I don't even know who this embarrassing S-rank Valkyrie is.

You say so, Siegfried?

Although there is a big killer weapon, the Holy Fire of Heaven, but you can't say that Siegfried uses the style of death every time he fights, right?

"The cry for help came from here..."

"This is a prison... How can this research institute have such a place?"

Hearing the call, the two came to the prison inside the Tower of Babel, but this prison is different from other prisons. The people in the prison are all young girls... It's just that Teresa didn't notice this because of fear .

After stretching out a hand from the prison railing, he took a step back in fright and said: "A ghost has appeared!!!"

"Calm down, Theresa! That's not a ghost, it's just an ordinary human girl!" Patrick patted Theresa's shoulder and pointed at the figure inside the iron railing.

"Save...save us!" A girl stretched her hand out of the railing and said.

"I can't unlock Theresa's lock here, so you didn't open it." Patrick looked at the electronic lock on it and said.

In fact, it's not that she can't unlock it, but it will take a lot of time to unlock it, so it's better to let Theresa come.

"But, I don't have a key, how do I unlock it?" Teresa looked at the iron door and asked.

"Although the lock here is very complicated, the door is just an ordinary iron door, and it can be pulled open with your strange strength." Patrick compared a thumb to her.

"Ah, it's true if you say so... But won't this scare the children?" Teresa scratched her face and said.

"I don't have time to think so much now, let's rescue them first." After hearing Patrick's words, Theresa hesitated a little, nodded and walked to the door of the cell, saying.

"Stand back, everyone, I'll let you out right away."

As she spoke, Teresa grabbed the center of the iron door with both hands, and then pulled the entire iron door together with the electronic lock from the door frame, and she pulled it off.

Xiao Chen looked at the picture through the drone and couldn't help nodding, pointing to the iron gate in the picture with some emotion, and said: "This prop is so finely made, it's completely impossible to tell from the picture that it's a fake iron gate!"

Because that is the real iron gate!

The person in charge made complaints from the side.

"Come on, come out, you're all safe."

"Thank you!" The girl who came out first, and also the girl who asked them for help, was the first to express her gratitude to Theresa.

Teresa waved her hand and explained: "You're welcome! I opened the door like this because I don't have a key! It's not because I like violence!"

"Crack one by one" Xiao Chen walked in from another room and said, "Everyone, let's have a rest."

When everyone was resting, Xiao Chen came to the iron door that Teresa had dragged down, picked up the iron door with some doubts and knocked lightly, saying.

"This prop really looks like iron."

The person in charge who watched Xiao Chen's actions in the surveillance video couldn't help being startled, turned his head to look at Yae Kamiko who was talking with Mebius, and said, "Master Yae Kamiko, the director seems to have found a problem with the props! How should we explain this?"

On the other side, Yae Kamito and Mebius froze for a moment, and shifted their eyes to the screen.

They were still talking about giving Xiao Chen a vacation, asking all the actors to jointly give Xiao Chen a day off, and let everyone go skiing together to relax.

Then the two of them took the opportunity to carry out the Snow Mountain Blizzard Plan!Artificially planning a disaster trapped Xiao Chen and Mebius together!

Even if Mebius is not in disguise, he still needs someone to keep him warm in the cold environment.Otherwise, this model will enter a state of suspended animation, and the kind Xiao Chen will definitely not watch Mebius freeze to death!

That's why Mebius said before that it took advantage of those girls' concern for Xiao Chen.

Just now when they were discussing, they also sent this message in the group.

Everyone also thought that Xiao Chen had worked too hard these days and needed to let him take a break, and they very much agreed with this proposal, but they didn't know that their own decision might become someone else's wedding dress.

Who knew that just when the two of them were discussing at the right time, Xiao Chen suddenly discovered the problem of props...

How do they explain that a 13-year-old girl can pull an iron gate? ?

259 What kind of tiger and wolf word is this?

259 What kind of tiger and wolf word is this?

"What now? Stop the director?"

The person in charge was a little worried.

"When you spoke, he had already touched the iron gate! Do you think there is still time to stop the director?" Yae Kamiko frowned and said with a look of hatred for iron.

"Then what should we do?" the person in charge asked.

"There is no other way, we can only say that we have prepared two props, one is a fake iron door, the kind that can be unloaded by a child, and the other is a real iron door to increase authenticity! As long as the design reaches the level of acting things! He doesn’t care about so much!” Yae Miko said so...

Mebius stared wide-eyed at the surveillance video, and said, "Look quickly!"

"What?" Hearing Mebius' voice, Yae Shenzi turned his head away, only to see Xiao Chen pinching the two ends of the iron gate with both hands, and then breaking it hard, straightening the originally bent iron gate , and it still looks like it can do a job with ease.

"Is he as strong as before?" Mebius asked, looking at Xiao Chen who threw the iron gate aside.

"It is true that his strength has been increasing after the restriction is released, but as far as I know, it should not have reached this level." Yae Kamito also said a little puzzled.

Xiao Chen was indeed very powerful before, but mainly in terms of physical strength, at most he was similar to the Kaslana family in terms of strength.

However, even Teresa needed some strength to break open the iron door, and her slender fingers showed signs of being worn out after excessive force.

What's more, bending a thing and straightening a bent thing is not a difficulty at all.

Xiao Chen did it very easily, under the monitor, he could see that there was no trace of marks on his palm, it was as easy as straightening a bent spoon.

"Is there such strength without awakening?" Mebius asked in surprise.

If Xiao Chen awakened as a Herrscher has this strength, she would not find it strange, but Xiao Chen who has not awakened is like this now.It would be terrible if after awakening, no matter whether it is Houkai energy or strength, it is so incomprehensible.

However, Mebius also discovered something strange.

That is, Xiao Chen's strength is like a modified genetic soldier.

This is also one of the gains in the Paradise. Collecting Yingjie's body data to strengthen himself has reached this level.

After straightening the iron gate, Xiao Chen said a few words when he left.

"That prop is amazing. Is there any special material? It sounds like iron, but the material is extremely fragile, and it can be straightened with a little effort."

Although it has always been called an iron gate, it is actually an alloy developed by Tianming. Although it cannot be compared with soul steel, it is also harder than ordinary iron.

However, when it came to Xiao Chen's mouth, he got such an evaluation.

Mebius breathed a sigh of relief looking at his ignorant look, and then said with some concern: "Is it really okay for him to be so unconscious? That kind of force will break a bone if you hit it casually... "

The person in charge next to him couldn't help trembling slightly when he heard the words, after all, he is the person closest to Xiao Chen at present... Maybe he will become the first victim in the future.

"Don't worry about this, the power of restraint will automatically limit his power, as long as he wants to use his power consciously like now, the restriction will be lifted. Normally, he is just an ordinary person with slightly stronger power." Yae Shenzi waved his hand ,road.

"That's good. I don't want to be spoiled by him when I'm doing it... After all, it's my first time, so I don't want to have a rough experience." Mebius nodded and said with some peace of mind.

? ? ? ?

What tiger and wolf words?

"Don't worry, your body is made of advanced Houkai Beast, which is enough to withstand Xiao Chen's sprint." Yae Shenzi comforted.

As for not wanting to be too rough?

It's okay, one day, genes will make choices for you.

After all, it is the gene of a snake...

What kind of jackal word is this?

"Then do I still have to thank you?" Mebius said, turning to look at Yae Kamito.

"You're welcome." Yae Kamito smiled back at her.


The two laughed at the same time.

The other side was warned after a period of rest.

Filming starts again——


"Judging from the data of the computer terminal, these girls should be the test subjects used by the advanced system department for experiments. The advanced system department is mainly responsible for the development of the stigmata, and these girls should be the test subjects used to test the artificial stigmata..."

"No wonder they are all wrapped in bandages, but why is this not mentioned in the information given to me?" Teresa asked a little puzzled.

"Because there is no need for this... As you know, Destiny signs thousands of such subjects every year. Most of them are orphans, and no one really cares about their lives..."

Patrick said sadly.

"No, it's not that no one cares about them, at least I care about them." Theresa shook her head and said, "Let them hide here for a while, wait a few days, and I will send them away."

Patrick stopped and said, "Wait! Teresa, you are seriously violating the regulations. According to the regulations of destiny, the experimental subjects must be sent back to the headquarters."

"They have been injected with Honkai! We can't let these test subjects go! It's too dangerous!"

Having Houkai energy in the body means that they may become dead soldiers, and if they are released casually, it may be a zombie crisis.

"Do you know St. Freya College?" Teresa looked at Patrick and shook her head, and said, "Not long ago, I applied for an artificial island in the Far East with the Bishop, where I will quietly accommodate those who are The girl who was tested by destiny on the spot."

"Let them learn to control the power in their bodies, and one day they will return to a normal life, or become an excellent Valkyrie like you."

After the second collapse, these girls were indeed taken in at St. Freya Academy.

With Otto's love for Theresa, it's not enough to be reluctant to part with a few experimental subjects.

A good granddaughter will naturally give it to him, but he still won't stop this kind of experiment...

However, since Xiao Chen came, Otto has not paid attention to these experiments.

After all, Otto spends most of his energy on editing videos and has no time for these things.

In a sense, Siegfried has done a good thing.

Siegfried: ? ? ?

Today he is destined to sacrifice himself next time!

260 Otto: Stop making enemies for me!

260 Otto: Stop making enemies for me!

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