
Lei Dian Yayi hugged Xiao Chen's chest according to Xiao Chen's instructions, and said with a slightly red face.

"Could you go up a little bit, if you can?"

Xiao Chen continued to speak.

Lei Dian Yayi blushed and hugged Xiao Chen's neck, and completely pressed her body against Xiao Chen's body.


Xiao Chen softly whispered in Lei Dian Yayi's ear.

The hot air from his nose stimulated Leiden Mei's nerves, and when he was about to hit the guardrail, Xiao Chen supported Leiden Mei's body with one hand, and dragged her thigh with the other hand, hugging her whole Get up off the ice.

Then draw a beautiful arc on the ice, earning a lap like a pair skating performance.

The two hugged each other as if they were dancing.

Even judging from Qiyana's professionalism, Xiao Chen's move would score very high as in a real competition.

However, this movement was supposed to be done by two people together, but Xiao Chen completed this movement only by himself.

Among them, Xiao Chen's physical fitness is one aspect, and his understanding of skating has also reached a professional level...

After hugging Leiden Mei to defuse the inertia on her body, Xiao Chen put Leiden Mei down, held Leiden Mei's palm with one hand, and held her waist with the other, sliding on the ice with Qiyana some distance.

Xiao Chen also reminded Lei Dian Yayi at the same time: "Just follow my rhythm and slide down like this. Pay attention to the balance of your body, keep your center of gravity downward, focus on your feet, and slide according to the rhythm that suits you best. "

"Hmm..." Leiden Mei nodded and hummed softly.

She almost forgot that Xiao Chen was never the one who would fall into the abyss with her, but the one who would pull her out of despair every time...

Strong, confident, reliable big brother...

Why would I forget?

However, I am not the same as when I was a child.

To touch this light... I would give anything.

After stopping, Lei Dian Mei subconsciously touched Xiao Chen's face.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen looked at Lei Dian Mei's movements with a little doubt, and the latter also reacted, and said a little embarrassedly: "I, I just want to help you wipe off your sweat!"

Kiyana: Why do I feel like my head...

269 ​​The snipe and the clam compete with each other and the snake wins!

269 ​​The snipe and the clam compete with each other and the snake wins!

Why did it become like this... For the first time, I have someone I like.There are people who can be friends for life.Two happy things coincide.And these two joys brought me even more joy.What I got was supposed to be a happy time like a dream...but why did it turn out like this...!

It's too early for white album season!


Could it be because there is snow in this place too!


And Xiao Chen is indeed better than what I teach!

Raiden Mei: Is it possible that your teaching is too bad?

In fact, Kiyana really wanted to teach Raiden Mei to skate properly, not because she wanted to sabotage Bronya's plan, so she pointed in that direction, in fact, she just pointed casually.

Xiao Chen happened to appear on the road she was pointing at again, and Leiden Mei misunderstood that he used electromagnetic acceleration to bump into him. He didn't expect this to be the result, but it made Qiyana so envious...

She regrets it very much now, why she can skate... It's all because of the ugly dad!Why do you call me skiing!

Also, the teasing technique he mentioned before is not reliable at all!

I really want to be taught by Xiao Chen!

Just when Qiyana thought so, Xiao Chen accelerated and started skating at high speed on the skating rink.

Seeing this, Qiyana subconsciously chased after her.

The two skated for a long distance on the skating rink one after the other.

Qiyana's original mood was also much better. Although she and Xiao Chen didn't exchange a word, when the two chased each other back and forth, she felt Xiao Chen's gaze, and Xiao Chen's gaze only stayed on her. !

This feeling that she is only looking at me makes Qiyana slightly happy!

For the first time, I feel that my skating skills are still useful!

Anyone else do this kind of thing? !

A gray figure suddenly overtook the lane between the two: "Are you outrunning anyone's speed? Add me!"

At this time, Zhibao appeared in front of Qiyana at a very inopportune time. Things like skating were nothing to her Herrscher with the body of a fused warrior. Her strong body balance, strength and speed, In addition, what she stepped on and guessed was the God's Key to control Frost, which made her feel like a duck to water.

Xiao Chen just wanted to test his own strength on a whim. He had acted in a movie before and was a figure skater in it.

However, that time, a stuntman was hired for professionalism.

This was the director's decision, and Xiao Chen couldn't say anything, after all, he really couldn't be as professional as others at that time.

It's just that when watching them skating, Xiao Chen felt that he could do it too, and after trying a few times, he found that he really had the talent in this area.

Unfortunately, it was too late to speak.

At that time when I opened my mouth, I really thought that I was finding fault, and I deliberately didn’t say the same thing. If I said that I just learned it, I would look down on the other party’s efforts, it would be too shocking, so Xiao Chen rarely used a substitute that time.

It's just that I have always had a regret in my heart, and I always wanted to try the movements at that time, but there was no suitable partner.

Today, when Xiao Chen picked up Leiden Mei, he just tried it out.

Although the action is almost done, but relying on his own strength, his teamwork with the other party is a bit different...

However, no matter what you say, it can be regarded as making up for the regret in your heart.

It's just that Xiao Chen is also very puzzled about his current strength.

Although he usually does exercise well, but after Fu Hua's massage, he no longer needs to disperse the pressure, so he slack off exercising.

What's more, he has been so busy recently, he hasn't exercised for a month, but his body still has this strength, which surprised him.

Right now, he wanted to try where his current limit was, so he suddenly slid up.

Since Qiyana was chasing after her, he also felt a little competitive, and played with Qiyana for a while, but he didn't expect Shibao to follow.

Except for Xiao Chen who didn't know about Zhibao, everyone else knew about the existence of Zhibao.

After all, she has already registered a separate account and separated from Fu Hua. Who doesn't know that...

Of course, she obediently used Fu Hua's account in Xiao Chen's group.

What was originally a chase between two people has now become a melee between three people.

Looking at Zhibao behind her, Qiyana frowned, and drew a high-temperature light knife with the fire priest under her feet, melting the ice cubes under her feet into a puddle.

If Zhibao passes by like this, the speed will definitely slow down...

Just as Qiyana was planning this, the skates under Zhibao's feet flickered slightly, and the small hole in front of him was instantly frozen.

Although the surrounding generations are all under Xiao Chen's suppression, the two of them still have a little bit of stumbling power.

But it’s limited to melting ice and freezing ice…

Afterwards, the two were just competing. When Xiao Chen went to the sidelines to rest, the two were still competing to see who was faster.

Mebius on the other side showed a smile on his face when he saw this, and it was the result of her instigation in Shibao's ear that Shibao made trouble for Qiyana.

In this way, she eliminated two opponents at once, and she was sure that Qiyana and Zhibao were more competitive in their similarities, so she designed this game!

And came to Xiao Chen's side while he was resting, and said: "Actually, I'm not very good at skating, can you teach me?"

"It doesn't have to be the same as teaching Raiden Mei, as long as you hold my hand and be careful not to let me fall."

Xiao Chen naturally agreed.

Although he came down to rest, he was actually not tired at all, he just left early because he felt that playing with the two of them would be endless.

After Mebius proposed to go skiing, he naturally agreed.

At the moment, he took Mebius's hands, and watched Mebius twist his body in front of him, and followed him a little bit, and he also followed Mebius' advance and retreat.

Although Maybiu's new winter coat is very thick, it can still accentuate her good figure.In particular, Mebius' every move and temptation made Xiao Chen's heart beat faster as if he was being targeted by a snake...

When Mebius noticed Xiao Chen's gaze, he couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart!

How do those little girls compare with me?

Even if Kiyana is a descendant of a fusion warrior, can she compare with a real fusion warrior like herself?

As for Fu Hua?A little girl, just an old antique!Nothing to be afraid of!

A first-class horse like Xiao Chen should match a first-class snake like myself!

270 Look good!This is how God's Key works!

270 Look good!This is how God's Key works!

This time I won!

Mebius chuckled in his heart.

Just when she was secretly happy, Xiao Chen's voice came from beside her ear...

"Yes, that's it, slide forward a little bit, yours is good, now try to loosen one hand a little."

Mebius loosened one hand slightly as Xiao Chen said.

Holding Xiao Chen's palm with only one hand, he slowly slid under Xiao Chen's lead. Originally, Mebius was hiding his clumsiness on purpose.It made her movements look jerky, but under the guidance of Xiao Chen's words, she let go for some reason and played her original strength.

Although she wasn't good at skiing, but Yingjie's physical fitness is no matter what, she can't be like an ordinary person.

In fact, even without Xiao Chen teaching her, she can quickly adapt to the feeling of skating. Mebius deliberately hid his clumsiness to let Xiao Chen teach her for a while.

After Mebius let go of his hand to slide, Xiao Chen just put one hand on Mebius's hand lightly, then touched Mebius' head, and said: "You did a good job. it is good."

Mebius could not help but blushed slightly when he felt the powerful big hand on the top of his head. If he thought about it carefully, he was rarely praised like this.

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