My fork...!

I didn't expect Rita, you even counted this, so you chose the cup!

Ah, no!Why is the fork frozen and shattered like this?

Whether it is restraint or erosion, there should be no such power.

So why is the fork the way it is?Could it be that Xiao Chen has been able to touch the shackles between molecules, so that the fork will automatically shatter?

Ah, what about the cold?

Could it be that Xiao Chen's restraining ability is so close that he can even restrain the movement of molecules?

Ah, isn't it?Then why does the fork disconnect again?

Isn't this unreasonable?Or did Xiao Chen's strength become stronger?

While Youlandelle was thinking wildly, Rita patted her on the shoulder and gave her a look.

Ulandelle nodded and walked out with Rita.

In the living room, Riotto's wailing sound is still ringing...

"What did you call me out for?" After coming out, Yolandail looked at Rita and asked with some doubts.

"You should have noticed too, right? The abnormality on Xiao Chen's body?" Rita asked while looking at Youlandelle.

"Are you talking about this broken fork?" The ice crystal of Ulandal's fork showed Rita.

"Sure enough there is a problem." Rita pinched the ice crystal in Youlandal's hand and asked, "Are you sure this is what Xiao Chen did, isn't it your doing?"

In fact, it's not surprising that Rita thinks this way, after all, Kaslana's family's power includes manipulating ice.

Whether it was the suddenly frozen red wine or the scum that had been frozen into icy shards, they all seemed to be the handiwork of the Kaslana family's ability awakening.

This scene looks like Youlan Dale is jealous and awakens his power...

As for why Ulandal could not manipulate ice before, but was able to conjure a horse, Rita didn't know.

Ulandell raised his brows when he heard the words: "Do you think I would do such a thing?!"

I will not!

If I could do it I would have done it long ago!

Too bad I won't!

Youlandell secretly thought in his heart.

However, she was also slightly puzzled, why did Rita feel that she did this by herself?

I can't handle ice myself.

On the contrary, isn't Rita the owner of the refrigerator?

and many more?Could it be that Rita is the real murderer?

The purpose is to destroy my fork?

This possibility cannot be ruled out... The more Youlandell thinks about it, the more likely it is.

After all, it was Rita who taught her to do whatever it takes in a situation like this!She shouldn't be teasing me again in the name of class, right?

Rita looked at Youlandell's eyes and asked back: "Master Youlandell, you are not suspicious of me, are you? I didn't wear the Valkyrie armor when I went out today, so I can't do this kind of thing at all."

"That's strange, if it's not you or me, then who is it?" Youlandell frowned and said: "Even if it is Xiao Chen, he usually uses his abilities unconsciously, and the restraining power should not It will affect things around it for no reason."

"There's no way to guess here. I'll take these ice shavings to Tianming's laboratory for inspection." Rita said, packing some of the ice shavings in a handkerchief.

Ulandal saw something wrong with Rita's movements, then reacted suddenly, and said, "Isn't this the same handkerchief as Xiao Chen? Why do you have one too?"

"Hmph, this is of course what you think, Lord Youlandell." Rita said with an inexplicable smile on her face, "Master Youlandell, you go first, Lord Otto, this time Something's not quite right..."

"Don't change the subject!" Yolandail looked at Rita's back and stomped, then turned helplessly and returned to the house.

At this time, in the room, Xiao Chen looked at the shooting just now and nodded in satisfaction.

He knew from the voice just now that Little Otto's acting skills are very good, that voice is very realistic as if his hair is really about to be pulled off by someone!It doesn't look like a child at all!

Just like Otto!And it looks great too!Xiao Chen even wondered if this child might be Otto's illegitimate child and put him in the foster care of relatives!Otherwise, how could the two be so similar?

However, didn't Otto say that he came out to find his missing childhood sweetheart?So what happened to this kid?

Hey, your circle is really messed up!

Forget it!forget about it!

In any case, the child is not wrong!

Xiao Chen touched little Otto's head, and said with a gentle face: "You acted very well, you will definitely become a qualified actor when you grow up! This is your reward!"

As he spoke, he gave Otto a green apple candy.

Otto was stared at by Xiao Chen with gentle eyes, and was stuffed with a piece of green candy. He didn't know what to say, but asked questions wildly in his heart? ? ?

What exactly have you figured out?

It always feels like you're thinking something impolite!

I have my heart and soul for Kallen!Don't think about it!

And what do you mean by giving me green sugar?Are you polite?

Is green the color of my impression in your mind? ? ?

Ao Tuo looked at Xiao Chen's leaving back and bit the candy in his hand with his teeth, and suddenly said: "It's so cold!"

285 You are as strong as you are, let's go straight ahead!

285 You are as strong as you are, let's go straight ahead!

"This is a popsicle! It's so cold!"

Otto said, clutching his teeth that were almost frozen out.

Although his body has the senses of taste, touch, and pain, it is still the body of soul steel after all.

Although it is resistant to low temperatures, this spare body is obviously not able to resist against the Herrscher of Ice, which can create low-temperature cold waves.

When Otto took the popsicle off, a piece of Soul Steel's mimic skin had already been glued off.

"This is……"

Before he could say anything, the void in his mind gave the answer.

"This is the power of the Herrscher of Ice."

As the first key of God in the previous civilization, Void Ten Thousand Zang can analyze things and describe and reproduce them.The civilization of the previous generation used it to record the advanced science and technology of that era.Void Wanzang can also construct a mimetic God's Key, but it only has part of the ability of the real one.

It was obtained by the first generation ancestor of the Apocalypse family in Asia, but because "only the most intelligent person can unlock its seal", it has been enshrined in Apocalypse as a sacred object after the death of the first generation ancestor. In the family sanctuary, the seal was not released until Otto stepped into the sanctuary for Karen.

Having self-awareness in the God's Key, claiming to be a clone of the supercomputer "Prometheus" in the pre-civilization era, he has naturally seen the power of the Herrscher of Ice.

After seeing the power emanating from Xiao Chen's body, he immediately gave the answer.

"The power of the Herrscher of Ice? Why does Xiao Chen have the power of the Herrscher of Ice?"

Otto frowned and muttered.

Even Destiny does not have the core of the Herrscher of Ice, and even the God Key made of the core of the Ice Herrscher is not sure where it is.

Could it be that Yae Shenzi used the future he learned from Xiao Chen to find the God Key of the Herrscher of Ice in advance, and removed the core to Xiao Chen?

Maybe she has no reason to do so?

At this moment, Ulandelle came in and looked at Otto covering his mouth, and said, "What's wrong with you, Bishop?"

"It's nothing, do you think there's anything wrong with Xiao Chen today?" Otto shook his head and looked at Youlandelle and asked.

"That's exactly what I want to say." Youlandelle took out the remaining ice shards and said, "This is the fork that Xiao Chen used before, and it's been frozen into pieces now."

"It seems that something really happened..." Otto looked at the fork that was frozen into pieces, and said, "Go, call other people who are not acting, and those who are acting should remind them to be careful. Contact Xiao Chen."


After discovering the problem, Destiny and Anti-Entropy immediately investigated Xiao Chen's current situation.

Others who can't help continue to act. Although Xiao Chen's current power will not directly act on people, everything he touches is dangerous, and if he accidentally touches something that Xiao Chen touches, he will suffer from frostbite. possible.

Now only Qiyana, who is the Herrscher of Flame, Mei, who is the Herrscher of Thunder, and Youlandelle, who has the genes of the Kaslana family in her body, can casually touch anything that Xiao Chen has touched.

The three of them were also arranged to take care of Xiao Chen.

Although this is indeed a good job, but the competition is too fierce...

On the other side, a temporary investigation team composed of Destiny, Anti-Entropy, and Mebius also began to investigate Xiao Chen's body.

However, this investigation is very secretive, because it cannot be discovered by Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen has to stay on various instruments to collect data.

However, fortunately, there will be a story about Xiao Chen and Youlan Dell in the game hall.

The people of Destiny and Anti-Entropy spent several days simulating the detectors of game consoles overnight so that the investigation could continue.

By the way, this idea came from Yae Miko.

Generally speaking, the investigation of Xiao Chen by ordinary instruments will be hindered by the power of the Herrscher.

It's just that this time the core of the Corrosion Herrscher acquiesced to the investigation, and did not interfere with the data and instruments.

It is a blessing that the machine made for the first time can be used without much modification.

The top minds of Destiny and Anti-Entropy trained their hands, and without hindrance, Xiao Chen's situation quickly became clear.

Finally, Einstein announced the result.

"According to the data of the instrument, there is a third Herrscher core in Xiao Chen's body—the core of the Herrscher of Ice."

"Can someone who has become a Herrscher awaken for the second time?" Joyce asked a little puzzled.

"I don't know. Neither the previous civilization nor this civilization has data. Although a Herrscher can have multiple Herrscher cores, that is when more cores of other Herrschers are removed. For a fully awakened Herrscher, and Obtaining the core of the Second Herrscher in a natural way has never been heard of before." Einstein shook his head and said.

"Theoretically, only one Herrscher will appear in a big Honkai, and the Honkai will automatically find a suitable host among the crowd. The prerequisite for the Herrscher is that the Honkai can and qualified people, and there is no reason why the second awakening is not possible. restrictions." Otto has studied the Herrscher for so many years, and he does have a certain right to say so, he said.

"Besides, everyone has seen Xiao Chen's state. Now he is absorbing the Houkai energy from the outside world all the time. Although he is suppressed by the ability of the Herrscher of Restraint, there is a big Houkai in his body all the time—intangible Among them, two conditions are met."

"Can Honkai... and qualifications?"

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