"Ah? Oh!"

Xiao Chen was dragged by Bronya towards the ice rink.

After watching Xiao Chen leave, Qiyana and Leiden Mei looked at each other, and inexplicably reached a consensus to catch up.

On the other side, Youlandelle gritted her teeth slightly watching the four of them leave. She didn't expect that today would develop into a situation of going skiing together, so she didn't buy equipment.

It takes two hours to go back and forth to buy now!She couldn't believe what could happen in these two hours!

The only equipment on her body now is the black abyss and white flowers...

Just as she was thinking this, a white figure flashed beside her.

"Let's go! Judas! To the rink!"

I saw Teresa galloping on the snowy ground stepping on Judas' oath, and soon caught up with Xiao Chen and the others in front.

"Master Ulandell, why are you going back?" Rita asked, looking at Ulandelle who suddenly turned back.

"I'm going to get my Black Abyss White Flower!"

Rita: "???"

You don't want to use Heiyuan Baihua as skates, do you?

Cecilia: "???"

Why didn't I know that Heiyuan Baihua could be used in this way.

Heiyuan Baihua: "???"

Coincidentally, I didn't know it myself.

Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge: "Okay, you can be content, who do you think Kiyana is skating on now?"


I think the ductility of soul steel should not be used in this kind of place.


After Teresa left, Zhibao stepped on Taixu's grip and passed.

"Xuanyuan Sword is really easy to use!"

Ji Xuanyuan: "???"

Xuanyuanjian: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

The God's Key is the collective name for the thirteen weapons made by the Herrscher core used by the civilization that resisted Houkai in the previous generation.

Among them, the tenth God's Key—the Domination Key is a mass-produced Fuhua made from the core of the Tenth Herrscher "Domination Herrscher". There were more than a hundred God's Keys in the immortal period.One of them has been handed down to this generation, and it is called Xuanyuan Sword.

Due to the material that constitutes the God's Key—the "soul steel" composed of nano-robots has a good ability to change shapes.It is known that the Tenth God's Key has more than ten forms, such as the great sword "Xuanyuan Sword", "Chijueying", the Chinese sword "Ruoshui", the wrist armor "Grasp of Taixu" and so on.

Although other God's Keys don't have so many functions, Xiao Chen's power activated the soul steel on the God's Key's appearance, making the God's Key have more functions...

Then they were applied to this skiing.

Then in the ski resort, everyone could see Qiyana, who was stepping on the Heavenly Fire Sect, speeding on the skating rink with a hint of moisture from time to time.

After all, the high temperature of Tianhuo Shengcai is not just for talking, if Xiao Chen is not there, Qiyana will be separated by her when paddling this skating rink.

Theresa put on ordinary skates at the skating rink. After all, Judah's figure turned into skates, which was a bit too reluctant...

Judas: Are you questioning my functionality?

I just don't want to change!

If Xiao Chen steps on me, I will change!

Theresa?Just think of me as a white-haired old woman with a snowboard!Really unfamiliar!

Under Youlandal's efforts, Heiyuan Baihua felt a little wronged, but managed to become a pair of skating boots, one black and one white.

Among them, the most comfortable thing is to know the treasure.

In terms of change, the key to control is the most suitable, and different individuals also have the ability to manipulate the power of the previous Herrschers (thunder, flame, ice, etc.), which is the so-called power of manipulating elements.By absorbing Houkai energy, Dominion Key can transform Houkai energy into natural forces such as thunder, fire, and frost.If certain conditions are met, it can even continue to absorb other herrscher abilities.

Now the key of domination under Zhibao's feet has absorbed the power of frost, and can make a platform to fill the sunken place when skiing.

Very useful.

Leiden Mei had already prepared to wear ordinary skates, and Bronya stepped on the parts of the heavy-duty bunny.

The entire ice skating rink is a scene of demons dancing wildly.

The one who was most surprised belonged to Mebius... She thought it would be fine if there were more Herrschers in this era.

This is something that can't be helped, but can you stop playing with the God's Key!

stop it now!That's not how God's Key works!

268 Qiyana: Hats off!

268 Qiyana: Hats off!

Don't play with the God's Key created by the last civilization!

Apologize to me!

That's the hard work of other researchers...

hiss one by one

and many more!

Those researchers did not ostracize us any less!They also made a small report to the higher-ups to reduce our research funding...

If you think about it this way...

You guys play a little longer!Have fun!

Feel free to trample on their research results!Let those mediocrities who do not understand my great evolution cry in hell!

I will live forever!And the God's Key you made will become a Herrscher's toy!

Thinking of this, Mebius suddenly felt much more relaxed!

At this moment, she wished she could also step on a God's Key and gallop on the ski resort, but unfortunately, there was no extra God's Key for her to use!what a pity!

By the way... Mebius' gaze moved to the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge on Qiyana's feet again.

It should have borrowed ordinary shoes, and then covered the surface with the Heavenly Fire Sacred Cut, using soul steel as the blade part of the skates.

I don't know how Kevin feels when he finds out that his old buddy has turned into skates...

She felt that she could no longer look directly at Kevin holding up the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order.

However, Mebius is also very interested in the status of the Skyfire Sacred Order.

The Heavenly Fire Holy Order itself should not have this extensibility, is it because of Xiao Chen's ability that the Heavenly Fire Holy Order has become like this?

Does his ability have this effect on non-creatures as well?

During the whole skiing, Mebius' eyes never left Xiao Chen, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

At this time, Qiyana and Raiden Mei are practicing skating.

Kiyana gave a demonstration to Raiden Mei, paddling from one side of the skating rink to Kiyana's side and then turning around again, said.

"Anyway, just slide like this."

Leiden Mei: "???"

To be honest, Kiyana's level can already be counted in the category of figure skating. Just spinning her hands in place is not something that can be done simply by being able to ski.

Use this as a demo for a novice...let the novice imitate.

Just when Leiden Mei was worried, Qiyana pointed in one direction and said, "Mei, try sliding in that direction first."

Lei Dian Mei glanced over there and found that Xiao Chen and Bronya were skating normally, and immediately reacted and thought inwardly.

I understand!Kiyana!

You are intentionally making a difficult presentation!Let me fail to spoil the situation on the side of Bronnie!

I understand!

Raiden Mei nodded at Qiyana, then slowly moved her legs, and began to slide forward sideways.

Although Raiden Mei doesn't know how to skate, she is also the Herrscher of Thunder, and it is not difficult for her to use electricity to control magnetism.

Even if you don't continue to slide with your legs, you can use magnetic force to accelerate the blade on your feet.

However, counting the inertia on the ice, it is not so easy to stop after such a slippery ride.

"Xiao Chen be careful! Get out of the way!"

Leiden Mei subconsciously called out.

Although she seemed to let Xiao Chen hug her, but if she pretended to be like this, both of them would be hurt.

Instead of doing this... it's better to let yourself get hurt!Anyway, this is self-inflicted.

Lei Dian Mei closed her eyes subconsciously, before she closed her eyes, she seemed to see Xiao Chen paddling away.

This made her feel a little disappointed when she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't want Xiao Chen to get hurt, the so-called girl's heart still hoped that Xiao Chen could catch her at this time...

Just as she was thinking this way, she felt that she was suddenly hugged from behind by someone. The man's strong arms fixed the two of them together, and his legs firmly supported the ground, leading her to slide on the ice together. stand up.

"Relax, keep your legs like this, and just lean your body against me."

Lei Dian Yayi heard Xiao Chen's voice, because she was at the skating rink, she could feel the moisture in Xiao Chen's voice.

After feeling that the person closest to her was by her side, Lei Dian Mei subconsciously opened her eyes to look at Xiao Chen who was close at hand.

"The next step is to start slowing down, just hold my body when turning."

Xiao Chen continued to speak.

"is that so?"

Lei Dian Mei hugged Xiao Chen's waist subconsciously, and said.

"A little bit up."

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