"Kevin—Kevin Kaslana."

Xiao Chen said slowly.


"Are you really going to call Kevin out?" Mebius confirmed to the Yae Kamito beside him on the way to the Second God's Key.

"Xiao Chen wants a qualified actor, not a fake Kevin." Yae Miko shrugged.

"Just pamper him." Mebius rolled her eyes at her and said, "Aren't you afraid that Kevin won't cooperate when he comes out?"

"Didn't I bring you here too? For the sake of my former colleagues, he should also listen to me." There was a gleam in Yae Shenzi's eyes, and said: "As long as If you can talk, it won’t be a problem to convince him.”

"Let me tell you first, my relationship with Kevin is not that good." Mebius shook his head and said, "If Kevin knows that I have betrayed the organization and joined a Herrscher, he will definitely not show mercy .”

"Then he must be able to beat me." A smile appeared on the face of Yae Shenzi, and said: "Although I don't like to use violence to solve problems, as long as I am within Xiao Chen's enchantment, apart from Xiao Chen But it is the only emperor-level Honkai beast that can display its full strength."

Although Yae Shenzi's ability is biased toward support, her strength is beyond doubt. Apart from Xiao Chen, maybe Lei Yingying can compete with her.

With the blessing of Xiao Chen's enchantment, not only can she display her full strength, she can even get the bonus of the enchantment.

Even Kevin couldn't help defeating the Yae Kamito with the enchantment blessing when he was weakened.

"Then what if the coordinates of the sealed Kevin are not within the range of Xiao Chen's barrier..." Mebius asked back.

"..." Yae Shenzi hesitated slightly when he heard the words, and then said with embarrassment: "It shouldn't be so, right? Now Xiao Chen has absorbed the third Herrscher's core, and the range of the enchantment has covered most of the earth." , it is impossible that the coordinates are really such a coincidence that they are outside the bounds of the enchantment, right?"


"Let Kevin out."

"Don't let Kevin out."

"Let Kevin out."

"Don't let Kevin out..."

"Hey, this is already my 300 times the leaves here."

"Why is the answer every time not to let Kevin out?"

"Could it be that something terrible happened outside?"

Su leaned under the tree in the quantum space he created, raised his head and raised the leaves in front of him, and said.

Su is a fusion fighter who belongs to the anti-Honkai organization Flame Chasing Moth.Before the Great Crash broke out in the last era, he and Kevin were close friends.After the outbreak of the Great Honkai, the Flaming Moth was added in order to completely expel the Honkai.

Although the elimination of Houkai is the top priority, it does not ignore the sacrifices that humans have to make.When Kevin said that he was going to start the "stigmata" plan, su chose to betray Kevin and choose the humans in this world.

Su understood at this moment that Kevin had lost his precious feelings in order to eliminate Honkai, and it was time to fulfill his responsibility as a "supervisor".

Su then tricked Kevin into the isolated bubble of Sumi Mustard, the second god's key, in order to imprison Kevin (what a sick girl).

Little did he know that Kevin had already seen through his plot, and summoned the Holy Order of Heavenly Fire from inside Sumi Mustard.Su, who had no way out, could only use the black abyss, white flowers and the pistol-shaped Star of Eden to fight against Kevin.But in front of Kevin's overwhelming strength.Su, who had nowhere to go, could only hope for the first rated power (horizon inversion) of the second God's Key, after the world bubble they lived in sank into the deepest part of the Quantum Ocean.

Kevin Kevin wanted to destroy the Second God's Key to evade, but su stood up and blocked the second God's Key, Kevin couldn't bear to kill his best friend and deflected the attack, Jing threw su out and chose to be alone. Wandering in the Quantum Sea.

After solving the real problems, su trapped himself in the second God's key in order to atone for his sins. His daily life is to observe other worlds and implement the Hengsha plan, trying to find a way to defeat the collapse. He usually likes It was looking at Kevin who was trapped in the sea of ​​quantum.

However, he always felt that he had betrayed Kevin, and he was ashamed to see Kevin, and he always blamed himself.

Recently, however, this feeling of self-blame has faded a lot.

Because more than ten years ago, for some reason, his contact with the outside world was suddenly completely cut off.

The second God's Key lost the power to observe the parallel world, he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't even get out from here.

The only thing he could do was look at Kevin and count the leaves of the big tree above his head.

Count from releasing Kevin to the last leaf.

As for why he still didn't let Kevin go after counting for so long, it was because the leaves would disappear from time to time.

Although he lost the ability to observe the Quantum Sea, this tree is still the incarnation of the Second God's Key, and every time a leaf falls, it means the disappearance of a parallel world.

So every time he counts, the result is the same no matter whether he starts to let go or not.

Leave Kevin alone...

He was convinced that something must have happened outside, that's why the Second God Key lost its effect. He can no longer observe the parallel world, and even lost contact with the outside world. He has been hesitating whether to release Kevin.

If he worked a little harder, he could still pull Kevin out... It's just that he was afraid that Kevin would come out and continue to carry out the stigmata plan.

In the process of tangling, I started counting the leaves, which has continued until now.

But today, there was no movement for a long time, and the second God's key was finally activated.

293 Kevin was unable to move and was beaten by me

293 Kevin was unable to move and was beaten by me

"Did you ask Yae Kamito to find Kevin?"

Otto said in surprise.

Send a Honkai Beast to find Kevin... You really deserve it!


However, I am also happy to see Yae Kamiko...or to put it another way, the Yae Sakura in her body is deflated.

do it well!Worthy of being my best friend!

"To be precise, I'm looking for Kevin's actor." Xiao Chen naturally didn't understand the meaning of Otto's words, shrugged and said: "With Mebius and Raven following, there should be nothing wrong."

"Compared to Yae Miko, I'm more worried about Kevin."

As a lawyer, you are worried about Kevin, but it's okay...

He might want to kill you.

Otto complained in his heart, and then said, "What's wrong with Kevin?"

"It is said that Kevin's actor is not in good health, so he needs someone to pick him up." Xiao Chen said.

Kevin isn't feeling well...?

The strongest fusion fighter is in poor health?

Otto didn't know where to start complaining for a while.

While the two were chatting, Xiao Chen's cell phone rang. He glanced at the message on the cell phone and nodded, saying: "Well, they've arrived."

"Are you chatting with Xiao Chen? Sneaking away?"

Mebius looked at the Yae Seed's happy smile and asked.

"It's just a normal work report."

Yae Kamito took out his mobile phone and waved his hand in front of Megius, saying.

Mebius looked at the message on Yae Shenzi's phone and complained: "Why did you tell Xiao Chen that Kevin is inconvenient? If he is considered inconvenient, what are the other thirteen heroes?"

"Actually, aren't you really like a vegetable in front of the Herrscher of Restraint?" Yae Kamito said nonchalantly.

"What you said makes sense, but I'm actually speechless." Mebius nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

Ordinary fusion fighters will fall down the moment they touch the enchantment of divine grace, even after her transformation, they can only act.

Herrschers of Binding within the Divine Barrier are invulnerable.

Su has not undergone surgery, but in "The Tragedy of Restraint", Su connects with Qian Jie's spirit when he is on the verge of death, and remotely manipulates Qian Jie's body to fight. Su can do this as a spiritually strengthened fusion fighter.

"It's still early, tell me what you know about su." Yae Kamito asked before going to the Second God's Key.

"Didn't you hear Xiao Chen say it?" Mebius asked Yae Shenzi with a look.

"Xiao Chen's words are more objective, I want to hear your opinion." Yae Shenzi blinked and said.

In fact, she doesn't know much about the fusion fighters of the last era, at most she only knows a general, similar personality.

If you want to negotiate, you still need more information.

After all, before seeing Kevin, he still needs to ask su to know where Kevin is, and get the permission to shoot the interior of the second key of God by the way.

Of course, no refusal is allowed.

"I don't know much about su. I only know that he and Kevin were close friends before the big collapse of the previous generation. But with the outbreak of the big collapse in Changkong City, Kai became invisible. Four years later , Su became an excellent doctor and devoted himself to eradicating Houkai disease. After going through some things, he joined Flaming Moth."

"At an unknown point in time after joining the Flaming Moth, Su accepted the transformation of a fusion warrior that I personally performed, and became a spiritual fusion warrior. Almost at the same time, the Eighth Herrscher awakened."

The Eighth Herrscher is the Herrscher of Consciousness, and Su is a spirit-enhanced fusion fighter, which can just deal with the Eighth Herrscher.

"The Eighth Herrscher used the Internet to spread contaminated keywords, causing those who saw the keywords to fall into a deep sleep that could not be awakened. The result was only death. Su passed through it in a short period of time before the Fire Chaser's line of defense was breached. The spiritual defense line woven by the Herrschers successfully located the Eighth Herrscher and defeated the Eighth Herrscher, but the Flaming Moth suffered heavy losses."

"Oh? I don't know how he will react when he finds out that his familiar old friend has become the Herrscher of Knowledge." Yae Kamito said with a smile on his face.

"It's really funny..." Mebius glanced at Yae Kamito, and then said, "Remember to call me."

"Heh." Yae Kamito glanced at Mebius and continued, "Is that all?"

"Huh..." Mebius rarely showed a complex expression on his frivolous face after hearing Yae Kamito's question.

"In a research, I discovered the state of liberating the restriction of super-change surgery, abandoning the human body, and completely assimilating myself with the Honkai Beast. I call it "artificial collapse".And took the initiative to step into it, turned into a giant snake, and then lost control. "

"During that rampage, Su arrived first and used the "Turning of Karma" to temporarily suppress me, and the two of us were at a stalemate.At that time, it happened that Fu Hua broke in, which distracted Su and was severely injured by me. Su, who was in a desperate situation, also entered the "man-made collapse" and turned into a peacock "Mayuli" to stop me. "

"Man-made collapse?" Yae Kamito asked.

"It can be artificially collapsed by fully stimulating the Houkai beast gene in one's own body."

Mebius said.

At this moment, she was thinking about one thing. If Xiao Chen really absorbed the genes of the thirteen Honkai Beasts and became a super fusion warrior, what would his man-made Honkai look like?

Maybe it will be more terrifying than becoming a Herrscher...

"Is that all you know about Su?" Yae Kamiko asked, seeing Mebius's expression of hiding something.

"That's all." Mebius said expressionlessly.

In fact, apart from Xiao Chen's artificial collapse, she also concealed a past experience, although it was also related to su, but it was more about her own affairs, she didn't really want to mention it.

In the incident of the Tenth Herrscher, Mebius' assistant Klein became the Tenth Herrscher and killed Mebius in a surprise attack. Su then arrived and controlled Klein. Just as Su was planning to learn more about situation.

Mebius' "corpse" instinctively devoured Klein's Herrscher core for rebirth.And Su thinks that being able to save but not saving is no different from doing it himself.He believes that Klein's death is his own responsibility.

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