"There is a special body that needs to be adjusted by me." Otto said, looking at the young self in front of him.

He himself can't remember how many mechanical prosthetics he has.

As for how much the book was wasted by someone after the collapse, this is not what he knows now.

"Are you talking about the spare body used in emergencies? I remember that you have only used that body a few times. It is just the body of a child without any fighting ability."

This body only appeared twice in the plot, once in the second Honkai when he made a mistake in debugging his fighting body, and once in the dinner table animation.

It's just that the latter is a timeline that hasn't happened yet.

"This body will be used in the next plot, and I must prepare in advance to avoid any mistakes when I officially play." Otto said.

Otto has already noticed through the Honkai reactor that Xiao Chen is absorbing Honkai, which is why he has been using his real body to act recently. The soul steel fake body is also driven by Honkai energy, if it is too close to Xiao Chen , I don’t know when there will be a flaw due to the exhaustion of the collapse.

On the other side, after Qiyana and Bronya opened the door, they only saw an empty room, a few blankets, a stove and some firewood,

There is no trace of anyone coming...

Mebius also expected that they would come after them, so he specially added a few cabins in the woods to confuse their sight.

As it turned out, her plan was successful.

Qiyana and Bronya walked into the wooden house without much thought, and the former said with some disappointment, "It doesn't look like someone has been here before."

"Maybe he was rescued by someone nearby. We haven't received any news, have we?" Bronya said with some uncertainty.

"Then we didn't make a trip in vain?!"

Just as Kiyana was thinking this, a sound of horseshoes came from a distance, attracting the attention of the two of them.

"Drive drive drive!!!"

The two of them turned their heads at the same time and looked at Youlandelle, who was riding a horse, walking paralyzed in the snow.


After seeing the two of them, Youlandelle pulled the rein and stopped in front of them, saying: "I have found you two, come back with me quickly!"

"Until we find Xiao Chen! We won't go back!" The two said in unison.

Seeing this, Youlan Dell shook his head and said, "Now that the signal is restored, haven't you two checked your mobile phone? Xiao Chen and the others have already gone back."

"Ah???" Kiyana took out her phone and looked at it, then put the phone in front of everyone and said, "It's out of battery..."

"Stupid Kiyana!"

"Didn't you find out too!"

Youlandelle looked at the two complaining to each other and shook his head helplessly.

In fact, she had just received the news that Xiao Chen and Mebius were picked up by Rita and Yae.

It's just that this is too much of a coincidence, since he was already approaching the vicinity, Rita and Yae took Xiao Chen back on the fateful battleship ahead of him.

Could it be that something really happened that she didn't want her to know? !

A sense of crisis appeared in Youlandal's heart...

This sense of crisis made her wander around Xiao Chen's side for a long time these days. Fortunately, the two of them had a plot to act in, and Xiao Chen didn't have much doubt about it.

After resuming work the next day, in order to speed up the progress, the production crew was divided into two groups again. If Xiao Chen hadn't wandered back and forth between the two groups because of his role.

One group is in charge of playing Sirin and Theresa, as well as the scene of the battle between Walter and others, and Xiao Chen plays Siegfried here.

The main plot is not much, just being beaten by the Honkai Beast, and then Joyce can save the field... As an S-rank Valkyrie, if she doesn't stay in the Skyfire Holy Order, Siegfried is really the bottom of the bottom. Even the emperor-level Honkai beast can't beat it.

Even in the S-rank Valkyrie assessment, Siegfried narrowly won against Cheng Lixue.

Although Teresa is not very strong, she has a divine enchantment at least.

What kind of team did Walter have a reason to say he brought?Bring your own anti-entropy mecha troops!

He, Siegfried, is playing the vanguard, can he play?I can't fight, I don't have this ability, okay?

I advise Siegfried to be more pragmatic and understand his philosophy of fighting against Honkai first.

Another crew, Xiao Chen, also played the role of Siegfried and Orlando on a date in the pick-up hall, contributing a lot of material to Otto.

It's just that before Otto was happy for too long, it was soon his turn to play.

As a person who also straddled the two crews, Xiao Chen also appeared in the first crew and in the second crew.

The first crew turned into clowns to sneak attack!Lie to Walter, a 50-year-old comrade.

When Walter was about to kill Sirin, he shot to stop it. In fact, Otto pretended to be a clown to test Walter and confirm whether Joyce was still alive.

When Joyce was still a test subject of Destiny, he used the pseudonym Alpha Clown to contact him.

If it was the real Joyce, he would have recognized the clown as Otto at a glance.

Then in the second crew, Otto's roles were reduced a lot, mainly just showing up and saying a few lines.

It's similar to Xiao Chen's feeling in the first crew.

The reason why Xiao Chen is not in the first crew is because the first crew used too many real guys for the battle between Joyce and Sirin.

As for being too lazy to do special effects and being suppressed in ability, the First Herrscher used real ones for all the things he made.

Otto is famous for saving time, and now time is saved but it is a bit expensive...

In addition, the damaged ground still needed the Fourth God's Key to repair it, so Xiao Chen couldn't see any clues.

In addition, Xiao Chen's awakening is also gradually proceeding, and the core of the third Herrscher in his body is slowly brewing...

Because there are already two Herrscher cores in Xiao Chen's body, this kind of fluctuation is perfectly covered up by the other two Herrscher cores, and no one has discovered it yet.

Mebius noticed the abnormal temperature around Xiao Chen and thought it was Kevin's genes and didn't pay much attention to it.

On the other side, in the second crew, Otto put on his spare body. The child-like self sat on the floor with a look of lovelessness, and said in a voice that looked death at home.

"Let's do it!"

282 Otto: I lost my love, my eyes collapsed

282 Otto: I lost my love, my eyes collapsed

At the beginning, Otto Xiaochen asked him if he had a child from relatives who looked like him. He didn't know what was waiting for him, but Xiaochen needed a smaller version of himself for filming.

His immediate relatives have been dead for more than 500 years, and his sister, who is closest to him by blood, was sent away by himself.

It might be impossible to find a child who grew up like him now.

However, fortunately, he has a spare body. In order to save time and materials, he made it look like a child.

He doesn't have this problem very often, he only remembers that he used it once when something went wrong during the second Honkai debugging battle body.

However, at that time, because of the memory God gave him, his data during that time was slightly lost.

He forgot what he did when he was a child, and he probably deleted the unimportant data directly.

In his mind is only the memory of Kallen, the memory related to the resurrection of Kallen, other memories are not important.

At that time, he didn't think too much about it, he just became a child.

How can you not bully children?

Even if Otto's body is just that of a child, but his consciousness is that of a [-]-year-old old monster, then he is using the body of a child now!What can happen!

Bear kid is an invincible buff!

There is nothing wrong with Otto's understanding, and generally no matter what children do, they will be forgiven.

But if there are two children together, the younger child has an absolute advantage!

After he entered the set and saw the miniature version of Kiyana and Ulandelle in an apron, Otto felt a bad feeling in his heart.

However, fortunately, Xiao Chen's attitude towards him made him relax again... until he saw the script and recalled the fear of being dominated by Kaslana.

He finally thought of what happened to him in the remaining data of this body. That day, because of a problem with his body adjustment, he used his spare body to wander around the Floating Island of Destiny, and then met Cecilia.

Cecilia naturally didn't know that this child was Otto, but felt that it was too dangerous for such a big child to wander on the Floating Island of Destiny, so she took Otto home.

It's not easy for Otto to explain his identity. He can't say that he is Otto. Now he is just changing his body. He is going to Siberia to fuck your husband soon, right?

This is so weird.

Although his target was not Siegfried, but Walter, Siegfried would definitely block his way, and he did shoot Siegfried in the waist.

If he had said so, he might not be able to leave today.

However, the price of not talking is being forced to play with Kiyana...

The Kiyana here is not k423, but the real Kiyana, who is now wearing an apron and pretending to be Cecilia Youlandelle.

Who is Youlandelle?

With Kaslana's bloodline, even a child with the strength of a one- or two-year-old Kiana can completely abuse Otto's body now.

Now he remembered that this memory was sealed by him, and he didn't expect to remember it again today.

However, there is no way!It's all for Kallen!I will endure!

"Come on then!"

Xiao Chen squatted down to express his approval of Otto's bravery, but said that this is just a two or three-year-old child, even if he really squeezed your hair, it wouldn't hurt.

Otto showed a look of wanting to cry, but it would be fine if he was really an ordinary child.

But Kiyana has Kaslana's blood on her body, and this little child is still the body that Sirin created for herself.

As the culprit for himself, when Sirin made the body, she had to pull out all her strength and tear off all his hair.

In fact, Sirin is indeed planning to do the same.

Although under Xiao Chen's suppression, she can't exert much power, but this time she will do her best to deal with Otto, and guarantee to give him a real reaction!

I saw Sirin holding Otto's braid with both hands, while stepping on his back with one foot. She took a deep breath and said, "The braid... grows longer!"

"It really hurts!"

I will lose my love forever, and my eyes will collapse!

It hurts, it hurts!

For Kallen!I can do anything!She is the only star, watching over my long journey.Since she left, there is only darkness ahead!

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