Chen will not leave their side.

After all, this is Xiao Chen's so-called main world!It's just that he doesn't know it himself, but if Xiao Chen really agrees to Shi Yuqiluo's proposal.

In order to pretend, they have to pretend not to know Xiao Chen, and treat Xiao Chen as a passerby... Even thinking about it will make my heart hurt...

This is as uncomfortable as if all the favorability points you have worked so hard to brush have all returned to zero!

Yae Shenzi also subconsciously bit her finger and waited for Xiao Chen's answer, if it is according to Xiao Chen's personality before.

Maybe there will really be a possibility of traveling through the past and pulling the other party over to make a movie.

But wouldn't that be a nesting doll?

Xiao Chen was also slightly taken aback when he heard Shi Yuqiluo ask this question, and then slowly opened his mouth and said...

247 Xiao Chen's Confession

247 Xiao Chen's Confession

"Traveling the world? That might be a good choice too."

In fact, when he first started traveling, Xiao Chen had a lot of fantasies, such as the sudden appearance of various game dungeons around the world, such as the sudden revival of spiritual energy, urban cultivation, magician, onmyoji...

After all, it was hard to travel through time, and he wanted to experience a life that was different from his previous life.

He was still very young when he crossed, so it's normal to have such thoughts.

It's just that after traveling for a while, he found an 'ordinary' world in this world.His thoughts faded away, and then became weaker and weaker, and gradually began to show up, and finally resigned to his fate and lived the life of an ordinary person.

When he adopted Yae Shenzi back then, he was actually thinking about whether she would turn into a beautiful woman one day to repay her kindness...

It's just that these things seem to have nothing to do with me.

After realizing that there is no such magical power in this world, Xiao Chen began to think about what else he could do?

He wrote novels, but found copying boring.

Later, he was discovered by scouts and became a star, and then he felt that it was not bad to be a star after all his life, so he became a star.

Later he felt that acting itself has its limits!So I became a director again thinking that since I don’t have those cool things, then I can’t act?

Therefore, the plan proposed by Shi Yuqiluo this time is not a little attractive to him. It can be said that he has always wanted to do it when he traveled, but he couldn't do it.

At that moment Xiao Chen spoke slowly.

"If it was before, I might accept your proposal."

"Then..." Shi Yudiluo showed a surprised expression on his face.

In fact, she was not fooled by Xiao Chen's beauty!She thought there was only one reason for Xiao Chen to follow her!

That is to take revenge on Otto with Xiao Chen's power!

Just when she was thinking this way, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his mouth and made a gesture, saying: "But I refuse!"

"Why? Didn't you just say..." Shi Yuqiluo asked with a puzzled expression.

"I mean that I will promise you in the past." Xiao Chen spread his palms upwards, and said: "But I didn't say that I will promise you in the present."

"What's the reason?" Shi Yuqiluo asked.

"I have found what I want to do now, and there is a group of people who are willing to believe and follow me. I can't leave them alone." Xiao Chen said slowly.

Kiyana: He said he wouldn't leave me!Rounding up is the same as we are already together!

Youlandelle: He said she believed in me!He really likes me!

Rita: Didn't you both hear the quantifier he said earlier?What he said was obviously me!

Raiden Mei: I was the first to get you out of the way!

"So that's the case, did you choose this side?" Shi Yuqiluo smiled and said, "Then why did you find me?"

"So it was just a whim to prove my guess." Xiao Chen slowly opened his mouth and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, saying: "Now I want to give you this thing."

"What is this?" Shi Yudiluo finally asked with the USB drive.

"This is the complete video data of the two movies "Saint Kallen" and "Invasion of Anti-Entropy"." Xiao Chen explained.

"What are you doing for me with such an important thing?" Shi Yuqiluo asked in surprise.

"I think you might need it." Xiao Chen looked at Shi Yuqiluo and spread his hands slightly, and said: "Although I can't go there with you, my work can. I deliberately changed the plot, you just need to read it You can know the plot and know the future direction...Although what you can know now is still very limited, but I will finish filming the next works soon."

"Although I don't know when you will leave, I will give you a copy of my work before you leave." Xiao Chen promised Shi Yuqiluo.

"Why are you helping me like this...?" Shi Yuqiluo looked at the USB flash drive in her hand, as if she could feel Xiao Chen's painstaking efforts on it, and asked.

"Help you? Actually, it doesn't count." Xiao Chen shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said, "I just did what I can do as a bystander. The collapsed world you live in is actually the world I live in There are many imperfections in the same department.”

"I give you this USB flash drive in the hope that you can make those imperfect stories perfect... This is also something that the world taught me. I will be responsible for this movie and the people I meet to the end, and I also hope that Everyone in the collapsed world has a peaceful and happy life like my actors,"

"I'm sorry, I promised them to finish the whole movie. I can't go with you, but at least I want to hand over this USB flash drive to you."

"Of course, if you don't want to, you can also give the USB flash drive to others."

"I accept." Shi Yu Qiluo said very solemnly: "Thank you."

Xiao Chen arched his hands and got up and said: "Okay, it's almost time, we should also meet them."

Shi Yuqiluo looked at Xiao Chen's leaving back and clenched the USB flash drive in his hand, not knowing what to think...

The faces of the people who were watching the surveillance video on the other side couldn't help turning a little red. They were all quite happy that Xiao Chen chose them.

Especially when Xiao Chen said that he would be responsible for them to the end, and hoped that they would be happy...

Although Xiao Chen talked about two waves of people, they are actually...responsible to the end...and happiness...isn't it almost like a confession together!

Just when everyone was stunned in place, Yae Shenzi said in time: "Okay, one by one is getting hot! If you don't hurry up! After Xiao Chen returns later, he will be suspicious if he doesn't see you!"

Only then did everyone wake up like a dream. First, Mei Lei spoke first, "I want to do some shopping before leaving."

"Yes, but there is not much time."

"Don't worry, I'll be fast!" Said Mei Lei and ran to the men's clothing store next door...

Everyone reacted when they saw the direction Lei Dian Mei was going.

"I'm going out too!"

"I have something to buy too!"

"I want to eat chocolate!"

"Damn it, I also want to sell chocolates to Xiao Chen! Can we not bump into each other!"

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