Why didn't I notice this problem at the time?Probably because I was too nervous and didn't notice those details at all.

After Otto's arrival, the god stood up from the ground and transformed into Otto just as he remembered.

It's just that the whole body is still white, only the shape without subtle outlines.

"Master God, my name is Otto Apocalypse. The purpose of coming here is to seek your help."

If it is a conversation between human beings, now is the process of negotiating conditions.

But God nodded directly at that time, without saying anything, and the news passed directly to his mind.

"What, what? You said you would try your best to help me?" Otto said in disbelief.

His current expression vividly interpreted the situation at that time.

After that, his questioning was also expected by God, and then God showed Otto the truth.

Let Otto understand why I want to help him. For gods, human beings are ants. Do people care about the actions of ants?Care about the thoughts of ants?Go hostile to an ant?

However, Otto now seems to have something very strange, that is, is the God who enlightened him at that time and the [God] who awakened Xiao Chen for the second time really the same existence?

It's a pity that this question is too far away for him, and he has no way to touch it now.

However, this was not his goal in the first place. He had only one goal, and there had always been only one goal.

"God, I only have one doubt left. I want to know how to bring the dead back to life. She is my most important person. My name is Kallen Kaslana."

"Please tell me the answer, my lord! I will do anything to save her!"

At that time, the god did not answer Otto, but took out a cross and turned it into a sword to kill himself.


Just as Otto was recalling, Xiao Chen's voice sounded, and at the same time the pair of crosses were exposed in Otto's sight...


I got it!

291 Otto?god?Take it easy!

291 Otto?god?Take it easy!

【God】knelt before the cross.

If God is broken, then who is the cross?

Who are the people around who are related to the cross?It can't be Kallen, can it?Since it wasn't Karen, it was even more impossible for Teresa.

Then there is only one person related to the cross!

Otto's eyes fell on Xiao Chen's cross pupils. Although Herrscher's eyes are more or less different from human beings, Xiao Chen's eyes are indeed too unique.

At first glance, it looks like a golden rhombus, but if you look closely, you will find that the lower part of the rhombus is narrower and thinner, like a cross.

Needless to say who is the cross that God bowed down to first!

【God】: Then there is only one answer!

If Xiao Chen knew about Otto's guess, he would die of laughter.

It has to be said that this is an interesting coincidence. The first time God bowed down to the cross was a plot in the comics, and Xiao Chen didn't know what this meant.

However, with Mihayou's habit of eating books, even if he really guessed what this means, he might be silently eaten.

Then he happened to become the Herrscher of Restraint in this world, and then caused Otto to have this kind of misunderstanding...

It has to be said that it is a very interesting coincidence.

"Today's plot is over, thank you for your hard work." Xiao Chen said as he handed Otto a bottle of mineral water.

"By the way, director, what were you doing in February 2000?" Otto asked curiously.

"At that time..." Xiao Chen's face became a little gloomy, and he said: "At that time, after the time when my favorite pet died... I was a little depressed during that time? But why did you suddenly How to ask?"

Ah, the death of the pet...could it be Yae Miko?Could it be that Xiao Chen became the Herrscher of Restraint during that time?Then use the power of her own Herrscher to resurrect Yae Shenzi and even turn him into a human?

That is, Xiao Chen once resurrected a person's life?

Sure enough, God is implying that the secret of resurrection lies in Xiao Chen!

It must be so!

"No, it's nothing." Otto thought about it mentally, then shook his head quickly, and said, "Sorry, I reminded you of bad memories."

"It's okay, it's all in the past." Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "Let's change the subject, why are you suddenly curious about this question? Is there anything special about that time?"

"Actually...that was also the time when my childhood sweetheart disappeared."

This is a lie!

But Ao Tuo couldn't think of any other excuses, he could only say this, for deceiving Xiao Chen, he rarely felt a trace of guilt in his mind.

He had almost forgotten what it felt like.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't expect you to be separated from your childhood sweetheart for such a long time..."

Xiao Chen also said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, now we're even." Otto said with a smile, suppressing the guilt in his heart.

The atmosphere between the two was a little awkward, then Xiao Chen coughed a few times and took the initiative to speak: "By the way, don't you want to chat with me? What do you want to talk about?"

"I just want to ask a little bit about Otto's actions in the main drama, as well as the setting, and the plan for how to revive Kallen."

Although Otto thought he had discovered the secret of Xiao Chen and [God], he still had no idea how to revive Kallen.

However, he must be sure that the key to revive Kallen must be on Xiao Chen!

[God] The last action must be some kind of hint!

Insert a cross into your chest?

Doesn't this imply that Xiao Chen completely defeated him?

Take the place of God?

God: I am not!I do not have!Don't talk nonsense!

Although I put on a strange pose, don't think about it!

"Well, I can't go into details about the later script...but it's not impossible to talk a little bit."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Really?" Otto asked in surprise.

"Well, it's just to the extent of chatting, I won't take the initiative to reveal the plot, I will just talk in one direction." Xiao Chen nodded and said.

"That's enough." Otto nodded and said.

"What you want to ask is the plot of resurrecting Karen, right?" Xiao Chen followed Otto's attitude and asked.

"Hmmmm!!!" Otto nodded and said.

"Before asking this question, let's first determine the definition of resurrection." Xiao Chen stretched out a finger and shook his head, and said.

"The first is DNA, which is Otto's attempt to revive Kallen at the beginning, using DNA to replicate a person exactly like Kallen."

"But Otto pursues the soul because he can't accept such a resurrection. Then I ask in turn, if a person's soul is still in Kallen's body, will he still think that person is Kallen?"

Xiao Chen's question made Otto fall into silence, then he thought for a while and said: "It should be counted."

"Then what if she doesn't have Kallen's memory, and even her personality is different from before?"

Xiao Chen continued to ask.

"This one……"

Xiao Chen looked at Otto's hesitant expression and continued: "If there is a parallel world, does Karen in the parallel world count as Karen?"

"The definition of a person is not just about the simplicity of the soul. After all, it is very simple for a person to confirm himself, but it will become very complicated if he wants to confirm others."

"Even if Kallen's soul didn't dissipate, and Otto resurrected Kallen's dead body, would the two together be the real Kallen?"

"Yes, this is Kallen to Otto, but it's not the Kallen who can smile at him. You think Kallen will be happy after knowing that Otto has done so many wrong things for himself ?"


"Karen, who has always been human-oriented, is probably not happy when she appoints Otto to revive herself based on such a huge sacrifice."

"What Otto wants is a happy Kallen, a Kallen who can smile, not a Kallen who is burdened with such a life and is overwhelmed by self-blame."

"So this kind of resurrection, although it resurrected Kallen, deviated from the goal of making Kallen happy."

After hearing Xiao Chen's voice, Otto had nothing to say, but clenched his fists tightly.

"For Otto, he just couldn't accept Kallen's death just like that."

"What he values ​​is the time spent with Kallen. For Otto, only the Kallen who was single-minded and smiling 500 years ago is the real Kallen."

After being shocked by Xiao Chen's handling of his heart, Ao Tuo also noticed the key words Xiao Chen just said.


292 Hurry up and invite Patriarch Kevin!

292 Hurry up and invite Patriarch Kevin!


Does Xiao Chen mean that if he wants to save Kallen, he must turn back time?

But where do I go to find the power to turn back time?

While Otto was in a trance, Xiao Chen asked suddenly.

"By the way, have you seen Mebius and Yae Miko again recently?"

"Huh?" Otto was a little stunned when he heard the words, and said, "Speaking of which, they have indeed disappeared recently. Didn't you have something for them to deal with?"

"I was right when I said that." Xiao Chen scratched his head when he heard the words, and said, "Look, isn't the filming of the final decisive battle going to start soon? But there is a key actor who hasn't arrived yet. Listen to Shen Zi, the last An actor was found, but the other party was a little far away, and it was a bit inconvenient to move, so someone came to pick him up."

"Is it inconvenient to move? In other places?" Otto repeated what Xiao Chen said with some doubts, and then asked: "The role of the last actor is...?"

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