Theresa:? ? ?

Don't take me with you!

You still don't have my big aunt in your eyes!

Oh, you really don't know...that's okay.

Ulandelle is a matter of Zhenqiana, and recently Otto has told Theresa in private.

However, Ulandell didn't know about this matter, and Teresa couldn't recognize Ulandell, so she could only pretend to be ignorant.

Looking forward to when Xiao Chen personally reveals the identity of Youlandale...

"I'm actually fine..." Before Xiao Chen could finish his sentence, Qiyana hugged Xiao Chen from behind and said, "That's right! Sister Bianca is right! You don't rest! How can you rest!"

Let's talk!But don't do it!

Youlandal withdrew Qiyana from Xiao Chen, and said: "Qiana is right... But, I remember that there is no plot about you in this script, right? You should take a good rest and prepare for the next movie Bar!"

Want to send me away!no way!

"It's okay, even if I can't film, I want to support everyone in other ways!"

In other words, if I leave, Sirin will hang up directly!

wrong!Now it should be said that I am Sirin!That's total Sirin!

How can you say there is no plot for me!

Without Qiyana's plot, what does it have to do with my Sirin!

Just as the two were confronting each other, Xiao Chen suddenly said: "The next plot really needs the two of you, but I don't know if the venue is ready, and there is still a shortage of someone to play the role of Kiyana when I was a child."

"I'll contact the investors at the venue." The person in charge said directly.

The next story is the story of Kiana's family and Teresa taking pictures on the floating island, and the venue is the floating island of destiny.

If it's just filming, then anything is fine.

Just use special effects to make a photo similar to a floating island, and then ordinary people can take pictures in a city.

But now Xiao Chen and the others are in Siberia, and it just happens to catch up with the season of frequent snowstorms, and there are very few sunny days.

Even on a sunny day, the surrounding area is full of schools, and the average temperature outside is also very low. If you want to hang out in summer clothes, it is purely courting death.

Just when the person in charge wanted to contact the investor, Otto came out from the side and said, "No need to contact, the other party has already brought the floating island over."


Youlandelle and Teresa turned their heads and thought to themselves when they heard the words.

Did you move the headquarters of Destiny here?

"Oh, Otto, where were you? Why didn't I see you on the bus?"

Xiao Chen glanced at Otto who was walking over and asked curiously.

I'm evading pursuit...

Otto added in his mind, and continued: "Ahem, I'm going to communicate with the investor to prepare the props and venues for this shooting. The other venues have been prepared a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to do it today. shoot."

"So that's it." Xiao Chen nodded, and then said: "If you use the floating island, then you really don't have to care about the weather."

After all, you have many clouds and heavy snow. As long as I run above the clouds, can you still cover me?

Teresa is still a little speechless about Otto's move of the Destiny Headquarters directly, moving the entire Destiny Headquarters here for filming... It's too wasteful!What a prodigal!

Post-Honkai Book: ?

However, because of the story of Otto on the plane, Teresa's attitude towards Otto has improved a lot.

Although it's not that close, it won't give Otto any shame.

After everyone said a few words casually, they took the Hyperion and flew to the Floating Island of Destiny.

Looking at the floating island full of sci-fi atmosphere in the distance on the Hyperion, Xiao Chen felt slightly numb.

Drones, airships, and floating islands...

I should be in the 21st century now, right?

That's all for ultra-small drones!

What exactly is the investor behind it doing!Why is there even such a thing!Can I still lend it to myself for filming? ? ?

Otto on the other side seemed to have seen Xiao Chen's doubts and approached him, saying: "Director, although this floating island is temporarily lent to us for filming, the other party only allows us to shoot outside, and we are not allowed to enter other places inside." Facility. Is that okay?"

"Of course, regarding this floating island, the other party also asked us to sign a non-disclosure agreement."

"Yes, yes." Xiao Chen looked at the floating island outside and nodded, then nodded meaningfully and said: "I want to sign a non-disclosure agreement, but can I shoot?"

What villa island?It's weak, okay!A real man wants to go to the floating island!

"After all, no one will think that this movie will really be on a floating island, as long as we do a little bit of work on the special effects, and make it a little bit more fake."

In fact, Otto didn't care about the exposure, he just said this to cater to Xiao Chen, it was just a small floating island.

It won't hurt for Xiao Chen to give him everything he wants...

Raven will probably cry when he finds out...

253 I've already thought of the name of the child!

253 I've already thought of the name of the child!

If anyone was the happiest in this shoot, it must be Otto.

After all, this time the plot!But gather Qiyana and Youlandelle, the two daughters of Siegfried!

What if Siegfried cried to death unhappy seeing this?

It's just...why did Shiyu Qiluo come here together! ! !

Otto looked at Shi Yuqiluo beside him with a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

Why no one told me!Shi Yu Qiluo is also here?

On the bright side, Shi Yuqiluo is still the Valkyrie of Destiny, and it is not difficult to enter the headquarters.

It's just that after hearing what Otto did, Shigure Qiluo already held a grudge against Otto.Although Shi Yu Qiluo diverted her attention from revenge because of Xiao Chen's words, her hostility towards Otto still remained unrelenting.

Even now Otto could feel the hostility emanating from Kira Shigure.

Now unfortunately, Xiao Chen, You Landale, Delisa, and Qiyana are all changing clothes.

At present, there are only two people in the square of the floating island, Otto and Shigure Qiluo, and the person in charge can be ignored...

Because Raven, Jackal, and Mebius are members of the World Snake, in order to prevent the three of them from entering the floating island, Yae Kamiko was responsible for watching them below.

Just when Otto was considering whether to run away, Shigure Qiluo took the initiative to say: "You don't need to be so nervous, Mr. Otto, I'm only here this time to watch Mr. Ulandale act."

"Besides, I can't hurt your soul steel body without the Valkyrie armor...Isn't it? Or are you just worried that my attack here will arouse Xiao Chen's suspicion?"

"Then you can rest assured that I will plunge the whole world into crisis because of my personal hatred."

"About Cecilia... I'm sorry." Otto said after a slight silence.

"Do you think I will forgive you with an apology?" Shi Yuqiluo asked.

"I don't expect you to forgive me, I just think I should say this." Otto said slowly.

Even if Otto didn't launch those missiles, Cecilia would bleed to death, but to put it bluntly, the birth of the Second Herrscher was inseparable from Otto.

He established the Barbita Laboratory alone, and Otto also deliberately promoted the Honkai.

And when Walter was about to defeat the second Herrscher, Otto suddenly attacked Walter so that Sirin could escape.

This is Otto Apocalypse. In order to achieve his goal, he will do whatever it takes. The boss who was denounced by the players in the early stage...

Just when the atmosphere between the two became more tense, Xiao Chen and You Landale walked out of the fitting room.

Xiao Chen's short silver hair was combed into a braid at the back, and he wore blue colored contact lenses on his eyes, covering the cross in his eyes.

At this time, he played a slightly younger Siegfried, so there was no beard on the chin, and no wrinkles on the face.

On the other side, Youlandelle put on that long silver hair again, wearing a dress like a dress, with a blue rose pinned to his chest, and a string of pearl necklaces around his neck .

Youlandal's figure is not inferior to Cecilia's. After wearing this dress, the whole person looks more mature, and he looks like Cecilia herself in every frown and smile...

"Lord Cecilia..." Shi Yuqiluo was just skeptical at first, but after Xiao Chen finished speaking, she only became more convinced of her suspicion, until now.She truly believes that Ulandelle is the real child of Lord Cecilia... Kiana herself.

"The dress suits you very well." Xiao Chen looked at Youlandelle and said.

"Really? Thank you." Youlandell said with a shy expression on his face.

On the other side, watching the somewhat youthful interaction between the two, Otto frantically pressed the shutter beside him.

When Shigure Qiluo heard the sound of Otto pressing the shutter, he couldn't help turning his eyes away, staring at Otto with sharp eyes.

"What do you want to do? I'm just taking a picture..."

Before Otto could finish his sentence, Shigure Qiluo suddenly said: "Share some of the photos you took with me, and I will forgive you a little... just a little bit!"

Forgive, but only a little!

Just when Youlandelle thought that the atmosphere between him and Xiao Chen was just right, a voice sounded.

"Are you really going to wear this for a shoot?"

After changing her clothes, Teresa slowly came out of the fitting room.

A head of silver hair was tied into two balls and tied with a red rope. He was dressed in a modern Chinese-style dress. A bell was hung on the bare skin of his shoulders. A red rope was attached to his waist. Also tied with a red leg ring.

"It's so cute, Teresa."

Xiao Chen looked at Teresa and said.

Youlan Dell didn't respond to Xiao Chen's praise of Teresa, although Teresa was already in her 40s, but in Xiao Chen's eyes, she was still like a child.Teresa's attitude towards Xiao Chen is more like treating an older brother, so Teresa is the one who needs to be the least vigilant among the crowd.

This is what Youlandell judged...

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he looked at the child with long silver hair beside Youlandell and asked, "Who is this kid?"

"This is a child from my relative's family, he looks very similar to me!" Qiyana jumped out from the side and squatted down, standing with another self.

Needless to say, this little child is also a clone made by her using the core of the Herrscher of Death, just a shrunken version of herself.

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