A movie that would have taken a long time to make was actually compressed to a month or even a few weeks, and the speed is amazing!Never seen before!

All this is thanks to the investors behind the scenes!

At this time, Otto, who was watching the interaction between him and Kiyana behind the scenes, couldn't help but sneezed, and at the same time sighed in his heart, this time he wanted material to show Siegfried...

251 Mebius secretly observing jpg

251 Mebius secretly observing jpg

How could Qiyana not know about Sirin's tricks to attract Xiao Chen, and immediately complained about Sirin in her heart.

Why do you even eat your own vinegar?

Sirin gave Qiyana a supercilious look in her heart, and said, "Aren't you the same!" '

After two people had a meaningless quarrel in their hearts.

The second collapse, the story of the Tower of Babel laboratory officially started one by one

"3, 2, 1——ACTION!"

Following Xiao Chen's ACTION, the paddle was knocked down and knocked.

There were two heavy breathing sounds on the screen that Xiao Chen was peeping at.

After hearing this, Xiao Chen couldn't help sighing that he was indeed a group performer hired by investors, and he really wanted to perform like the dead man last time!

This feeling is like being chased and killed by the Herrscher!

At this time, the idea of ​​the two doctors is... Isn't it to be a laboratory? !

Why is there a real lawyer!

Then I thought of Otto's instructions before leaving.

"If you don't act according to the next line...the bombs on you will be detonated directly."

This is simply a threat!




As researchers, they were not very physically strong, so they could only urge themselves to run non-stop due to their survival instincts.

Under the enchantment of the Herrscher of Constraint, the Herrscher of the Sky cannot move casually!

"Run faster! That monster is catching up!"

Although you can't just move around!But it is still much faster than ordinary people! ! !

"Hee hee~"

Sirin teleported again and again to drive the two of them to a dead end.

Xiao Chen observed the situation in the arena through the cameras of five drones.

After all, this time is different from other filming locations, and the depth is relatively long. If he appears on the set, it is very likely that he will be recorded together.

If you pay attention to these speeds when shooting, it will slow down, so Xiao Chen chose to watch from the back.

This also gave Sirin the opportunity to use her abilities, but she would cooperate with the camera every time she used her abilities.

With Qiyana's vision, she can clearly see the changes in herself on the camera side.

Create a way that it's not she who is teleporting, but the camera, making it look like he is teleporting.

The whole chase was only a short period of time, and the two researchers were not physically strong enough.

After running some distance, one of the younger-looking researchers ran up to the door.

Another older researcher fell to the ground and began to speak according to the lines he had said before: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help me!"

"Bless yourselves!"

joke!That's the lawyer!Even if it is weakened, it is still a Herrscher!What can I do!

You just pray that the Herrscher will not kill you according to what the bishop said!

After speaking, the younger researcher heard the painful voice of his companion behind him.

"My legs! My legs! I can't feel my legs!"

This frightened him to move faster, and he opened the door with his own ID and got in in one breath.

Although he was scared now, the speed of closing the door did not change because of his emotions, so he hammered the switch of the door impatiently and said, "Close it quickly!"

Xiao Chen, who was looking at the picture here through the drone, couldn't help but nodded frequently and said: "Although it's a group performer, this acting skill is also in place, perfectly expressing the behavior of a person who is driven to a dead end!"

The person in charge commented on this

It's all emotion, no hint of acting.

Listening to Xiao Chen's description, Qiyana also had a wry smile on her face. After all, in a sense, she is the one chasing people now...

Although she made Sirin deliberately release the pressure, is it really that scary?

Just when the researcher on the screen thought he had escaped from birth, Sirin used the power of imaginary space to pass through the iron gate and appear in the screen.

Seeing this picture, Xiao Chen couldn't help sighing: "Even the door with this visual effect is ready, did this use some kind of magic technique?"

No, that's the real imaginary space...

Kiyana complained in her heart.

The so-called imaginary number space is different from the quantum sea.

In layman's terms, there is only one space in which we exist, which is the four-dimensional space-time we live in.

If the entire four-dimensional space (three-dimensional space + time) we live in is regarded as a "world ball", then on the outside of the "world ball", all other spaces that exist outside this "ball" are imaginary numbers Space, these imaginary number spaces can exist infinitely many.

Compared with the meaningful real number space, various properties of the imaginary number space are meaningless to human common sense.Everything that exists in the digital space, if not properly abstracted or projected, will be beyond the scope of human rationality.

The ability of the Herrscher of Xilinkong is like a link connecting imaginary numbers and real numbers. She projects things in the space of imaginary numbers into the space of real numbers, and "transforms" them into real things at any time.

That's why Sirin can easily pass through the iron gate.

Sirin turned Iron Gate or herself into an imaginary number object, which is equivalent to the existence of another world, and does not interfere with the real number space.

Only when Sirin needs it, it can be transformed into matter in the real number space.

Of course, what can be done by using the imaginary number space is far more than that.

"Selfish humans—"

"Are you safe for abandoning your companions?"

The younger researcher was also taken aback when he saw Sirin appearing out of nowhere.

A little flustered, she distanced herself from Sirin, and at the same time shouted: "Don't come here!"

Do you know how many times people who have said this have died?

As he spoke, he took out his pistol and shot Sirin a few times.

Sirin put the bullet into the space, and then returned it to the shooter. When the bullet was about to hit the opponent, she pulled the bullet into the imaginary space, only breaking the good blood bag set on her body.

But it also scared the other party to the ground.

Xiao Chen can completely stop this change with the power of the Herrscher of Restraint, and even make her stay in a certain state and cannot change back.

However, it may be faster and simpler to directly eliminate the Houkai in the body.

It's just that Xiao Chen's ability has been developed to the point where it can only affect the body, but not the energy level.

The Herrscher of Constraint in the last era could only eliminate the Honkai energy together with other energies, and could not do such a detailed operation at all.

Although these are not important to others, there are always people who care...

For example, in the kind of Mebius who observes Xilin's acting and Xiao Chen's changes.

252 Qiyana has no plot, what does it have to do with me, Sirin

252 Qiyana has no plot, what does it have to do with me, Sirin

Others who are actors are basically resting in the villas in the snow mountain.

However, this time, Mebius and Raven are behind-the-scenes employees, so they also came to the Babita laboratory with Xiao Chen, but Mebius came here mainly to observe Xiao Chen and look for opportunities...

Who knew that Qiyana would come to the door at this time.

"click one by one"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

After the scene of Xilin chasing and killing the experimenters was over, Xiao Chen walked to the laboratory and waved to Xilin.

Then he patted the stunned researcher who was sitting on the ground and said, "You have worked hard too, go down and get a box lunch."

The experimenter, who had just recovered a little bit and was a bit of a survivor, trembled when he heard these words, and thought to himself.

Get lunch? ? ?

Do you still want to kill me? ?

Two terrified researchers are taken back by Destiny to be amnesticized.

Just as Xiao Chen wanted Qiyana and Sirin to go down to rest, he remembered two voices in the distance, saying: "Xiao Chen! We are here too!"


Xiao Chen complained in his heart as he watched Youlandelle and Teresa approaching from a distance.

Are you all so curly?I don't even need to give you a break?

"Aren't you resting too? Why are you all here?" Xiao Chen asked with some puzzlement.

"You haven't taken a break as a director, so how can we have the nerve to rest!" Youlandell said with one hand clenched.

Her personality is serious, although after meeting Xiao Chen, there is no Honkai Beast to fight, so she is a little slack, but in terms of work attitude, Youlandell is definitely a role model.

He even picked up Teresa who was still fishing and went straight to the venue.

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