The money earned from YouTube videos is used to maintain equipment, and it is more than enough to feed everyone a big meal.Xiao Chen is also very generous in this regard, and has no intention of taking the money as his own.But everyone still spontaneously saved the money earned through various accounts such as YouTube, and used it in some public activities, saving Xiao Chen a ratio of expenses.

While Xiao Chen was directing the crowd, an employee ran over and bowed his head to Xiao Chen, asking, "Director! After everything is ready, wait for the actors to take their seats!"


Xiao Chen tapped himself on the shoulder with the script in his hand, turned his head and asked, "Can you fake your voice? It doesn't have to be too good, as long as you make a slightly sissy voice. Well, if you can"

Otto was taken aback by this question, given the ability of his body.Let alone a sissy voice, even a real female voice is not a problem.

It's just that he is a majestic archbishop, and he actually wants to wear women's clothes here, and speak in a sissy tone... For Otto, who has high self-esteem, it is simply a shame!

However, in order to confirm why the Herrscher of Constraint in this era knows so much about his own affairs, he can only hold his nose and admit it...

"no problem."

Xiao Chen nodded after getting Otto's affirmative answer, then cast a glance at him, and said, "Then what are you still looking at? Hurry up and change clothes! The make-up team and the props team will take him down!"

As he said that, two muscular men appeared on the left and right sides of Otto, one on the left and one on the right, holding Otto's two hands and dragging him down.

I don't know which great man said that there are only zero times and countless times for women's clothing.

Otto scoffed at this sentence, and then after a lapse of 500 years, he once again put on women's clothing.

It's all for the investigation, for the investigation...

Otto hypnotized himself like this in his heart, and then put on the green dress Xiao Chen had prepared for him, and a green lady's hat with a few lilies pinned on it.

There are two feathers on the green hat.

Otto didn't reject the green hat, on the contrary he had some nostalgia for it.

This is indeed the clothes he wore when covering Karen back then, and even some details are well restored.

This is not a restoration that can be done simply by hearing about it.

Could it be that he hacked into Tianming's database?

However, how could Xiao Chen, a mere Law-Restrainer, hack into Tianming's database without his knowledge, and it still has a part of his dark history.

The make-up artist on the side looked at Otto wearing women's clothing with a nostalgic expression on his face, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

'This new colleague of mine doesn't really have any hobbies, does he? '

Just as he was thinking this way, Otto looked at himself in the mirror, then turned his head and asked, "Which clothing store can I buy this dress from?"

'What a master of women's clothing! ! ! '

After hearing Otto ask this question, the makeup artist opened his mouth in surprise, then calmed down, and replied: "Most of the clothes for the crew are designed by the director himself. Before he became a director, he also did costume design. division."

"Oh, thank you." Otto nodded and sat on the chair, letting the make-up artist make up for him. At the same time, he confirmed that this Herrscher is definitely not simple!He must have some secret!

Although the movements of the make-up artist on the other side are as steady as an old dog, they have already started to make up their minds.

'Depend on!Ask about the brand of the clothes!It's really a lady boss! '

'Could it be that the boss has already seen through everything, that's why he chose this person as the leading actor?As expected of the boss!So scary! '


Xiao Chen on the other side sat on the chair and yawned, and said impatiently: "Why is the man so tired of changing clothes?"

Although he also knows that props and costumes are difficult for newcomers to wear, there are still many complaints that should be made.

And just after he finished complaining and came back, Otto walked out of the makeshift theater in that green dress.

But before he got to Xiao Chen's side, the latter took out the script and pointed at Otto, and said in an undeniable tone: "Go back and re-wear."

Otto was stunned. After he became a bishop, no one dared to talk to him like that for many years.

It's just that instead of being dissatisfied, he is more curious about the reason why Xiao Chen asked him to put on his clothes again.

"Why? Is there something wrong with me wearing this?"

Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, "Of course there is nothing wrong with the clothes themselves, it's just that you haven't seen the props I prepared for you."


Otto remembered that when he was changing clothes, there were two silicone fake breasts next to the clothes, and he justified: "I just think it is unreasonable to have silicone fake breasts in that era."

Xiao Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Have you seen Otto's settings?"

"Yeah." Otto nodded.

"His setting is an inventive genius, the genius of the Apocalypse family!"

'Well, thanks for the compliment. '

Otto nodded in his heart, and then he heard Xiao Chen continue to speak.

"It's not a problem for a genius to invent something like fake breasts!"


I'm not!I do not have!Don't talk nonsense!

Otto strongly denied it in his heart.

It is true that I am a genius, but my genius is not simply used to make silicone fake breasts!

Isn't this perverted!

Otto retorted: "Although Otto is a genius, his talent is also used in destiny and in fighting against Honkai. Why did he invent such a thing!"

"You do not understand!"

Xiao Chen shook his head, and said in a solemn tone: "Those are just Otto's disguise! He has always only cared about Kallen in his heart! Destiny is good! Bone is good! Those things he did It's only for Kallen! He is a genius! His wisdom will only be used for the person she loves!"

Otto was speechless by Xiao Chen's voice, obviously he was being reprimanded by the other party, but for some reason, his heart was filled with an unprecedented ease and comfort.

At this moment, he felt connected with the person in front of him. Even Kallen didn't dare to say that he knew himself better than the person in front of him.

At this moment, he actually had a feeling that he hated meeting the person in front of him, the two of them seemed like friends who hadn't seen each other for many years...

It's just... what does all this have to do with silicone boobs? ? ?

003-3 How do you know Karen's cup size!

3 How do you know Karen's cup size!

"But what does this have to do with silicone boobs?!"

Otto asked the question in his mind.

It's true that he, Otto Apocalypse, likes Kallen, and he can do anything for Kallen, but all this has nothing to do with silicone breasts, does it? ? ! !

When Xiao Chen heard Otto's question, he clenched his fist and coughed lightly, and then said in a serious tone: "You have to consider the background of the times at that time."

"Background? What background?" Although Otto said so, he had already analyzed it according to Xiao Chen's thinking.

"Europe, and Otto played the role of a European lady." Xiao Chen said slowly, and at the same time made a lifting motion on his chest, and drew a semicircle, saying: "At that time, he was 23 Take the [-]-year-old saint Karen as an example. At that time, Karen, who was not married to Otto, was already quite large. If you consider the background of the times, those noble ladies who have been developed countless times are bigger than Karen. A little? That's why I made this big cup of silicone boobs."


How do you know Kallen's cup size? ? ?

Otto felt that the green hat on his head was a little heavier, but he still resisted the idea of ​​punching everyone in front of him, and asked: "I can understand it if you consider the background at that time, but considering the setting Otto is just pretending to be a lady, don't you need to be so serious?"

"Actually, I have also said this question. Otto can do everything for Kallen, and even dress up for his beloved."

Thank you, although you are complimenting me, I am not happy at all.

"In order to support his beloved, Otto will not let the plan go wrong. Otto's face is not girly in appearance, and it can barely be considered a bit neutral after makeup. The figure is not so slender, and the shoulders are too broad , doesn't look like a woman. If you don't even have breasts, then the flaw is too big!"

Although you are belittling me, why am I so happy...

Otto felt that after staying with this person for a long time, his whole person was about to become something wrong.

"So in order to make up for the difference in size! To make myself more like a woman! Otto invented this fake breast! Is it reasonable? Don't do it! Are you blind for those guards?"

Sorry, they must be really blind!

At that time, Otto didn't think about it so much. Now that he thought about it, if it wasn't because of the darkness, his disguise might really be seen through some flaws.

Seeing Otto's pensive expression, Xiao Chen thought he was still hesitant, so he hit the rails while it was still hot: "Of course these are just the appearances in the play, you have to see what I want to express through the performance."

"On the surface, this plot is about the saint Kallen upholding justice, robbing the rich and helping the poor, but it's not about Otto's deep love for Kallen, and he can abandon all images and even dignity for the one he loves! For Kallen He can give up the figure of the next bishop, and wear women's clothing to cover his beloved in the dark night! Can you deny the feeling that Otto can abandon everything for Karen!"

"No!" Otto replied decisively, his voice a little excited.

Even if everything in the world betrays Kallen, he will stand by Kallen's side.

"Now do you still think there's anything wrong with wearing a silicone fake breast with a big cup?"


Otto opened the mouth and said.

"Okay! Then go down and change!" Xiao Chen patted Otto's shoulder with satisfaction, and said.

The surrounding employees looked at Otto who was limped, and couldn't help but recall whether he was also fooled into this crew at the beginning...

Kallen!I will definitely revive you!

Otto walked back to the fitting room with a determined expression on his face, and then looked at the silicone fake breasts in front of him.Although he felt that there was still something wrong, but thinking that it was for Karen, he turned the fake breasts upside down behind the clothes.

After he came out and saw Xiao Chendong's figure, and the spies of destiny that he arranged nearby to pretend to be people eating melons, Otto suddenly reacted.


I am just a person who tries to restrain the law.

How did you become acting here!

I am for Kallen, that's right!But that was also to revive Karen in reality!

hateful!How could I be dazzled by Kallen in the work, and be played by the law-binding master with the palm of my hand!

If I turn my back on the water now and let the Valkyries around me attack together, and directly capture the Herrscher of Restraint, wouldn't there be so many things to do? ? ?

Just when Otto thought so.

An employee stood on the third floor and said, "The props you want are ready!"

A heavy bag full of metal coins fell from the third floor, and when it was about to fall to the ground, Xiao Chen caught it firmly and made the sound of metal hitting, and then heard Xiao Chen say with a relaxed face .

"These props are too heavy for ordinary people. After hitting the bag, they should be replaced with camouflage padding. These props will be put in the box."

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