For righteousness!Sacrifice!Siegfried!

Of course, even if Otto didn't take the time to edit the video, the experiment couldn't be carried out normally with Xiao Chen in place.

Because all the Houkai energy will be absorbed by Xiao Chen...

Even if the experiment is conducted, no reliable data can be obtained.

Divine Enchantment...

In Xiao Chen's hands, it can be said to be a real enchantment of divine grace.

Everyone is free from the trouble of collapse.

A veritable blessing

It's just that Xiao Chen himself didn't know...

On the other side, at the anti-entropy experiment site, Walter said, looking at the disassembled missiles on the ground.

"Is it my illusion? I always feel that the power has become a little weaker."

Einstein looked at the data on the notebook and said: "According to the data, it shows that the power is a little stronger than what you have mastered before."

"That's probably my illusion..." Walter shook his head and said.

Joyce is the real First Herrscher who can exert the full power of the First Herrscher, there is no reason why he should become weaker.

Besides, this place is not within Xiao Chen's domain, it should just be my own superfluous thoughts.

It's just that in the missile disassembled by Joyce, there are countless pink energy surges inside...

Filming continues on the other side...

"Please believe me and come with me."

"It's really nice to say..."

After Teresa finished comforting the test girls, Sirin, who was behind the girls, spoke.

"Huh?" When Teresa turned her head, Sirin had already walked away, as if teleporting, this was something Xiao Chen specially wrote in the script.

It can be regarded as a little bit of foreshadowing, leaving room for imagination with the audience.

Although Xiao Chen did not graduate from a film and television academy, he also learned a lot while making movies.He also applies these things to his own films, as the success of Saint Kallen is a good proof.

"Did anyone speak just now?" Teresa asked after hearing Sirin's voice, looking around.

"Hey, I really can't do anything about you." Patrick shook his head when he heard the words, then blinked at Theresa, and said, "However, you are in command of this mission, and I must obey the order."

"Thanks! Patrick!" Teresa gave Patrick a thumbs up.

Before the two left, they took a close-up of Patrick and the remaining Honkai energy on the railing.


"The set moves!"

Because of the rest just now, the reason Xiao Chen stopped this time was to move the set.

The next plot is that Sirin is going to replenish energy at night near the Honkai Furnace, and only Sirin and Patrick are needed.


I saw Sirin standing in front of the huge Honkai Furnace, covering her head with one hand, and said.

"I almost ran out of strength yesterday. But only by absorbing more Houkai energy from this furnace. I can regain my strength... no, I can become stronger."

When she was right, the Houkai energy in the huge reactor in front of her also began to approach in the direction of Sirin.

But the direction of the final flow is not Xilin, but Xiao Chen behind the scenes...

Xiao Chen who was behind the scenes nodded without knowing it, and said: "The effect of this particle light is pretty good."

Xiao Chen is probably the only one who calls the Honkai Reactor a particle light.

Ordinary people will instantly collapse and erode into dead soldiers even if they touch that pink light spot.

Not even a Valkyrie can be fully exposed to Honkai.

Xiao Chen absorbs half of the earth's Honkai energy every day, and this range is still expanding.

The Divine Enchantment is still absorbing the ever-expanding range of Honkai.

It was not an illusion that Walter felt that his strength had weakened before.

"It's over, Miss Prisoner!"

Just when Sirin wanted to touch those Houkai energy,

"Huh! How is it you! How did you find out that the prisoner is mine?"

"It's just a simple reasoning... There is residual Houkai energy in the cell, there is also residual Houkai energy on the side of the killed researcher, and a similar Houkai energy was found on the side of the Houkai reactor... I I think that if the prisoner still doesn't give up, he should still be on the side of the Houkai Furnace. After all, everyone who wants to kill has been killed, so the only target is the Houkai Reactor. This level is not even considered reasoning. .”

"Hmph, that's what they deserved." Sirin looked at Patrick and said, "Are you the only one here? Where's the little guy who was with you earlier?"

"It's enough for me alone. If there are too many people, it will scare the snake!" Patrick said confidently, taking out his weapon.

The two of Sirin looked up to the sky with a strange expression and smiled, "Great! Finally have a chance to take revenge like a Valkyrie!"

"Revenge?" Patrick asked a little puzzled.

"Those damned researchers smiled and said to me...the experiments on you are for the stigmata on Valkyrie's body, you should be honored for your sacrifice!" Sirin's eyes widened and she spoke in an almost hysterical manner. voice, said.

"Go to your glory! I am not a victim! I want to use my strength to prove that I am stronger than the Valkyrie!"

As she spoke, she stretched her hands towards Patrick, and the space around her gradually distorted.

Patrick didn't notice anything unusual at this time, picked up the weapon in his hand, and said.

"It seems that if you don't make you suffer, you won't have a long memory..."

According to the plot of the comics, here Patrick and Sirin fought for a while, then left their weapons and ran away with injuries.

That's why she disappeared in the records of destiny.

However, this is a movie, so Xiao Chen arranged a battle scene with them.

On the other side, Qiyana saw Sirin's expression slightly shaken through the screen... although Sirin said that she had let go.

But is it really okay to let go of this?

Should Xilin take revenge against the Valkyrie...

At that moment, Qiyana subconsciously asked Xiao Chen for help, "Director, do you think the target of Xilin's revenge is really the Valkyrie?"

"Of course not." Xiao Chen replied decisively.

"Why? Because the Valkyries are just?" Kiyana asked with some doubts.

"Justice and evil are bad reviews. I can only say that the Valkyrie is just a victim in front of Honkai. Destiny does not care about sacrifices in dealing with the Valkyrie. In a sense, they are the same as those who accepted the stigmata test No difference."

Xiao Chen shrugged.

"Who should Sirin take revenge on?"

Qiyana said slightly confused.

"For example, Bishop Otto of Destiny, anyway, if there is any suffering in the collapsed world, it must be counted on Otto's head!"

Otto: ? ? ?

Stop making enemies for me!

261 I'm Not Wrong!Wrong is the world!

261 I'm Not Wrong!Wrong is the world!

"These experimental products are victims, so why isn't the Valkyrie not a victim?"

"The Valkyrie who died in the battle against the Houkai, and the number of the Valkyrie who died in the experiment are also countless. Both sides are victims, and everyone is a poor person who survived the persecution of the Houkai."

Sirin's previous behavior was like a victim seeking revenge from another victim.Xiao Chen could understand her anger, but he didn't quite approve of her behavior, he only spoke when Qiyana asked.

"In the final analysis, whether those girls, the Valkyries, or even Otto, everyone is a victim of the Houkai. Everyone lost the most important thing because of the Houkai. Some people lost their lives, and some people lost their lives. Something bigger than life."

Qiyana, who was on the side, suddenly realized when she heard Xiao Chen's explanation.

I understand!Everything is Honkai's fault!Sure enough, we want to hit the goal of the collapse!There is nothing wrong with this revenge!

It's not me who's wrong, it's the world that's wrong!

Of course, there are problems with this sentence itself, but in this collapsed world, the collapse itself is not impossible to eliminate...

"Ha ha--"


After Sirin defeated Patrick, she let out a hearty laugh, said.

"I won! Even those Valkyries are no match for me now! As long as I continue to absorb the Houkai energy of this furnace! I can continue to grow stronger! Then...I will kill all the hypocrites!"

When she said this, Sirin felt a sense of shame. Was she so secondary in the past?

"Phew, the last battle consumed a lot of energy. If that little white-haired girl has been guarding in front of the Honkai furnace, I won't be able to absorb the Honkai energy." Sirin said so and flew over beside her. The Honkai Beast, the size of an insect, flew around in the air and landed on Sirin's hand.

"What is this...?" Sirin looked at the little Honkai Beast on the back of her hand, and said, "A creature I've never seen before...but it gives me a familiar feeling."

Originally, in the comics, it landed on Sirin's face first, and then flew into Sirin's palm, but considering girls' tolerance for insects is not high, Xiao Chen specially changed this plot to fall on the back of the hand.

Of course, he didn't design it this way because he hated bugs himself.


The bug that landed on the back of Sirin's hand flapped its wings a few times.

Sirin nodded and said: "You said, you will help me attract them?"


The anti-entropy people on the other side also returned to Siberia.

As soon as he stepped off the battleship Tesla, he couldn't help but said, "It's still as cold as before, Jiwotou."

"You should be lucky, Dr. Tesla, this time you don't have to wait as long as last time..." Einstein comforted beside him: "As long as we finish filming this episode, we can go back and rest."

"You still have the nerve to tell me about the last time? Who forgot me last time! Let me stand in the middle of a snowstorm for three hours? Three hours! I'm almost like a snowman!"

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