Technology department?When did we have a technical department?

Listening to Xiao Chen's opening, the person in charge raised a few question marks, when did they use real special effects in making movies?

Ah, it seems that there was one time.

The last time Raiden Mei and Wuliangta Himeko confronted each other, special effects were used.

However, that time it was also given to the destiny. At the beginning, because we didn't have that much money, we didn't have members who specialized in special effects, especially this kind of advanced special effects...

"I'll ask the investor's company." The person in charge said immediately.

"Well, then you should contact me first." Xiao Chen nodded and continued to observe the internal structure of the Tower of Babel experimental studio.

The person in charge started to contact the technical department of Tianming, and told Xiao Chen what he was going to do, asking if he could do it.

However, the other party's answer was this...

"Here, can we use a live documentary?"


Ah this.

"I sent you the usual appearance of the Honkai Beast. You can edit it casually after looking at it. We are not professional in this regard."

"As for how many doomsday special effects you want... there is a recorded video of a collapse, and the film and television materials left over from the last era, which one do you want?"

"I want it all."

"it is good."

After the person in charge received the information from Tianming, he said to Xiao Chen who was observing the laboratory: "Boss, the other party said it's ok, and it can be done in a week."

"One week? So fast?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised. Aren't the special effects of this blockbuster special effects all based on months?

However, Xiao Chen also knows the power of the investors behind him, even the Hyperion can be made, and it seems that it is not impossible to get a few special effects in a week.

At the moment Xiao Chen no longer had any doubts in his heart and nodded, and said: "Well, you are responsible for communicating with the other party here."

After the chat, the official person in charge suddenly came over again, asked around, and asked cautiously: "By the way, what will my sister give you when you get off the bus?"

"Collar." Xiao Chen said slowly.

"???" The person in charge looked at Xiao Chen in a daze and asked, "You didn't do anything strange to my sister, did you?"


Xiao Chen rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Why do you think in that direction, don't you have a tourism project of wolf sledding here? Didn't your sister give me the collar to let me experience this entertainment project?"

"But to be honest, I don't really want to keep pets anymore." Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, "Some things can't be replaced just by changing one."

Raven: But you can add another one!

"Really?" The person in charge recalled a little... It seems that there was no such tourism project when they were young.

It was only when Xiao Chen came here that he specially developed such a project in order to develop the tourism industry, especially when Raven was still there, this project had not yet officially started.

In other words, Raven doesn't know about the tourism projects here...

Then why did she give Xiao Chen a collar?

No, I need to calm down!

This problem... this problem is huge!

"By the way, hasn't the actor of Xilin that Yae Shenzi mentioned before come?" Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

Today's filming is not officially started because the key actors are not in place.

Considering that it was the first time for everyone to come to this place, Xiao Chen gave the others a day to rest.

However, if Mingtai's partner doesn't come again, he can only consider filming other people's plots first.


While the two were chatting, a voice full of vitality suddenly sounded.

250 Siegfried will have another video to watch

250 Siegfried will have another video to watch

"Qiana? Aren't you resting at the villa? Why did you come to the Tower of Babel?" Xiao Chen looked at Qiyana who was coming and asked in confusion.

"I'm here to guide the newcomers!" Qiyana walked over bouncingly, and Xiao Chen saw a person standing behind Qiyana.

Because he was a little shorter than Kiyana, and hid in the shadow behind Kiyana, he didn't fully see the person standing behind Kiyana until Kiyana came over.

She was about the same size as Qiyana, with long purple hair that was a little careless, and a pair of golden eyes with a mark like a crosshair, which reminded him of his own eyes...

This image was indeed the image of Sirin in his mind.

"Is this the actor of Sirin?"

Xiao Chen looked at Sirin behind Kiyana, stepped forward and stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am the director of this movie—Xiao Chen."

"My name is Xilin." Xilin said timidly.

Although she looked like a queen on the outside and even Qiyana, she couldn't help being a little nervous after seeing Xiao Chen, and reached out to shake Xiao Chen's hand.

This was the first time she touched Xiao Chen with her own body.

After thinking about it constantly, she still decided to temporarily make a physical contact with Xiao Chen, as for the body, it was still on Qiyana's body.

Just made another body through the core of the Herrscher of Death, just like the other Herrschers she made before.

However, this approach also has a flaw.

That's because of Xiao Chen's relationship, this link through the Houkai energy will not last for too long, so Qiyana needs to follow her all the time so that Sirin can carry out activities.

If Kiyana moves away from Sirin by a certain distance, she will lose her ability to move.

Xiao Chen also saw Xilin's nervousness and said: "Don't be nervous, although I am a director, I am no different from a newcomer. I have only been a director for a month, so don't put any pressure on you. After all, everyone is the first one." once."

"En!" Sirin nodded heavily.

The other Qiyana couldn't help but ran over and said, "Director! Director! Me! Why are you so gentle to Sirin when we met for the first time!"

No, Kiyana, do you even eat your own vinegar?

Sirin glanced at Kiyana and complained in her heart.

Although she is Sirin, Kiyana is also Sirin in a strict sense, and both are extensions of Sirin's consciousness.

It's just that once one was good and the other was evil, now both of them are unanimously targeting Honkai!

"The first time?" Xiao Chen rolled her eyes at her, and said angrily, "Do you still remember your attitude towards me the first time? You came up and punched me without saying a word."

"Director, didn't you also take advantage of this to lure me into the Japanese police station?" Kiyana curled her lips and said.

The person in charge at the side couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, he deserves to be the director.

In order to gather the actors, all kinds of tricks were used...

"I'm also letting you see the dangers of society. At that time, if you shouted to catch idiots, I might be the only one who was caught. In that case, I would be the one who was disadvantaged." Xiao Chen Spreading his palms upwards, he said.

After all, there are many idiots in Nihong's situation, one is a little girl, and the other is a...handsome guy like him.

Well, that's right.

It is estimated that the police will arrest him in the same way as the procedure, and will not do any investigation.

However, Xiao Chen also sighed, why it was so smooth at that time.

Sure enough, it's the same as in the anime, are the neon policemen just decorations?

(Otto: Still because of me!)

"So it can still be like this..." Qiyana nodded, then glanced at Xiao Chen and said with a smirk: "But, in that case, director, don't you admit that you are an idiot?"

Xiao Chen directly hit Qiyana on the head with a knife, and said, "I'm just making a metaphor."

When the two were chatting, Xiao Chen's gaze was on Qiyana all the time, which made Sirin puff up like a puffer fish.

However, she also has all of Qiyana's memories about Xiao Chen and knows what Xiao Chen cares about most, so she said directly: "Director, can I start the machine directly today?"

"Start up today?" Xiao Chen was indeed attracted by what Xi Lin said, he asked hesitantly: "Don't you need to take a day off?"

"It's okay! I used to live here! For me, life here is not uncomfortable! I'm always at my best!" Sirin shook her arm and said energetically.

"That's it..." Xiao Chen nodded.

It's just that he didn't think that Sirin lived here literally, this Tower of Babel laboratory...

"Since you are interested, let's experience it a little bit."

Xiao Chen clapped his hands, turned his head to look at the person in charge and asked, "How many drones can move now?"

"As long as you ask, all drones can be activated at any time." The person in charge said seriously.

"It doesn't need that much. There won't be much content in the next plot. I think about it... maybe only three or four drones are needed to take charge of the four perspectives."

"Okay, then I'll mobilize five drones, where are the actors?" the person in charge continued to ask.

"Two extra performers playing the doctor." Xiao Chen continued.

"Okay, let me ask the investor."

The person in charge nodded again and asked if there were any suitable actors over there, and the other party replied that he could use a real doctor?

The kind with a degree...

The person in charge nodded after hesitating for a moment, and said, "Okay."

Then he turned his head and said to Xiao Chen: "It said there is a suitable actor."

"Okay! Then let's get started!"

Xiao Chen nodded excitedly.

From the beginning of filming to the smooth development of things now, he is a little incredible.

First, I met a suitable actor in Europe, and then an investor with less work and more money.

The whole filming process went smoothly, which surprised him a bit.

Everyone entered into the role like a movie king possessed, even as a professional actor, he couldn't find any flaws.

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