How can I not remember?

In fact, it's really not Teresa's fault, because she really didn't say this.

This sentence was added by Xiao Chen...

After all, Siegfried's performance in the comics is really not good. Before activating the genes of the Kaslana family, he was completely soy sauce, so Xiao Chen designed this line to let the audience have a mental preparation.

Then Siegfried, who showed the power of the Kaslana family's stigmata at the last moment.

"It's not good! Theresa-sama! A large number of Houkai beasts suddenly appeared outside! Please go to the battle command room quickly!"

"These Honkai beasts have been lurking and hatching in the snow, and they haven't even been detected by the Honkai radar. The number is probably more than [-]! The current defense facilities of the Tower of Babel laboratory are really hard to resist!"

Theresa waved her small hand when she heard the words, and said, "Don't panic! Bring my Judas! Let me resist those Houkai beasts!"

Just as Teresa said this, another voice suddenly sounded in the communicator: "There is no need, Teresa, you just stay in the tower and take command! Leave the Houkai beast outside to us." !"

This is Xiao Chen's pre-recorded voice, so it can continue to play even if he is not around.

At this time, on the other side, Xiao Chen was a little hesitant when facing Qiyana's invitation. If it was just skiing, he had already experienced it.

Don't like it, but don't hate it either.

It’s cool to play occasionally, but compared with work, filming is still more important now... Even if other actors ask for leave, I still have a lot of things to do.

After all, it takes a lot of time and energy to change the volume of the three Honkai dramas into a movie.

As Otto saw, he was basically unprepared for the plot in the game.

After all, there is no need to write out all the plots of a movie that was originally planned for more than ten years so quickly.

So Xiao Chen fished a little bit.

But now it is different from "Saint Kallen", "Anti-Entropy Invasion", and "Second Honkai".

He had already prepared the first one, but he had only recently written the latter two.

According to this progress, the next script may be used in a short time... Xiao Chen also wants to advance the progress of the script as soon as possible.

It's just that he has to film during the day, so he can only use his usual time to supplement the next script bit by bit.

If everyone went out to play tomorrow, he planned to lock himself in a tube and write a script for a day...

Ah, I feel so tired all of a sudden...

Xiao Chen shook his head and still planned to refuse.

"Me? The crew still has some things to do, so I just..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the person in charge next to him said first, "Director, you can go too."

"Huh? Have you thought it over clearly?" Xiao Chen turned his head to look at the person in charge and said, "If I also go out to play, then the work will fall to you alone."

Although the work of the script must be done by himself, he has many other things as a director.

Although part of it was handed over to the person in charge, it would be faster for two people to handle it, and it would be a little burdensome if it was all handed over to one person.

"Why did you take the initiative to work overtime today?"

"Didn't I see that you are so tired these days and want you to take a rest?" The person in charge scratched his head and said.

Although there are instructions from Yae Shenzi, this is also from his heart.

"I can't do things like going out to play by myself while others work." Xiao Chen waved his hand and said.

"Then we are the same in this kind of thing!" Kiyana heard Xiao Chen say this and said: "Just a few of us play directors together but work in the room! I can't accept it! Everyone is the same as me Thoughts! If that's the case, why don't you let me continue filming with the director!"


"Me too!"

Raiden Mei's voice came from the phone.

"Me too!"

Bronya played with Xiao Chen's familiar jokes.

"Why are you showing up in my phone!" Kiyana said looking at her phone.

"I still want to ask you why you suddenly sneaked away! You actually sneaked away while I was cooking! If Bronya hadn't hacked into your phone, we are still being concealed by you!" Lei Dian Mei opened the mouth and said.

"I'm here to send someone off!"

Don't think I don't know who you sent!

Isn't Sirin just yourself!

"Have you two forgotten that there are more important things now?" Bronya said just as the two were about to quarrel over this matter.

"That's right!" The two finally realized that they came to invite Xiao Chen to go skiing together...

Actually skiing is not important, as long as you are with Xiao Chen, no matter what you do.It's just that there happens to be snow here, so skiing is done.

It's just that, when working, Xiao Chen always prioritizes work, and the order of priority is also based on who will have work next.

This time they plan to use this skiing to compete!

When entertaining, Xiao Chen will reveal who he treats best!

Of course, this premise is that Xiao Chen agrees to be with them...

Xiao Chen looked at the news in the group, then looked at their expectant expressions, and said: "Okay, I see, then let's have a day off with everyone tomorrow, including myself, so that OK?"

After getting Xiao Chen's consent, everyone cheered.

Especially Mebius showed an expression of planning.


Siegfried, on the other hand, was not so happy.

After Otto edited the video, he edited the video and sent it immediately.

Siegfried frowned watching the video sent by Otto...

ps: I don’t want to stay up late... so I finished writing this one all night, and I still have class in the morning. After staying up late and sleeping for three hours, I have to get up and listen to the class. It’s too uncomfortable, so I just stayed all night.Completely destroy your biological clock once before you can get back on track, Lan Shou.

264 Fu Hua is a Good Girl ([-] Live)

264 Fu Hua is a Good Girl ([-] Live)


After Xiao Chen agreed to go skiing tomorrow, everyone jumped up happily.

Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly and amusedly, and said to the person in charge beside him: "Tomorrow, you also have a day off."

"Hmm..." The person in charge nodded in surprise.

Although Xiao Chen usually has good opponents, when it comes to work, Xiao Chen is still unambiguous.

He also didn't expect Xiao Chen to agree so simply this time... Sure enough, because of these girls, Xiao Chen also changed a little?

Why don't you find a chance to test Xiao Chen's tone?

The person in charge thought so... the time also came to night.

Just when he was going to ask Xiao Chen for a few drinks at night, when he walked to the corridor, he saw a gray figure walk into Xiao Chen's room.

It was just a back view, but the person in charge could clearly see that the other person had long hair and a flat chest, probably Fu Hua... Either Fu Hua or the Lawr of Knowledge.

Although his sister Raven's hair is also gray, it's not the same as Fu Hua's gray, and Raven's hair is short, and her breasts are many times bigger than Fu Hua's...

No, these are not the point!

The point is why did Fu Hua go to Xiao Chen's room? !

The moment Fu Hua opened the door, the person in charge saw Xiao Chen in a bathrobe... and he didn't show any surprise after seeing Fu Hua coming, and let Fu Hua in very naturally.

Could it be that the director has already chosen Fu Hua? ? ?

No, I remember he doesn't like big ones?

Is it possible that the big one is not about the chest...but about the age? ? ?

wrong!What's the secret of this one point!After all, it was that Xiao Chen!

The person in charge moved closer to the door. After looking around for a while, he leaned closer to the door and listened.

The villas here are not very soundproof, but the gap between the walls is okay. If you get close to the door, if you want to eavesdrop, you can still hear a little sound.

And the person in charge heard Xiao Chen's voice in the room! ! !

It is quite normal to hear Xiao Chen's voice in Xiao Chen's room!

The key is that this voice is not a speaking voice!It was all kinds of muffled sounds that were squeezed out of the throat bit by bit, as if they couldn't bear anything...

The person in charge still remembered what Xiao Chen said.

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty is like a rare earth sitting on the ground... What about fifty thousand years?


It was so terrifying, no wonder Xiao Chen would make such a sound.

This Lawyer can't stand this!

However, something is wrong, if this is not the first time.

Xiao Chen and Fu Hua have known each other for a good time, if it is really not the first time, they should have done it recently... But why does Xiao Chen look so radiant recently?It didn't look like it was drained at all.

Can the Unbridled Herrscher also increase resilience?

The person in charge is slightly puzzled, but he is still hesitating whether to tell Bronya about this...

And his sister...

Just as he was thinking this, the sound in the room suddenly stopped, and then there was a sound of feet stomping on the floor.

The person in charge was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated to the corner of the corridor... Only then did he notice the location of Xiao Chen's room, it was very convenient for anyone to come, and if it wasn't special to find Xiao Chen, he wouldn't be found...

Could this be part of your plan?

Just when the person in charge was thinking about this problem, Xiao Chen's door was pushed open, and Fu Hua walked out from inside.

I saw Xiao Chen said: "I'm sorry to trouble you, thanks to you, I can sleep well today."

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