
On the other side, Teresa and Cecilia sneaked close to Shiyu Qiluo where Xiao Chen and Qiyana could not see.

Just when the two were about to get close to Shi Yu Qiluo, Xiao Chen suddenly turned around and said, "De Lisa, there is still a part of your story that can be filmed when you return to the airship, can you?"

"Yes! Of course no problem!" Teresa said in a slight surprise.

"Okay, then please!"


"Desert? Late at night? There are also mysterious disappearances. Could it be haunted? No! For Kiana! For Cecilia! I must work hard for Cecilia's sake!"

After Teresa went to the Babylon laboratory, Otto chose to stay on the floating island.

Today, I collected a lot of materials about Xiao Chen and You Landale.

I think Siegfried is getting tired of watching it, it's time to change him up!

Don't tell him Ulandal's identity, just say that he has copied Cecilia!


Siegfried: ?Be a person!

257 Mebius' plan, urgent video!

257 Mebius' plan, urgent video!

"Welcome, Teresa, Master Otto asked me to assist you."

As soon as Teresa got off the plane, she heard a voice behind her.

"You are...Patrick! Long time no see!"

Teresa spoke when she saw this person who was similar to her former comrade-in-arms.


The other party was also older and greeted her with a hand gesture.

Patrick Highsmith, code-named "Genius", is an A-rank Valkyrie belonging to the Destiny Intelligence Department.Unlike his bold appearance, he is a thoughtful warrior.He has received three Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, focusing on the supernatural phenomena caused by Houkai energy.Responsible for intelligence collection and analysis in the Snow Wolf team.The inner identity is the spy planted by anti-entropy in Destiny.

It's a pity that he died in the second collapse.


People cannot be resurrected after death, and the Patrick in front of him is just a person who looks very similar to Patrick. It is not difficult to find such a person with the strength of destiny.

Even if you can't find Destiny, there is a Valkyrie who is good at disguising, and can perfectly imitate Patrick's appearance.

Similar characters have also appeared in the comics, although only once.

"Huh...Patrick, I feel relieved with you here."

"Although this incident is a bit scary or weird, I feel relieved to have an expert like you around."

"By the way? How is your investigation going? Is there any progress?"

Patrick shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, there has been no progress. Although the surveillance in the blockade area has been turned on, the murderer's voice has not been captured."

"From the surveillance video, it can be seen that the victimized staff members disappeared out of thin air, and there was no one else around them."

"It's just... the white noise in the surveillance screen is a bit strange."

Patrick pointed to the white dot that appeared on the surveillance video and said, "It would be a bit too coincidental if it was a surveillance failure."

What the two of them played was the video at that time, and they didn't even need any technical processing... The process was also very smooth.

Theresa looked at the white shadow in the monitor and said, "Patrick, don't you think those white noises... look like a human figure?? Could it be a ghost?!"

"No, there are no ghosts in this world. All the mysterious phenomena in this world are caused by Honkai, and this time is no exception." Patrick called up the record form at that time and said.

"This is the change of the Houkai reactor at that time. At ten o'clock that night, the fluctuation of the Houkai reactor suddenly disappeared for 5 minutes... This is obviously very unnatural."

"There must be some clues on the reactor side, but the monitoring on the reactor side is classified, and even you and I can't change the authority. If you want to investigate, you have to go there to actually take a look..."

"After all, ordinary people can't bear such a high Houkai reaction, only us female warriors can."

"Just... the two of us?" Teresa said, obviously afraid of things like ghosts.

"Yes, just the two of us."

Mebius, who was in charge of logistics on the other side, looked at the design of the Tower of Babel, and said in surprise: "That Bishop Otto has not been restored in other places, but there is really a Honkai reflection in it." Furnace...there are two Herrschers here, is he crazy? Or does he really trust that Herrscher."

"I'm going to correct you a little bit." Yae Kamito who was beside me couldn't help but said.

"Why are there only two Herrschers here? If you count Fu Hua, Joyce, and Leiden Mei who are coming next... there are five Herrschers here."


Don’t people in your era do God’s Key?

They will only pick up leftover equipment from the last era, right?

Good guy, I finally defeated the Herrscher of the Sky and lost five Herrscher cores.

One didn't fall behind, and all of them became Herrschers...

You are really good.

Why hasn't this world been destroyed yet?

If according to the strength of the last era, five Herrschers appeared at the same time, even if Yingjie was all online, it would be difficult to deal with...

The herrschers of this era can't help but survive, and there is even a tendency to increase.

I am really convinced.

Ah, maybe it is precisely because of Xiao Chen's existence that other Herrschers can't act rashly to maintain the current situation.

A world saved by the Herrscher... is truly hopeless.

Mebius only felt that his blood pressure was slightly elevated.

After all, when they defeated Herrscher in the last era, they made a god key to increase their combat effectiveness. This era is good.

Keep the core of Herrscher to make new Herrscher... I have the core of Herrscher, I'm just playing if I don't make God's Key!

Really, how in this world is it not destroyed?

Mebius shook his head helplessly, and said, "There is a real reactor in this tower, don't you need to worry about it?"

"With Xiao Chen in the reactor, all Honkai will be restrained by his power, even if ordinary people get close to the reactor, it will be fine." Yae Shenzi said indifferently.

"You know that's not what I asked about." Mebius said slowly.

"Did you absorb the energy in the Honkai Furnace by that Herrscher?" Yae Kamito looked at Mebius and asked.

"That's right." Mebius nodded.

Yae Kamiko turned her eyes aside, she was in charge of monitoring Mebius all the time in order to prevent her from discovering the secret of Xiao Chen's enchantment.

If it is to absorb the Houkai energy, Xiao Chen is absorbing the Houkai energy from half of the earth every minute.

What is the Houkai energy in this reactor?

Otto specifically left a Houkai reactor to observe the changes of the reactor under the power of Xiao Chen at close range.

Yae Miko didn't know about it at first, but Otto couldn't let Otto dismantle things after the place was built.

In this isolated and helpless snow field, this thing is really needed to provide energy, so Yae Shenzi doesn't care about this matter.

The main thing is to keep Mebius from doing anything.

You're just a snake!Just concentrate on playing Snake Snake!You'd better not think about other things...

At the moment, she waved her hand and said: "If this little Honkai power is not enough for Xiao Chen's teeth, then don't worry. Compared with this, are you ready to implement that plan?"

"Of course." Mebius nodded, and said, "However, even I think your plan is a bit too cruel for them. You are equivalent to using their concern for Xiao Chen to help me... like this Is it really okay?"

On the other side, Otto, who built the Honkai Furnace, edited the video in a hurry...

258 Who is the most embarrassing s-class Valkyrie?

258 Who is the most embarrassing s-class Valkyrie?

"Is there any progress in the investigation? This gloomy atmosphere...I always feel that there will be ghosts running out of nowhere." Teresa walked carefully behind Patrick, with her hands on her chest and looked around uneasily.

"I haven't found anything yet..." Patrick looked at the pink marks left on the ground, squatted down and said, "However, there is a slight houkai that can remain here."

"But why did it suddenly appear here? And there is only a small piece? It seems that the scanner needs to look at the surrounding situation."

While the two were chatting, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Help... help!"

"Is anyone here?"

"Come and save us!"

Theresa was the one who reacted the most when she heard this voice. She showed a spoiled expression and said, "Ghost, ghost has appeared!"

Xiao Chen is very satisfied with Teresa, his expression can be said to fully express his fear of ghosts!

Although Xiao Chen didn't know that Teresa was really afraid of ghosts, even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything.After all, it is normal for such a young child (in his 40s) to be afraid of ghosts, right?

He also experienced the fear of ghosts, so it is understandable.

Although Teresa appears to be much older than Xiao Chen, but as a time traveler, Xiao Chen is actually much older than Teresa... Teresa calls Xiao Chen her elder brother, but he is not a bad person.

"No, this is the voice of a human girl!" Patrick denied.

In order to allow Teresa to show the most realistic acting skills, Otto also specially arranged the underworld for this place...

As an S-level Valkyrie, Teresa is actually afraid of ghosts... In that era, the review of Valkyrie was even stricter than it is now, and there were only six A-level Valkyrie in the entire Destiny.

Five of them are in the Snow Wolf Squad, which shows the special nature of the Snow Wolf Squad.

Snow Wolf members who join the team will no longer wear the coat of arms of Destiny, but will be marked by a unique wolf head emblem, which is a unique honor within Destiny.They swore an oath known as the "Wolf Blood Oath", vowing to guard against the disasters of Honkai for mankind, like a lone wolf, fearless, gazing into the abyss, and hunting the gods.

As for the S-rank Valkyrie, there are only three people in Tianming.

Of course, there is an S-rank Valkyrie who has to call someone to fight Honkai Beast, and even needs the help of Herrscher.

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