Although he was one of the most powerful scientists in the last era, he was squeezed out by people in other laboratories because of his advanced thinking.

No matter what she publishes, she will be sniffed at and ridiculed by other colleagues. She has experienced too many of these things.

Being praised by someone like this, it was the first time for her to touch her head...

Mebius subconsciously turned his head and thought to himself.

Damn man is so sweet!Could it be that this is also the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion!

Just when Mebius was too shy to look directly at Xiao Chen, the latter continued to speak suddenly.

"Don't look around, look ahead."

What a shame to play!

Mebius turned his head to look at Xiao Chen in front of him, and then realized that he was here to seduce Xiao Chen... What's the matter if she is shy first!

no!I'm going to be stunned!

Just when Mebius was thinking this, Xiao Chen suddenly let go of the other hand that was on Mebius' palm.

Not far from Mebius, accompanied by her gliding slowly, Mebius looked at Xiao Chen's fading figure, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, but he only touched the air in front of him.

After seeing Xiao Chen's figure drifting away, Mebius couldn't help chasing after him, Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Very good, you can already become a teacher, and then you just need to slowly Just practice, but be careful not to go so fast."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen slid to another place.

Only Mebius was left hopping on the spot...

Everyone at the skating rink was almost done playing soon. After a short break and lunch, everyone moved to the ski resort with a larger venue.

Zhibao and Qiyana also agreed to compete here.

Of course, this is also the beginning of Yae Kamito and Mebius' previous plan!

For this reason, they even asked Otto for the right to use the Fourth God's Key.

The original purpose of the "Fourth God's Key" was not to fight against Houkai, but to repair the world destroyed by the Final Herrscher.

Used to restore the nature of the earth also includes climate control.

It is not difficult for this god key to hang a storm in a place full of blizzards.

And in a sense, this is also the only God's Key that has not been affected by Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine grace.

After all, the Fourth God's Key is in outer space, and even Xiao Chen's enchantment of divine favor has not covered that place for the time being.

Adding that Mebius was originally from the last era, she knew this key of God better than anyone else.

After setting the Fourth God's Key, Mebius waited for the snowstorm to come.

As for the safety of other people, she is not in her consideration. Now here is either a Herrscher or a fusion fighter, and the weaker one is an S-rank Valkyrie. No one will be defeated by a mere blizzard.

The question now is how to attract Xiao Chen... Of course, she has already thought of a suitable reason!

There is only one reason to attract Xiao Chen and make Xiao Chen 100% believe in himself!

"Director! I have a scene on the cable car that is suitable for filming!"

"Really? Take me to see!"

Sure enough, when Mebius mentioned filming, Xiao Chen immediately perked up and followed with his own ski equipment.

After getting on the cable car, he came to his senses and said belatedly: "However, this is your first time to come to this ski resort, right? Why do you know about this kind of place?"

Mebius had already thought of an excuse and said: "I found a picture in this brochure, and that picture has a place that is very suitable for the next shooting."

As he spoke, Mebius pointed to the album in his hand.

"Well, indeed."

Xiao Chen looked at the map in his hand and nodded, saying: "This place is indeed."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something and said again: "I'm sorry, I asked you to accompany me to this kind of place even though I said today is not a working day. In fact, you just need to tell me the place and I can go by myself."

Why do I do these things when you go by yourself!

Mebius groaned in his heart, then smiled and said, "It's okay, director, this place is originally used as a cable car to reach that place first, and it can only be passed by skiing, so it is considered a tourist attraction."

"Oh, by the way, there is a rest room nearby. You can take a rest if you are tired from playing."

You can also teach you dengduanlang!

More exciting than new games!

Mebius said with a smile on his face.

In fact, both this manual and the places mentioned in this manual are arranged in advance!

Even the snow hut was arranged in advance by her. It was not long after it was built, and it was specially built at her request to not block the wind very much. It takes two people to snuggle together to feel each other's warmth!

It was simply her ideal place!

It's just that Xiao Chen looked at the snowflakes that were getting bigger and bigger outside the window, and couldn't help but said worriedly: "The snow suddenly got bigger, shouldn't the cable car suddenly stop working?"

Mebius: Great idea!

After waiting for the place, this will call someone to destroy the cable car!

"The snow is so heavy...won't you be unable to ski for a while?"

After hearing Xiao Chen's lines, Mebius toned down Xue a little.

"Do you think there will be an aurora suddenly appearing here?"

Mobius: God's Key, you know what I mean!


271 Zhibao: Is that the real Mebius?

Just when Mebius was dating Xiao Chen...

The few people below also noticed something wrong, that is, Xiao Chen was missing! ! !

It was Raiden Mei who first discovered this problem, and then Raiden Mei found Bronya, and Bronya and Raiden Mei alerted Shibao and Qiyana.

After mentioning Xiao Chen's matter, Zhibao and Qiyana started a dispute and started looking for Xiao Chen's whereabouts.

After asking the staff, Qiyana and Zhibao knew that Xiao Chen and Mebius had boarded the cable car.

But when they wanted to get on the cable car, the four of them were told that the cable car was destroyed by a snowstorm and could not be started temporarily, and Xiao Chen was the last group of guests sitting on the cable car, and also the only group of guests.

After hearing what the staff said, Bronya first realized something was wrong, and turned around and walked directly to the direction of the cable car.

Seeing this, Qiyana chased after her immediately, and said, "Hey! Bronya, where are you going!"

"I'm going to find Xiao Chen!" Bronya turned her head and said, "It's definitely not a coincidence that so many things are put together! It must be that woman's conspiracy! Otherwise, that dangerous woman Xiao Chen can be brought together! Even if it is If I have to leave, I will also go to Xiao Chen!"

"There is a cliff over there by the cable car. It would be very difficult for a bunny in heavy equipment to take you up the cliff, right?" Kiyana said, looking at Bronya.

"This is Bronya's business." Bronya was a little surprised that Qiyana had seen this kind of thing, but it didn't affect her determination to find Xiao Chen, so she said indifferently.

"I'm with you." Kiyana looked at Bronya's hesitant eyes and continued to speak, "With your own strength, you have to go through the cliff and find their traces, even if you have heavy armor." Xiaotu will also feel tired? After you really find Xiao Chen, are you sure you won't become his burden?"

Bronya frowned slightly when she heard the words and began to meditate.

Seeing this, Qiyana continued to speak: "If you can use the power of my Herrscher of the Sky to pass through the cliff and reach the top at once, you can also have more strength left to find Xiao Chen."

"If you collapse on the way due to exhaustion, Bronya will give priority to Xiao Chen and keep you where you are." Bronya said.

"Hmph! This is the line I want to say!" Kiyana pouted.

"Don't forget about us." Leiden Mei and Shibao said.

"Since it's Xiao Chen's business, then it's my business!" Zhi Bao rolled up his sleeves, and then put down his sleeves because the weather was too cold.

"I'm not too worried, let's find Xiao Chen before the snow falls." Lei Dian Mei said.


Several people nodded at the same time.

In order to save Honkai energy, the four of Qiyana decided to go to the edge of the cliff and use Kiyana's power to teleport to it.

On the way to the snow mountain, Qiyana asked with some doubts: "By the way, why are you so worried about Xiao Chen? There aren't many people who can hurt him with his ability, right?"

"Based on general rationality..." Bronya nodded, and said, "But the guy with Xiao Chen this time is different."

Bronya, who has followed Xiao Chen for the second longest time, knows about the last era, and also heard that Xiao Chen introduced the Yingjies.

In Bronya's impression, Mebius is a terrifying madman, it's no wonder she can feel at ease if such a person is with Xiao Chen!

"The guy with Xiao Chen is called Mebius. He is a fusion fighter from the last era, and he is also a scientist from the last era. His research projects are all about the fusion of human beings and Houkai, as well as the sight of the physical body... Let that This kind of guy is with Xiao Chen, I don't know what she will do!" Bronya said worriedly.

After finishing speaking, she thought of Fu Hua beside her and asked.

"About her, you should know better than me, right?"

"Ah? Mebius? There was indeed a guy with that name in the last era, but isn't she dead yet? Well, according to that old antique's memory, she is indeed very likely to be alive." Shibao heard Bronya was slightly stunned by the question, and then said.

"You didn't notice that the guy who just arrived is Mebius, right?" Bronya was speechless when she heard the words.

By the way, I made another complaint in my heart, have you already started calling Fu Hua Old Antique?

"It can't be my fault." Zhibao said a little aggrieved: "Who would have thought that Mebius, a doctor, can come here to be an actor, and this is what that guy did?"

"It must be the female fox!" Bronya gritted her teeth.

"Is the Yae Shenzi?" The image of the Yae Shenzi appeared in everyone's minds, and they nodded unanimously.

Then Leiden Mei asked curiously: "Even if you didn't recognize him, didn't you realize that the new guy looks exactly like Mebius?"

Zhibao looked at Leiden Mei's face and complained: "I am too familiar with the exact same thing. For me, your faces are more or less familiar... The Yae Shenzi mentioned just now is a hero I know. Jie also looks exactly the same. But Sakura is a good boy, the complete opposite of Yae Miko."

People in this era can more or less find individuals similar to the previous civilization.

Even Fu Hua himself was the same, the appearance of Cheng Lixue, the disciple she accepted, was actually almost the same as her.

The only difference is the position of the chest...

Cheng Lixue might be Fu Hua's normal development, but to be honest...Fu Hua's apprentices or grandchildren also far surpass Fu Hua himself in this respect.

If Bronya knew about this, she would probably apprentice her on the spot.

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