After walking to the center, Mebius finally saw the whole picture of this different space clearly. Surrounded by countless chains, the huge gear set was tightly entangled.

Below the gears was a figure familiar to her, bound by chains to the golden gear in the center.

Needless to say, that one is naturally Xiao Chen, but his appearance is closer to the image that invaded Paradise that day.

Even this image is more exaggerated, more solemn, more gorgeous, more noble——

The shining golden cross pupils occupy most of the eyes, and the strand of black hair on the top of the head in front of the forehead also becomes an image of a cross, which is connected at two sides of the cross, forming a circle and suspended like a crown. On the top of Xiao Chen's head was a bit like a dilapidated golden crown.

In addition, this Xiao Chen's arms were wrapped by golden chains and hung on the golden gears, his head was drooping, and although his eyes were open, he was expressionless.

The body is not wearing any clothes, and the lower body is wrapped in white cloth. In addition, there are pink lines eroded by the Houkai on the body, which compete with each other representing the Herrscher.

Mebius also noticed the gear behind him, on which there was an engraving symbolizing Fu Hua—

"You finally came."

Just as Mebius was paying attention to the engraving on the gear, a voice sounded in the gap below the gear.

Mebius heard the sound and looked at a familiar figure again. He had seen it countless times in Paradise and once here, but it was the first time for them to speak like this.

"Although I have met you a few times, but in this atmosphere, I still can't help but want to say a long time no see-hua. Or should I call you Fu Hua better?"

"You can call me whatever you like." Fu Hua blinked, and said with a look that he couldn't believe: "I didn't realize it was really you..."

With that said, she came back to her senses slightly and asked.

"Which you are now? Is it the you who disappeared for 500 years? Or the you in the Promised Land?"

"Which me do you think it is?" Mebius smiled and looked at Fu Hua with a smile.

"It's a paradise." Fu Hua looked Mebius' body up and down, and said: "I can feel that your body outside of your consciousness is not your original body, and your current mental state is somewhat similar to Joyce's. You should Yae Shenzi pulled you out of paradise, right?"

"That's right." Mebius nodded and said.

"I think her ultimate goal should be to revive all Ying Jie?" Fu Hua continued.

"Although she didn't say it clearly, I think she should mean it." Mebius looked at Fu Hua and said, "So what do you want to say?"

"I do have a proposal." Fu Hua pushed the glasses on his face, and tried to speak in a probing tone: "Mebius... Do you want to participate in my salvation plan?"

"Your... plan for saving the world?" Mebius was slightly taken aback when he heard these four words.

Needless to say, saving the world is exactly what they have been doing to prevent the world from being eroded by collapse.

Fu Hua has always been dedicated to completing the tasks assigned to her by Mei, and has been guarding Shenzhou.

Speaking of saving the world, it can be said that no one is more dedicated than Fu Hua.

But if we talk about plan, this is a word that has nothing to do with Fu Hua at all.

It's not that Fu Hua doesn't have a plan for things.

It's just that Fu Hua has been acting according to other people's plans so far, and this behavior has gradually become a responsibility.

This is the first time that Fu Hua has proposed any plan on his own initiative.

This couldn't help but make Mebius feel a little fresh.

It seems that Xiao Chen has a great influence on her...

And Mebius also noticed the golden engraving on the gears. If she guessed correctly, Fu Hua's plan should be related to the engravings of the Yingjies.

This can't help but make her a little curious.

"Okay, then let me hear about your so-called salvation plan."

"Of course, if you dare to say something too boring, I'll go out and eat Xiao Chen right away."

Fu Hua trembled when he heard Mebius' speech...

276 Thirteen Heroes Fusion!In the end, Yan Yingjie!

276 Thirteen Heroes Fusion!In the end, Yan Yingjie!

"Cough cough cough, put your matter aside first." Fu Hua coughed a few times and said.

"I summed up our battles with all the Herrschers in the last era. In the last era, there were thirteen Herrschers. And there were only thirteen of them who were the strongest Yingjie. If it was one-on-one, we Yingjie could deal with it. Most of the lawyers."

"Except for restraint and erosion, although these two opponents are difficult to deal with, we barely defeated them."

"Our biggest difficulty is the Herrscher of the Last Edge—the root cause of Kevin's desire to implement the stigmata plan is also because of the Herrscher of the Last Edge."

"I know that you agree with the stigmata plan in your heart, after all, you don't care much about these things."

"But... I don't want to just give in like this."

Fu Hua looked down at his outstretched hand clenched into a fist, and said.

"Then, do you have any good solutions?" Mebius looked at Fu Hua and asked.

"What do you think the Herrscher is?" Fu Hua looked at Mebius and asked.

"This question... is really abstract." Mebius blinked when he heard the words, and said, "The apostle of the collapse? The strongest Herrscher? The Herrscher who destroyed the world?"

After saying several answers in a row, Mebius waved his hand, and said impatiently: "Don't be impatient, Fu Hua, you have really deteriorated a lot after contacting Xiao Chen, you didn't know how to use this before." A way to whet my appetite."

Seeing this, Fu Hua said directly: "The Herrscher Finale is the fusion of thirteen Herrschers. Of course, this fusion is the fusion of strength. The Herrscher Finale alone has the abilities of thirteen people, and there are thirteen others The Houkai energy, that's why she is so strong."

"You are indeed right, but what does this have to do with your plan?" Mebius continued to ask.

"There are thirteen Herrschers, and we also have thirteen fusion fighters. Do you think this is a bit of a coincidence?" Fu Hua said suddenly.

Mebius' eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said, "Continue talking, I'm starting to be a little interested."

"One-on-one, the average combat power of our fusion fighters can basically defeat all Herrschers except the Herrscher. Our average combat power is higher than the average combat power of the Herrschers."

Kevin, Alicia, Qianjie, Fu, and Eden basically brought up the average combat effectiveness of fusion fighters.

As for who is pulling the straddle among the Herrschers, I won't say much.

Relying on one Herrscher of Restraint to increase the overall combat effectiveness, one challenged a group of fusion fighters, and the other Herrschers did not kill as many fusion fighters as the Herrscher of Restraint. fish.

The main reason is that the human side likes to dispatch Kevin, the highest combat power, and the Herrscher is always a lower-class horse, so it is really difficult to fight against the upper-class horse Kevin.

Mebius complained when he heard the words: "Indeed, if you count all the Herrschers, our average combat power is much higher, so what do you want to say?"

"Our biggest opponent is Final Yan. On the side of the Herrscher, there is Final Yan Herrscher who combines the power of thirteen people. On our side, we have sacrificed many comrades in the fight against Final Yan."

"The main reason why we can't fight the end is that we don't have the strongest combat power against the end. Kevin is very strong, but he is powerless in the face of the end. We lack the strength to fight the end."

Hearing this, Mebius turned his head to look at Xiao Chen, and said, "So you plan to use the Herrscher to deal with the Herrscher, and your method is to put the hope of the world on another Herrscher?"

"No." After hearing Mebius' voice, Fu Hua shook his head and said, "I won't let him become a Herrscher."

"Huh? Then what do you mean?" Mebius continued to ask.

"I've said so much, don't you understand? There are 13 Herrschers and 13 Yingjies. After all, they are Herrschers who have fused thirteen Herrschers, so we can only dispatch thirteen Herrschers who have fused together." Yingjie's fighters can compete with it, can't they?"

"What you said is simple." Mebius frowned: "A fusion warrior has a gene of a Honkai beast inside, it is impossible to have one more! Now you say that you want to fuse the genes of thirteen fusion warriors into one Together! Are you crazy? Do you know how difficult it is?"

As a researcher, Mebius knew how difficult what Fu Hua said.

It's not that they haven't tried to fuse two emperor-level Houkai beast genes into one person, but all such experiments have failed without exception.

The success rate of Kevin's gene fusion with ice pigs is one in ten million. If one gene is fused, it is one in ten million, and the probability is even lower. It is almost impossible to complete. matter.

"No, this matter may be completed." Fu Hua shook his head, put his hands on Xiao Chen's body, and said, "Because the genes of the thirteen Honkai Beasts in his body have begun to fuse."

"What...?" Mebius looked at Xiao Chen's body with wide eyes, while Fu Hua continued to speak: "Flash jump, snake slough, Kevin's low temperature... His body has actually accepted these Power, it’s just that he doesn’t have consciousness and doesn’t use it, you can see his exaggerated power, right? His body is approaching like a fusion fighter, but the process is a bit slow.”

"Could it be that... the last time he entered Paradise was to collect our body data?" Mebius also reacted, she thought of Xiao Chen's ordinary behavior that day, obviously he had no intention of killing anyone, but he insisted Everyone started fighting with him to collect their data.

"But now he is a Herrscher after all, how do you know that the evolved Xiao Chen will not turn against us?" Mebius was slightly surprised in his heart, and at the same time became more interested in Xiao Chen.

However, what she is interested in is Xiao Chen's body, what Fu Hua wants is Xiao Chen's life!

"His body is transforming like a fusion warrior. This process is very slow, and the reason for the slowness is that this change consumes the Houkai energy in his body."

This is what Fu Hua discovered after staying in Xiao Chen's consciousness space and his body for such a long time these days.

"If we have a way to speed up this transformation, and let him absorb the power of thirteen heroes at one go, thereby speeding up the absorption of the Houkai energy, then the two Herrscher cores in his body will become the nourishment for his evolution, and become the most powerful force to cultivate. Food for strong fusion fighters!"

"The Herrscher's core disappears, and Xiao Chen will no longer become a Herrscher who threatens us, but a real human being."

277 Mebius falls in love

277 Mebius falls in love

"This is really a bold and crazy plan." Mebius said with some emotion after hearing Fu Hua's plan.

The plan that Fu Hua said this time really scared her.

Although it is different from what she usually does, the essence of what Fu Hua is going to do is to reveal this kind of madness.

Let a person who was originally a Herrscher become a fusion warrior, let the genes and cells in his body absorb the core of the Herrscher in his body, so as to evolve into a more perfect fusion warrior... use the hand of Houkai to hatch the most perfect fusion warrior !Why didn't I think of such a great thing before!

Probably because there was no such good material in the last era.

However, I didn't expect that Fu Hua would take the lead... a little bit unwilling.

Mebius looked at Fu Hua and said, "Okay, I'll take part in your so-called salvation plan. However, I have a question."

"What's the problem?" Fu Hua pushed his glasses and asked.

"Does that bitch know about this?" Mebius asked.

"Of course I don't know." Fu Hua shook his head and said.

"That's right, if she knew, she wouldn't let you stay on Xiao Chen's body like this." Mebius nodded in approval.

"It's best not to tell Otto." Fu Hua added.

"Don't worry, I'm very interested in what you said, I won't tell that bitch and that bishop about it." Mebius waved his hand and said.

"However, absorbing their genes is not enough to inherit the power of all people. You also need the engravings of other heroes. Do you have a way to get everyone in Paradise to approve your plan and hand over the engravings?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for everyone."

For this matter, Fu Hua also thought that it might be difficult for everyone to approve her plan, but she is not completely helpless.

Then she spoke.

"At this stage, as long as Xiao Chen continues to film, Yae Shenzi needs to keep calling other people out of the Paradise. If we persuade one by one, the chances of success are greater than going to the Paradise to tell the plan all at once. "

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