Fu Hua looked at Xiao Chen and shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as what I do can help you."

"It's getting late, so I'll leave first." Fu Hua bid farewell to Xiao Chen with some reluctance.

After the two said goodbye, a few minutes later, the person in charge sneaked up to Xiao Chen's door and knocked lightly.

"Boom boom boom—"

"Please come in."

After hearing Xiao Chen's voice, the person in charge opened the door and walked in. To his surprise, there was nothing strange in the room.

The windows and ventilation fans have not been moved...

After all, opening windows in the snow-capped mountains of Siberia is more or less courting death.

"How did you come?"

The person in charge looked at the doubtful eyes of Xiao Chen with a greasy face, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said, "I haven't had a drink with you for a long time, let's have a few drinks. There is a wine cellar in this villa, and there are many good wines in it." , I asked you to drink whatever you want, and your favorite rice wine."

"Ah?!" Xiao Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he took the wine glass from the person in charge, took two glasses on his table, poured himself a glass, and took a sip, while the person in charge picked up another glass Poured himself a glass of vodka.

"Ah—it's true that I haven't relaxed for a long time." Xiao Chen took a sip of the rice wine in his hand and said, "It's not bad to have a glass of wine to relax after the massage."

The person in charge was slightly taken aback after hearing these two words, and said, "Massage?"

Xiao Chen glanced at him, and said: "Well, don't you know that I went to see a doctor because I have a problem in my heart? I went to many doctors but it didn't work, and Fu Hua, you know? She saw my illness, She said that she has a set of massage techniques handed down from her family. It can relieve my symptoms, so I asked her to try it, and it turned out to be really effective. The voice in my head really didn’t sound very loud.”

The person in charge gave a wry smile and said, "So it's a massage..."

Seeing his reaction, Xiao Chen also came to his senses, and said: "Ah, you must have misunderstood something when you saw the scene where Fu Hua left my room, right?"

I started when she came into the room...my feet were numb.

"I thought you chose Fu Hua..." the person in charge scratched his head and said.

"She is indeed a good girl." Xiao Chen nodded and said.

Good girl ([-] years).

"Then you really have an idea?" The person in charge asked casually, but he didn't expect that Xiao Chen nodded, then shook his head, and said.

"I really feel recently... I can't stay single like this forever."


Stone enlightened?Iron tree blooming?Xiao Chen wants to fall in love?Is tomorrow the end of the world?

The person in charge was shocked by his words, after all, it was not that no one had chased Xiao Chen before, but he refused them all.

"So who are you eyeing now? Or in other words, who do you like the most in our crew?"

265 Raiders Xiao Chen's Great Battle!

265 Raiders Xiao Chen's Great Battle!

"Why do you have to choose one from the crew?" Xiao Chen rolled his eyes at the person in charge, and said curiously: "You know my principles."

"No unspoken rules, no personal affair at work, right?" The person in charge said, then shook his head, and said, "But if you really like it, you're not here, are you?"

"Huh?" Xiao Chen looked at the person in charge and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Actually, I discovered something...Director, although you like filming very much, you hate your job, don't you? Whether you are an actor or a director, although you are very serious when filming, when you mention this moment when others , Although you are smiling on the surface, you are actually not happy at all, right?" The person in charge suddenly said.

"Ah? You actually discovered it." Xiao Chen glanced at the person in charge, took a sip of the rice wine in his hand, and said.

"After all, the person they praised is a character in the play, so what does it have to do with me?"

"But weren't those roles played by you?" the person in charge asked.

"It's true that it may be a happy thing to be recognized for acting skills, but for me, I play this role because I want to play this role. I do this for myself, and I don't need other people's approval. .If you pay too much attention to these things, you will lose your original intention, so it is nothing for me to be praised by others."

"Besides, I just showed what that character should look like, it's not a big deal." Xiao Chen waved his hands, and at the same time raised his legs on his stool and said: "You think my personality is okay. "

"If I have to use an analogy, would you ask the name of the chef when you eat a delicious dish in a restaurant? I don't deny that some people will ask, but I don't care about that type of thing."

"When I was a child watching movies or TV shows, I only cared about the characters in the plot. I didn't care at all about who the actors outside were, and I didn't even know the names of the actors themselves."

"This is my value. Although I also want other people to take a look at me, it is not possible at present. I am no longer an actor because of this."

It was rare for Xiao Chen to say something in his heart to the person in charge.

He didn't expect the person in charge to see through this, did he really stay by his side for too long?

But in fact, this matter was discovered by Yae Miko... She was still talking about it in the living room before.For tomorrow's battle, she is educating everyone about Xiao Chen's affairs...

"But you don't actually like the profession of director, do you?" the person in charge continued.

"Well, I hate this profession probably because of interpersonal issues..." Xiao Chen nodded without hiding anything and said directly: "After all, in the matter of actors, who will play that role will definitely be designed, and some people will play a certain role You earn a lot, you should have seen that kind of situation, right?"

"However, our crew are all newcomers, and we are still very young, and we are all good people, so that didn't happen."

Said, Xiao Chen shrugged.

"That means you might choose someone from the crew?" the person in charge asked curiously.

"I didn't say that, besides, the age of our crew is generally on the low side."

One is [-] years old, and the other is [-] years old (Yae Shenzi and Yae Sakura). Compared with the two, it is indeed a bit low.

If Sirin is counted from the Herrscher of the Sky, she is actually quite young.

Youlandell's age was manipulated by Otto, but he was actually much older than what was shown in the file.

But the file that Xiao Chen saw was the real age of Youlandell.

Otto gave Xiao Chen the real data and birthday of Youlandell as disguised data, which is also a bit of his evil taste.

"So, if you are of the right age, you will consider it?" the person in charge asked back.

"Why are you so gossip today?" Xiao Chen asked the person in charge after a glance.

"I'm curious, can I hear your gossip."


Of course, he was only ordered to come to Xiao Chen to find out.

At this time, Yae Shenzi gathered all the people who had a good impression of Xiao Chen, and began to give explanations and special training, aiming at tomorrow's skiing plan.

Although she nominally wanted to help Mebius, she actually didn't think that Mebius could succeed.

It's just purely to increase Mebius' favorability in Xiao Chen's heart.

"The class of Yae Shenzi is starting!"

Although Yae Shenzi did not follow Xiao Chen directly, he also watched Xiao Chen's every move through shikigami.

As Xiao Chen's pet, he grew up with Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen would not set up a fox in front of a fox.When Xiao Chen was a child, he often talked about various things with Yae Shenzi. It can be said that no one knows Xiao Chen better than her.

At that moment, in order for everyone to better attack Xiao Chen, she gave the reason why Xiao Chen didn't accept anyone.

After hearing this, Qiyana was the first to speak: "To put it bluntly! The director didn't let me do it because he cared about our status as actors! Then I just need to resign!"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone was speechless after hearing the words.

Yae Shenzi even shook his head, and said, "Think about why you are by Xiao Chen's side now?"

"Because I'm his actor...?"

Kiyana pointed to herself.

"Then what are you without this identity?"

Yae Shenzi continued to ask.

"Of course it's Xiao Chen's girlfriend!"

Kiyana said confidently.


Where did your confidence come from!

"Why do you think so?" Yae Shenzi asked with a headache.

"Since the reason why Xiao Chen didn't accept me was because of his status, then as long as we don't have this status, wouldn't it be natural for the two of us to be together!" Qiyana said confidently.

"I admire you for having such confidence, but it's not enough just to say that... He will care about his identity, which means that his favorability is not enough. To completely attack Xiao Chen, he must be in his defensive state! Completely attack his defense Let him abandon the principle that there are no unspoken rules! Let him believe that true love does not need rules! Just do it!"

Yae Shenzi education way.

"Then how do we do it?" Kiyana asked back.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say now!"

Now everyone has basically reached a bottleneck, if they want to continue to develop further with Xiao Chen, they may need to abandon their current identities.

But abandoning the current identity means breaking the connection with Xiao Chen.

Yae Shenzi is now helping them break through this favorability level and go online!

266 Cecilia: Signed photo, understand?

266 Cecilia: Signed photo, understand?

More than half of the people in the villa area are on the side of Yae Shenzi's small classroom.

Otto and Teresa were appointed by fate, Shi Yuqiluo did not come.

Needless to say, Walter Young and Joyce on the anti-entropy side, Einstein and Tesla were kept in the dark.

After all, the two didn't have feelings for Xiao Chen, and they were wary of Xiao Chen, so Yae Shenzi didn't call them.

Yae Shenzi on the World Snake side is not named Mebius either.

Just let Mebius concentrate on preparing for tomorrow.

After all, if you told Mebius about Xiao Chen's situation, wouldn't that mean pouring cold water on her?

It is not conducive to the improvement of the favorability in the future.

The other two people from World Snake came.

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