But he was still very familiar with Mebius Su, her aura and demeanor, Su didn't think he would admit his mistake.

The person in front of him is indeed Mebius!

It's just a little different from the Mebius he saw last, did he lose part of his memory, or was he mentally manipulated by the other party...?

Su thought of another possibility and secretly thought in his heart.

Could it be that Mebius from Paradise ran out?

Reality is not allowed to overthink.

After Yae Kamito touched the Second God's Key, he quickly found the coordinates of Su.

Although it is fine to unseal Su's seal bit by bit with the method he is good at, but this time Yae Miko chose to unseal Su's seal with violence.

I saw pink light shining all over her body, and purple lightning flashed at the same time, sharp claws grew from both palms, and pink fox ears appeared on her head, and a few tails loomed behind her, constantly swinging in the air.

"Man-made collapse?"

Su looked at the current image of Yae Miko and said in surprise.

No wonder he misunderstood, the current image of Yae Kamito is indeed very similar to the man-made collapse.

Her current body has the nature of both humans and Houkai beasts, which is somewhat similar to the fusion warrior, but closer to the former Bella.

It's just that she doesn't need to change back to the main body to make a full shot. Although changing back to the main body can obtain stronger Honkai power, it is not conducive to some fine operations.

The state of this animal ear girl is the strongest form!

After seeing the image of Yae Shenzi, a trace of solemnity flashed in Su's eyes. Before that, he still had the idea of ​​using artificial avalanche to incarnate as a roc, and die together with Yae Shenzi, but now after seeing her image, he felt that he was going to die together with her. have no ability.

There is only one way now!

close the door!Let go of Kevin!

296 Is the Herrscher of the Covenant Eclipse a new Herrscher?

296 Is the Herrscher of the Covenant Eclipse a new Herrscher?

Although su still feels guilty, but now that the enemy is in front of him, he is not thinking about those personal feelings.

The enemy in front of him is not something he can deal with alone, even if he tries his best and puts his life on the line, he may not be able to win.

Then I can only call Kevin out. Fortunately, he has not observed the parallel world in these years, and his body is in excellent condition now.

If the progress of the original book was followed, his body would have already become pineapple pineapple due to observing the parallel world.

In a sense, Xiao Chen can be regarded as saving him, even if he was unwilling.

"Kevin, I'm sorry."

Su said so and wanted to use all his strength to pull Kevin out of the quantum space, but a voice sounded in his ear first.

"This feeling is like Shadow's single-minded pure land."

I saw that in his Xumi space, a claw tore a crack.

Just when su thought that the other party was going to the future, an invisible force pulled him out of Sumeru, and at the same time interrupted his intention to summon Kevin.

When he came back to his senses, he had already appeared on the second key of God.

Mebius was not far away from him, and at the same time that person who looked like Sakura was also looking at him.

In front of the enemy, su quickly rolled over and got up, looked at Yae Shenzi with a vigilant gaze, then turned his head to look at Mebius, and said: "Long time no see, Mebius. Can you explain to me what is the current situation?" What's the matter? Have you betrayed our Yingjie?"

"Betrayal, that's a good word." Methis thought for a moment and said, "Maybe I just made the same decision as you."

"The same decision as me? What do you mean?" Su asked with some doubts.

"Which one would you choose between Yingjie and the humans in this world?" Mebius asked.

"Of course it's the humans of this world." Su said decisively.

"Then I just made the same choice as you." Mebius said: "I just artificially stay with them, which is the best choice for human beings."

As the most normal of Ying Jie, Su can choose to betray Kevin for the people of this world, which shows the status of human beings in his heart.

Mebius said that because he saw through Su's thoughts.

"For humans?"

These words came from Mebius, which made su a little unbelievable. Although Mebius has always been a hero who fights for human beings, his disregard for life is also very serious, but Su thinks again Mebius didn't have any reason to lie to him, so he asked immediately, "Can you explain it to me in detail?"

Mebius shifted his gaze to Yae Kamito, and said, "You should explain to him, you know more about him than I do."

Yae Shenzi looked at Mebius and nodded, and said: "Hello, I am the double apostle of the Herrscher of Eclipse, an actor of the Da Xiaochen crew, an emperor-level Honkai Beast, codenamed Yiyi Tamamo-mae. You can also call me by my human name, Yae-Kamiko."

Su was taken aback by so many suffixes by Yae Miko.

Because there were too many slots, he didn't know where to start asking.

Can Honkai Beasts transform into humans now?

And just a Honkai Beast has a fighting power comparable to Yingjie?

In the last era, almost every Yingjie had the power to single-handedly kill a Herrscher after using Artificial Honkai!

I can't even beat a Houkai beast now, how much has the Houkai been strengthened in this world?

Could it be that when I go downstairs to buy a pack of instant noodles, I can meet several Honkai beasts?

And what is the Da Xiaochen crew?

Is it an organization?Collapsed organization?Or an organization against the Lawmakers?

Why is it called this name?

It's like opening a film and television company in someone's name.

I don't think it's still a movie.

Wait... Su finally extracted the most critical part from Yae Miko's words just now.

The Herrscher of the Eclipse...

What the hell is that?

A new lawyer?

So why the name?

This name seems to combine the Herrscher of Restraint and the Herrscher of Corrosion.

Hahaha, it's really not funny at all!

How could those two Herrschers get together?If that was the case, the world would have been destroyed long ago!Look how peaceful I am!Surely there is no such thing!

Moreover!How could there be such a lawyer in this world?Am I right?Mebius?

Su turned his head to Mebius and asked, "The Herrscher of the Eclipse? Is that a new Herrscher? Except for the No.14 Herrscher that I thought in the end?"

"It's more exciting than the Herrscher."

Mebius poked his head around.

Can teach you how to make movies!

"Is what I said not clear enough? The Herrscher of Corruption is naturally the Herrscher of Corrosion, which is fused with the Herrscher of Constraints, and is referred to as the Herrscher of Corruption~ How about it? Doesn't this name sound nice?" Yae The Son of God said intoxicatedly when he heard this title.


It sounds good, it sounds good.

The name sounds like it could destroy several worlds.

I thought the world was already dangerous.

But I didn't expect it to be so dangerous.

Woohoo, the outside world is too dangerous!I'd better go back to Sumeru Space to watch my Kevin!

Constraint + erosion, what kind of devilish best combination is this?

If we talk about it in the last era, if there is such a combination, the fusion fighters will desperately kill the Herrscher of Restraint.

Then the Herrscher of Constraint suddenly turned into the Herrscher of Corrosion and ran into the network, facing the battle place with several rounds of Honkai fission ammunition, who can resist this?

Comes with a deathrattle, right?

And if this death language is ignored, it will continue forever.

If there were not Sakura and Dr. Mei in the last era, human beings would have perished again!

However, Su changed his mind, the human beings in this world may be unexpectedly strong if they can survive until now!

After all, that is a world that can survive under the ravages of the Herrscher of Constraint and the Herrscher of Corruption!

He has never seen such a scene in other parallel worlds. I believe that the fighters fighting against Honkai in this era must be very strong!

Su thought so and regained some confidence.

At the same time, on the Siberian side, Joyce was serving tea to Xiao Chen, Otto was chatting with Xiao Chen, and the other Valkyries were jealous.

The whole picture seems to be a very peaceful scene.

"You in the collapsed world are fake even if you are strong."

297 Dr. Mei, my mission is complete!

297 Dr. Mei, my mission is complete!

After confirming that nothing has changed in this world, and that human beings can survive under the oppression of the Herrscher of the Covenant, Su breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the human fire is still alive!He believes that as long as human beings are still alive, there will be a day when they will defeat Honkai!

Just don't stop!The road will continue to expand!

Long live humanity!

Dr. Mei!My job is done!

Su closed his eyes in relief, then opened them and asked, "Since you are the apostle of the Herrscher, are you here to kill me?"

When he asked this question, he had already made up his mind to die with Yae Shenzi.

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