Fortunately, this is only a small hillside, and the power and duration of the avalanche are not long.

However, even after surviving this avalanche, Bronya was exhausted, exhausted of all Honkai energy and physical strength.

However, under her full sprint, the two successfully crossed the snow mountain.

Bronya fell on the snow and opened her eyes to look at the forest in front of her, and said: "It seems that I'm done here, Qiyana, you should go to Xiao Chen first, I'll take a rest here first."

After speaking, Bronya closed her eyes.

Kiyana glanced at Bronya who was lying on the ground and said nothing, picked her up and wanted to walk into the woods.

Bronya felt that she was being carried on her back, opened her eyes with some doubts, and said, "Qiana, what are you doing? Didn't we agree before that if anyone delays, just leave the other party and go first ?"

"Are you trying to freeze to death here by yourself?"

"Aren't you underestimating Bronya? In this kind of weather, hiding your breath and waiting for an opportunity, it's just commonplace when I was still a killer. Let me go!" Bronya said weakly at Qi Yana struggled on her back.

"Don't let go!" Kiyana said firmly.

"Don't you want to go to Xiao Chen?" Bronya asked.

Qiyana turned her back to Bronya and said: "With the relationship between you and Xiao Chen, as long as I save you, Xiao Chen's favorability towards me will definitely increase! This is my strategy!"


"the stupid one is you!"

The sound of two people scolding each other gradually faded away in the snowstorm.


On the other side, in the small wooden house under the snowstorm, Xiao Chen already started a fire in the stove of the wooden house with his own hands, relying on the branches he picked up.

However, the deconstruction of the wooden house is not very insulated. I can barely feel the temperature next to the stove, but I can still feel the slightest chill on the back that cannot be covered by the stove.

It's okay for Mebius to snuggle into Xiao Chen's arms and lean against Xiao Chen's chest, her soft and weak appearance is not just a disguise.

Because she is really cold now!

274 Mebius: Is this the taste of evolution!

274 Mebius: Is this the taste of evolution!


"How is this house built... how is it still ventilated." The blanket Xiao Chen collected from the room covered the two of them. They sat by the fire and leaned back and forth on each other. He felt Mebius in front of him. The body temperature said slightly worried.

"Do I want some chocolate here?"

Xiao Chen had also been lost in a blizzard in Siberia before, although he got out of it not long that time, but if he encounters this kind of situation again, it will be troublesome if his physical strength and temperature are exhausted.

Thinking about the possibility of being killed again, he usually prepares high-calorie food on his body in advance when he travels, but he didn't expect to use it directly this time.

"Eat!" Mebius simply replied.

Xiao Chen took out the chocolate from his pocket and put it to Mebius's mouth, because of the proximity to the stove, the chocolate on his body showed some signs of fusion.

After opening the package, part of the chocolate got on his hands.

After Mebius finished eating the chocolate in Xiao Chen's hand, he aimed at the sticky chocolate in Xiao Chen's hand, and began to clean it carefully.The slender tongue swept across Xiao Chen's fingers, cleaning all the chocolate sticking to his hands.

During the whole process, Xiao Chen kept counting the houses on the wall of the wooden house with his face sideways.

The murder scene in front of him inexplicably reminded him of an anime "Vanitas' Notes" that he had watched in his previous life. Although it was marked as female, he thought it was a corrupt anime at first, but in fact the male and female protagonists The love between two people has a high sugar content, and it belongs to the kind of anime that makes aunts laugh after watching it.

In that anime there is such a scene where the hero and heroine are trapped in a hut in a snowstorm.Then the heroine gave mouth to mouth water to the hero who didn't want to drink water, and forcibly stripped the hero's clothes to keep him warm...

What I'm experiencing now is somewhat similar to the scene in that anime.

If you are not confident in your self-control, you may be in danger at this time!

After eating the chocolate, Mebius also noticed his gaffe. Just now, it was entirely out of his body's instinct to absorb calories, calories, and sugar!It actually knocked her brain out!

He actually did that kind of thing!

But... this feeling is not bad!

Is this the taste of evolution? !

Although it is unconsciously doing such a thing!But the situation in front of her was exactly what she wanted!Then just keep going!

Thinking so, Mebius turned and leaned against Xiao Chen's body, and at the same time stretched his hand towards Xiao Chen's neck, and put his hand into his collar when Xiao Chen couldn't do it!

If Yae Kamito knew where Mebius was attacking, he would definitely complain.

'You should aim at the head, the chest is not a fatal position. '

'You are a snake snake!Why do you forget such a simple truth at a critical time! '

Xiao Chen was also taken aback by Mebius' actions, and Mebius continued to reach out until her fingers touched something.

After feeling this familiar item, Mebius also took it out from under Xiao Chen's clothes regardless of what he was going to do.

"This is……"

After Xiao Chen looked at the things that Mebius took out from under his clothes, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Did I accidentally put it on you?"

What Mebius took out from Xiao Chen's arms was not a necklace, but a feather-like hair accessory—

The Eighth God's Key "Yu Duchen" is made from the core of the Eighth Herrscher of the previous generation, which can manipulate brain signals and control consciousness.

Mebius looked at the familiar God's Key in her hand and was slightly silent... She had wondered why the talisman didn't come out to play with Yu Duchen, but only used the Domination Key.

It turns out that Yu Duchen had already given it away! ! !

And it was directly given to the Herrscher of this era! ! !

This is more than the key to skiing!

Among the thirteen heroes, Fu Hua, who Mebius thought would be the least betrayal, unexpectedly turned out to be Yingjie who betrayed him for the first time!It's okay to directly give the Herrscher himself the trump card against the Herrscher of Restraint!

Is this plausible!If you want to send it, I will send it too!

"This is...?" Mebius said, dragging Yu Duchen around Xiao Chen's neck with his hands.

"Oh? This is the amulet Fu Hua gave me. It is said that it has the effect of calming the nerves, so I tried to wear it." Xiao Chen explained with a sigh of relief.

He thought that Mebius was trying to rule him out, but he didn't expect that Yu Duchen would just let him go.

Listening to Xiao Chen's explanation, Mebius twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, and complained in his heart: "It really calms the nerves, that's too soothing." '

When Yu Duchen is used, it will release an unknown substance called "feather".Anyone who is affected by the feather, such as seeing the feather, will fall into the illusion created by the holder of the feather dust.It is said that the crimson feather will lead the destined person to leave the mortal world and enter the fairyland, where all diseases and sufferings will be eliminated in the dreamlike world.

Mebius looked at Yu Duchen with a slight flicker in his eyes.

Now she is worrying about how to get close to Xiao Chen, isn't now the best opportunity!

As long as Xiao Chen is hypnotized with Yu Duchen, then he is still at his mercy!

The perfume Mebius gave Xiao Chen before was actually a weakening potion made by fusing Cecilia's holy blood.

It can weaken Xiao Chen's own resistance. If she controls Yu Duchen now, even if she can't control Xiao Chen, it shouldn't be a problem to stimulate his instinct!

Mebius thought about launching Yu Duchen directly!


On the other side, Qiyana was still walking on the snow with Bronya on her back, using the power of the Fire Herrscher to keep the body temperature of both of them at a safe level, and they would not be buried by the wind and snow, but they still walked slowly. .

Not too far away from the two of them, Shi Bao and Lei Dian Mei followed the traces of the two and chased after them.

On the way to find the two, Lei Dian Mei couldn't help asking: "Is it really good to spend time looking for the two of them? For you, there should be no reason to look for the two of them, right?"

"Huh?" Zhibao glanced at Leiden Meiyi, and said, "The two of them are also partners of the same crew after all, so you can't just leave them alone, right? And maybe you can see the appearance of coming to save them! The two of them know With your own shortcomings, quit competing with me, Xiao Chen!"


Lei Dian Yayi complained in his heart, and asked: "Then aren't you worried about Xiao Chen?"

Zhibao smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Don't worry, there is that old antique by his side..."

275 Fu Hua: No Snakes!

275 Fu Hua: No Snakes!

Previously, when Fu Hua and Shibao took turns to suppress the Houkai consciousness in Xiao Chen's body, although they used the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion, it was not so easy to suppress the Houkai consciousness, and it would exhaust one person every time .

After several attempts, they found that using Yu Duchen as an assistant could better suppress the erosion of Honkai consciousness, so they put Yu Duchen on Xiao Chen temporarily.

And let a personality stay in Yu Duchen, and continue to suppress the Houkai consciousness in Xiao Chen's body in a semi-sleeping state. If there is any accident, he can directly suppress the Houkai consciousness in Xiao Chen's body.

The two also set up a rotation for this purpose, one person suppressed the consciousness of Houkai and fell into a deep sleep, waiting in the feather dust, and then the other took control of the body.

When the consciousness of Houkai needs to be suppressed again, another personality will suppress the consciousness and fall into a deep sleep.

This time it happened to be Fu Hua's turn to sleep and stay behind in Yu Duchen.

After a night's rest, Fu Hua woke up early, feeling a familiar consciousness invading Yu Duchen.

After realizing Mebius' intention, Fu Hua pulled Mebius' consciousness into Yu Duchen without saying a word.

When Xiao Chen looked at Mebius who fell into a deep sleep, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yu Duchen on his chest, and said, "This thing really calms the nerves... Mebius just took a look and fell asleep ?”

As he said, Xiao Chen took Yu Duchen and murmured: "This thing is so magical, it must be some kind of family heirloom, right? The one that is only given to my family? A token of love? Ah, no matter what Thank you very much, Fu Hua..."


"here is……?"

After Mebius entered Fuhuala, he entered a dark space.

Although the space itself was dark, she could see her image clearly.

There is also a feeling of stepping on water when stepping on the dark ground.

"Is this someone's consciousness space?"

Mebius felt this special atmosphere.

When she was thinking this way, a golden light suddenly lit up in the dark space around her. Mebius looked up at the countless golden chains, which lit up around the dark space. The countless chains started from a certain point. The center spreads out to the surroundings.

Mebius held the chain with one hand, and subconsciously walked towards the center of the chain.

I don't know how long she has been gone, it may be a day, it may be a second, it may be a year, and it is her consciousness to decide this time in the consciousness space.

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