Using the core of the Herrscher of Death, it is easy to speed up your growth or regress your age.

Xiao Chen walked over with a smile and hugged the body controlled by Xi Lin, and said: "Then this time I will trouble the little actor."

"Such a young child is the best at acting no matter what he does."

The way Xiao Chen hugged little Qiyana looked in the eyes of Qiyana and Youlandelle.

At this time, the two of them have already thought of the names of their children...

If Xiao Chen and I had children, it would probably look like this, right?

The two of them thought this way and then seemed to feel each other's thoughts, Kiyana and Ulandelle looked at each other again.

There was a slight spark in his eyes.

The person who wins in the end... must be me!

Just as the two of them were thinking this way, Sirin controlled little Qiyana's body and said slowly, "Dad!"

254 Cecilia's Stigmata

254 Cecilia's Stigmata

Xilin was held in Xiao Chen's arms.

She lived with her mother since she was a child and never felt the love of her father.

Even after becoming a Herrscher, he thought about resurrecting his mother, and tried it with the core of the Herrscher of Death.

But just like the problem facing Otto, the copied mother is not her mother at all...

She had no choice but to give up.

And plunged into the collapse.

As one of the countless experimental subjects, Sirin was injected with a large amount of Houkai energy by the researchers of Tianming, and finally the core of the Herrscher was born in her body as a Houkai qualified body.

The Honkai [God] aroused Sirin's negative emotions, and a Herrscher personality that was extremely hostile to the destiny was born in her heart, manipulating the Honkai energy and bringing disaster to the world.

The existence of Xiao Chen made her feel warm again. The last time she felt this kind of warmth was on Cecilia...

At that time, Cecilia protected Siegfried with the black abyss and white flowers, and hugged the dying Sirin to tell her her sincerity.Although Cecilia can't change Sirin's tragic past, at this moment, she wants to make Sirin feel warm.

In the end, Sirin and Cecilia died in the Honkai fission bomb fired by Otto.

Sirin felt warmth at the last moment of death...she who has inherited all of Sirin's memories can say so.

Now she feels the same warmth as Cecilia on Xiao Chen... It's just that this warmth is heavier, and Sirin can clear and feel the Houkai energy in Xiao Chen's body.

This is the first time she feels Xiao Chen's existence away from Qiyana's. As a Herrscher personality, she can clearly feel that the energy in Xiao Chen's body and Xiao Chen's spiritual power are closer to God.

The difference between the two is probably the dimension.

Xiao Chen is in the same world as them now, but God completely belongs to this world.

However, this feeling was very familiar to Sirin, so she subconsciously called out.

"Ah this?"

Xiao Chen's age is almost thirty now, and if the age in his previous life is counted, this age will be a little more.

Normally, it would not be surprising for him to have such a big child at his age.

However, since time travel, he has experienced various things, and due to various reasons, he keeps a distance from various people, and he doesn't even have any qualified love partners...

No wonder parents are anxious...

Xiao Chen also felt that it was time to reflect on himself, but now is the critical time to make a movie.

Although the main investors have given them many benefits, the time is relatively tight. The filming process originally planned for more than ten years will now be compressed to a few years to complete...

This workload is not so easy to do even if it has been multiplied several times due to the addition of the sponsor.

Xiao Chen was basically working overtime every day. In this situation, he didn't even think about finding a girlfriend, let alone getting married... So he planned to think about getting married after all the movies were over.

After all, he is not an unmarried or single person.

It's it really that easy to get married?

Is there anyone who really likes me?

Xiao Chen began to fall into a certain amount of self-doubt and anxiety...

Sirin didn't expect that the sound she yelled would have such a good effect.

However, this also has something to do with the gradual opening of Xiao Chen's heart, and now he is not as closed as before...

"Xiao Chen, are you okay?"

Youlandelle walked to Xiao Chen's side and said.

"It's okay, it's just that I was called out suddenly, and I was a little stunned." Xiao Chen reacted and shook his head when he heard the words, then reached out to touch Xilin's nose and said: "Little friend, these two words are not called casually." , don’t call it that next time.”

understood!Change your name next time!

At this time, Sirin also knew that she had made a mistake in a moment of confusion, blushed slightly and began to play dumb.

After all, I'm just a child, what bad thoughts can I have!

"Okay, now that you're ready, let's start the show."

Xiao Chen handed Sirin to Teresa, took the camera from the person in charge, and said at the same time——


Teresa had already stood in the right position, holding the young Qiyana in one hand, and said: "Is it really necessary to dress like this to take pictures? It's a shame——"

"Don't be shy~ Kiyana likes your current clothes too." Siegfried, played by Xiao Chen, pointed the camera at Theresa and Kiyana, and said.

"Since Kiyana likes it..." Teresa said in a doting voice.

"Are you ready? 3, 2, 1! Eggplant!" Xiao Chen said while pressing the shutter of the camera.

I took several photos of Kiana and Teresa.

Of course, in order to save the time of the movie and spend more time on the plot, these photos just flashed by in the movie.

Then there's the scene of Theresa and Cecilia sitting together in a chair.

"Phew, the filming is finally over. I feel more tired than fighting the Honkai Beast." Teresa collapsed on the chair, and said with a burning expression on her face.

"It's hard work, Theresa, it must be very tiring to accompany their father and daughter, right?" Cecilia, who was pretending to be Ulandal, came over and sat next to Theresa and said.

"Thank you for coming to accompany us to take pictures of Kiyana's art. Kiyana likes you very much."

"It's okay, it's not hard at all." Teresa shook her head and said.

Sitting with Ulandle like this really brought her back to the day when she took artistic photos with Cecilia.

"I hope your body recovers soon."

After giving birth, Cecilia did have a period of weakness, but it does not mean that she is not the strongest Valkyrie.

"Thank you for your relationship, Teresa...ah, that's right." Ulandelle said, imitating Cecilia's tone very naturally.

"Don't forget to come to my house for dinner in the afternoon! Siegfried has learned a new dish!"

After hearing that Siegfried's cooking didn't even require acting skills, Teresa subconsciously made a rejection reaction.

Siegfried's cooking?Can I eat it?Who let the Kaslana family into the kitchen!

On the other side, You Landale, who was acting, had a very strange feeling.

I have never seen it before, and it should have nothing to do with it...why do I say such things so naturally?

During this process, Youlandelle couldn't believe it. She even felt that her current body was not controlled by her.

If you look at the inside of her dress at this time, you can see a stigmata shining...

255 Cecilia Appears!I am your fan!

255 Cecilia Appears!I am your fan!

" don't need to eat!"

Tianhuo Shengcai cooking is not advisable!

Teresa still doesn't know why Cecilia can eat Siegfried's meals!Can the people of Kaslana's family cook any serious meals besides the following?

Could this be the so-called power of love?

Or... Cecilia couldn't taste the taste at that time?

When Teresa looked at Kiana, the latter also saw Teresa and waved at her.

Teresa also waved her hand at Kiyana and continued to speak according to the lines: "It's really safe, I hope this peaceful day can last for a while."

On the other side, it seems that the flag he set had an effect, and a message popped up on her communicator. It was an urgent message from the bishop—

"it is good--"

"click one by one"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at Xiao Chen's order.

Teresa and Youlandelle collapsed on the chairs and leaned on each other in perfect synchronization, saying: "It's over, this is much more tiring than the big Honkai beast!"

"Senior Teresa, aren't you afraid of being heard by Xiao Chen?" Youlandal asked, looking at Teresa beside him.

"Don't worry, he's all focused on the video and didn't notice us at all..." Theresa said with an indifferent expression.

"Hmm..." Youlandelle looked at Xiao Chen's direction, and suddenly asked Theresa next to him: "By the way, Senior Teresa, you know Lord Cecilia... Let me see what I just played Does it look like Lady Cecilia?"

"It's very similar. If I didn't know that you are Youlandal, I would have thought you were Cecilia herself." Teresa said slowly.

She is very satisfied with her current life, because of Xiao Chen's enchantment, the Valkyries no longer need to fight, and the peaceful days have truly lasted for a long time.

She still remembered that when Kiyana was just born, Cecilia hoped that Kiyana could choose her own path.

It's better to live a normal life...

Although Qiyana chose to become a Valkyrie, the existence of Xiao Chen seems to have turned Youlandelle into an ordinary girl, no longer the most powerful Valkyrie, if Cecilia knew Will be very happy, right?

Well, by the way, Cecilia was originally Xiao Chen's fan, right?Seeing her daughter and her idol come together... I don't know what she thinks.

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