As he said that, Xiao Chen threw the thing forcefully to the third floor and smashed it onto the balcony, making a muffled thud.

Seeing Xiao Chen's movements, Otto couldn't help swallowing.

Xiao Chen's behavior just now was too normal, he almost forgot that the person in front of him was still a Herrscher with a physique beyond ordinary people.

I didn't bring many people out this time, if I act rashly.

Let him fully awaken under stimulation, and things will only become more troublesome!

For now, I can only continue to accompany him in this scene!

Besides, he doesn't hate Xiao Chen either.

Not only did he not hate it, he even admired Xiao Chen very much.

Apart from letting himself dress up as a woman, Xiao Chen is very clear about his feelings for Kallen.

This not only created a sense of identity for Rang, but even thought for a moment that if it was this person, he might become his second friend.

It's just that it's too late.

For Karen, in order to make his plan foolproof, he had to figure out why he knew about him and Karen.

Kill him if necessary!

Women's clothing is just for planning!

It's all for Kallen!

I, Otto, have no feelings!

Otto continued to hypnotize himself in this way.

"Director, I've changed my clothes."

Otto walked up to Xiao Chen and said.

"En." Xiao Chen looked at Otto's outfit and nodded in satisfaction. The latter thought of something, looked around and asked.

"Where is the actor who plays Kallen?"

After Xiao Chen heard this question, his face was a little weird. He first scratched his face in embarrassment, then showed a somewhat stiff smile, and said, "Actually, I haven't found the actor who plays Kallen yet."


004-4 Otto: Can you stop adding drama to me!

4 Otto: Can you stop adding drama to me!

No Kallen?

Kallen can't find any actors to play a fart?

So I'm lonely in women's clothing?

I can not accept!

After Otto heard this answer, his mentality exploded in an instant. He worked hard to put on women's clothing, but was told that the actor of Kallen hadn't been found yet?

This is like there is no wife in wife cakes, and there is no husband and wife in husband and wife lung slices!

A Honkai without Kallen is an incomplete Honkai!

Xiao Chen also seemed to see something from Otto's expression, and immediately put his hand to his mouth and coughed lightly, and said: "Actually, there is no problem if there is no Karen here, and only Karen enters the picture of the two of them in the same frame." The mansion, that scene is mainly for the figure of Kallen, Otto only has a distant view standing outside, and the rest of the eye contact needs to be synthesized and spliced ​​in post-production.”

? ? ? ?

Does that mean I have to wear women's clothing again? ? ?

While Otto was hearing the shockingly bad news,

He didn't expect that Xiao Chen would make up another worse news next time, which made him feel that wearing women's clothing once was not so uncomfortable...

"The next part of filming is your independent plot."

Independent plot?

A bad feeling rose in Otto's heart when he heard these four words.

At the beginning, I was dressed as a woman to attract the attention of the guards, but I just pretended to fall and said a word, and the guards circled around.

Isn't it just this one segment?Even if it is converted into a video, it will only take tens of seconds?Any more stand-alone stories?

Otto asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Director, isn't it just to cover for Karen? Are there other things?"

Xiao Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "You only read the outline of the script, haven't you read your lines carefully?"


A big question mark appeared on Otto's head.

Do I still need to watch this?I am the party involved!

The memory of Otto Apocalypse who now has a mechanical body cannot be wrong!

Especially the memories with Kallen!

As long as he wants to, he can even do it again with the exact expression, tone, and movements at that time!

Is there anyone who understands the situation better than me!

It's just that Otto overlooked one thing, art comes from reality but is higher than life.

This is like the difference between the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Since it is something to be sold, it naturally needs to undergo some artistic processing.


After getting an affirmative answer from Otto, Xiao Chen came over and patted Otto on the shoulder with a serious expression on his face, and said: "I know this is your first time acting, I can understand how you can't wait to come to the scene in women's clothing .”


Why do you make me sound like a pervert who dresses like a woman?

Can you really understand my pain?

Otto looked at Xiao Chen with a resentful expression, the latter didn't notice Otto's gaze, but took out the script to talk to Otto, said.

"This episode is about Otto wearing women's clothing to attract the attention of the guards in order to protect his lover Karen, and you know that."


Otto nodded.

"The plot behind that is that one of the guards took Otto in women's clothing to a room to rest."

Xiao Chen paused slightly when he said this, and then continued to speak.

"And started to touch Otto in women's clothing maliciously, and shouting may have impressed Kallen's plan...Huh? Why is your face so strange? What I said Do you know the plot?"


When did this episode happen?

I do not know how? ? ?

Otto's face was almost green.

You even know the pattern on my women's clothing so clearly, you should know the plot!

Can you not add drama to me like this? !

Or is there some discrepancy between what he saw and what actually happened?

Otto stared at the ugly face and forced a smile, and said, "Director, isn't this appropriate? Under the background at that time, there should not be many civilians who felt that the nobles took action."

He originally thought that Xiao Chen would speak out and refute like just now.

But what Otto didn't expect was that after hearing his words, Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Well, that's true in normal situations, but there is a hidden foreshadowing in front of this, you don't know that you will say such things That's normal too."

"Foreshadowing?? What foreshadowing??" Otto asked curiously.

"In the setting, the owner of the house that Kallen stole is a male nobleman named Victor. This nobleman's job is to collect taxes from the poor and enjoy the rewards. He is a complete villain in the play. "

Otto nodded. In his memory, Xiao Chendong's description really fit Victor's setting.At first he didn't have any impression, but when Xiao Chen said this, he remembered that there was indeed such a person.

"The audience of such a villain will feel a sense of boredom when they see it. Everyone will expect in their hearts what kind of lessons the villain will learn, but just stealing Kallen cannot fully play the role of teaching the villain. He is still at large, so I am here. When designing the character, I added a setting to him."

"That is, he loves his wife deeply, but he doesn't know that his beloved wife has an affair with the guard at the gate. And as a member of the Destiny, Victor's current experience also hints at Otto's future."

? ? ? ?

I feel like I've been offended? ? ?

Otto felt that the green hat on his head was a little heavier, and then he heard Xiao Chen continue talking.

"And that guard is a very greedy and arrogant person, thinking that all noble ladies are the same as Victor's wife. After seeing Otto in women's clothing, he thought he could handle this noble lady like Victor's wife. Start trying to do something to Otto in women's clothing."

"And Otto, who was afraid of alarming the other guards and impressing Karen, really couldn't yell, which gave the guards the illusion that there was a drama, which made things worse..."

Seeing that he almost lost his virginity, Otto hurriedly said, "Director, can the movie really pass the review if you keep talking like this???"

"It's no big deal to make it into a tertiary film. I believe that with my ability, some people will watch it."


I'm really scared.

Before Otto met Xiao Chen, he always thought that Herrscher was just a tool for him to revive Kallen, a pawn in his hand, but now he is really afraid...

Xiao Chen looked at Otto's expression and laughed, and said, "Don't worry, I won't shoot such serious things, I just added such a thing for the sake of the program effect and to create a little laugh."

"That's good, that's good." Otto said with a slight sigh of relief.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that even if there is no heavy taste, then this plot is a man doing things to himself, right?

no!Her body is Karen's property!How can you allow other people to use their hands and feet!

005-5 I, Otto, must fight with you today!

5 I, Otto, must fight with you today!

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