She was at the end of the collapse, waiting sweetheart.

My broken heart like scorched earth!

Karen, my love.Her death also took Otto away.The King of Destiny, hereafter descends!

I will meet her again!

No price whatsoever.All atrocities, but for merit.For her, I must do so!I will take her back from the blood of death.No one can go against it, not even fate!

So Xiao Chen, can you shoot faster!

If Otto had the strength, he would have forced Xiao Chen to tell all the plots, but there is no way, who can't beat Xiao Chen.

However, he is also very glad that he can't beat Xiao Chen, why not because he may have missed a fan of Karen, a friend...

Anyway, he has waited for 500 years, and he doesn't care about waiting for a few years.

He also saw Xiao Chen's hard work, even he couldn't find any faults in the filming process.

This is already the fastest progress. Fortunately, according to Xiao Chen, as long as the second Honkai is filmed.

The next time to shoot is the future plot.

Although it is only the beginning of the plot in the next two years, it is undoubtedly a new beginning for him.

He can finally peep into the future, but he must also start to prepare.

He also heard what Yae Shenzi said, if Xiao Chen really monopolized all the Houkai energy, then his plan to revive Kallen would be out of the question.

At least he must complete his plan to resurrect Kallen before Xiao Chen completely becomes the Herrscher of the Ending Covenant.

Fortunately, this process is not fast, Xiao Chen only has two Herrscher cores, and it will take at least three or four years to become the state of Yae Shenzi at the current absorption speed.

By then the movie was already done.

Kallen's mission is almost complete.

Unless Xiao Chen can accelerate this absorption process with one more Herrscher core, but according to his observation, Yae Shenzi does not have this idea.

Others would not give Xiao Chen the Herrscher core for no reason.

He can't have an extra Herrscher core for no reason, right?

He hadn't heard of a case where Herrscher had a Herrscher's core, and could grow a core through natural awakening.

The consciousness of collapse will not do such a free thing!

If it is the dual-core Xiao Chen, he is sure to complete Karen's resurrection before Xiao Chen becomes a god!

Honkai: What are you giving for nothing!That's my plan!

283 It's Ulandale time now!

283 It's Ulandale time now!

Leaving aside Otto's suffering in the living room, this time it can be regarded as a fulfillment for Ulandelle.

The scene this time is her cooking at home as Cecilia. Of course, real ingredients must be used. This is a good opportunity to show off her cooking skills and show off in front of Xiao Chen!

Youlan Dale and Xiao Chen haven't had enough contact, and she doesn't know that Xiao Chen's culinary skills are superior to Lei Dian Mei's. If she knew this, she probably wouldn't be foolish enough to try to catch Xiao Chen in this regard .

Besides, although she didn't know... but Ulandelle is also a member of the Kaslana family, and she can do the best she can.

Probably let Heiyuan Baihua grow a fruit for Xiao Chen to eat... If you really want to sit up, instant noodles are better, after all, this is an ancestral handicraft.

If she was serious about cooking, she should be the one who was captured.

"Come and taste my cooking!"

Xiao Chen looked at the steak that Youlandal put out and was silent for a while, what should I say?There is a feeling of returning to primitive society, right?His instinct is absolutely that this is the best result for this piece of meat, if it is roasted, maybe it will be even worse and it will directly turn into coke?It's not as good as this half-familiar state...

He didn't know why he felt lucky that Youlandal didn't continue to burn, thanks to those who directed Youlandell to cook, it's really great that he doesn't need to eat coal...

Just when he was thinking so, Youlandelle looked at Xiao Chen expectantly, and said, "Taste it while it's hot!"

"En!" Xiao Chen nodded a little stiffly, ignoring the screams in the living room, and said: "Then I won't be polite."

Although not very familiar with it, it is still acceptable in some countries, but Xiao Chen is not used to it.

Especially the voice in the living room was harsh. Although he knew it was acting, little Otto called too hard.

I almost thought that Otto was really abused.

However, there is only little Kiyana in the room, who can bully Otto?

Little Qiyana is only two or three years old, what strength can she have?Besides, what bad thoughts can a child have?

However, if it was a fake scream, then Little Otto's voice was too realistic.

He will be a good actor when he grows up!

Xiao Chen assured in his heart very seriously.

There are people in charge watching him over there, but he is not worried about what will happen.


The person in charge on the other side looked at Kiana or Sirin who bullied Otto with a wry smile, and told him to intercede.

After all, he knew very well what Otto had done.

It's just that this punishment is already very light... Besides, he doesn't have any reason or position to ask Qiyana to forgive Otto.

Otto also understood, so he didn't intend to fight back, and let Qiyana pull his braid.

Although this body is only made of soul steel, it has a sense of pain and other feelings that humans should have.

Although it's not a redemption, it's good to let Xilin vent her anger... If she really awakens, she can fight with a lighter hand.

However, speaking of it, he also had some grievances with Xilin. After all, in a sense, Xilin caused his siblings to separate.

However, he doesn't hold any grudges against Sirin, he is already very satisfied with his current life.

With a suitable job for me, and a bosom friend, I even found my lost sister.

The only unsatisfactory thing is that the person my sister likes is a king of the sea... I can't say that, but Xiao Chen didn't deliberately fish or flirt, but the girls around him don't know why they like Xiao Chen...

All of this should also be related to Yae Shenzi, right?

The person in charge has keenly discovered the key to the problem, but thinking about the resourcefulness of Yae Shenzi, he shook his head again, even if she found his own sister... It is almost impossible to resist the Yae Seed, so let nature take its course.

Summarize two words one by one!

The person in charge looked at the situation in the kitchen, Xiao Chen was eating the steak made by Ulandal, Rita walked away with a glass of red wine, and Ulandal beside him looked at Rita with resentful eyes.

That expression seemed to say again, why are you here?

Rita blinked at Ulandle and gave her a professional smile.

That expression seemed to say, without me, can you grasp it?

You directly served Xiao Chen a steak, but didn't you consider whether the steak was oily or not?Don't even pour water?And if I hadn't reminded you about the heat, Xiao Chen would already be eating carbon now!

Why don't you give me some of your rounds!Everyone has a good impression to brush together!

Everyone is mutually beneficial and win-win!

"Thank you, Rita, I was just about to drink something." Xiao Chen nodded to Rita, then took a sip from the cup and said: "I also chilled it specially, so I am interested."

iced?I took it at room temperature, right?Even if you walk outside, this is the Floating Island of Destiny.The temperature can be automatically adjusted to the most suitable environment for human life. It is impossible to go out and it will be cold. How can it turn into ice if it is not Siberia?

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, Rita turned cold for a moment and felt a little puzzled in her heart, but said calmly on the surface: "It's just as long as you like it."

After finishing speaking, she touched the bottle calmly to confirm that the red wine was still at room temperature, then frowned, but quickly returned to the previous smile, and said.

"Would you like another drink?"

"No need, one sip is enough for me. Anyway, it's still working time now, so I shouldn't drink too much alcohol." Xiao Chen shook his head when he heard Rita's question, and suddenly thought of something and asked: "Say, Lita Aren't you Shiyu Qiluo's manager? Why are you here?"

Youlandale also reacted under Xiao Chen's reminder, and quickly moved to Xiao Chen's side and said: "Yes, Rita, you should go and take care of Miss Shiyu Qiluo! I'm fine with the director!"

"It's lunch break now, have you forgotten to check the time?" Rita reminded with a smile: "Miss Shi Yuqiluo said that she can handle things on her side, so let me come and see your side Case."

"Oh?" Xiao Chen glanced at the time and nodded, and said, "I see."

Rita stared at Xiao Chen's wine glass, she was still thinking about the wine that Xiao Chen said before, she happened to have a way to confirm it very naturally, and she said at the moment: "If you don't drink the rest of the wine, let me Let me handle it for you."

Then, under the astonished gazes of Youlandale and Xiao Chen, he drank all the wine that Xiao Chen had drunk...

Ulandelle: In person? ? ?

284 Wake Up!Master of Frost!

284 Wake Up!Master of Frost!

Rita!I originally thought you were also a veteran of the Immortal Blade!There must be a lot of talk here!I didn't expect to use such a despicable move!

Mebius also knows how to hide people behind his back!You are worse than Mebius!

Fu Hua also knows how to be sneaky!

Yae Shenzi is still hiding it!

How are you!Use the cup that Xiao Chen used in person!

Pooh!shameless!I'm ashamed of you!


Youlandelle despised his close friend in his heart, then picked up the plate and fork with a smile on his face, and said: "Since you have finished eating, director, I will put away the plate and fork."

"Well, good." Xiao Chen nodded subconsciously, he didn't know why Youlandal's aura suddenly reappeared, although he didn't know what happened, but he didn't dare to say anything now.

Just let Ulandal take away the knife and fork from him.

When Ulandal was recycling the knife and fork, he still didn't forget to take a look at Rita.

Now that the cup is yours!I don't have the knife and fork and you don't have any opinion!

It's just that when she took the knife and fork in her hand, she found that the surface of the knife and fork was cold, as if a thick layer of frost had formed.

It made Youlandelle shudder, but when she was about to be unable to resist the icy cold, a force burst out in her body to nullify the icy power

But the price was that the fork was frozen into ice powder, if it wasn't for Youlandal who reacted quickly and dragged the fork by turning around, Xiao Chen would probably have seen this scene.

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