Although there is no chicken soup, although there is no grenade, but he feels that the mission is completed and the mood of wanting to die with the enemy is exactly the same as that of a double agent.

It's just Yae Kamito's answer that made him unexpected.

"No." Yae Shenzi shook his head very simply.

"Don't kill me???" Su said in surprise, subconsciously stood up from the ground, Shenzi pointed to the outside, and said, "Then I'm leaving?"

"No, you can't go." Seeing this, Yae Shenzi shook his head and said.

Kill, don't kill, go, don't let go.

"Then why are you looking for me?" Su really didn't understand this time, even though he had seen so many parallel worlds.

He has been in the Xumi space for 500 years, and he has never seen such a situation today.

He always thought he was—I have never seen anything in the world.jpg

He just found out today—I have never seen this situation before.

What exactly went wrong?

"You look very smart, why can't you even understand the words? Didn't I introduce myself before? I'm from Xiao Chen's crew. Since I'm looking for you, I naturally want to invite you to join the crew." Yae Shenzi He glanced at su strangely and said.


Has Honkai Beast come out to film these years?

Life is not easy, collapse and sigh?

Could it be that the human beings in this world have suppressed Honkai to this extent?

I don't understand, but I'm blown away.

"Acting? What are you acting for?" Su asked cautiously.

"There is no role for you yet. This time I am looking for you mainly to call Kevin out."

Yae Shenzi spoke truthfully.

The role of su is only in the part of the comics inherited, according to Xiao Chen's plan, it is a plot that is only needed when making a personal movie for Youlandal.

There is no su role yet.

It's just that after mentioning Kevin, su immediately changed.

Su's obsession with Kevin is not half as deep. At the end of the comic, when he was about to die, he also tried his best to keep it, a world line between him and Kevin in school.

After asking him to release Kevin, Su suddenly became vigilant and said, "What does this have to do with Kevin?"

Yae Kamiko looked at Su with a vigilant expression, shook his head and sighed, "It seems that I have to explain from the beginning."

"I said that I am the apostle of the Herrscher of Eclipse, my master, who does not desire war, has no hostility to humans, and he doesn't even know the existence of Houkai."

It's fine if you don't know that you are a Herrscher, but isn't it a bit ridiculous not to know the existence of Honkai?

It's not like he hasn't seen a Herrscher who doesn't know that he is a Herrscher. After all, isn't that the case with the Herrscher of Corrosion before?

But not knowing the existence of Honkai is a bit outrageous.

Just when Su was full of doubts, Yae Miko continued to speak.

"Did you lose the power to observe parallel worlds in February of 2000?"

"How do you know? You did it?" Su asked.

"No, whoever does that is Honkai!" Yae Kamito said in a resolute voice.

Collapse: "???"

How can I not remember that I did this thing?

Don't slander good people!

"My master was originally just an ordinary Herrscher of Restraint."

Ordinary Herrscher of Restraint is okay.

You ordinary Herrscher of Restraint killed thousands of our brothers in the last era!This is so common!

"Because of incomplete awakening, he doesn't know that he is a Herrscher, and he doesn't know the existence of Houkai, but he can use power, and he can use a weakened version of the enchantment of divine grace, which has no effect on other creatures."

"Under this weakened enchantment of divine grace, all things that can be driven by Houkai will lose their effect under the enchantment, so my master lives in an environment without any Houkai, so naturally he doesn't know the existence of Houkai. "

A weakened enchantment of divine grace?

No wonder people in this world can continue to survive.

What a blessing to meet such a weak Herrscher.

Su narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

If Otto and Walter heard Su's evaluation, they would be very angry.

Otto: "So?"

Walter: "Weak?"

You can do it!

His enchantment is a bit weaker, but he has a wide range!

Are you afraid of the barrier covering half the planet?

"If you can't get in touch with Honkai, you won't be able to awaken and become a real Herrscher, so Honkai thought of another method! That is to transfer the parallel world to Xiao Chen! This is also your second god The reason why the keys don't work!"

Yae Miko began to make up a story.

"So that's the case." Although Su didn't believe it that much, but at this stage, it seemed that there was no other reason to explain the failure of the Second God Key.

Of course, the real reason, he felt, still had to go through his own investigation!Now stabilize this Honkai Beast and see what she wants to do!

"Then what does this have to do with his filming?" Su continued to ask, wanting to reveal more information.

It's a pity, I don't know when the su came into being, it's the illusion that you can hear the information you want from Yae Miko's mouth.

"The hateful Honkai God has been pouring knowledge about Honkai into my master, but my master regards everything as his own fantasy and dream." Yae Kamiko made a very sad expression, road.

"Before being a Herrscher, my master was an actor. After accepting these stories, he wanted to make the parallel world that Honkai showed him into a movie. Kevin is an important role in the movie. Please Make sure to pull him out of the Quantum Sea."

After finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to add something, saying: "At this point, we will assist you to rescue Kevin safely, without threatening your life."

She saw that Su wanted to sacrifice herself to get Kevin back, so she said this.

After listening to Yae Miko's explanation, Su touched his chin and said, "Let me think about it."

Seeing Su's hesitant expression, Yae Kamiko said, "If you agree now, you can also add a story about you and Kevin going to school in the past."



298 Kevin debuts!

! ! ! ——! ! !

sister!Can you really add me and Kevin's plot? !

Ah no, what am I so excited about!

Damn Honkai Beast actually wants to bribe me in this way!Am I someone who would be drawn to that kind of thing? !

It's just acting...

Wait, she meant to cast Kevin as an actor?

Is that also my rivalry with Kevin?

Ah this.

"I, I, I refuse!!!"

Although he really wanted to accept Yae Miko's proposal, his self-esteem refused to allow it. In this case, he called Kevin out for this reason.

He wanted to summon Kevin before for the sake of the world.

Now because of the filming, Kevin was called out from the quantum space...Skyfire Holy Judgment warns jpg

Besides, su hasn't forgiven himself yet.

After all, he thought he had betrayed Kevin, to the point where he was ashamed to see Kevin.

If it is to save the world, he can abandon his shame and his personal feelings.

But if it was for filming...and a little private message from himself, he wouldn't call Kevin out!

But after he finished saying this sentence, a few wells appeared on the top of Yae Shenzi's head, obviously very angry.

"You seem to have made a mistake." With a dangerous smile on his face, Yae Miko said: "I am not asking for your consent, this is a decided fact. Since I told Xiao Chen that I would bring the actor over, then I will definitely abide by the agreement!"

"But I use the reason that I can't be called Kevin..." Su replied weakly.

"Then I also have a reason to fulfill the agreement with Xiao Chen!" Yae Shenzi frowned and said: "You don't think that this is just a simple filming, do you?"

Su was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Isn't it?"

"You still haven't understood the seriousness of the matter." Yae Shenzi snorted coldly, and said, "If my lord always thinks that Honkai is just a story, then the so-called Herrscher of Violation of the Contract will not really come."

"But if my lord discovers the existence of the Houkai, and as the Herrscher recognizes the Houkai, I don't know what will happen."

"At this stage, whether it is the people of destiny or the people of anti-entropy, they are trying their best to maintain this status quo. You don't want to make mistakes on the world snake, do you?"

"Ah, this." Su was a little taken aback by the danger of the Yae Kamito, he thought that the human beings in this world can persist until now because of their strong will and strong strength. Is it because of this? ? ?

Unrivaled swing speed.

And the French spirit that has been passed down to this day?

Join if you can't beat it?

Jiang Zi won?

As long as I join the other party before the other party is destroyed!The other party has nothing to do with us!

Su suddenly blacked out before the time limit.

Seeing this, Yae Shenzi continued to speak: "The reason why you don't want to be called Kevin is probably because of guilt?"

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